Table E-1. Special-Status Plant Species with Documented Occurrences in the City of Modesto General Plan Area (Based on occurrences within the Avena, Brush Lake, Ceres, Denair, Escalon, Oakdale, Salida, Riverbank, and Waterford 7.5 minute USGS quadrangles and Federal and State- listed species documented within Stanislaus County, April 2015) Page 1 of 8 Statusa: Common and Federal/State/ Blooming Potential for Occurrence in Scientific Name CNPS Distribution Preferred Habitats Period the General Plan Areab Large-flowered fiddleneck E/E/1B.1 Alameda, Contra Costa, San Joaquin, Cismontane woodland, valley and April-May Low Stanislaus (USFWS list only). foothill grassland. Amsinckia grandiflora Alkali milk-vetch –/–/1B.2 Merced, Solano, and Yolo Counties. Grassy flats and vernal pool March-June Moderate Historically more widespread. margins, on alkali soils, below Astragalus tener var. tener 200 feet. Heartscale –/–/1B.2 Alameda, Butte, Contra Costa, Colusa, Alkali grassland, alkali meadow, April-October Moderate Fresno, Glenn, Kern, Madera, and alkali scrub, 0-1,837 feet. Atriplex cordulata Merced, San Luis Obispo, Solano, and Stanislaus counties. Western Central Valley and valleys of adjacent foothills. Crownscale –/–/4.2 Alameda, Contra Costa, Fresno, Chenopod scrub, valley and March-October Moderate Glenn, Kings, Kern, Merced, foothill grassland, vernal pools, Atriplex coronata var. Monterey, San Joaquin, San Luis on fine alkaline soils, 3-1,935 coronata Obispo, Solano, and Stanislaus feet. counties. Southern Sacramento Valley, San Joaquin valley, eastern south coast inner range. Brittlescale –/–/1B.2 Alameda, Contra Costa, Colusa, Alkali grassland, alkali meadow, April-October Moderate Fresno, Glenn, Kern, Merced, Solano, alkali scrub, chenopod scrub, Atriplex depressa Stanislaus, Tulare, and Yolo counties. playas, and valley and foothill Western Central Valley and valleys of grasslands on alkaline or clay adjacent foothills on west side of soils, 3-1,050 feet. Central Valley. Lesser saltscale –/–/1B.1 Alameda, Butte, Fresno, Kern, Alkali grassland, alkali meadow, May-October High Madera, Merced, Tulare counties. alkali scrub, and saltbush scrub, Atriplex minuscula between 50 and 650 feet. Vernal pool (persistent- –/–/1B.2 Colusa, Glenn, Madera, Merced, Dry beds of vernal pools, on June-October Moderate fruited) saltscale Solano, and Tulare counties. alkaline soils, between 33 and 380 feet. Atriplex persistens Table E-1. Continued Page 2 of 8 Statusa: Common and Federal/State/ Blooming Potential for Occurrence in Scientific Name CNPS Distribution Preferred Habitats Period the General Plan Areab subtle orache –/–/1B.2 Butte, Fresno, Kings, Kern, Madera, Alkaline soils, valley and foothill June-October Moderate Merced, Stanislaus, and Tulare grassland between 130 and 330 Atriplex subtilis counties. feet. Big tarplant –/–/1B.1 Alameda, Contra Costa, San Joaquin, Valley and foothill grassland, July-October Moderate and Stanislaus counties. 100- 1,650 feet. Blepharizonia plumosa Chinese Camp brodiaea T/E/1B.1 Calaveras, Tuolumne, Stanislaus Vernal streambeds and serpentine May-June Low. No serpentine habitats are County) USFWS county list only). substrates in cismontane known in the area and this Brodiaea pallida woodland and valley and foothill species is known from only two grassland. occurrences near Chinese Camp. Round-leaved filaree –/–/1B.1 Throughout the Sacramento Valley Open sites, cismontane woodland, March-May Moderate and northern San Joaquin Valley, valley and foothill grassland, dry California macrophylla central-western California, south grasslands, and shrubland, 50- [Erodium macrophyllum] coast, and northern Channel Island. 4,000 feet. Sharsmith’s harebell (Mt. –/–/1B.2 Santa Clara and Stanislaus counties. Barren, rocky serpentinite areas in April-June None—no serpentine known in Hamilton harebell Endemic to the Mt. Hamilton range chaparral, 1,600-3,000 feet. the area Campanula sharsmithiae Succulent owl’s-clover T/E/1B.2 Fresno, Madera, Merced, Mariposa, Vernal pools between 165 and April-May Moderate San Joaquin, and Stanislaus counties. 