KINS/RR-225 23 n M 1L M yss2i s as7i^7HS Establishment of Safety Audit Evaluation System and Development of Safety Issue Relevant Regulatory Technology for CANDU Reactors yxtSEal SSg7t2E*M 7fl^ an# S7khi 14# Development of Core Physics Evaluation Code for CANDU Reactors 2004. 2. ^ \n r° a SL eE da rKr £ m r2 _ JU -41 rC 0|» £ hJ VJ — >- >H 3. fll£ mini 5 rw oDi r|m lo r° Hu -IX Hu CM fr <j Oh 4X r° 0 o$ nh R oW 12 r° ti° M 02 r° oy e ti£ □a ofi >4 0|H vj Hu oa 0|i fu|n vj raw- ¥ ry 5 [2 r2 r£ I jo □a HJ 4J 0|M H> No r\3 ofi djh r2 -U J; X' vj £ >£ 4> 0£ Ki 0£ ri° * In □a [£ 0|» 4J >d VJ 2004. m m> VI i-j ni£ ow 44 40 l> D£i n£ it ID£ 2. H> r° rh oa oh r° Hu 29. E° 0|X 12 Eh K) £4 rh: ofo Jffi 0>! ran- rw vj n 44 7}*** *#3* *1 o) #7}*4 ## 4*1*4 4# **4 44 4 44 **7} 4171431 *54, 44 7}***7} 2044 #4*3 *# 14 l 3.714 44/ 44444 4# 44*(Pressure Tube) 31(Creep)444 44 (Sagging) 44-4 44)44 3# 4444 4444 44# ##*3 44- 44 3.444-4 #444 4444 #44 444 *7}*4 ^*3 4## 44# 444 #44 *7}*53 3# 1*34 ###33 44# 444 43, *# 4## #3 #4 4# 45.4-41 434 #* 34 #4 #7}# *1*#. 44 # 4444# #43 *1*4 **l#4 4# 34# #7>7> 3 #4 44# 4## £44$!4. 4# 44 CANDU-6 444#434 q# 34#4 44 *4444 43 #431* #4# 31# #7>4 4# 4 4313 711144 #4# 3^4 3#4 *#44 44# 144 444 17}*#*. °1# 44 WIMSD-5B, MCNP, WIMS-AECL #433* 4*4 4 #44 314 *#4 2.5%4 5%1 #*, 4#7fl 7)2 #*5, 4434 4 4 #4 # 5 (relative fission density), 3#3 Pu *4*54 4#5(atom density) *4 3*4 #4#4# 43*454 4# HELIOS 334 44# 4-4- 43*44 * 4444# *44 31*44 34 #*54 44# 14# 3#* #4- 4# 441 WIMS-AECL #*33* 4**4 31*44 #4 **5 4 44# 14# l7}**54, *#*44**71*** 44**3 **4 *34# 71114* 34* **3 34^*711 #* CANNOD (CAndu Neutronics NODal code) 33# 1**4 31*44 3* *# * 4 44 # 1*1 3**33 #7>*7l 4*4 CANDU6 37)3*4 ** **5 14# *7>*#4-. #4 1 34 444 #4/ *4*4 3l#(Creep Ratio)* *7># 4*7)1 44*3# 7l5#*5(Void Reactivity) *7># 31*4 *7}3 *#44 £*#* *33 17}###. — 1 — SUMMARY C8 f- A ^ f) The lattice cell calculation is performed to assess the sensitivity of the reactor physics parameters to pressure tube creep resulting from radiation aging. The used lattice codes are WIMSD-5B code, MCNP code and WIMS-AECL code and the analyzed lattice parameters are the coolant void reactivity, the fuel fission density and the atom density of Pu isotopes. The reference model(normal state) and two perturbed models accounting for the pressure tube creep are developed on the basis of CANDU6 lattice cell. The 2.5% and 5% values of pressure tube diameter with respective to normal state are considered. Also, The effect on the analyzed lattice parameters by depletion is investigated for the reference model and two perturbed models. —11 — 4 1 4 4 ^ ................................................................................................................... 