LIE TV V OS • • UDK 902/904(474.5) Li-227 Redaktorill kolegija: Doc. dr. Valdemaras Simenas (ats. redaktorius) (Lietuvos istorijos institutas, ViLnius) Dr. Anna Bitner-Wr6blewska (Valstybinis archeoLogijos muziejus VarSuvoje, Lenkija) Doc. dr. Rimantas lankauskas (Vilniaus ulliversitetas, Lietuva) Prof. dr. Eugenijus lovaisa (ViLniaus pedagoginis universitetas, Lietuva) Prof. dr. Vladimir Kulakov (Rusijos archeologijos institutas, Maskva) Prof. dr. Valter Lang (Tartu universitetas, Estija) Doc. dr. Algimantas Merkevicius (Vilniaus universitetas, Lietuva) Dr. Tomas Ostrauskas (sudarytojas) (Lietuvos istorijos institutas, ViLnius) Dr. Gintautas Rackevicius (Pili/{ tyrimo centras "Lietuvos pilys", ViLnius) Dr. Arms RadiQs (Latvijos nacionalinis istorijos muziejus, Ryga) Dr. Eugenijus Svetikas (Lietuvos istorijos institutas, ViLnius) Dr. Gediminas VaitkeviCius (Lietuvos istorijos instilulas, ViLnius) Dr. Vykintas Vaitkevicius (Klaipedos lIniversitelas, Lietuva) Doc. dr. Ilona VaskeviciUte (Lietuvos istorijos institutas, Vilnius) Dr. Gintautas Zabiela (Klaipedos universitetas, Lietuva) Dovile UrbanaviciUte (atsakinga sekreton':) (Lietuvos istorijos institutas, Vilnius) ISSN 0207-8694 © Lietuvos istorijos institutas, 2007 ISBN 978-9986-23-138-7 © Straipsni4 autoriai, 2007 )POKHH LlETUVOS ARCHEOLOGlJA. 2007. T. 31, p. 23-38. ISS 0207-8694 CULTU L IDENTIFICATION OF "TIlE CORDED • lOpHHK TERIALS" FROM BELORUSSIAN RIVER BASIN Hom HCTOPH- V ADZIM L. LAKIZA Results ofstudy ofheritage ofthe Corded Ware Culture in the Nemunas River basin are presented in the article. 2 groups ofsites are distinguished by the author: Bershty-Rusakovo group which formation was carried out on the basis of the local late Neolithic Neman culture under strong influence of alien components: "A-horizon" of the Corded Ware, Globular Amphorae, Single Grave, Rzucewo culture; Podgornaya group ofsites with features of the Middle Dnieper Culture. Keywords: The Late eolitthic, the Early Bronze Age, the Corded Ware Culture, the Neolithic emunas Culture, the Middle Dnieper Culture, the Trzciniec Culture. .lausomai nuo Darbas skirtas Virvelines keramikos kultl~ros palikimui Nemuno baseine. ISskiriamos 2 kultiirines miq. Gal ima gnlpes: Berstl{-Rusakovo grupe, kildintina is vietines velyvosios neolitines Nemuno kultiiros, paveiktos 1niko biidq RlItlilinil{ amforlb Ankstyvosios virvelines keramikos kultl~ros ir Pamaril{ kultl~ros tradicijlb bei Podgornajos grupe, sietina su Vidurio Dnepro kultl~ra. vi It akmen ReikSntiniai zodziai: Velyvasis neolitas, ankstyvasis zalvario amzius, Virvelines keramikos kultiira, ne epochoje neolitine emuno kultiira, Vidurio Dniepro kultiira, TScineco kultiira. IVI( industrijq :eiti" tik kartu The territory of Beloru ian Neman river ba in opinion, the culture with corded ware and boat- logijq kiirejais (Fig. I :A) i a part of We tern - Beloru ian prov­ haped battle axe appeared here at the end of Neolith 1ai, "plaukio­ Ince. In the ea tit reache up to Min k and 0 hmyany and exi ted till the early Bronze Age (Antoniewicz, )iniq tiliaus hills, in the outh join with Pole ye, and cover 1930, p. 9). However, since the end of 60-th of 20 "vakarinese" Grodno, partially Minsk and Bre t regions. The larg­ century in the Belorussian archeological cience we re keli simtai e~t river of the region i Neman. In the territory of observe the formation of the concept of determining