PROVIN êJA FRAN ĀISKANA TA’ SAN PAWL APPOSTLU, MALTA. No. 125 03.06.2007 Secundum Verbum Tuum CHAPTER OF MATS OF THE YOUNG FRIARS MINOR CAPITOLO DELLE STUOIE DEI GIOVANI FRATI MINORI CAPÍTULO DE LAS ESTERAS DE LOS JÓVENES FRAILES MENORES Terra Sancta 01-08.VII.2007 Rapport tal-kwestornarju f’pa āni…... Kanonizzati San Antônio de Santa' Ana Galvão, OFM, San Xmun Lipnica, OFM u San ĀĀĀororor āāā Preca Il-Ħadd, 3 ta’ Āunju 2007, il-Qdusija tieg ħu l-Papa Benedittu XVI, ikkanonizza 4 qaddisin āodda, fosthom San Āor ā Preca u San Xmun Lipnica, OFM. Fil-11 ta’ Mejju, fil- vja āā pastorali li g ħamel fil-Bra Ŝil, il-Papa kkanonizza wkoll qaddis ie ħor fran āiskan, lil San Antônio de Santa' Ana Galvão, OFM. F’din il-ħar āa ta’ L-AĦBAR qeg ħdin niddedi- kaw diversi pa āni g ħal dawn i Ŝ-Ŝew ā ārajjiet memorabli. Fuq: Il-Quddiesa tal-Kanonizzazzjoni ta’ San Antônio de Santa' Ana Galvão, OFM, l-ewwel qaddis fil-Bra Ŝil, fil-11 ta’ Mejju 2007. Āenb: Ritratt ta’ San Āor ā mal-fa ëë ata tal-Ba Ŝilka ta’ San Pietru. L-A{BAR :UNJU 2007 1 L-A{BAR :UNJU 2007 2007 :UNJU L-A{BAR Qaddisin San Antônio de Santa' Ana Galvão, OFM San Xmun Lipnica, OFM San Āor ā Preca ā 2 odda Benedict XVI Canonizes 4 Saints Calls Them Trinity's "Masterpieces" VATICAN CITY, JUNE 3, 2007. Benedict XVI canonized three priests and one woman religious, and urged the faithful to make their lives, like the saints did, "a song of praise" to the Trinity. The persistent rain that fell in Rome did not discourage the tens of thousands who filled St. Peter's Square for the canonization of Father George Preca, Father Szymon of Lipnica,OFM, Father Charles of St. Andrew and Mother Marie-Eugénie of Jesus. Benedict XVI said in his homily that the glory of God "is reflected in the life of the saints." The Pope urged the faithful to turn their gaze "toward the 'opened heavens' to enter with the eyes of faith into the depths of the mystery of God, one in substance and three in persons: Father and Son and Holy Spirit." The Holy Father said that "God's wisdom is manifest in the cosmos, in variety and beauty in its elements but its masterpieces are the saints." Citing Scripture, the Pontiff said: "Wisdom is an aura of the might of God and a pure effusion of the glory of the Almighty; therefore nothing that is sullied enters into her. "For she is the refulgence of eternal light, the spotless mirror of the power of God, the image of his goodness. And she, who is one, can do all things, and renews everything while herself perduring; and passing into holy souls from age to age, she produces friends of God and prophets." Through Christ Benedict XVI said that in a similar way God's love is poured into the hearts of the saints -- "that is, the baptized" -- through the Holy Spirit. He said that "it is through Christ that the gift of the Spirit passes." "Through Christ," he continued, "the Spirit of God comes to us as principle of new, 'holy' life. The Spirit puts the love of God in the heart of believers in the con- crete form it had in the man Jesus of Nazareth. "In the same perspective, of God's wisdom incarnate in Christ and communi- cated by the Holy Spirit, the Gospel suggested to us that God the Father continues to manifest his plan of love through the saints." The Holy Father continued: "Each individual saint participates in the riches of Christ taken from the Father and communicated at the right time. "It is always Jesus' own holiness, it is always him, the 'holy one,' whom the Spirit forms in 'holy souls,' making them into friends of Jesus and witnesses of his holiness." The Pope added, "Let us be drawn by their examples, guided by their teach- ings, so that our entire existence becomes, like theirs, a song of praise to the glory of the Most Holy Trinity." Maltese President Edward Fenech-Adami, Prim Minister Lawrence Gonzi, Leader of the Opposition Alfred Sant and some 5,000 pilgrims from Malta, at- tended the canonization of Father Preca (1880-1962), founder of the Societas Doc- trinae Christianae. Retired Archbishop Joseph Mercieca of Malta, Archbishop Paul Cremona of Malta, Mons. Mario Grech Bishop of Gozo and Mons. Sylvester Magro, OFM, Bishop of Benghazi concelebrated the Mass. L-A{BAR :UNJU 2007 3 Siltiet mill-omelija tal-Papa Benedittu XVI A friend of Christ and a witness of his holi- ness, Fr. George Preca was moulded by Him …, , born in La Valletta on the island of Malta. As a priest he dedicated himself en- tirely to