Brigham Young University BYU ScholarsArchive Theses and Dissertations 1975 A History of Latter-Day Saint Screen Portrayals in the Anti- Mormon Film Era, 1905-1936 Richard Alan Nelson Brigham Young University - Provo Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd Part of the Film and Media Studies Commons, and the Mormon Studies Commons BYU ScholarsArchive Citation Nelson, Richard Alan, "A History of Latter-Day Saint Screen Portrayals in the Anti-Mormon Film Era, 1905-1936" (1975). Theses and Dissertations. 4975. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/4975 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. otojiotojr H die111mim kft75-1 A HISTORY OF LATTERDAYLATTER DAY SAINT SCREEN portrayals lilINITI THE antimormonANTI MORMON FILM ERA 190519361905 1936 A thesw7thesichesi presented to the department of communications Brigbrighamharn yogyoungyo 4 A 1 g university in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree master of arts by richard alan nelson april 1975 this thesis by richard alan nelson is accepted in its present form by the department of communications of brigham young university as satisfying the thesis requirement for the degree of master of arts ee member 5 74 ff idate y&dwlh 0 hareadhadoldsen department chairman 11 vJ richard alan nelson 1941974 iiililliiliiiii111 acknowledgments many individuals and archives have aided materially in researching this thesis the author wishes to acknowledge a special indebtedness to the following persons bernard A bernier jr david S bradiBradlbradleyeyt myron braum evelyn brentbrents ken A collinsonloll1011 4 nson james darc brenda davies chad flakeflakes david F friedman romer greytgreygneygreys robin howahowardpdtpdp dr E william jackson richard jensen torsten jungstedt ken kenyon lawrence klenkklenkaklenkg linda lambert margaret lester louise roos jrgenjjrgenjargen W schmidttschmidts mildred simpson anthony slide vivien smith jon stenklevStenstenklevpklevkiev samuel W taylor fred uibeluibelq and james ursini the followingC libraries and commercial businesses r have also graciousgraciouslylr provided assisiaassislaassistancesas sistasislaaces the academy of0 L motion picture arts andsciencesand sciences library the americanamerlAmeripangan film Insinstituinstitutetitu es the british film institute detdeldalskedanske flimFilmfilmmuseumfilmmuseumtmuseum entertainment Ventuventuresneesrespneep inc3incinca larry edmundedmundss cinema bookshop the historical department of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints the library of congress reference department norsk filminstitutt stahl pyramid films slenskasvenska Filminstitutetfilminstitutet twentieth centuryfoxcentury fox research library UCLA theatre arts library and the utah state historical society library iv TABLE OF CONTENTS papaepagee acknoiyledgmentacknowledgmentsS iv chapter 1 introduction 1 2 THET HE development71velopmentD OF A NEWW INDUSTRY 9 3 THE MORMON AND antlant141ormantimormonANTI MORMONON FILM 190519151905 1915 19 4 A MORMON MAID 95 5 teethiethreTHE ZANE GREY WESTERNSIVES t73rns v i v 4 0 & 1 121 6 MORE BRITISH ANTI MORMONISM P 145 7 miscellaneous FILMS 191719301917 1930 165 8 THE THIRTIES deoadeDECADE 192 9 conclusions 207 bibliography 212 appendixesAPPENDIXES 0 q 0 0 0 it 0 6 4 0 a 0 0 a 0 9 0 x 0 241 A the anti mormon moving pictures and play 242 B moving picture Misrepresentmisrepresentationslationsrations 0 0 0 245 C mormonism in picture 247 D thehe power of the cormonsmormons 251 E table of significant mormon genre motion picture productions proposed and realized 190519381905 1938 225815 8 INDEX 26161 v chapter 1 introduction in receilrecenlrecent years cinema scholars have shown a more sustained interest in what generally forms the sil-silentent motionmotson picture era yet despite the fact that during the years 190519361905 1936 many photoplaysphotodlqysphotoplays depicting mormon characters and allegeallegedd historical accounts of latter day saint life were manufactured and exhibitexhibitededsedo to date no comprehensive source chronichroniclingcling this unique and largely undiscussed film genre exists this neglect is what this thesis proposes to remedy heretherethene are two major previous studies that show some relationship to the topic butbucbu they have either been limited to LDS church produced flfilmsflimsms or have been hampered by incomdletenessincompleteness in addition to consulting these the author has also made reference to a wide variety of pertinpertinentant materials these include moving picture trade journal accounts news and periodical deportreportreportsst and a number of previously unpublished letters personal interviews with still living motion