2,500 feet. Castilleja campestris ssp. succulenta California jewel-flower E/E/1B.1 Historically common in western San Sandy or loamy soils in annual February-May Moderate Joaquin Valley and interior foothills, grassland, chenopod scrub, Caulanthus californicus currently at scattered locations in pinyon-juniper woodland. Fresno, Kern, San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties. Lemmon’s jewel-flower –/–/1B.2 Western Central Valley and valleys of Pinyon and juniper woodland, and March-May Low adjacent foothills on west side of valley and foothill grassland, Caulanthus coulteri var. Central Valley. between 250 and 4,000 feet. lemmonii Table E-1. Continued Page 3 of 8 Statusa: Common and Federal/State/ Blooming Potential for Occurrence in Scientific Name CNPS Distribution Preferred Habitats Period the General Plan Areab Parry’s rough tarplant –/–/4.2 Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Lake, Merced, Alkaline, vernally mesic areas, May-October Low Sacramento, San Joaquin, Solano, seeps, and roadsides in vernal Centromadia parryi ssp. Sutter, and Yolo counties. pools and valley and foothill rudis grassland. Hoover’s spurge T/–/1B.2 Central Valley from Butte County to Below the high-water marks of July-October Moderate Tulare County. large northern hardpan and Chamaesyce hooveri volcanic vernal pools, vernal [Euphorbia hooveri] pools in valley grassland, freshwater wetlands, and wetland- riparian areas below 80-800 feet. Mt. Hamilton thistle –/–/1B.2 Mt. Hamilton Range, eastern San Freshwater seeps and streams on February- None—no serpentine known in Francisco Bay area: Alameda, Santa serpentine outcrops, chaparral, October the area Cirsium fontinale var. Clara, and Stanislaus counties. cismontane woodland, valley and campylon foothill grassland, 1000-3,000 feet Beaked clarkia –/–/1B.3 Merced, Mariposa, and Stanislaus Cismontane woodland, Valley April-May Moderate Counties. Central Sierra Nevada and foothill grassland, 200-1,500 Clarkia rostrata Foothills, San Joaquin Valley, Hell feet. Hollow, and Merced River drainage: Small-flowered morning –/–/4.2 San Joaquin Valley, central western Chaparral openings, coastal March-July None—no serpentine known in glory and southwestern California, southern scrub, valley and foothill the area Channel Islands; Baja California grassland, on clay soils in Convolvulus simulans serpentine seeps, 100-2,300 feet. Mt. Hamilton coreopsis –/–/1B.2 Eastern San Francisco Bay, Santa Steep shale talus slopes of March-May None—no talus slopes in the Clara, and Stanislaus counties. cismontane woodland between area Coreopsis hamiltonii 1,800-4,200 feet. Hoover’s cryptantha –/–/1A Northern and central San Joaquin Coarse, sandy, soil, inland dunes April-May Moderate Valley. Alameda, Contra Costa, Kern, in valley and foothill grassland Cryptantha hooveri Madera, Merced, San Joaquin, and between 30 and 500 feet. Stanislaus counties. Table E-1. Continued Page 4 of 8 Statusa: Common and Federal/State/ Blooming Potential for Occurrence in Scientific Name CNPS Distribution Preferred Habitats Period the General Plan Areab Recurved larkspur –/–/1B.2 Central Valley from Colusa* to Kern Alkaline soils in valley and March-June Moderate Counties. foothill grassland, saltbush scrub, Delphinium recurvatum cismontane woodland; below 2,500 feet. Dwarf downingia –/–/2B.2 Central Valley extending from Vernal pools and valley and March-May Moderate Amador to San Joaquin Counties. foothill grasslands below 1,500 Downingia pusilla feet. Santa Clara Valley dudleya E/–/1B.1 Santa Clara County, Stanislaus County Rocky, serpentine substrates in April-October Low- no serpentine known in (USFWS County list only). cismontane woodland and valley the area Dudleya abramsii ssp. and foothill grassland, 200- 1,500 setchellii [Dudleya feet. setchellii] Tracy’s eriastrum –/CR/3.2 Colusa, Fresno, Glenn, Lake, Santa Chaparral and cismontane May-July Low Clara, Shasta, Stanislaus, Tehama, woodland between 1,000-5,400 Eriastrum tracyi Trinity, and Tulare counties. feet. Delta button-celery –/E/1B.1 San Joaquin River delta, floodplains, Riparian scrub, seasonally June-October High and adjacent Sierra Nevada foothills: inundated depressions along Eryngium racemosum Calaveras, Merced, San Joaquin*, and floodplains on clay soils, below Stanislaus Counties 100 feet. Spiny-sepaled button- –/–/1B.2 Fresno, Madera, Stanislaus, Tulare, Valley and foothill grasslands and April-June Moderate celery and Tuolumne counties. vernal pools, between 260 and 2,000 feet. Eryngium spinosepalum Diamond-petaled –/–/1B.1 Interior foothills of south Coast Grassland, chenopod scrub, on March-April Moderate California poppy Ranges from Contra Costa County to clay soils, where grass cover is Stanislaus County. Carrizo Plain in sparse enough to allow growth of Eschscholzia rhombipetala San Luis Obispo County. low annuals below 3,200 feet. Talus fritillary –/–/1B.2 South inner coast ranges. Alameda, Chaparral, oak woodland, closed- March-May None—no serpentine known in Monterey, San Benito, Santa Clara, cone coniferous forest, on the area Fritillaria falcata and Stanislaus counties. serpentine talus between 1,000- 5,000 feet. Table E-1. Continued Page 5 of 8 Statusa: Common and Federal/State/ Blooming Potential for Occurrence in Scientific Name CNPS Distribution Preferred Habitats Period the General Plan Areab Legenere –/–/1B.1 Primarily located in the lower Deep, seasonally wet habitats May-June Moderate Sacramento Valley, also from north
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