AsaKhera .. 158 Ashatadhayayi 1,323 Abdullah Wassaf 324 Asokan 25 Abohar 151 AtmaRam 38 AbubShahar 47, 158, 160, Aurangzcb 31 259, 260, 270 Acharya Bhavdev Suri .. 272 Acharya Vinobha Bhave.. 303 A. Cunningham . 23 Adam (Col. ) .. 33 Baba Bhuman Shah 58,60 Babur 30 Ad Dharmi .. 295 Badri Prasad Administration of Evacuee .. 38 Property Act, 1950 82 Bagri 51,59,64,321 Afghan .. 30 Bahawalpur 79 Aggarwals . 59 Bahlol Lodhi 30 Agriculture Department .. 91, 99, 103, 162 Baira'gi 295 Agricultural Loans Act Baisakhi 58 Bajeka Xl~ ef 1884 . 137 25, 158, 160 AgrIcultural Produce Bal Samiti 320 (Development and Bala 326 Warehousing Corpora- Balmiki • . 54, 55, 60, 295 tions) Act, 1956 .. 150 Banarsi Dass Gupta 39 Agroha 27,59 Bani . 4, 23, 24, 160 Banias (Baniyas) Aheris 60 59,65,259, Ahrwan 151 321 Ahmadpur .. 318 Bansi Lal 39 Ain-i-Akbari 31 Bansi Vatt Mandir 52 Ajmer 30 Banwala 157 Ajmer Museum 27 Baraguda .. 91,93, 112, 158, A.J.S. Sandhu (Wing 159, 160, 181, Commander) 162 187. 218, 236, Akali 310, 316 245, 257, 270 Akali Dal 312 276, 281', 286' Akbar 2, 31, 189, 325 Bargai 295 Ala Singh 32 Barhma 52 Ala-ud-din Khalji 29 Barnala 154 Alha Udal 78 Bathinda 1, 34, 144, 151, Alika 159 153,157, 158, All Mohmad 157 322, 323, 325, All India Radio 75 328 AmaIsamated Fund 163 Batwal .. 295 AIDer SLngh 32,325 Bauria (Bawaria) .. 295 . Ambala 27,34,37 Bawa Crushers Fertilizers Dabwali 126 AmbaIa cantonment 236 Bawarias 60 Amii' AU Khan 35 Bawaria 295 Amin Klan (Muhammad) 32 Bay of Bengal 11 Amtr of8amarkand . 30 Bazigar (Bajigar) 60,73,295 B.G. Finance and AmritSar 160 Industries Ltd., Sirsa 124 Anlllllap$la 27 Bhadra 35, 52, 53, 327 Anand Dairy Pattern 115 Bhagwad Swarup .. 38 Animal<Husbandry Bhagwan Shri Krishan n.partmont College of Education, Mandi Dabwali .. 266,268 Annuai Chhamb Bhagsar .. 57 AppJfed,NUtriti on Bhagwat Dayal Sharma 39 Pr08l'4QlmC 286. Bhajan Lal .. 39 .AtaWc 326 Bhakra Canal .. 87 Aroltacological Survey Bhakra Canal System .. 4 87.88 cflBdia· .. 327 Bhakra Main Line Canal Bhakra Nangal Project .. 87,88,132 38 Aliansbtsh 2 Al'tdanWali 4, 157,321, 327 Bhangiwal (Darba) Arnoraja 27 Bhappan 156 Aroras 59,61, 63, Bharbhuja 295 83,259 295 24 Bharbhunga 35, 55, 63, 262 I Bltarolan Wall 60 398 SIRSA DISTRICT GAzEttEER Bhartiya Janata Party 314 Chauri-Chaura (Bihar) 37 Bhartiya Lok Dal 309,315 Chinese Aggression 162, 271 Bharokhan 319 Chhatrian 34,35, 107 r Bhat 295 : Chhipi 295 Bhatra 295 Chichal Kotti 154,328 Bhatner .. 2 Children's Day 319 Bhattis 189,325 Chimba 295 Bhattiana 2,34 Chimpa 295 Bhattu 2,242 Chormar Khera ..J •• 55,328 Bhaudin (Bhauddin) 4,25,160, Christians I 52, 55, 56, 66 270, 319 Bhedkut Chutala" J 55, 58,118, 296 I 1i.: _ ~ 145, 159, 160, Bhinar 296 234, 236, 243, Bhiwani 1,2,243,289 257,259,260, Bhoja 26,259,326 270,276,277 Bhoora Badal 78 Cis-Sutlej .. 