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Bateman Howard Jacobson Gerald M. Browne S. Douglas Olson William M. Calder III Maryline G. Parca CAMERA-READY COPY PRODUCED BY Britt Johnson, under the direction of Mary Ellen Fryer Illinois Classical Studies is published annually by Scholars Press. Camera- ready copy is edited and produced in the Department of the Classics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Each conu-ibutor receives twenty-five offprints. Contributions should be addressed to: The Editor, Illinois Classical Studies Department of the Classics 4072 Foreign Languages Building 707 South Mathews Avenue Urbana, Illinois 61801 ^-AUro s ioM --J^ojrco ^/c/ — PREFACE The Department of the Classics of the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign and the Advisory Editorial Committee of Illinois Classical Studies are pleased to devote this issue and the next to the publication of Studies in Honor of Miroslav Marcovich. There are few scholars in the world today who are as deserving of such a tribute as is Professor Marcovich. This is neither the time nor the place for a detailed disquisition intended to substantiate so sweeping an assertion, an assertion, in any event, the validity of which needs no substantiation in this place and at this time. For the readers of this journal, no less than the distinguished contributors to this and the following volume, are well aware of the enormous contribution to scholarship that Professor Marcovich has made. The extent of that contribution is apparent from the pages that follow. In the first place, the very journal in which these pages appear owes its existence to the vision and the tireless energy of Professor Marcovich, who, having founded Illinois Classical Studies nearly twenty years ago, has been its editor for all but five years of its distinguished existence and has made it one of the foremost classics journals in the world. In the second place, there is published below (1-17) a bibliography of Professor Marcovich's works, which supplies in abundance the evidence for this scholar's astonishing range and versatility. (It should be pointed out that compiling a list of Professor Marcovich's publications is rather like taking a census on a chinchilla farm, so rapidly do they multiply, and this list should be regarded as comprehensive only for the time of its compilation, November 1993.) Few scholars indeed have had so decisive an impact in such a variety of fields, from the study of archaic Greek poetry to Byzantine epigraphy, from the interpretation of Greek philosophy to the elucidation of the Church Fathers, from palaeography and textual criticism to the investigation of religious practices in the Graeco-Roman world. Finally, the contents of this volume bear ample witness to the influence, both personal and scholarly, that Professor Marcovich has exerted, and continues to exert. Three generations of scholars, who come from four continents and whose contributions represent many (but not all) of the fields in which Professor Marcovich has demonstrated his expertise, gratefully and affectionately pay honor to a scholar and educator who has himself taught on four continents and whose publications have enlightened and inspired all who are concerned with the classics in the broadest sense of that word. The tribute that this and the following volume represent is only one and not the last—of the many honors that Professor Marcovich will have received in the course of his remarkable career. And it will be appropriate to mention at least some of those honors here, as they too attest the world- wide recognition that Professor Marcovich's teaching and scholarship have so deservedly received. In Venezuela, Professor Marcovich was twice awarded the Premio Sesquiccnienario Gold Medal (1962 and 1964). In Greece, he was the recipient of the Silver Cross at Mount Athos (1963). More recently, in Israel, he was named Sackler Scholar at Tel Aviv University (1991). Finally, the awards that Professor Marcovich has received here in North America are too numerous to recount, but they include fellowships from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation and from the National Endowment for the Humanities and appointments as Associate Member of the Center for Advanced Study and as Senior Scholar at the University of Illinois. And, most recently, the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois have voted to confer upon Professor Marcovich the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa, to be awarded in May 1994. .. 