www.ukrweekly.com Address: The Ukrainian Weekly A PAST TO REMEMBER 81-83 Grand Street - A FUTURE TO MOLD! Jersey City, N.J. 07303 TeL: (201) 434-0237 BICENTENNIAL OF THE (201) 434-0807 SVOBODA AMERICAN REVOLUTION (212) 227-4125 СВОБОДА CENTENNIAL OF UKRA– Ukrainian National Ass'n UKRAINIAN DAIL-V INIAN SETTLEMENT IN Tel.: (201) 451-2200 УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОДЕННИК THE U.S. , (212) 227-5251 SJjplfcratautn ПЩ g'Wfam РІК LXXXH. SECTION TWO No. 238 SVOBODA, THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1975 ЦЕНТІВ 20 CENTS 4. 238 VOL. LXXXH. SEN. YUZYK, OTHERS PROTEST SOVIETS RENEGE ON PLEDGE UGCA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE HOLDS NEW Mm,TlOJLTURALlSM POtlCY CHANGES TO RELEASE LEON1D PL1USHCH TORONTO, Ont - Sen. culturalism, as put forth by The new policy would mean PLENARY SESSLON 1N NEW YORK Paul Yuzyk and presidents of Mr. Munro and reported by a downgrading of grants to CONT1NUE iNJECTlONS OF HARMFUL DRUGS NEW YORK, N.Y. (UOCA Canada's ten nationaJ ethnic the newspapers, emphasizes ethnic communities across al System in the Ukrainian Treasurer, presented a detail– Special). — On Saturday, De– organizations voiced "shock" "group understanding" rather Canada. "We would no longer Catholic Church, and others, ed report on UCCA finances, NEW YORK, N.Y. - it ft і cember 13, the UCCA Execu– and "indignation" over Minis– than "cultural survival and put such emphasis on the which were approved. including collections for the telephone call to an unknown І tive Committee held its plen– ter John Munro'e recently development of ethnic folkloric aspects," said Mr. Mr. Lesawyer reported National Fund. By December party in Western Europe, Ta– j агу session at the Ukrainian published statements regard– groups," which was stated as Munro, suggesting that the briefly on the activities of the 12,1975, a total of S76.586.99 tiana Zhytnykova said that institute of America in New ing proposed changes in the the objective of the policy groups could find noney in Ukrainian Bicentennial Com– was raised. She said that corn- tbe Soviet authorities have І York City, attended by 29 country's official policy of outlined by Mr. Trudeau. (Continued on p. 2) mittec of America and stres– pared with the same time last reneged on their pledge to re– ! members. At the outset of the multiculturalism. aed their organizational as– year, the fund this year ex–' lease her husband, Leonid meeting, Executive vice-Pres– pects, including trips and ceeded by 510,000. Mrs. Dia– Sen. Yuzyk, who is chair- Pliushch, from the Dniprope– ident Joseph Lesawyer, who meetings throughout the chuk also presented a preli– man of the Canadian Folk Leonid Fil Heads Ukrainian trovske psychiatric asylum, chaired the meeting, called on country by Yaroslav Haywas, minary budget for 1976, ne– Arts Council, which met here and increased the injections all to rise and with a minute the committee's organizing cessitating a sum of 5146,000 during the first days of De– National Federation in Canada of harmful drugs, according of silence pay tribute to the chairman. for the Ukrainian National cember, said that the body MONTREAL, Que. — Principal speaker was John to the Committee in Defense late Mrs. Helen Lototsky, s Fund and 525,000 from other has dispatched a telegram to І van Wynnyk, the commit– Leonid Fil of Toronto, Ont., Munro, Minister of Labor and of Soviet Political Prisoners former UCCA vice-president, sources, for a total of Prime Minister Pierre Tru– tee's treasurer, reported on was elected head of the na– Multicultural ism. here. and Bohdan Krawciw, a for– 5171,000. deau requesting a meeting the fund-raising campaign tional executive board of the Among the many greetings The telephone call was made mer member of the UCCA with him, Mr. Munro and Se– for the activities in 1976, es– Ukrainian National Federa– received by the congress's Monday, December 16, the Executive Board, who both cretary of State Hugh Faulk– pecially publications on the President's Report tion (UNF) at its 25th con– presidium, headed by Dr. Ste– day Soviet authorities said died recently. ner, according to The Toron– Ukrainian immigration in the greas held here in mid-Octo– phan Dershko, were state– that Pllushch's case would be to Star. After the minutes of the U.S., ''Ukrainian Week" in UCCA President, Prof. Lev ber. ments from the Quebec prov– "positively solved," as was re- last plenary session were read Washington, and so forth. E. Dobrians ky, outlined brief- The Council's strong reac– The assemblage, which met incial government, Montreal ported by the TJPL tion was the result of Mr. Leonid Pliushch by Mr. Bohdan Kazanivsky, a Mrs. Ulana Diachuk, UCCA (Continued on p. 4) at the Mount Royal Sheraton and Toronto municipal ad- On Wednesday, December Munro's earlier statement Hotel, was attended by 151 ministrations, the World Con– UCCA secretary, the