oniskumo, jq Ihe We tern - Belorussian province Neman takes its of Bronze Age and its periodization with reference nuo zaliavos right inflow : Sula, Berezina, Gavya, Ditva, Lebeda, to corded ware sites of the early period of Bronze ciq skirtingos Kotra, Lo 0 na. Nernan's major left inflows are Age (l1caeHKo, qepH~BcKHi.f, 1967, c. 158- 173). IS") irodymai. visloch, Ro ',Zelvyanka, Shchara, Molchad', Usha, M. M. Charniauski, in his first publication ,mention­ entojams ilglt ervech. The mo t ignificant lakes of the Neman ing some issues on Bronze Age, expressed the opin­ eje Europoje. river ba in are Beloye, Molochnoye, Svityaz, ion, that last. Dobry Bor period of the Neman egzistavimlt Bershtov koye, Koldychev koye. Neolithic culture coexisted with the population of IUS tyrinetojo The history of archeological tudying of the given Bronze Age, in early period of which the Corded cijq arealu ", region count already two hundred year . Hundred Ware culture appeared in the Neman river ba in e, ir Europos of variou ite were open, ten of ite and ettle­ (l1caeHKo, qep~BcKHi.f, 1967, c. 159). lltiirinis tipa ments of Stone, Bronze and Iron Age were exca­ The first re ults in studying of antiquitie dated mizmlt" ir yra vated, a number of article and monographies were the early period of Bronze Age of Northwest Belarus kia pagrindlt written. However for quite a long period of time were brought at the beginning of 70ths of the last leologijoje. Corded culture material from Beloru ian Neman century in "Sketches on Archeology of Belarus" river ba in haven't been con idered to be the object (OLJ:epKH no apxeoJ]orHH oeJ]opyccHH, 1970, c. 125- I Ostrauskas of a special re earch. 126) and "Hi tory of Belarus SSR: in 5 v." (riCTOPbUl It was V. Antoniewicz who for the fir t time wrote oeJ]apycKai.f CCP, 1972, c. 42-44). "Corded materi- about ettlement of the Neman river ba in from the al" were a ociated with the tribe of Baltic or we t by a community that u ed corded ware. In hi Vi tula-Neman cultures (battle and were under 24 VADZIM L. LAKIZA influenc --._. _._. riod of t • • Be. The 1 uities fr /'..\ 2 • of Bron \ • eman • . ..- • ..- 21 ). '- ..-' .........,- .- The 3 4 ofBelo in his la early pe A corded w 100 ....... • of the di 5 6 ing (Yap I I I I the impa cultures - - neverthel 7 of Bel or 8 9 10 tiquitie I I I I Baltic, a . , . ' . ..•••••.. 7 ' .... ' _to_ OF , ".'" ,,- , lure (Yap • pO "". ,.,.,- ' . " ... • • • • , ",'''0'' " " , , ,., , ,." """"",.;, ,,-r,Awl.;:"'''''' " , ,. " '-'" "J ," - - -,- ; ~ ~ - -- . ' , "" ",,, ,,,,.,,. "1' I,.,. ,." ,. " " """,. ,-~, ,., , ,.,.,. ",. ,. ~ ,-'u,,'/ G <i)\ 0 <?D ® @ (fg @ ~-~. ~'Le, (i) ~ @ -@ .:' tiquities • .. - , • -- - ~ • • - • • --..,.. • - OpIniOn, • • - . - • - ( - '- - -.. - were tr - I I I I • • • • circle oft one can 0 with the . , I 12 the Middl c.20 21; 13 It ho Beloru i forrc ear , . ."-' _. ba in of '-'­ -. -. - - pread of , --'--- culture (lJ • - one can 0 15 ite that I , I I , , I I territory 0 idered to Fig. I. A - Beloru ian Neman river basin is the territory under in The Globular Amphorae cultu re material.: I - Tsyganovka, 2 - Lichitsy 2, 3-6 - Krasnoselsky 5, 7- 8 - Dokudovo5, 9- 10 - Nesilovichy 5; Dobry Bor type of the eman Neo lithi ccond qu culture materials: 11 - Podgornaya 4, 12 - Pryrechye 2; Ber hty- Rusakovo type materials: 13 - Dobry Bor 1, 14 - Lysaya Gora, of II mille 15 - Podgornaya 4. 