120 Bhopa Bhopi 78 Civil Disobedience Move- Bhudan Movement 202 I ment 38 Bhumia (Khera) 53~" C. M. K. National Girls Bhuna 103 College, Sirsa I 266,267 Bhurtwala 260, 319 Code of Criminal Prace- Bijlee Karamchari dure (Cr. P.C.) 184, 185, 229 Union, Sirsa 291 238 Bijuwali 157 Bikaner 3, 30, 32, 35, Communist Party of India 308,311, 313, 54, 57, 144, 158, ~314 189, 321, 322 Community Development Birender Singh 39 Programme 180,181 Bishan Singh 38 Constitution of India 296 Bishnois 7, 12,54, 58, Co-operative for American 59, 62, 63, 64, Relief Everywhere (CARE) 207 ~ 66, 69, 123, 162, Cotton Research Station 105 281 Court Fees Act, 1870 .. 203 Brahmans 59, 62, 63, 64, Court Fees (Haryana 65, 259 Amendment) Act, 1974 203 Breham Dutt 23 Crash Scheme for Rural British 2, 33, 34, 35, Employment 118 39,41,46, 119, Criminal Law Emergency 184 189, 194, Powers Act 37 199;202,275,323 Britishers I 38 D Browing (Col.) 33 Buddlusm 27,272 Dabwali 2,3,34,39, 4f6 Durj ~hangu 107, 319 43,44,45, , C 47, 48, ~49,51, 53,54,55, 57, Captain Thorsby 257 - 80, 82, 86, 93, Central Asia 30 96,97,100,109, Central Bank of India 139 111, 114, 115, Central Board of Trus- 124, 126, 127, tees " 292 132, 138, 139, Central Co-operative Bank 144, 145, 147, Employees' Association, 150, 151, 153. Sirsa 291 154, 156, 157, Central Provident Fund 158, 159, 160, Commissioner 292 167, 171, 181, Central Sales Tax Act, 183, 187, 188, ~ 1956 204, 206, 209, 194, 195,202, ~ 210,211 204, 205, 218, Central Standards of 234, 236, 238, Weights Act, 1939 150 239, 241, 242, Chahamanas 27,324 243, 244, 245, Chaharwala .. 163 247,249,257, Chamar' 54,60, 295 258, 260, 264, Chamba 5 265, 266, 267, Chanan Mal 38 270, 276, 277, Chandigarh 115, 156, 205, 288,297, 308, 241,242,243, 309, 310, 311, 244, 245, 256, 312, 314, 318, 264, 276, 289, 322,327, 32 290 Dabwali Bone Mills 126 Dairy.Development Cor- poration District Industries Centr~, Dakaut Sirsa .. 130 District Olympic Associa- Dangerous Drugs Act, 1930 tion, Sirsa . 270, 321) 206 District Red Cross Society Daph 78 Daphla Sirsa " ' 317,318,319 74 District Soldiers. Sailors Darba Kalan 251,309, 310, and Airmen Board . 320 311, ~13, 314 Darbi District Table Tennis Asso- 3,157 ciation, Sirsa . 270 Darpi 295 Darzi District VolleY-bail Asso- 295 ciation, Sirs a 270 Daulat Rao Sindhia 33 Divyavadan (a) Death Relief Fund 1,27,272, 323 292 Diwali 52,56 Defence of India Rule 230 Donald Delhi (Dehli) - 34 2,26,29,30,31. Doobwali 322 33. 34, 151. 152 Doom(s) 73,296 153, 156, 158 ' Door Darshi Party 314 318, 321,322: Drishadvati 24,25 323, 324, 328 Dumna 296 Delhi Lahore Ridge 5 Durga Delhi Museum 53,326 27 Dussehra 52,56 Delhi Siwalik .. 27 Department of Industries 129 Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme, 1976 293 Dera Baba Sarsai Nath 52 Easter Dera Ghazi Khan .. 79,83' East India Company Desert Control Programme 117 (British) 33 Desert Development Prog. East Punjab (India) . 79, 80 ramme 114 East Punjab Agriculture. Desh Raj 38 Pests, Disease and Desu (Deshu) Johda 160,202, , Noxious Weeds Act, Desu Malkana 55,260 .. 1949 Deswali 59,64 I East Punjab Holdings Dev Uthani Giyas 63 (Consolidation and Pre- "' Development and Pan- vention of Fragmentation) chayat Department 146, 187 Act, 1948 202 Devi Lal 38,39 East Punjab Molasses· Devnagri 51 (Control) Act, 1948 Dhanak 60, 195 East Punjab Refugees Dhanur 86 Reha bili ta tion (Loans Dhillika (Delhi) 27 and Grants) Act, 1948 Dhimar 296 East Punjab Utilisation Dhobis 295 of Lands Act, 1949 201 Digamber 55 Economic Census .. 