966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JANUARY 4 Douglas C. Montgomery to be postmaster at -East Arlington, Sam J. Smith, Erlanger. Vt., in place of D. C. Montgomery. Incumbent's commission ex· Thomas E. Sparrow, Hillsboro. pired January 3, 1928. OREGON Stanley E. Brownell to be postmaster at Burlington, Vt., in Fred D. Wagner, Ashland. place of S. E. Brownell. Incumbent's commission expired Janu. Henry A. Barrett, Athena. ary 3, 1928. .Arthur C. Wahl, Banks. Joshua H. Blakley to be postmaster at Bellows Falls, Vt., ln Willis L. Cady, Beaverton. place of J. H. Blakley. Incumbent's commission expi.J:~ed Janu· William H. Hays, Brownsville. ary 3, 1928. · . Arley A. Sollinger, Canyon City. Frank E. Robinson to be postmaster at Barre, Vt., m place of William G. Hoover, Fossil. F. E. Robinson. Incumbent's commission expired January 3, Andrew R. Siegmund, Gerbais. 1928. Frank W. Castor, Haines. VIRGINIA Nellie Elliott, John Day. Paul B. Jenks to be postmaster at Wilder, Va., in place of Emma L. Hufstater, Knappa. T. E. Jenkins, resigned. William R. Cook, Madras. WEST VIRGINIA Duncan E. Douglas, Marshfield. Hugh W. Cox to be postmaster at Morgantown, W. Va., in Otis A. Wolverton, Monmouth. place of Earl Pepper. Incumbent's commission expired Decem­ Gaphart D. Ebner, Mount Angel. ber 18, 1927. Oliver P. Shoemaker, Newport. WISCONSIN Evelyn D. Davenport, Oak Grove. Pauline W. Platt, Ontario. Eva Jensen to be postmaster at Cambridge, Wis., in place of Grace W. Gamwell, Powers. C. B. Jensen, deceased. PORTO RICO CONFIRMATIONS Agustin Carbonell, Caguas. Ea:ecmtive nomi:natians C()frtfirmed by the Senate January 4, 1928 TENNESSEI!I MEMBER UNTI'ED STATES SHIPPING BoARD John P. Gallaher, Ashland City. Clara M. Cain, Bradford. Albert H. Denton to be a member of the United States Ship. Luelle Brown, Cornersville. ping Board. Charley M. Mount, Franklin. l\IEMBER FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION Stephen H. Bedwell, Friendship. Garland S. Ferguson, jr., to be a Federal Trade Commissioner, Herod H. Jenkins, Hartsville. vice John F. Nugent. John J. Graham, Knoxville. MEMBER BOARD OF MEDIATION Erne t C. Lowery, Leoma. G. Wallace W. Hanger to be a member of the Board of Eva Shelton, Linden. Mediation. A. Henderson Johnson, Newbern. UNITED STATES JUDGE William S. Weatherly, Puryear. Cyrus L. Fairless, Trenton. Ira Lloyd Letts to be United States district judge, district of Rhode Island. WYOMING UNITED STATES DISTRICT ATTORNEY Fred W. Smith, Glenrock. Alvah J. Macy, Moorcroft James Damron to be United States attorney, southern district Harry R. Ellison, Parkerton. of West Virginia. Conrad Johnson, Pine Bluffs. POSTMASTERS L. Roy Ness, PowelL FLORIDA Robert E. Chittick, jr., ShoshOl!i. Robert Bulthuis, Baldwin. Sarah J. Burns, Benson Springs. Benjamin Burnett, Brewster. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Luther L. Callaway, Chiefland. WEDNESDAY, January 4, 19~8 Albert H. Maxwell, Eastport. Robert A. Boucher, Eau Gallie. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Edward J. Raub, Gull Point. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered Carrie Bowers, Lake Placid. the following prayer : Jessie N. James, Lantana. "The Day-Spring" from on high hath visited us, and we Charles I. Matthews, Longwood. thank Thee our Heavenly Father; His star hath shown on the Lera H. Taylor, Mayo. brow of night and opened the gates of the morning, and again Max V. Robinson, Melbourne. we praise Thee. 0 God, the ceaseless surge of time and tide Coy K. Duff, Mims. rolls on; helpless we are to stay the travel of the years. We James A. Pitt, ·Minneola. implore Thee to help us to be diligent and not fretful, lest we Pauline Wylie, Orange Park. fail ere the set of sun. Oh, may we not be chilled by the out­ Burdett Loomis, jr., Pierce. look. Give us a sane and a reasonable faith-a faith with its Willie Felts, Pinellas Park. radiant facts, with its convincing principles, and with its simple Josiah P. Wilbar, Salerno. commandments. Yes, give us a sympathy that includes all Vitano W. Baggott, Sherman. humanity. Again, dear Lord God, give us a religion with the James S. Huselton, Venice. arch of blue above its head and all Thy earthly children round Stephen R. Mallory, Wellborn. its altars. 0 giYe us a large measure of health, wisdom, and LOUISIANA charity for the new year. Amen. Henry A. Forshag, Crowley. The Journal of the proceedings of Wel}nesday, December 21, NORTH CAROLINA 1927, was read and approved. Salathiel F. Gordon, Badin. SWEARING IN OF MEMBERS Albert T. Davidson, Biltmore. Mr. BECK, of the seventh district of the State of Wisconsin, Charles El. Boone, Blue Ridge~ and Mr. KURTZ, of the twenty-first district of the State of Ruth F. White, Colerain. Pennsylvania, presented themselves at the bar of the House and Roscoe Hill, Eure. took the oath of office. Claudia L. York, Harmony. Mr. BUTLER. Mr. Speaker, I offer a resolution of the highest Christopher C. Whitaker, Landis. privilege. Lester H. Haymes, Milton. