Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences Vol. 49 (10), October 2020, pp. 1651-1660 The hard corals (Scleractinia) of India: A revised checklist K Dea,b, K Venkataramanc & B Ingolea* aCSIR-National Institute of Oceanography, Goa – 403 004, India bSchool of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Goa University – 403 206, Goa, India cNational Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management, Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600 025, India *[E-mail: [email protected]] Sr. No Contents Page No. 1 Table S1 — The revised checklist of hard corals from Indian reefs (x: not reported) ii 2 Appendix I — Annotated list of erroneous records of scleractinian species that have been xxii excluded in the present checklist (GoK: Gulf of Kachchh, LI: Lakshadweep Islands, GoMBR: Gulf of Mannar Marine Biosphere Reserve, ANI: Andaman and Nicobar Islands) Table S1 — The revised checklist of hard corals from Indian reefs (x: not reported) Species Name Gulf of Gulf of Mannar Lakshadweep Andaman & Nicobar Islands Kachchh Marine Biosphere Islands Reserve Family ACROPORIIDAE Verrill, 1902 Genus Acropora Oken, 1815 Acropora abrotanoides (Lamarck, 1816) x Pillai8 Pillai16 Reddiah55 Acropora abrolhosensis Veron, 1985 x Patterson et al. 43 x x Acropora acuminata (Verrill, 1864) x x x Mondal et al.54 Acropora anthocercis (Brook, 1893) x x x Venkataraman et al.5,72 Acropora arabensis Hodgson & x Geetha & Kumar73 x x Carpenter, 1995 Acropora aspera (Dana, 1846) x x Pillai & Pillai8 Jasmine37 Acropora austera (Dana, 1846) x x Suresh38 Turner et al.23; Venkataraman et al.72 Acropora awi Wallace & Wolstenholme, x x x Ramakrishna et al.47; Mondal et al.101 1998 Acropora batunai Wallace, 1997 x x x Mondal et al.102 Acropora bifurcata Nemenzo, 1971 x x x Raghunathan & Venkataraman58 Acropora branchi Riegl,1995 x Geetha & Kumar73 x x Acropora capillaries (Klunzinger, 1879 x x Suresh38 x Acropora carduus (Dana,1846) x x x Turneret al.23 Acropora caroliniana Nemenzo, 1976 x x x Venkataraman et al.5; Ramakrishna et al.47 Acropora cerealis (Dana, 1846) x x Caeiro39 Turner et al.23 Acropora cervicornis (Lamarck, 1816), x x Sreenath et Mondal et al.54,102 al.75 Acropora chesterfieldensis Veron & x Krishnan et al.46 x Turner et al.23 Wallace, 1984 Acropora clathrata (Brook, 1891) x x x Reddiah55 Acropora cophodactyla (Brook,1892) x x x Turner et al.23 (Contd.) ii INDIAN J GEO-MAR SCI, VOL 49, NO 10, OCTOBER 2020 Table S1 — The revised checklist of hard corals from Indian reefs (x: not reported) (Contd.) Species Name Gulf of Gulf of Mannar Lakshadweep Andaman & Nicobar Islands Kachchh Marine Biosphere Islands Reserve Family ACROPORIIDAE Verrill, 1902 Genus Acropora Oken, 1815 Acropora cytherea (Dana, 1846) x Pillai8 Pillai15 Reddiah55; Tikadar et al.74; Mondal et al.92 Acropora dendrum (Bassett-Smith, 1890) x x x Mondal et al.102 Acropora desalwii (Wallace, 1994) x x x Ramakrishna et al.47; Mondal et al.102 Acropora divaricata (Dana,1846) x x Suresh38 Turner et al.23 Acropora digitifera (Dana,1846) x Pillai13 x Reddiah55 Acropora donei Veron & Wallace, 1984 x x x Turner et al.23; Mondal et al.54 Acropora echinata (Dana, 1846) x Pillai13 Pillai15 Pillai13 Acropora elseyi (Brook, 1892) x x x Mondal et al.60 Acropora exigua (Dana, 1846) x Pillai13 x x Acropora exquisite Nemazo, 1971 x x x Mondal et al.60; Raghunathan96 (nomen dubium) Acropora fastigata Nemenzo, 1967 x x x Mondal et al.101 Acropora florida (Dana,1846) x Pillai13 Suresh38 Reddiah55 Acropora forskali (Ehrenberg, 1834) x Krishnan et al.46 Pillai15 Mondal et al.101; Venkataraman et al.72 (nomen dubium) Acropora gemmifera (Brook, 1892) x Venkataraman & Sreenath Turner et al.23 Rajan44 et al.75 Acropora glauca (Brook,1893) x x x Venkataraman et al.5,72 Acropora globiceps (Dana, 1846) x x x Turner et al.23 Acropora gomezi Veron, 2000 x x x Ramakrishna et al.47; Raghuraman et al.33 Acropora grandis (Brook, 1892) x x x Reddiah55 Acropora granulosa (Milne Edwards, x x Pillai & Turner et al.23 1860) Jasmine37 Acropora haimei Edwards, 1860 (taxon x Pillai8 Pillai15 Ramakrishna et al.47; Mondal et al.101 inquirendum) Acropora hemprichii (Ehrenberg, 1834) x Sukumaran et al.82 Pillai15 Turner et al.23 Acropora hoeksemai Wallace, 1997 x x x Mondal et al.102 Acropora horrida (Dana, 1836) x x x Ramakrishna et al.47; Venkataraman et al.72 Acropora humilis (Dana, 1846) * Pillai & Patel30 Pillai8 Pillai & Raghunathan et al.83 Jasmine37 Acropora hyacinthus (Dana, 1846) x Pillai8 Pillai15 Pillai16 Acropora indica (Brook, 1893) (nomen x Patterson et al.42 Pillai15 x dubium) Acropora intermedia (Brook, 1891) x Pillai13 Pillai15 Reddiah55 Acropora insignis Nemenzo, 1967 x x x Ramakrishna et al.47; Mondal et al.56 (nomen dubium) Acropora kimbeensis Wallace, 1999 x x x Ramakrishna et al.47; Mondal et al.101-102 Acropora kosurini Wallace, 1994 x x x Turner et al.23 Acropora latistella (Brook, 1892) x x x Mondal et al.91 Acropora lamarcki Veron 2000 x Sukumaran et al.82 Sreenath x et al.75 Acropora loisetteae Wallace, 1994 x x x Turner et al.23 Acropora longicyathus (Milne Edwards, x x Sreenath Pillai13 1860) et al.75 Acropora lovelli Veron & Wallace, 1984 x x x Mondal & Raghunathan59 Acropora loripes (Brook, 1892) x x x Venkataraman et al.5 Acropora lutkeni Crossland, 1952 x x x Turner et al.23 (Contd.) DE et al.: THE HARD CORALS (SCLERACTINIA) OF INDIA: A REVISED CHECKLIST iii Table S1 — The revised checklist of hard corals from Indian reefs (x: not reported) (Contd.) Species Name Gulf of Gulf of Mannar Lakshadweep Andaman & Nicobar Islands Kachchh Marine Biosphere Islands Reserve Family ACROPORIIDAE Verrill, 1902 Genus Acropora Oken, 1815 Acropora microclados (Ehrenberg, 1834) x x x Venkataraman et al.5, 72; Ramkrishna et al.47; Acropora microphthalma (Verrill, 1859) Satyanarayana x Sreenath Venkataraman et al.5,72; & et al.75 Ramakrishna et al.47 Ramakrishna32 Acropora millepora (Ehrenberg,1834) x x Caeiro39 Tikader et al.74 Acropora minuta Veron, 2000 x x x Raghuraman et al.33 Acropora mirabilis (Quelch,1886) x x x Ramakrishna et al.47; (nomen dubium) Venkataraman et al.72 Acropora monticulosa (Brüggemann, x x Pillai15 Reddiah55 1879) Acropora multiacuta Nemenzo, 1967 x x x Tikader et al.74 Acropora muricata (Linnaeus, 1758) x Venkataraman et al.5 Venkataraman Venkataraman et al.5 et al.5 Acropora nana (Studer, 1877) x x x Venkataraman et al.72 Acropora natalensis Riegl, 1995 x x x Mondal et al.60,92 Acropora nasuta (Dana, 1846) x Patterson et al.43 Pillai & Reddiah55 Jasmine37 Acropora palmerae Wells, 1954 x x x Reddiah55; Venkataraman et al.5 Acropora paniculata Verrill, 1902 x x x Turner et al.23 Acropora papillare Latypov, 1992 x x x Venkataraman et al.5,72 Acropora pectinata Veron, 2000 x x x Mondal et al.60,91 Acropora pharaonis (Milne Edwards, x Pillai8 Pillai15 Ramakrishna et al.47; 1860) Venkataraman et al.72 Acropora plantaginea (Lamarck,1816) x x x Ramakrishna et al.47; (nomen dubium) Venkataramanet al.72 Acropora polystoma (Brook, 1891) x Krishnan et al.46 x Venkataraman et al.5,72; Ramakrishna et al.47 Acropora proximalis Veron, 2002 x x x Turner et al.23 Acropora pulchra (Brook, 1891) x x Caeiro39 Reddiah55 Acropora pruinosa (Brook, 1893) Raghuraman et al.83 (location not mentioned) Acropora retusa (Dana, 1846) x Sukumaran et al.82 x x Acropora robusta (Dana,1846) x Pillai8 Pillai & Pillai8 Jasmine37 Acropora roseni Wallace, 1999 x x x Ramakrishna et al.47; Venkataraman et al.72 Acropora rudis (Rehberg,1892) x Venkataraman et al.5 x Turner et al.23 Acropora samoensis (Brook,1891) x Sukumaran et al.82 x Ramakrishna et al.47, Mondal et al.60 Acropora sarmentosa (Brook, 1892) x x x Turner et al.23 Acropora secale (Studer, 1878) x Pillai13 x Pillai13 Acropora selago (Studer,1878) x x Suresh38 Turner et al.23 Acropora solitaryensis Veron & x x x Venkataraman et al.5 Wallace, 1984 Acropora spicifera (Dana, 1846) x Pillai8 x Turner et al.23 Acropora speciosa (Quelch, 1886) x x Pillai15 Tikader et al.74 Acropora squarrosa (Ehrenberg, 1834) * Pillai & Patel30 Pillai13 Pillai15 Reddiah55 Acropora subglabra (Brook, 1891) x x x Venkataraman et al.5,72 Acropora subulata (Dana, 1846) x x x Ramakrishna et al.47; Mondal & Raghunathan92 (Contd.) iv INDIAN J GEO-MAR SCI, VOL 49, NO 10, OCTOBER 2020 Table S1 — The revised checklist of hard corals from Indian reefs (x: not reported) (Contd.) Species Name Gulf of Kachchh Gulf of Mannar Lakshadweep Andaman & Nicobar Islands Marine Biosphere Islands Reserve Family ACROPORIIDAE Verrill, 1902 Genus Acropora Oken, 1815 Acropora striata (Verrill, 1866) x x x Mondal et al.102 Acropora tenuis (Dana, 1846) x x Caeiro39 Turner et al.23 Acropora teres (Verrill, 1866) x x Pillai & Ramakrishna et al.47; Mondal et al.101 (nomen dubium) Jasmine37 Acropora tanegashimensis Veron, 1990 x x x Mondal et al.56 Acropora thurstoni (Brook, 1893) x Pillai8 x x (nomen dubium) Acropora turaki Wallace, 1994 x x x Raghuraman et al.33; Mondal et al.102 Acropora valenciennesi (Milne Edwards x Pillai8; Venkataraman Suresh38 Turner et al.23 & Haime, 1860) et al.5 Acropora valida (Dana, 1846) Pillai16 x Caeiro39 Pillai16 Acropora variolosa (Klunzinger, 1879) x x x Ramakrishna et al.47; Venkataraman et al.72; Mondal et al.91 Acropora vaughani Wells, 1954 x x x Turner et al.23; Mondal et al.102 Acropora verweyi Veron & x Geetha & Kumar73 x Ramakrishna et al.47; Wallace,1984 Venkataraman et al.72 Acropora yongei Veron & Wallace, 1984 x x x Mondal et al.91, 101 Acropora willisae Veron & Wallace, x x x Mondal et al.59 1984 Genus Alveopora Blainville, 1830 Alveopora allingi Hoeffmeister, 1925 x x x Mondal et al.60; Mondal et al.91 Alveopora
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