173 Dikpala 327 Educa tion Department .. 162 Ding 52, 126, 138, Ekanamsa 323 145, 147, 150, Ekamukha Linga 327 156, 157, 159, Ellanabad 4, 46, 53, 54,' 57, 160, 163, 236 115, 118, 126 243, 257, 260: 132, 138, 144' 270 145, 147, 150' Dipalpur .. 17 151, 159, 160' Displaced Persons (Claims) 173, 174, 218' Act, 1950 . 83 234, 236, 241' Displaced Persons (Com- 243, 257, 276' pensation and Rehabili- 308, 309, 312' tation) Act, 1954 . 83 313, 314, 321' District Archery Associa- Ellen 321 tion, Sirsa .. 270 Employment Exchange District Athletic Associa- (Compulsory Notifica- tion, Sirsa . 270 tion of Vacancies) Act, District Badminton Asso-" 1952 .. .t;iation, Sirsa . 270 Employees' Provident District Cricket Associa- FundS and Miscellaneous tion, Sirsa . 270 Provisions Act, 1952 292,293 District Council of Child Employees' Provident Welfare, Sirsa . 319 Funds Scheme 292 District Hockey Associa- English - tion, Sirsa 51, 247, 265,. 267, 317 SIRSA DISTRI<JT GAZETTEER Epidemic Diseases Act, Ghaggar Canal 4, 86, 1897 Ghaznavid 27. 324 Essential Commodities Ghazni 26,28 Act, 1955 .. 230.234 GhenuLal . 38 Estate Duty Act, 1953 •. 214 Ghias-ud-din l'ughluq 324 Europeans 34,260 Ghoranwali 151 Ghumar 78 Giddar Khera 4 Factories Act, 1948 Gidranwali 58 Fagu .. Gift Tax Act, 1958 215 Family Pension-Cum-Life Good Friday .. 55 Assurance Scheme, Gopi Chand Bharthri •. 78 1971 .. Gopi Chand Textile Family Planning Associa- Mazdoor Sangh, Sirsa .. 291 tion of India , . 284 Gopi Chand Textile Faridabad 44,48 Mills, Sirsa 124, 133, 290, Faridkot .. 1 291 Farm Advisory Centre ., 106 Government Industrial Farm Forestry Scheme , . 117 School for Girls, Sirsa 131,269 Farmers Service Societies 140 Government National Farwam 53,132 College, Sirsa .. 267 Fatehabad 2, 25, 32, 87, 103, Government of India .. 129, 176,212, 144, 151, 241, 292, 293, 298 242, 243, 310, Government of India 311,327 Post.Matric Scholarship FatehChand 38 scheme . 266 Fatta Jaimal 78 Government Piggery Farm, Fazilka 151, 157, 238, Hisar 300 307, 315, 322, Government PolytechniC, 323,328 Sirsa 131,268 Ferozepur .. 3, 34, 144, 238 Goverdhan Puja 56 Fifth General Elections 309,313 Gowala 296 Firozabad ,. 29, 30 Guda! 2 First Five. Year Plan .. 176 Gugga Naumi 53,55 First General Elections, Gugga Pir (Jahar Pir) 53, 54, 58, 78 1952 307,310 Gujranwala 328 First World War 36 'Gupta 25 Firuz Shah 2, 29, 32, 189, Gurmukhi 51 324 Guru Gobind Singh 326,328 Fish Seed Farm 115 Guru Granth Sahib 55 Fisheries Department ,. 115 Guru Hari Singh 328 Fodder Research Station 105, 106 Guru Makeem Shah .. 60 Forest Department .. 116, 117 Guru Nanak College for Fourth Five. Year Plan .. 176 Girls, Dabwali 266 Fourth General Elections, Guru Nanak Dev Ji 55,326 1967 308,312 Gwala 296 Gwar 296 Gwari 296 Ganga 56, 57, 78, 79 H Ganganagar 1,3, 10, 158, 328 Ganga-Yamuna Doab .
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