Official Primary Nominating Ballot for the Democratic Party MultnomahOfficial Primary County, Nominating OR - May 18, Ballot2010 for the Democratic Party Multnomah County, OR - May 18, 2010 Instructions To Voter UseInstructions A Pencil To or Voter Pen Use(Blue A orPencil Black or Ink) Pen State Nonpartisan State Judiciary (Blue or Black Ink) State Nonpartisan State Judiciary To ensure your vote counts, completely fill in the ovalTo ensure R toyour the vote left ofcounts, the response completely of your fill in the State Representative Judge of the Circuit Court choice.ovalOfficial R to the Primary left of the Nominatingresponse of your Ballot for the DemocraticState38th Representative District Party Judge4th District, of the CircuitPosition Court 20 choice.Multnomah County, OR - May 18, 2010 51stVote ForDistrict One 4th District,Vote For Position One 20 To write in a name, write the name on the solid Vote For One Vote For One lineTo writeand fillin ina name,the oval write R the to name the left on ofthe the solid write-inline and line. fill in Instructionsthe oval R Toto the Voter left of the Chris Garrett Eric J Bloch write-in line.Use A Pencil or Pen Cheryl Myers IncumbentEric J Bloch Official PrimaryAttention Nominating Ballot for the Democratic Party Incumbent Multnomah(Blue County,Attention or Black OR - May Ink) 18, 2010 State Nonpartisan State Judiciary Remember to inspect your ballot for Write-in Write-in mistakes.RememberTo ensure If your toyou inspect vote make counts, your a mistake ballotcompletely orfor fill in the Write-in Write-in damagemistakes. your InstructionsIf you ballot, make call a yourTo mistake Voter County or Nonpartisan State oval R to the left of the response of your NonpartisanState Representative State JudgeJudge of of the the Circuit Circuit Court Court Electionsdamagechoice. your UseOffice ballot, A to Pencil ask call for your aor replacement CountyPen 38th District Judge4th4th District, District,of the CircuitPosition Position Court 25 20 ballot.Elections Office(Blue to or ask Black for a replacement Ink) VoteState For One Nonpartisan4th District,VoteVote For State ForPosition One One Judiciary 25 ballot. Superintendent of Public Vote For One To write in a name, write the name on the solid SuperintendentInstruction of Public Toline ensure and fill your in the vote oval counts, R completely to the left offill thein the National StateVoteInstruction Representative For One Judge of the Circuit Court ovalwrite-in R line.to the left of theNational response of your Chris GarrettVote For One KathleenEric J Bloch M Dailey OfficialOfficial PrimaryPrimary NominatingNominating BallotBallotchoice. forfor thethe DemocraticDemocratic PartyParty 38th District IncumbentKathleenIncumbent4th District, M Dailey Position 20 MultnomahMultnomah County, County, OR OR - - May May 18, 18, 2010 2010 Attention Vote For One Incumbent Vote For One Remember to Unitedinspect Statesyour ballot Senator for Susan Castillo To write in a name, write the name on the solid Write-in Write-inWrite-in mistakes. If youUnited makeVote States a Formistake One Senator or Susan Castillo line and fill in the oval RVote toFor the One left of the Write-in InstructionsInstructions To To Voter Voter damage your ballot, call your County Chris GarrettNonpartisan State Eric JNonpartisan Bloch County write-in line. Ron Maurer JudgeNonpartisan of the Circuit County Court UseUse AA PencilPencil oror PenPen Elections Office to ask for a replacement Ron Maurer Incumbent4th District, Position 25 (Blue or Black Ink) ballot. AttentionStateState NonpartisanNonpartisan State State Judiciary Judiciary Vote For One (Blue or Black Ink) RememberPavel to inspect Goberman your ballot for Superintendent of Public Chair of the Board of County Pavel Goberman Write-inWrite-in Write-inChair of the Board of County ToTo ensure ensure your your vote vote counts, counts, completely completely fill fill in in the the mistakes. If you make a mistake or Instruction Commissioners Write-in Vote For One CommissionersFour Year Term ovaloval R R toto the the left left of of the the response response of of your your damage yourLoren ballot, HookerStateState call Representative RepresentativeyourNational County NonpartisanJudgeJudgeNonpartisan of of the the State Circuit Circuit StateJudiciary Court Court KathleenJudge of M the Dailey Circuit Court Elections Office to ask for a replacementOfficial Multnomah CountyNonpartisan 2010 Primary State JudiciaryElection Sample Ballot FourVote Year For OneTerm choice.choice. Loren Hooker38th38th District District 4th4th District, District, Position Position 20 20 Incumbent4th District,Vote For Position One 25 ballot. VoteVote For For One One VoteVote For For One One Vote For One Ron WydenUnited States SenatorOFFICIAL PRIMARYJudgeSusanSuperintendent