Belonging to the the Norwegian Coast. 2 Pts

Belonging to the the Norwegian Coast. 2 Pts

SARS (GEORG OSSIAN). - -- An account of the Crustacea of Norway ... Vols. 1 -9 (1 -16). Bergen. Zool. Lib. 1. Amphipoda. 1895. 2. Isopoda. 2 vols. 1899. 3. Cumacea. 1900. 4. Copepoda. Calanoida. 2 vols. 1903. 5. Copeopoda. Harpacticoida. 2 vols. 1911. 6. Copepoda. Cyclopoida. 1918. 7. Copepoda. Supplement. 1921. 8. Copeopoda. Monstrilloida & Notodelphyoida. 1921. 9. Ostrocoda. Pts. 1 -16 (in 14). 1922 -28. - -- Additional notes on Australian Cladocera, raised from dried mud. Christiania, 1888. Zh.6.2. - -- Crustacea I, II. [Norwegian North -Atlantic Exped. 6.] Christiania, 1885 -86. L* 15.55. - -- Fauna Norvegigè. Vol. I. Descriptions of the Norwegian species ... belonging to the sub -orders Phyllocarida and Phyllopoda. [Norweg. and Eng.] Christiania, 1896. O.S.F .59532(481) Sax. - -- On some remarkable forms of animal life from the great deeps off the Norwegian coast. 2 pts. (in 1). Christiania, 1872 -75. *L.15.23. - -- Pycnogonidea. [Norwegian North -Atlantic Exped. 6.] Christiania, 1891. L* 15.55. SARS (MICHAEL). - -- Beskrivelse over Lophogaster typicus ... Christiania, 1862. Bound in H* 24.21. - -- Beskrivelser og Iiagttagelser over nogle mnrkelige eller nye i Havet ved den Bergenske Kyst levende Dyr af Polypernes, Acalephernes, Radiaternes, Annelidernes, og Molluskernes Classer ... Bergen, 1835. O.S. .59192(481) Sar. - -- Bidrag til Kundskab om Christianiafjordens Fauna. Christiania, 1868. Q P. 310/5. - -- Bidrag til Kundskaben om Middelhavets Littoral -Fauna. Reise- bemarkninger fra Italien. 2 Afd. (in 1). Christiania, 1857. L.19.24 *. - -- Fauna littoralis Norvegia , oder Beschreibung und Abbildungen neuer oder wenig bekannten Seethiere ... 3 Hfte. (in 1). Christiania, Bergen, 1846 -77. AA.5.73. *** Heft 1 is in German, 2 in Norwegian and French, 3 in Norwegian and English. - -- Mémoires pour servir á la connaissance des crinoides vivants ... Christiania, 1868. *L.17.61/2. - -- Another copy. Bound in H* 15/1.41. - -- Om de i Norge forekommende fossile Dyrelevninger fra Qvartaèrperioden, et Bidrag til vor Faunas Historie. Christiania, 1865. Bound in L* 17.88. - -- Om Siphonodentalium vitreum, en ny SlA gt og Art af dentalidernes Familie. Christiania, 1861. L* 25.52. - -- See 'MICHAEL SARS' NORTH ATLANTIC DEEP SEA EXPEDITION, 1910. Report ... [Continued overleaf.] SARS (MICHAEL) [continued]. - -- and KJERULF ( THEODOR). - -- Iagttagelser over den postpliocene eller glaciale Formation i en del of det sydlige Norge. Christiania, 1860. L* 25.49 SARSA DENGEL, King of Abyssinia. --- See ROSSINI (KAROLUS CONTI) ed. and tr. Historia regis Sarsa Dengel ... SARSENA, oder der vollkommene Baumeister. See EBERS (CARL FRIEDRICH). Sarsena ... SARTER (ADOLPH). - -- Die deutschen Eisenbahnen im Kriege. [Carnegie Endow. for Int. Peace, Div. of Econ. and Hist., Econ. and Soc. Hist. of the World War, Ger. Ser.] Stuttgart, 1930. Bf.XVI.8. SARTI (ANTONIO). - -- Signor Sarti's Florentine anatomical and pathological models. Description of a female figure illustrative of thirty diseases ... Modelled at Florence by Professor Ricci. Tr. from the Italian by C.T. Wowning. Lond., 1847. r. P. 649/11. *** Title -page wanting. SARTI (MAURO). - -- De claris Archigymnasii Boneniensis professoribus, a speculo XI. usque ad speculum XIV. [Begun by M.S. and continued by M. Fattorini.] Tom. 1. Pts. 1 -2. Bononige, 1769 -72. 