1 4 2 4 4^4 ^^4 £]3: bc4M# sg 7> ........................................... 6 4 1 4 4^4 434 #3 333333.......................................... 7 4 2 3 343 334 33 ^333 3 7}........................................ 7 4 3 4 4^........................................................................................................... 17 %JL5-4........................................................................................................................ 19 3 4- 3. *r s. n. 4^#................................................................................................... 3 5. 1.2. H^A>gjl 3 3 II.1. 37% q-gs 34 44 .................................................... 9 & H.2. 374 ^gi5L #1 5:^ ................................................................................ 9 5. II.3. Creep A] Pressure Tubes] ti>^ 4#............................................. 10 3 II.4. 4 ^r^A] Creep4# WIMS-AECL 34 7)14....................... 10 5. II.5. 8ppm 4^ 444 creep4 4# WIMS-AECL 4 a} 7)14...... 11 a II.6. Creep ^ 4 4 AH 444 4# ................................ 14 5. II.7. Creep 4# ^ai 4%^^44.................................................... 14 — iv — ZL^ 1.1. CANDU ^ ...................................................................... 4 zl^ i.2. ^ 444 4^8 ................................................. 4 zl^ i.3. q-gs. 4#4 SAJ-.................................................................................... 5 zl^ II.l. 37-g- 444a.............................................................................. 8 Zl^ II.2. Creepofl 4# 4K^M]4 ^4 ......................................................... 11 ZL^ II.3. Creep 0!] 4# Void Reactivity ^4.................................................... 12 ZL^ II.4. Loading Pattern of Fresh Core ............................................................ 13 ZI%] II.5. Half-Core Voided Pattern...................................................................... 13 ZL^] II.6. Creep Ratio 0]] 4# ^4 4"§-5-........................................................... 15 ZL%| II.7. Creep Ratio 0!] 4-c- Void Reactivity................................................... 15 ZL%j II.8 . Creep Ratio 0!] 4-5- Void Reactivity 4°1 ......................................... 16 all 1 # 4 s. 4 i # 4 # 44 €7}1#15 5 7}#155(pwr)15 €45 #157)441 ^515 4544 #54 444# #4#, 7}#555(PHWR)ii €45 #1571 41 515 1#5 Hi 7} 7}545# H# 3)51# #544 #5# 441# #54- 11545 415 1414 11 1445 #4 !47j)€ 55 5. 7}-g-£) 4 #44 (Pressure Tube), 54 ##7)| 2} 1544 #7} 5(Calandria)4 4414 144 €7}54(Calandria Tube), 41# #541 1144 55 End Fitting # Bellows, #444 €1541 ### #<# 4 #7))# ##7)) lf-4 ## 4-a #147) 44 Garter Spring Spacer 4—5. 4444 44 (22 € 1.1 ~ 1.3). 