picture personalities and avldcdavid1davidavid kent jacobsjacobss the history of motion pictures produced by the church of jesus christ of latter day saints unpublished masters thesis brigham young university 1961967 and linda lambertLambertlbertg the irinageimage ofoll011olp cormonsmormons in filistfilmsfilmst the new era salt lake city IIilg11 5 pleymeymay 1972 121512 15 1 2 qualified historians were conducted whenever possible the important southern california film research libraries were searched correspondence with fooimolmoreigndeignforeign cinema archives helpedelpehelpedd document european productions finaiFinalfinallylytlys resort to printed memoirs and standard reference works was under- taken when it was felt this would prove useful A history filled with claims of divine inspiration religious and secular conflict leading to bloodshed and murder a difficult and epic transcontinental migration and the creation of a singular people and culture is inherently dramatic it is not to be wondered at then that the mormon experience was to be of interest to filmfilmmakersmakers looking for exciting screen material indeed the latter day saint celluloid image transcends the united states which spawned the religion As shall be es-ablishedabolishedestablishedt ablished later in this thesis the cormonsmormons werwere the subject of a variety of foreign as well as american productions during the silent movie years unfortunately for the saints most of these were to prove less than favorable in their treatreatmentcentment of the utah colonists because it is anticipated that many readerreaderss will be unfamiliar with mormonism it will be necessary at this point to present a brief introductory overview of LDS church origins and hihistorystorystocy without this framework it is unlikely that the non mormon would be able to place in context the subsequent development of the anti mormon movement and the part it and the church would 3 play in the creation of the latter day saint literary and limffilmflimimage mormonism traces its beginnings to the year 1805 when joseph smithsmithssmithy jr was born of humble parentage in sharon vermont As a young boy he moved with his family to the state of new york while a teenager smith became interested in god and was perplexed about which of the many relifrireligiousOUs denominations to join according to his later account he took lite-literallyral ly the admonition of the biblical writer james who stateds-lagueda1ued if any of you lack wisdomwisdoms let him ask of oodsgodsoodygodythat giveth to all men 0 liberally and upbraidethupbraideth not and it shall be given him 2 this passage inspired smith to retire to a surrounding grove of trees to pray for heavenly aidanceguidancegl smith then claims to have beheld there both god the father and his sonjesusSon Jesus christ in this vision theuhe messiah told joseph not to join any of the churches theshe future prophet was also given other commandments he was told not to put into writing this experience profoundly moved joseph smith further testifietestifiestestifiedtestifie 5 that several years later he felt need to pray in his room for forgiveforgivenessriessniess of his sins and a confirmation of his relationship with god As a result an angelic personage manifestedmanifestedhimself to joseph he announced his name aselselgBIS moroni and informed smith that god had a special work for him to do ajames2jamesjames 15Is 5 4 this was ffollowedol01 lowedblowed by other visitations As a result smith was directed to some metal plates hidden in a local hillock that later came to be called hill cumorah these plates purport to chronicle the sacred history of ancient israelite travelersCravelers who came to the americas and founded great civilizations according to these records the emigrants were visivlsivisitedted by jesus christ following his resurrection however this failed to prevent a disasterdisasterousous series of wars that destroyed one branch of the colonists and left the other to continue in spiritual darkness according to mormon doctrine this latteriatterpeople form the basis for many of the indians now exoextantan in the new world smith published what he claimed was his divinely aidedtranslaaided translationtlonion of the plates irin ibo1531831830 sndands nd called it the book of mormon after one of the major prophets in the hishistoryboryuory that year he also founded what was to become the church of jesus christ of latter day saintssaitsajtints for convenience this is often shortened to the LDS church or just the church when referring to it the nickname of Morcormonsmormonsmons was first applied by opponents
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