SHA TIN CHURCH Church On Fire Priests & Ministers: S.K.H. Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School, Wo Che Estate. All the people of God Phone: (852) 2694 9928 Fax: (852) 2695 0580 Office address: Flat R, 5/F, Kam Shan Bldg., 7, Tai Wai Road, Tai Wai Correspondence address: P. O. Box 1627, Shatin Central Post Office, Shatin, N. T. Email address: [email protected] Internet home page: http://www.shatinchurch.org.hk “For This Cause: Morning Worship 14 th January 2007 The King & His Kingdom Crèche Crèche Crèche Crèche with us . There is and sign the hments hments hments hments nt to know where Refres Refres Refres Refres Welcome WelcomeTable Table Welcome Table Welcome Table ------------------- --------------------------------------------------------THETHE SHATIN CHURCH VISIONVISION----------------------------------------------------- Sundays of each month. A To build a GROWING, th INTERNATIONAL, & 4 CELL GROUP BASED, nd CITY WIDE CHURCH with to our service, especially those who are each Sunday Sundays of which each month, and in meets small groups in Room G1 INTEGRATED MINISTRIES of WORSHIP, rd EVANGELISM, EQUIPPING, FELLOWSHIP and & 3 which is downstairs on the st SERVICE To be: The BIGGEST LITTLE CHURCH in HONG KONG welcome welcome everyone everyone welcome welcome everyone everyone Our Motto: “CHURCH ON FIRE” Children’s Children’s Program Program Children’s Children’s Program Program newcomers today. Please make yourself known to us a downstairs on 1 after Communion on the 2 (Rm 4) is available. Please ask an usher if you wa these are located. Also you are invited to share downstairsservice. afterthe We We Welcome WelcomeFolder Folder Welcome Folder Welcome Folder Church Secretary: Joyce Lin 2694 9928 1 STC Bulletin 070114 14th January 2007 Morning Worship Opening Praise I am a friend of God (Who am I) James Low One way All of my days (Proclaim your awesome power) When Iwalk through the water Greeting & Welcome John Del Favero Reading Hebrews 11:1-12, 12:1-2 David Costello Declaration of Faith The Apostles Creed Confession Assurance of Forgiveness May Almighty God, who has promised forgiveness to all who turn to him in faith, pardon us and set us free from all our sins, strengthen us to do his will, and keep us in eternal life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Greeting of Peace Collection of Tithes and Offerings Your Grace is enough (Great is your faithfulness) Silent Offertory Prayer Announcements Children go out for Kingdom Kids. Intercessions Peter Harper Sermon The King and His Kingdom Paul Miller Thanksgiving Song On the day Blessing Dismissal Leader: Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. People: In the name of Christ. Amen. Reprise 2 STC Bulletin 070114 LOVE OFFERING We finally received HK$31,605.80 love offering as a gift to Ps. Stephen to give him thanks for the last 15 years service with us. Thank you for all your generous support. THANK YOU AGAIN FROM PS STEPHEN Dear Friends, Today is technically my last Sunday as your Pastor. May I take this chance to say a big THANK YOU for your very generous love offering received last week!! It has been the greatest joy and most wonderful privilege of my life to serve as the founding pastor of Shatin Church. I pray with all my heart that our Lord will lead you on from strength to strength as you work together for His glory to build His House in Shatin and beyond. Much Love & Best Wishes, Stephen Durie FRIENDSHIP SUNDAY Next Sunday 21 st January will be our Friendship Sunday. Our church members Andy Lui and Cathy Fung will share their testimonies on New Life . Please bring your friends to hear the good news. Our Friendship Sunday will be held on every 3 rd Sunday of the month, next will be 18 th Feb (Chinese New Year), please contact Brent Hauser [email protected] (2650 6090) if you wish to share your testimony of salvation or healing and send him a draft or outline of your story. Please pray for your friends and invite them to Friendship Sunday (and the lunch afterwards ☺). ALPHA PRAYER MEETING JANUARY 21 STSTST If you are interested in joining the Alpha Team to run the next Sha Tin Church Alpha Course, possibly from March – May 2007, or if you would like to support us by praying, please meet in the covered area downstairs to pray for the next Alpha Course from 9.30 - 9.55 a.m. on January 21 st . Thank you! PRAYER MEETING We warmly invite you to join the Prayer Meetings for the future of Shatin Church and for recruitment of a new pastor , and for strength and wisdom church-wide as we go through this transitional period. The prayer meetings is held every Sunday (except Friendship