4 444 H"155 44 6.3 m, 4)1 103.4 mm, 44) 4.19 mm, 47)1 61.4 kg44, 71)44 Zr-2.5 wt% Nb(Niobium)##55 #4 #4 4 316°C41 10.9 MPa44 (4 1.1). 415 4444 515 4444 454}, 415 47)15 44 44, 415 4# 44 45, 447} 57}4=4 44, heatup/cooldown7) #445 #5-# 44 54 5#11 €455 444 45 544 #444 45 44) 144 #5 # 4 44-7)1 44-. 441 114 1#4 114 #5* €4 €1 #4)47}# 4 444 7) 5 CSA-N285.4 # CSA-N285.2# 514 45 1114 #7}# 5=544. €1 €14 15 4414 14# 4 64 55 10444 51155 5*345 4 54 17}A) 157)e# 5445 114 #144 111 17} 1- 5*344 45 51 45# 1145 44 19734 45 #41 4555 44 7}h7} 441 #14^54, 44415 €4 5# 17) 17}A) 7)55 5445 144 1#1#54, 4# #5 #145 si € 155 #4 (5. 1.2). -2- a i.i. 7 £ 15L71 23:7) 33:7) 43:7) Pickering #2 711 1 Zr 2.5% Nb Zr 2.5% Nb Zr 2.5% Nb Zr 2.5% Nb Zircaloy 2 m^ll (mm) 4.19 4.19 4.19 4.19 4.95 (mm) 103.4 103.4 103.4 103.4 103.4 Zr+2.5Nb+0.5 Spacer Wire Inconel X-750 Inconel X-750 Inconel X-750 Zircaloy 2 4 Cu 4 Girdle Wire Zircaloy 2 Zircaloy 4 Zircaloy 4 Zircaloy 4 Garter SpringDiameter Coil 5.59 4.83 4.83 4.83 6.81 (mm) Spacer Torus 124.5 107.9 107.9 107.9 4 4 4 4 2 Type Loose Tight Tight Tight Rolling Improved Improved Improved Improved Over Tift (ppm0(5)-) 25 10 5 5 2 3 4 4 5. 1.2. 51*11 A}e)l 9)3: 3)2)4# Shutdown 7)^4 1 1974. 8 Pickering 3 Over Rolling PT 17711 51*11 2 1975. 5 Pickering 4 Over Rolling PT 527fl 51*11 1071143 3 1982. 2 Bruce 2 Over Rolling PT 271) H*ll 47ni 4 1983. 8 Pickering 2 PT/CT 3# PT # an 51*11 5 1985. Pickering 3 Over Rolling PT I7fl 51*11 6 1986. 3 Bruce 2 Extrusion Lap PT/CT 17H 51*11 37n-@ 7 1994. 2 Wolsong 1 Debris Fretting PT 371) 51 ail — J — 1.1. CANDU $ ^5: Feeder Calandria Tube Feeder Bellows End Fuel Spacers Pressure Fitting Bundles 1.2. f Fuel Bundle Dz0 Coolant Garter Spring Pressure Tube Calandria Tube Annulus Gas ^9 1.3. a] <9 4#4 99 99 445 994# #s4 949 S44 491 (Creep) 9 9994 44 99 499 444 44 ##5. 944 494 49# #7>99 94- 444 # 45(candu9)9 7}## 90 ] 49 . 999 4494-7} 7^444, 0)5. 999 994 4999 9999 999 #47} 94- s9 99 999 #9 #9 4451- H9 (On-power Refueling)9 # 9S# 495 449 #945 5. 4449 94 . ^94 49 s. 994 9^49 3D49S5 4944 49 # 5.9999 #7}94 49 4^4 9544 #7}& 99 9 i 9#S7} 9^44 49 ^4 9999 4999 9## &4# 4s. 94 9 9949 h99 #9 49 49 9949=4 4444 4^A5. 94 495 49# 44^ 447)1 #9= 4999 #7}4t)) 4s.5 ^9 9^9 0.5. 99# 949 4^, 947)1 9# 4j7 #4 9# 4s94 a)-jla] ^ ^4 #4 #7}# 4949 49 99 44 99# 944 94 -5- *il 2 % *g-w »iimi ^1# <9 # ^7> 4 2# ^#<9# ^7} 4 1# ### ## ###### #44# #A# 44-4 ^44 4&H (creep) 443M1 44, 444 3:1-4 44 €4&4 444 444 444 444 ^7>44 44 4444 #4 4 44& 444 4444 4444 44-. 44-4- 44 7]44 CNSC(Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission) 4 444 444 # #5-4-71 444 #4#44#(GAI: Generic Action Items)A5. ##4-3 444 44 4-44- 44 44# A#3};n 44- o o]#43: 3] tl (ingress)# 44 o rolled-joint #4# 44 O 4-JE.!- 4-0] o 7}s.
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