0* 16.76. SARTI ( ROLAND). - -- Fascism and the industrial leadership in Italy, 1919 -1940; a study in the expansion of private power under fascism. Berkeley, 1971. .3387(45091) Sar. AUDITIONS SARSON (TRISH). -- See GANE (CHRISTOPHER P.) and S. (T.) SARTAIN (ELIZABETH MARY). --- ed. Jalál al-din al-Su,yuti ... See SUYIITÌ (JALÁL AI-DIN AL-). , SARTI ( ROLAND). - -- ed. The ax within; Italian fascism in action. Ed. with an introd. by R.S. [Mod. Scholarship on Europ. Hist. Ser.] New York, 1974. .9(45091) Sar. --- Another copy. Politics Lib. SARTIAIIX (FÉLIX). - -- La civilisation. [Coll. Armand Colin (Sect. d'Hist. et Sci. Acon.) 209.] Paris, 1938. .901 Sar. - -- Morale kantienne et morale humaine. Paris, 1917. .1932 Sar. - -- Les sculptures et la restauration du temple d'Assos en Troade. Paris, 1915. Ze.S.C.5.40. SARTO- WOREA DEL}. See REA, di-Agri-01o, called ANDREA DEL SARTO. SARTO (GIUSEPPE). - -- See VLAN (NELLO). Sulla soglia di Venezia. Con lettere del Patriarca G.S. all'architetto Pietro Saccardo ... SARTON (GEORGE ALFRED LÉON). COLLECTIONS - -- The study of the history of mathematics and The study of the history of science. 2 vols. (in 1). Lond. [1957.] .509:.5109 Sar. London imprint cancels that of New York. CORRESPONDENCE - -- G.S.; de mens en zijn werk uit brieven aan vrienden en kennissen. [Ed. by P. van Oye.] [Verhandelingen van de Kon. Vlaamse Acad. voor Wet. Lett. en Schone Kunsten van België, Wet. Jaargang 27, Nr. 82.] Brussel, 1965. .509 Sar. SINGLE WORKS - -- Ancient science and modern civilization. Preface. Euclid and his time. Ptolemy and his time. The end of Greek science and culture. [Montgomery Lect. on Contemp. Civiliz. 1954.] Lincoln, Nebraska, 1954. $'38o[t. fa2 [Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS SARTO (ANDREA DEL). See ANDREA DEL SARTO. SARTOGO (PIERO). - -- joint -comp. Brunelleschi anticlassico ... Mostra critica Santa Maria Novella, Firenze, 16.10.7731.1.78. ... See BRUNELLESCHI (FILIPPO). EXHIBITION CATALOGUES. SARTON (GEORGE ALFRED LÉON) [continued]. SINGLE WORKS [continued] - -- Another ed. [Lincoln, Nebraska, 1954.] .5(38)04 Sar. * ** Identical, save for title -page. - -- Another ed. Lond. [1954.] Classical Lib. - -- [New ed.] [Harper Torchbks. 501.] New York, 1959. .5(38)04 Sar. - -- The appreciation of ancient and medieval science during the Renaissance, 1450 -1600. [The Rosenbach Fellowship in Bibl.] Philadelphia, 1955. .509 Sar. - -- Galen of Pergamon. [Logan Clendening Lects. on the Hist. and Philos. of Medicine, Ser. 3.] Lawrence, Kansas, 1954. G.L. .61(38) Gal. Sar. - -- Another copy. C.M.L. - -- 2nd pr. Lawrence, Kansas, 1957. C.M.L. - -- A history of science. Vols. 1 -2. Lond. .509 Sar. [1.] Ancient science through the golden age of Greece. 