Sundays) downstairs in Room G09 at 12:30 pm sharp for about 15 minutes until we have a new pastor. EEE-E---BULLETINBULLETIN Someone suggested we email our church bulletin to the church members, so none will miss any information from Sunday. If you wish to receive an e-bulletin, please kindly email Joyce at the church office, she will put you on the e-bulletin mailing list. * SERMON CASSETTES ––– on Sale at the back * From the PA Team every Sunday $10 ($15 for Postal Orders) 3 STC Bulletin 070114 NEW CHURCH ROSTROSTERERERER The new Church Roster from 21/1- 25/2 is now released, please pick up your hard copy at the back table if you haven’t received an emailed copy. You are such a blessing to all of us ☺, God Bless You all as you serve His People in such faithful way. BUS DRIVER NEEDED Would anyone like to learn to drive the church bus? (or can you already drive a bus?) We need a bus driver for Saturdays for Youth Group between 3:30 & 5:30 pm. You must have 3 years of car driving experience in Hong Kong to apply. Please see Peter Fung [email protected] 9383 1984 for advice on how to arrange bus driving lessons and licence application. It helps if you can speak Cantonese as English speaking bus driving teachers are scarce. The Church will pay for your bus driving lessons and licence fees. DVD AAVAILABLEVAILABLE FOR SALE 1. OASIS DVD - A tribute to Pastor Steve (rap, dance and song in Movie Video style to bid Pastor Steve's farewell) Stock in hand: 6 copies. 2. Friendship Sunday (19-11-2006) featuring Sit Up Rap by Misha Del Favero, testimonies by Chong Ah Harper and the couple from St Andrews, Roy Chen and Woo Yuk Lynn and baptism of Andy, Justin and On Yee. (Ready for order) 3. Farewell Service for Pastor Steve (3-12-2006) featuring the last sermon for Pastor Steve by Rev John Menear of St Andrew's Church and farewell programmes following. (Ready for Order) Each item costs $20- (to be paid in advance) Contact telephone number and name in full required when placing orders. The coming DVD for the Christmas Holy Communion on 24-12-2006 will soon be announced. Please contact Edwin Cho on 9732 3888 or [email protected] . MEN’S FELLOWSHIP New Venue: Monte Vista Clubhouse, Monte Vista, 9 Sha On Street, Ma On Shan Time: Monday 7:45 pm (as usual) Break only on: 19 th Feb (due Chinese New Year) 9th April (due to Easter) Contact: Brent Hauser [email protected] / 2605 6090 DECDEC----JANJAN PREACHING & COMMUNION Date Service Type Preacher Communion Comment 21st Jan Friendship Sunday Andy Lui & Cathy Fung N/A Testimonies 28th Jan Holy Communion Rev John Menear Rev John Menear CHURCH REVIEW The Vicar and Church Committee are planning to hold a “Church Review” , probably some time in January, to discuss what sort of church are we and where are we heading. This will be the second step toward recruiting a new Vicar (the first step is Prayer). 4 STC Bulletin 070114 FROM THE VICAR: ABOUABOUTT THE FUTURE Dear Friends, After 15 hard and productive years of growth, Shatin Church has become a vibrant fellowship, and it is very important we ensure that the future pastoral leadership of the church is God’s appointment, to lead you forward in the next chapter of your life. Therefore I and the Trustees of St Andrew’s Church (Mr Ronny To and Mrs Nancy Chu) will meet with the Committee soon to begin the process for selecting a new minister. I expect it will go like this: 1. Shatin Church will do a review of itself – what sort of church are we, where are we heading? 2. Church committee will elect three members to a search committee, with 2 Trustees and Vicar 3. Search committee will prepare a profile of church and criteria for new minister 4. Ads placed, applications assessed and interviews undertaken 5. Search committee recommends appointment to Vicar 6. Vicar, with Bishop’s approval, makes appointment. If you have any questions please feel free to ask your committee or me. In the meantime I will ensure we have plenty of opportunities to pray and consult together. We want not only the appointment, but the means of appointment to be glorifying to God. Yours in Christ Service John Menear, Vicar – St Andrew’s Church KINGDOM KIDS 21st January 2007 - Kingdom Kids will be going on a Prayer Walk. Rainbows - in the school grounds Lambs of God - basketball courts across the road Overcomers - Wo Che Shopping Centre Crown Jewels - Park and walkway to Lek Yuen next to the school FROG Kids - Wo Che bus terminus and market LifeSavers - Round the block We should be grateful if parents can fill in the Permission Slips and give them to Evelyn Yan by Sunday, 21st January 2007.
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