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Pennsylvania offers a Chester C. Lord, Montreat. resolution, which the Clerk will report. Mary E. Liles, Naples. The Clerk read as follows : David M. Cloninger, Newton. Mae A. Elliott, Union Mills. House Resolution 72 William T. Fletcher, Boonville. Whereas GEORGE S. GRAHAM, a Representative from the State ot William C. Thorne, Elm City. Pennsylvania from the second district thereof, has been u.Iiable frotn 1928 CONGRESSION.A.L RECORD-HOUSE 967 sickness to app-;nr in person to be sworn as a Member of the House, beauUful and historic militnry park is another tribute to the and there being i'lo eonte t or question as to his election : Therefore be it ability and influence of General Catchings. 'ResoltJed, That the Speaker, or a deputy named by him, lx>, and be Mr. Speaker, my State has lost one of her most di'3tin­ is hereby, authorized to administer the oath of office to said GEORGE ~. guished sons, and a great and useful man has passed away. GBAHAM at Mount Sinai Hospital in . New York, N. Y., and that the [Applause.] !'laid oath when administered as herein authorized shall be accepted THE " S-4 " DISASTER and received by the House as tbe oath of office of the said GEORGE S. Mr. LAGUARDIA. Mr. Speaker, as there is nothing urgent GRAHAM. before the House at this time, I ask unanimous consent for Mr. SNELL. Mr. Speaker, as I understand, there are se-veral permission to address the Honse for 15 minutes. · precedents for administering the oath to a Member in this way. · The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the The SPEAKER. There are a number of precedents. gentleman from New York? Mr. GARRETT of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, the resolution as There was no objection. read provides, I believe, that the oath may be administered by l\lr. LAGUARDIA. l\Ir. Speaker and gentlemen of the House: the Speaker or by some one designated by him. I presume that On my return to New York for the Christmas holidays I found contemplates a Member of the House, though I do not know and the dominant thought in the mind of everyone with whom I I do not think it is very material. My recollection is that in met was the S-4 disaster. one case where a Member took the oath out or the city of Wash­ I also found a great deal of apprehension that everything ington be was permitted to take it before any officer entitled to that was humanly possible at the time to save lives was not administer oaths in the State. However, I do not think it is really accomplished. I also found that people generally had -very material. the impression that it was possible to hook a submarine or to Mr. BUTLER. 1\Ir. Speaker, I will call my friend's attention have salvage apparatus and equipment right on ·hand, able to to the fact that in the Aiken case the oath was administered in lift a sunken boat out of the water. tbe State of North Carolina by some officer having authority I did not know much about the subject, and I am sure to administer oaths. you will all understand I do not know very much about it The SPEAKER. The Chair wouldt if possible, designate some now ; I surely am not attempting to qualify as an expert ::Membe1· of the House, but failing in that, be thinks he would after a short trip of 36 hours on a submarine. The thought have to designate some person who has the right to administer came to me that if it were possible to go on the SP<>t and also oaths. to see the construction and operation of a submarine, at least, Mr. CHINDBLOM. Mr. Speaker, does the resolution state it would be possible to understand the language of the experts that a Member of the House may be designated? on tbe job. I obtained permission from the department and The SPEAKER. No. The resolution gives the' Speaker a boarded the S-8, a sister ship of the S-4, at New London last free hand in designating the person who may administer the Monday and went to Provincetown to talk with the men on oath, but the Speaker would feel bound by the precedents. The the job and observe the operations there. I simply desire to question is on agreeing to the resolution. relate to the House what I saw. The resolution was agreed to. Gentlemen, in the first place, you must bear in mind that 800 THE DEPARTMENTS OF STATE, JUSTICE, COMMERCE, LAROR, AND THE the S-4 weighs a little ove:t; tons and now lies embedded in the mud in 100 feet of water.
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