New releases on Olympism and sport Nouvelles parutions sur l’Olympisme et le sport November – December 2017 (Issue 11-12) Find 101 new releases on Olympism and sport, of which 81 are accessible online. Retrouvez 101 dernières parutions sur l’Olympisme et le sport, dont 81 sont accessibles en ligne. New releases Issue 11-12 CONTENT | CONTENU 1. The Olympic Games | Les Jeux Olympiques 4 1.1 Candidature process | Procédure de candidature 4 1.2 Summer Olympic Games | Jeux Olympiques d’été 7 1.2.1 Los Angeles 2028 7 1.2.2 Paris 2024 8 1.2.3 Tokyo 2020 9 1.2.4 Rio 2016 10 1.2.5 Beijing 2008 11 1.2.6 Barcelona 1992 | Barcelone 1992 11 1.2.7 Moscow 1980 | Moscou 1980 12 1.2.8 Berlin 1936 12 1.2.9 Paris 1924 13 1.2.10 Antwerp 1920 | Anvers 1920 13 1.2.11 St Louis 1904 14 1.3 Olympic Winter Games | Jeux Olympiques d’hiver 14 1.3.1 PyeongChang 2018 14 1.4 Sustainability and legacy | Durabilité et héritage 18 1.5 Security | Sécurité 20 1.6 History of the OG | Histoire des JO 20 2. The Youth Olympic Games | Les Jeux Olympiques de la Jeunesse 22 2.1 Summer Youth Olympic Games | Jeux Olympiques de la Jeunesse d’été 22 2.1.1 Buenos Aires 2018 22 3. The International Olympic Committee | Le Comité International Olympique 24 3.1 Olympic Agenda 2020 | Agenda Olympique 2020 24 3.2 International relations | Relations internationales 25 3.3 Presidents and members | Présidents et membres 25 4. The Olympic Movement | Le Mouvement olympique 26 4.1 Governance of the Olympic Movement | Gouvernance du Mouvement olympique 26 4.2 Olympism | Olympisme 27 4.3 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) | Comités Nationaux Olympiques (CNOs) 28 4.3.1 Japan | Japon 28 4.3.2 Singapore | Singapour 29 4.3.3 Switzerland | Suisse 29 4.4 Paralympic movement and Paralympic Games | Mouvement Paralympique et Jeux Paralympiques 30 5. The athletes | Les athlètes 31 5.1 Anti-doping | Anti-dopage 32 5.2 Career management | Gestion de carrière 33 5.3 Medicine and health | Médecine et santé 33 5.4 Olympians | Olympiens 35 6. The Olympic sports | Les sports olympiques 37 The Olympic Studies Centre www.olympic.org/library [email protected] 2 New releases Issue 11-12 6.1 Summer sports | Sports d’été 37 6.1.1 Boxing | Boxe 37 6.1.2 Rugby 37 7. Sport economics and management | Économie et gestion du sport 38 7.1 Governance | Gouvernance 38 7.2 Sports betting | Paris sportifs 39 8. Sport and society | Sport et société 40 8.1 Media | Médias 40 8.2 Peace and development through sport | Paix et développement par le sport 41 8.3 Politics | Politique 41 8.4 Sociology | Sociologie 42 8.5 Women and sport | Femmes et sport 42 The abstracts mainly come from the publishers. Les résumés proviennent principalement des éditeurs. Discover the Olympic World Library Our library catalogue and information portal entirely dedicated to Olympic knowledge. Visit www.olympic.org/library and sign up to be alerted regularly on new resources available. Interested in receiving this new release by email or loaning a publication (nationally or internationally)? Write to us now at [email protected]. Découvrez l’Olympic World Library Notre catalogue de bibliothèque et portail d’information entièrement consacré à la connaissance olympique. Visitez www.olympic.org/library et inscrivez-vous à notre alerte pour être régulièrement informé des dernières publications en date. Intéressé à recevoir cette liste de nouvelles publications par e-mail ou à emprunter un ouvrage (en Suisse ou à l’étranger) ? Ecrivez-nous maintenant à [email protected] The Olympic Studies Centre www.olympic.org/library [email protected] 3 New releases Issue 11-12 1. THE OLYMPIC GAMES | LES JEUX OLYMPIQUES 1.1 CANDIDATURE PROCESS | PROCÉDURE DE CANDIDATURE DOUBLE VISION: THE WINNERS AND LOSERS IN Article THE DUAL AWARD OF THE SUMMER OLYMPICS Ben Cronin. In: SportBusiness international, no 10/11, 2017, pp. 58-65. Paris and Los Angeles were officially awarded the 2024 and 2028 Olympic Games at September’s IOC Congress in Lima. Who stands to benefit from the dual award of the 2024 and 2028 Olympics? Ben Cronin assesses the winners and losers in an unprecedented bidding process. THE EXPECTED SOCIAL IMPACT OF THE WINTER Article OLYMPIC GAMES AND THE ATTITUDES OF NON- HOST RESIDENTS TOWARD BIDDING: THE BEIJING 2022 BID CASE STUDY Dongfeng Liu, Christopher Hautbois, Michel Desbordes. In: International journal of sports marketing and sponsorship, vol. 18, no. 4, 2017, pp. 330-346. Using Beijing’s bid for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games as an example, the purpose of this paper is to explore the expected social impact of mega-sporting events, as perceived by non-host city residents, and the way in which this perception affects attitudes toward bidding. The Olympic Studies Centre www.olympic.org/library [email protected] 4 New releases Issue 11-12 PUBLIC OPINION IN OLYMPIC CITIES: FROM Article BIDDING TO RESTROSPECTION Harry H. Hiller, Richard A. Wanner. In: Urban affairs review, 2017, pp. 1-32. Whereas traditionally hosting