31 Contents Miroslav Marcovich: List of Publications 1 1 The Origin and Semanuc Development of the Term Harmony 19 PETAR HR. ILIEVSKI, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts 2. Esclavage et Dcpendance, "Demi-Liberte," "Halfway-Statuses" 3 FANULA PAPAZOGLU, Beograd 3. On the Interpretation of a Poem of Anacreon 39 R. RENEHAN, University of California, Santa Barbara 4. Heraclilus and the Moon: The New Fragments in P.Oxy. 3710 49 WALTER BURKERT, Universitat Zurich 5. Sophokles uber die geistige Blindheit des Menschen 57 HARTMUT ERBSE, Universitat Bonn 6. Orestes' Mania: Euripides', Mee's and Bogart's Apocalyptic Vision 73 MARIANNE MCDONALD, University of California, San Diego 7. Phaedo's Enslavement and Liberation 83 SLOBODAN DUSANIC, University of Belgrade 8. The World as Art-Object: Science and the Real in Plato's Timaeus 99 T. M. ROBINSON, University of Toronto 9. Altische Fluchtafeln aus der Zeit Alexanders des GroBen 1 1 CHRISTIAN HABICHT, The Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton 10. Notes on the Temple of Onias at Leontopolis 1 19 ABRAHAM WASSERSTEIN, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem 1 1 Piety, Dogs and a Platonic Reminiscence: Philo, Quod Deterius 54-56 and Plato, Euihyphro 12e-I5a 131 JOHN GLUCKER, Tel-Aviv University 12. Epictetus and Chrysippus 139 JACKSON P. HERSHBELL. University of Minnesota X 13. A Gleaming Ray: Blessed Afterlife in the Mysteries 147 FREDERICK E. BRENK, Pontifical Biblical Institute. Rome 14. The Suppliant's Voice and Gesture in Vergil and Ovid's Metamorphoses 165 WILLIAM S. ANDERSON, University of California. Berkeley 15. Nero's Final Hours 179 DAVID SANSONE, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 16. Jason, Pallas and Domitian in Valerius Flaccus' Ar^o/iaw/Zca 191 PETER TOOHEY, University of New England. Armidale 17. Stoiciens et Stoicisme dans les Dialogues Pyihiques de Plularque 203 DANIEL BABUT, Univcrsite Lumiere. Lyon 18. Lileratura Sapiencial Antigua en la Haggadah y en Pedro Alfonso 229 FRANCISCO R. ADRADOS, Coasejo Superior dc Invesligaciones Cienlificas, Madrid 19. The Gospel a Republication of Natural Religion in Justin Martyr 237 HENRY CHADWICK, Pctcrhouse, Cambridge 20. Weitere textkritische Nachlese zu Ariemidor 249 HANS SCHWABL. Universitat Wien 21. Bemcrkungen zum Text der Kynikerbriefe 263 MARTIN SICHERL. Wcsifalische Wilhelms-Univcrsital, Miinster 22. Theophilus of Antioch: Jewish Christian? 279 WILLIAM R. SCHOEDEU University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 23. Les Transitions dans Ic Style d'EuscbedeCcsarce Apologiste 299 ^DOUARD DES PLACES, Ponlificio Istituto Biblico, Rome 24. Alexandria as a Ccnu-c of Greek Philosophy in Later Classical Antiquity 307 H. J. BLUMENTHAL, University of Liverpool 25. Ad Syllogen Inscriptionum in Codice Urbancnsi Traditam 327 GERALD M. BROWNE, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 26. Notes on the Palaea Hisiorica 329 HOWARD JACOBSON, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 27. Transhumance on Taygetos in the C/zrc/i/c/e o/Morea 331 G. L. HUXLEY, Trinity College, Dublin 28. AmLsmiBbrauch im Patriarchal von Konstantinopel urn die Mitte dcs 14. Jahrhundcrts: Dcr Mcgas Chartophylax loanncs Amparis 335 HERBERT HUNGER, Universitat Wien 29. The Mazaris: Reflections and Reappraisal 345 BARRY BALDWIN, University of Calgary 30. Nuda Veritas: William Abbott Oldfather on Classics at Columbia 359 WILLIAM M. CALDER III, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign . Miroslav Marcovich: List of Publications I. BOOKS 1 M. Maruli Davidiadis libri XIV. E cod. Taurinensi in lucem protulit M. M. (Emeritae: Typis Universitatis 1957) xxiv, 273 pp. (cum 20 facsimilibus) Reviews: V. Gortan, ZAnt 8 (1958) 169-72; R. T. Bruere, CP 54 (1959) 197-99; A. Perosa. A&R 4 (1959) 181-86; G. Rochefort, Z?/\Gfi 4.1 (1959) 170-71 2. Francisci Natalis Carmina. E cod. Spalalensi in lucem protulit M. M. (Belgradi: Academia Scientiarum, Seorsum editorum liber 302 1958) X, 172 pp. Review: D. Beric, Slobodna Dalmacija (Split) Nr. 4238 (1958) " 3. Bhagavad-Gita (Merida: Los Andes U. P. 1958) 240 pp. Review: Fr. Rodriguez Adrados, Emerita 29 (1961) 171 4. Estudios de Filosofia Griega (Merida: Los Andes U. P. 1965) 72 pp. 5. Heraclilus: Editio maior (Merida: Los Andes U. P.; distr. by Blackwell's, Oxford 1967) xxix, 665 pp. Reviews: P. K. Georgountzos, Platon 21 (1969) 354-56; G. B. Kerferd, CR 20 (1970) 305-07; J. Bollack, Gnomon Al (1970) 1-10; E. N. Roussos, Hellenica 23 (1970) 357-62; S. N. Mouraviev, VDI (1970) Nr. 114. 162-71; H. von Staden./l/P 93 (1972) 608-12 6.
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