2003; ze IZA CULTURAL IDENTIFICATIO OF "THE CORDED MATERIALS" FROM BELORUSSlA EMA RIVER BASI 25 influence of Neolithic tradition; the determined pe­ basin such antiquitie are traditionally connected to riod of their distribution is between III-II millennia the early period of Bronze Age. Be. Then V. F. Isaenko al 0 attributed certain antiq­ Thus, we single out the problem of identifica­ uitie from the Neman river basin to the early period tion of "corded materials" available at our dispo al of Bronze Age and bound up them with Vi tula­ that in Belarus were traditionally dated back to the eman or Baltic culture (McaeHKo, 1976, c. 10, 15- early period of Bronze Age and were among the cul­ 21 ). ture with corded ware. In thi article we hall u e The primary re earcher of primitive monument the teIlI1 - a circle of Corded Ware culture which of Belorussian Neman river basin, M. M. Charniau ki mo t definitely di clo e the processes that took place in his later publication con ider antiquitie of the in the Neman river ba in during the transitive period • early period of Bronze Age as "monuments with from Neolith to Bronze Age and in the early period corded ware from the Neman river basin" and speaks of Bronze Age (from the moment of appearance of of the difficulty in definition of their cultural belong­ "corded» tradition connected to "A-horizon", till s ing (lIapHJrycKi, 1997, c. 307- 311). He emphasizes the beginning of spread of Trzciniec material ). the impact being made on them by the Corded Ware At present there i a ignificant ource tudy ba e cultures of the Dnieper river basin and Polesye, but for olving of thi problem in the territory of nevertheles ,M. M. Charniau ki con ider the ite Belorussian Neman river basin consisting of 159 of Belorussian Neman river ba in to be clo er to an­ ettlements,5 graves, flint mines and more than 400 tiquities of the Corded Ware culture of Southeast separate finds of stone, flint, bone artefacts of work Baltic, and to antiquities of Rzucewo or Baltic cul­ (JIaKH3a, 2004). ture (lIaprurycKi, 1997, c. 311). As a result of ordering, cla ification and analy- N. N. Kryvalt evich, when studying problems of i of the whole complex of cerantic finds which tra­ Beloru ian Bronze Age, also paid attention to an­ ditionally were dated back to the early period of tiquitie of Beloru ian Neman river basin. In hi Bronze Age, the cherne of divi ion of ware into two opinion, the sites with corded ware from thi region group with determination of type wa pre- were trongly influenced by the Baltic Coa t, the ented (JIaKi3a, 200 1; 2004). The ceramic of group • • circle of the Circumbaltic Corded Ware culture; there 1 belong to the circle of Corded Ware cultures. Sand, one can presence of some feature connected cru hed stone, chamotte were used as ba ic admix­ with the culture of Globular Amphorae culture and tures. Surfaces were well floated, expressively 2 the Middle Dnieper culture (KphIBaJIhQ3Bi'l, 1999, scratched inside, out ide or on both surfaces. The c. 20-21; 200 1, c. 259- 273). ware of group 1 vary. There we single out 8 ba ic It should be noted that "corded" materials from fOI m , 14 types of upper part of ve el (halo), 5 Belorussian Neman river ba in are of great intere t types of flat bottom ,9 type of element and princi­ for researcher from Lithuania and Poland.
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