meeting 10, the wire services reported voice their protests by tele- that the Canadian govern- delegates and 50 guests. gress of Free Ukrainians, and proceeded according to the that Soviet authorities said phoning: the Kiev office of ment is preparing to trans- Mr. Fil heads a 35-member other Ukrainian organiza– agenda. UCCA Supports President Ford's that Pliushch would be re- Suvorov, director of the So– form its multiculturalism executive board, which also tions. leased from the insane asy– viet Ukrainian Health Mln– program into one designed includes Sen. Paul Yuzyk as A concert rounded out the Reports and Projections Human Rights Appeal lum, and together with his fa– istry's international affairs specifically to "combat racial honorary member. program of the congress. Ap– miiy, allowed to emigrate department, at 93-52-71; the NEW YORK, N.Y. (UCCA Walter Dushnyck to Cameron and ethnic discrimination." Re-elected head of the U– UCCA Executive Director pearing in the program were from the USSR. office o? vo!odymyr Shlforov Special). - The UCCA Exe– Hume, Special Consultant on - if implemented, said the krainian National Youth Fe– І van Bazarko, in an extensive violinists, Yuri and Dana Ma– in Kiev at 25-18-57; and My– Human Rights to Ambassador representatives of the Coun– deration was Orest Pidza– Fearing for the life of her report, related the major as– cutive Board, in two separate kola Babenko, director of the Daniel P. Moymhan at the cil, the changes would "sound mecky of Sudbury, Ont. zurkevich, soprano, Anna husband, Zhytnykova plead– pecte Of UCCA activities dur– documents, expressed its sup- ed-for ;actions in his defense- Dnipropetrovske psychiatric ing the past three months, U.S. Mission to the U.N. the death-knell for multicul– in the course of the five- Chornodoleky, and vocal and port of the U.S. resolution cal– She urged that individuals asylum, at 42-31-19. which included a report on The Memorandum summar– turalism in Canada."- day congress, a banquet was dance ensembles from Mon– ling for unconditional am– the progress of remodeling ized the plight of Ukrainian The telegram to Prime Min– held, attended by 500 persons. treal and Hamilton. nesty for all political prison– iater Trudeau stated that the the UGCA-UNWLA building, ers the world over, and sup- political prisoners, both men Council views the changes CHOBNOVIL RECEIVES the visit of the Byzantine ported President Ford's proc– and women, and appealed to "as a total negation of the Dr. A. Lysy Elected President of ODUM choir from Utrecht, prepara– lamation on "Human Rights the U.S. government to inter– letter and the spirit of your ENGLISH IOURNAUSM AWARD tions for January 22nd by Day," "Human Rights Week" vene on behalf of these Ukra– inian victims of Soviet Rus– announced policy of multicul– DETROIT, Mich. — Dr. A. board to request 'permission LONDON, England. - vya-j UCCA branches; Ukrainian and the "Bill of Rights Day," contribution, arranged by the sian tyranny and oppression. turalism. Lysy was elected president of of the Ukrainian Orthodox cheslav Chornovil, a 37-year, which was issued by the chief UCCA, to filming of ethnic The memorandum also con– This was also the view of the executive board of the As– hierarchy in the United States old Ukrainian political prison, executive recently. customs in the U.S. by an tained a list of Ukrainian po– the Canadian Consultative sociation of American Youth to have the body of Rev. Aga– er and former journalist, re– American foundation; the Both documents, signed by litical prisoners. Council on Multiculturalism, of Ukrainian Descent (OD– pius Honcharenko, a Ukrain– ceived the 1975 Tomiin Jounb forthcoming conference apon– Prof. 4 Lev E. Dobriansky, in a letter to President whose chairman, Julius Ko– UM) at the organization's ian Orthodox priest who lived alism Award, sponsored sored by the committee for President, Joseph Lesawyer, ^Por^T"^^olr^ecember 10th, teles, told the meeting that 23rd congress held here dur– and preached in the United the London Times.""' the study of Ukrainian life to the White House, the UC– Mr. Munro's expressed views ing the Thanksgiving Day States over 100 years ago, Chornovil was awarded thf Executive vice - President, with the Association of Ukra– CA Executive Board upheld are incompatible with the weekend. transferred to the Ukrainian prize for his documentary oa ivan Bazarko, Executive Di– inian Professionals; the visit his proclamation in support of program of multiculturalism The reports by outgoing Orthodox cemetery in South the trials against Ukrain– rector and ignatius M Billin– to the UCCA by President the principles of human rights as annunciated by Mr. Tru– members of the executive Bound Brook. ian intellectuals during 1965- sky, Secretary, were present– Mykola Livytzkyj of the Ukra– and the Bill of Rights," potnt– deau in 1971.
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