1953. [2.] Hellenistic science and culture in the last three centuries B.C. 1959. - -- Another copy. Vol. 2. Classical Lib. 3rd pr. Vol. 1. Lond., 1960. R.R. (Riot.) [Continued overleaf.] SARTON (GEORGE ALFRED LÉON) [continued]. SINGLE WORKS [continued] - -- The history of science and the new humanism. [Colver Lect. 1930.] New York, 1931. .509 Sar. - -- The history of science and the problems of to -day. [Washington, Carnegie Inst. Elihu Root Lects. on the Influence of Sci. and Res. on Current Thought.] Washington, 1936. P .509 Sar. - -- Horus. A guide to the history of science; a first guide for the study of the history of science ... New York [1952.] C.M.L. - -- Another ed. Waltham, Mass., 1952. Ref. .509016 Sar. --- Another copy. Hist. Lib. - -- Introduction to the history of science. 3 vols. (in 5). [Carnegie Inst. Publ. 376.] Baltimore, 1-7-48-. Av. 1. From Homer to Omar Khayyam. 1927. 2. From Rabbi Ben Ezra to Roger Bacon. 2 pts. 1931. 3. Science and learning in the fourteenth century. 2 pts. 1947 -48. -R.R. (Hitt.) - -- Six wings; men of science in the Renaissance. Illustrated with contemporary portraits. [The Patten Lects., 1955.] Lond., 1958. 0(401 2)09 Oau. ,j (L&o.2,1) Scir [Continued overleaf.] SARTON (GEORGE ALFRED LÉON) [continued]. SELECTIONS - -- Sarton on the history of science. Essays. Selected and ed. by D. Stimson. Cambridge, Mass., 1962. .509 Sar. APPENDIX - -- Studies and essays in the history of science and learning. Offered in homage to G.S. on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday, 31 August, 1944. Ed. by M.F. Ashley Montagu. New York [1947.] .509 Sar. SARTOR (JOSEPH). - -- See BOUROS (JOANNES), LANDEBER (XAVERIAS) and S. (J.) - -- See LANDEBER (XAVERIAS) and S. (J.) SARTORI (ATTILIO). - -- See MARCHESE (ANGELO) and S. (A.) SARTORI (CLAUDIO). - -- comp. Bibliografia delle opere musicali stampate da Ottaviano Petrucci. [Bibl. di Bibliog. Ital. 18.] Firenze, 1948. Reid Music Lib. - -- Dizionario degli editori musicali italiani ... [Bibl. di Bibliografia Ital. 32.] Firenze, 1958. Reid Music Lib. - -- Riccardo Malipiero. (English translation by R. Smith -Brindle.) Milano, 1957. Reid Music Lib. Aì):n'i'iONS SARTORI (ANTONIO). - -- comp. Documenti per la storia dell' arte a Padova. A cura di C. Fillarini con un saggio di F. Barbieri. [Fonti e Stud. per la Stor. del Santo a Padova L, Fonti 3.] Vicenza, 1976. F .7(4532) Sar. SARTORI (CLAUDIO). italiana stampata in - -- Bibliografia della musica strumentale Ital. 23, Italia fino al 1700. 2 vols. [Bibi. di Bibl. Music Lib. 56.] Firenze, 1952 -68. Reid - -- ed. Catalogo del fondo musicale nella Biblioteca Comunale di Assisi. See ASSISI. BASILICA DI S. FRANCESCO. Assisi; la cappella della Basilica ... 1. SARTORI (GIOVANNI. - -- Democratic theory. Based on the author's translation of Democrazia e definizione, 2nd ed. ... 1958. [Waynebk. No. 6.] Detroit, 1962. Politics Lib. - -- 2nd pr. [Praeger Univ. Ser. U -579.] New York, 1967. Politics Lib. - -- ed. Il parlamento italiano, 1946 -1963 una ricerca diretta da G.S. [By] S. Somogyi, L. Lotti, A. Predieri [and] G.S. [La Soc. Mod. 3.1 Napoli [1963.] .328(45092) Sar. - -- Another copy. C.E.G.S. - -- Another copy. Politics Lib. SARTORI (LEO). - -- See FRIEDMAN (FRANCIS LEE ) and S. (L.) SARTORI (MARIO). - -- [Chimica delle sostanze aggressive. The war gases; chemistry and analysis. By M.S. Preface by G. Bargellini. Tr. from the 2nd enlgd. Italian ed. by L.W. Marrison. Lond., 1939. C.M.L. - -- Another copy. Chem. Lib. SARTORI (ROMOLO). - -- Le partecipazioni

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