the Olympics was viewed as a top-down decision with little public input, public opinion is becoming more important in assessing and evaluating the merits of hosting the Games. Using bid documents from 2010 to 2020, the formal role that public opinion officially plays in the bid phase following the International Olympic Committee (IOC) procedures is examined. READ MORE HOW TO BID BETTER FOR THE OLYMPICS: A Article PARTICIPATORY MEGA-EVENT PLANNING STRATEGY FOR LOCAL LEGACIES Eva Kassens-Noor, John Lauermann. In: Journal of the American planning association, vol. 83, no. 4, 2017, pp. 335-345. Several cities have canceled their Olympic bids in recent years because of local protests and referenda. Bidding cities now face a new political reality as they debate whether a bid is in the best interests of local stakeholders. This paper presents a case study of Boston's ultimately unsuccessful bid to be the U.S. city selected to host the 2024 Olympic Games. The authors ask whether, how, and why Boston 2024 changed its planning approach from the 1st to the 2nd bid to respond to significant protests over its failure to meaningfully involve stakeholders, identify specific legacies, and provide accurate cost details. REPORT OF THE IOC EVALUATION COMMISSION: 2028: LOS ANGELES 2028 International Olympic Committee. 2017, 15 p. This report of the IOC Evaluation Commission 2028 focuses solely on changes to the Los Angeles proposal since the release of the IOC Evaluation Commission 2024 report on 5 July 2017, as well as on the consequences of awarding the Olympic Games 2028 eleven years out. THIS DOCUMENT EXISTS ALSO IN FRENCH VERSION. READ MORE CANDIDATURE PROCESS: OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES 2026 International Olympic Committee. 2017, 57 p. This document, published by the International Olympic Committee, provides a comprehensive overview of the new candidature process for the Olympic Winter Games 2026 and the benefits for cities. It describes the process, the guiding principles and the rules that govern it. READ MORE The Olympic Studies Centre www.olympic.org/library [email protected] 5 New releases Issue 11-12 CANDIDATURE QUESTIONNAIRE: OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES 2026 International Olympic Committee. 2017, 102 p. With the candidature process 2026 the International Olympic Committee (IOC) introduces a new, collaborative approach based on cooperative dialogue and on-going support to Cities and National Olympic Committees (NOCs) interested in developing a candidature to host the Olympic Winter Games 2026. This new process places greater emphasis on sustainability and flexibility to allow cities / regions to come forward with projects that best match their long-term sports, economic, social and environmental development plans. This questionnaire contains the following chapters: 1 - Vision and Games concept, 2 - Games experiences, 3 – Paralympic Winter Games, 4 – Sustainability and legacy, 5 – Games delivery, 6 – Guarantees, 7 – Instructions for the submission of the candidature file. READ MORE DELIVERING SUCCESS: OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES 2026: ENGAGEMENT, LEGACY AND VISION International Olympic Committee. 2017, 37 p. This document, published by the International Olympic Committee is part of the reformed candidature process for the XXV Olympic Winter Games 2026. Building on changes guided by Olympic agenda 2020, this new process provides interested Cities and National Olympic Committees (NOCs) with greater support directly from the IOC. It offers more flexibility to develop Games proposals that are aligned with local, regional and national development goals, and have less financial, operational and environmental impact. “Delivering success: engagement legacy and vision” contains the following chapters, including case studies: Enhancing reputation, economic impact, social unity, sustainability and sporting legacy. READ MORE CANDIDATURE FILE: LOS ANGELES CANDIDATE CITY OLYMPIC GAMES 2024 Los Angeles Olympic Games 2024. 2016-2017, 3 vol. The candidature process Olympic Games 2024 has been shaped by Olympic Agenda 2020, the IOC’s strategic roadmap for the future of the Olympic Movement. 2024 is the first candidature process launched since its adoption. This candidature process comprises three stages, and for each stage the Candidate Cities have to publish a report. THIS DOCUMENT EXISTS ALSO IN FRENCH VERSION. READ MORE The Olympic Studies Centre www.olympic.org/library [email protected] 6 New releases Issue 11-12 CANDIDATURE FILE: PARIS CANDIDATE CITY OLYMPIC GAMES 2024 Paris Candidate City Olympic Games 2024. 2016-2017, 3 vol. Dossier de candidature de Paris pour les Jeux Olympiques d'été de 2024. The candidature process Olympic Games 2024 has been shaped by Olympic Agenda 2020, the IOC’s strategic roadmap for the future of the Olympic Movement. 2024 is the first candidature process launched since its adoption.
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