evangelization: through preaching, writing, catechesis, the administration of the sacraments but first and foremost through the example of his way of life. The expression of St John’s Gospel, “Verbum caro factum est” guided his soul and his every action, thus the Lord through him was able to bring a great work to fruition, the “Society of Christian Doctrine”, which aims to ensure Parishes the service of qualified, well prepared and gener- ous catechists. A profoundly mystic and priestly soul, he gave himself over to the love of God, Jesus and the Virgin Mary. He would often repeat “My Lord God, how greatly I am indebted to you! Thank you My Lord God and Forgive Me!. Saint George Preca may you help the Church in Malta and the entire world be the faithful echo of Christ’s voice the Word San Āor ā Preca made flesh”. • Il novello santo, Simone da Lipnica, grande figlio della terra polacca, testi- mone di Cristo e seguace della spiritu- alità di San Francesco d’Assisi, è vissuto in epoca lontana, ma proprio oggi è pro- posto alla Chiesa come modello attuale di un cristiano che – animato dallo spirito del Vangelo – è pronto a dedicare la vita per i fratelli. Così, colmo della misericordia che attingeva dall’Eucaris- tia, non esitò a portare l’aiuto ai malati colpiti dalla peste, contraendo tale morbo che condusse alla morte anche lui. Oggi in modo particolare affidiamo alla sua protezione coloro che soffrono a causa della povertà, della malattia, della solitudine e dell’ingiustizia sociale. Tramite la sua intercessione chiediamo San Xmun per noi la grazia dell’amore perseverante Lipnica, OFM ed attivo, per Cristo e per i fratelli. L-A{BAR :UNJU 2007 4 Saint George Preca Diocesan Priest Founder of the Society of Christian Doctrine, M.U.S.E.U.M. George Preca was born in lay auxilia- Valletta, Malta, on Febru- ries, would ary. 12, 1880, to Vincenzo be respon- and Natalina Ceravolo. He sible for the was baptized in the formation Church of Our Lady of of the peo- Porto Salvo, Valletta, on ple of God. Feb. 17. It was In 1888 the Preca around this family moved to nearby time (1905- Hamrun. George received 1906) that his confirmation and his Preca met a first Communion in the group of Church of St Cajetan. young peo- When he was 17 years old, ple at Ham- George was met one of his run and in- Lyceum professors, Father vited them Ercole Mompalao, who to start at- told him: "Preca, when you tending his grow up, people who re- spiritual vere God will befriend you confer- and you them. You will ences. He find your good fortune set his eye through them and they on their through you." After his leader, Eugenio Borg, and by Bishop Pietro Pace, and studies at the Lyceum, started explaining the he celebrated his first George entered the semi- Gospel of John to him. Mass at the St. Cajetan nary of Malta with the aim (Later on, Eugenio Borg Parish church in Hamrun of becoming a priest. became the first superior- on Christmas Day. His confessor, Father general of the Societas For a number of Aloysius Galea, died on Doctrinae Christianae and weeks after ordination Fa- April 8, 1905. Preca re- was renowned for his holi- ther Preca would not ven- counted how Father Galea ness when he died in ture out of home except to appeared to him a few 1967.) say Mass, after which he days later and told him: A few months before would retire to a small "God has chosen you to his ordination to the room on the roof and re- teach his people." Preca priesthood, Preca became main there all day in was enthused with this ill and almost died. meditation and contem- idea. He wrote a rule in Through the intercession plation. Toward the end of Latin which he wanted to of St. Joseph, he survived, January 1907, he called send to Pope Pius X for but as a consequence of the same group of young approval. He envisaged the illness his left lung people and invited them groups of seven perma- was permanently im- for a spiritual conference nent deacons in every par- paired. He was ordained a on at the Ta' Nuzzo ish who, with the help of priest on Dec. 22, 1906, Church at Hamrun. L-A{BAR :UNJU 2007 5 The little group sub- Father Preca and ordered society. Father Preca or- sequently rented a small him imperiously: "Lend me dered his members to take place and met there for a hand!" a vow or promise of meek- the first time on March 7, The moment Father ness, gladly forgiving any- 1907.
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