ofCastillo NOMINATING the Supreme of Public Court BALLOT Wes Soderback ToTo write write in in a a name, name, write write the the name name on on the the solid solid Write-in Ron WydenVote For OneMULTNOMAH COUNTY,Judge of OREGON PositionInstructionthe Supreme 5 • Court MAY 18, 2010Wes Soderback linelineOfficial and and fill fill in inPrimary the the oval oval R R Nominating to to the the left left of of the theBallot for the Democratic Party Vote For One Multnomah County, OR - May 18, 2010 Chris GarrettNational Eric J BlochVotePosition For One 5 Nonpartisan County write-inwrite-in line. line. Chris Garrett EricRon JMaurer BlochVote For One JeffKathleen Cogen M Dailey ONLYWrite-in THE CAPTION AND QUESTION WILLIncumbentIncumbent APPEAR ON YOUR OFFICIAL JeffIncumbentBALLOT Cogen AND ONLY AttentionAttention THE APPROPRIATEWrite-in MEASURES FOR EACH PRECINCT WILL APPEAR ON THAT PRECINCT’S BALLOT RememberRememberInstructions to to inspect inspect your your To ballot Voterballot for 40for PavelRepresentativeUnited Goberman States in Senator Congress JackSusan L LandauCastillo MikeChair Darger of the Board of County Write-inWrite-in Write-inWrite-in Write-in mistakes.mistakes.Use If If you you A make Pencilmake a a mistake mistakeor Pen or 40or Representative5thVote District For in One Congress Jack L Landau Mike DargerCommissioners damagedamage your your(Blue ballot, ballot, or call Blackcall your your Ink)County County NonpartisanNonpartisanVote3rd DistrictStateFor One State State NonpartisanNonpartisanJudge of the StateState Circuit JudiciaryJudiciary Court NonpartisanFour Year County Term 41 Loren HookerVote For One AllanRonJudge MaurerJ Arlow of the Circuit Court Vote For One ElectionsElections Office Office to to ask ask for for a a replacement replacement41 Allan4th J4th Arlow District, District, Position Position 25 25 Write-in ballot.Toballot. ensure your vote counts, completely fill in the Vote For One Write-in Superintendent of Public Vote For One oval R to the left of the response of42 your KurtPavelRon SuperintendentSchrader WydenGobermanState Representative of Public JudgeJudge of of the the Supreme Circuit Court Court WesChair Soderback ofCounty the Board Auditor of County John SweeneyInstructionInstruction Write-inWrite-in Position 5 CountyCommissionersFour Year Auditor Term choice. 38th44th District Write-in4th District, Position 20 NationalNational VoteVote For For One One NonpartisanVoteVote State ForFor OneOne Judiciary FourFourVote Year YearFor One TermTerm 43 Loren Hooker KathleenJudgeKathleen of M theM Dailey Dailey Supreme Court Jeff Cogen Write-in Vote For One To write in a name, write the name on43 the solid Write-inEarl Blumenauer IncumbentJudgeIncumbent of Positionthe Supreme 4 Court line and fill in the oval R to the left of the State VotePosition For One 4 UnitedUnited States States Senator Senator40 RonSusanSusanRepresentative Wyden Castillo Castillo in Congress JackJudge L Landauof the Supreme Court SteveWesMike Soderback March Darger write-in line. ChrisTina Kotek Garrett Write-inEricWrite-in J BlochVote For One VoteVote For For One One 5th District Incumbent Position 5 Steve March Attention Write-in Vote For One NonpartisanNonpartisanVote For One County County 41 RonRichardRon Maurer Maurer EllmyerGovernor RivesAllan Kistler J Arlow Jeff Cogen Remember to inspect your ballot for Write-inWrite-in State Write-in Write-inWrite-in mistakes. If you make a mistake or Vote For One IncumbentRivesWrite-in Kistler mistakes. If you make a mistake or Incumbent Write-in damage yourPavelPavel ballot, Goberman Goberman call your County4042 KurtRepresentative SchraderNonpartisan in CongressState JackChairChair L Landau of of the the Board Board of of County County Mike DargerCountyCounty Sheriff Auditor Write-inWrite-in Judge of the Circuit Court Elections Office to ask for a replacement46 Write-in 5thGovernor District Write-inWrite-in CommissionersCommissioners UnexpiredCounty TermFour throughYear Sheriff Term Dec. 2010 Write-in4th District, Position 25 ballot. NonpartisanNonpartisanNonpartisanVote For State State One State Judiciary Judiciary FourFourVote Year YearFor OneTerm Term Unexpired VoteTermVote For through For One One Dec. 2010 LorenLoren Hooker Hooker 4143 RogerSuperintendent Obrist of Public AllanJudgeJudge J ofArlow theofVoteVote the Court For SupremeFor One Oneof Appeals Court Vote For One Write-in Instruction Judge of thePositionPosition Court 3 of 4 Appeals Write-in VoteState For One VotePositionVote For For One One3 RonRon Wyden WydenNational 42 JohnKurtJudgeJudge SchraderKitzhaber of of the the Supreme Supreme Court Court WesKathleenWes Soderback Soderback M Dailey DanSteve Staton MarchCounty Auditor Superintendent of Public Write-inKathleen VoteM Dailey For
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