Durham E-Theses The concealed messiahship in the synoptic gospels and the signicance of this for the study of the life of Jesus and of the church Glasswell, Mark Errol How to cite: Glasswell, Mark Errol (1965) The concealed messiahship in the synoptic gospels and the signicance of this for the study of the life of Jesus and of the church, Durham theses, Durham University. Available at Durham E-Theses Online: http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/7982/ Use policy The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full bibliographic reference is made to the original source • a link is made to the metadata record in Durham E-Theses • the full-text is not changed in any way The full-text must not be sold in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders. 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Academic Support Oce, Durham University, University Oce, Old Elvet, Durham DH1 3HP e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +44 0191 334 6107 http://etheses.dur.ac.uk 2 '$he timm of the aeasAanlc m&um'b iiaa homi a vox&& mm i woric Cif Wi*ei© so&ws4te@3?« ^iiioe tiiea opinions iMive aoirea 'h&twemi eyeing lli @,s a iagasffeio eiaiaemU 'fela© s:'e€laotS.OB of lai'&t refXeotlag tin© f aet tiia;t * lif © wa® mi»@asi;mle aaci ttet; ii© QUly oBMB to ^'OgaMad a,^ Sfssiaii at tii© x^esiarx'ootioiit seQ eeeing ! it as ^elongteg to tue peittam of liiij ovm life Eecessiitated by tim eorfe of he ai^ Jatoseif aa feategu fh© Xattei' ¥low saw the ' i tti© truth mtil& h& dise'ioa®e» llut ti).© tiiyMrfeloa rmmime w% it &mi&, not havo 6i80loeQ€t Gi«pli@a? aacl why the thtme is so diffiouit to uttdel?@tgoad la the goapel^^mrrative a purely histoi^ioal siamea?* without x'v-;£i4iBg ooimeotio&s and lootivos ii|te it» : fe^Uthew t:ai& hnltQ h&%h alter the aiarcah them© oomsid^rsbXy ©itiier toeesuse th@^ did mt umi.-TBtmd. it ojf thouglrt It iaappr0g2?4.gite» • fbey do so? hovv^vea^ l£i aiicoMaae® with qmite oefinlt© doeti^inal point© of mrum Indmid th® lslas.''C}aa timm mema itself to rei'lect^' a aOiS^tic position v^hich is that of the ©vimgelist rathoy than J#ia • hliaself # Ifeasiahship as smeh eeem© to b© repeated by 0mu& In Itofe ®sd,s*esai^«i. d, a© iiiappa^opilat© dwyiBg has earthly life* It is i-eplaeaci lay a aoi*® trsas©eai«tal coi-ieiiptt of the Som of Mm^ (fiapesdemt • Itself«as a aeaox'iption'ot ^o^us^ on his piloy. death emi mmmr&(xbim« \ It ia this too thsi^t; Hatthew Jiuke •cte^'elo^i;) i^ th&Xt' miMef9^^B:^i.on\ of the BixvQm thoet© of eieoraoy with regsueS to Mesfus* messiahship. It is thig^-efw® suggfeetsd thai; th@ ©eo-ceey^thesie iE larik ©steluies cmj pmrely histoyioal a|}:£»3?0aeh to.th© queiatioa ©If ^wsus* laesaiahshipj l)as©ci OS his 6&i1}iily iifo$ as agalast ©ae hasefl on faith to the m roaurrcjotioa Q.t'Ml th© church's pbQt«*3?eauf3?eeti03s Soep©l» of which Jea^s life is oBly th© px'esuppotdtion* iSatthew has tlieoXociiaeci tiJis Imto m eiocawit of SQOTOt revel®*iosi in history aa<J iuk© hm hlatorioi^ed in teims of a histoi:-,y whioh iisast preetd© the §053i:!0l-"-j[£8i^gaa# la oaeh oaee till© theme is impojetaat for the a-VaMgciiists uaaerstjiiifiing of his tasli ia i^elaitiiig Soopel to aisjtoi^- aaa of tiie^i-eiatioB betweeB tbes* THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR of PHILOSOPHY. 1965. Title:- THE CONCEALED MESSIAHSHIP IN THE SYNOPTIC GOSPELS AND THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THIS FOR THE STUDY OF THE LIFE OF JESUS AND OF THE CHURCH. by Mark Errol Glasswell, B.A. Contents. Introduction. i - ii Chapter One - The discussion from ¥rede to Burkill. 1 - 83 Chapter Two - The Concealed Messiahship in Mark, 84 - 21-1 276. Chapter Three - The Concealed Messiahship in Matthewo -2r\~2 - 399 Chapter Four - The Concealed Messiahship in Luke, 400 - 470 Chapter Five - Conclusions. 471 - 503 Bibliography. The copyright of this thesis rests with the author. No quotation from it should be publishid without his prior written consent and information derived from it should be acknowledged. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bacon, B.¥, The Gospel of Mark. U.S.A. 1925 Studies in Matthew. New York. 1930 Baidensperger, ¥. Review of Wrede in Theologische Literaturzeitung 2?. 1902, pp. 393 ff. Barrett, C.K. The Holy Spirit and the Gospel Tradition. London. 194?, 1954. •The Background of Mk. x. 45• - New Testament Essays (in memory of T.¥. Mansoh). pp. 1-18. •Stephen and the Son of man'. - Apophoreta. Festschrift fttr Ernst Haenchen. Berlin 1964. pp. 32ff. Barth, G. see Bornkarara. Barth, K. 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