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Follow us on Twitter @SMagazineUK, on Instagram @smagazineuk and To see more photos from the archives on facebook.com/SundayExpressSMag/ or email [email protected] for your area visit Memory Lane memorylane.co.uk S MAGAZINE ★ 10 JANUARY 2021 3 Get this! There’s something for every budget in this week’s must-have selection Compiled by Lauren Goodwin-Grafton and Laura Mulley GOLDEN GIRL Pendant necklace Roxanne First LOOK £425 SHARP Eye Rescue Pads AlumierMD £25 BOOTYLICIOUS Boots Zara £89.99 THINK PINK Faux fur stole Helen Moore £4949 FACE VALUE Instant Reset Overnight COSY UP Recovery Gel Cream Cushion cover DUSK £40 Fenty Skin £36 KNITTINGKNITTING PRETTYPRETTY HIDE AND SLEEK CashmereCashmere cardigan FLOOR SHOW Bag Hill & Friends £395 Cos £150 Rug (80cm x 130cm) Habitat £95 4 S MAGAZINE ★ 10 JANUARY 2021 IN THE HOT SEAT Armchair Homesense £199 KISS AND MAKE UP Pouch GOODGOODF FOROR THE SOLESSOLES Oliver Bonas £19.50 Slippers Madeleine Thompson £145 LET’S GETETT PHYSICALAL Sports braa H&M £14.99 SPEAKS VOLUMES Beosound A1 Portable Speaker Bang & Olufsen £200 BORN TO RUN BEAUTY SECRET Trainers French Connection £95 Aeterna Gold Astaxanthin Capsules Higher Nature £18 HANDLE WITH CARE Bag Mango £35.99 WRAP STAR Coat River Island £85 AND SO TO BED DREAMDR ON Sleep Zen PyjamaP set Pillow Spray YOLKE LIP SERVICE Drowsy £120 Golden Lip Water Sleep Co in Liquid Gold £21.95 Lanolips £13 S MAGAZINE ★ 10 JANUARY 2021 5 FILM The Little Things Denzel Washington and Rami Malek come face to face in this political cop thriller directed by John Lee BOOK Hancock. Washington plays The City Of Tears a washed-up sheriff in Kate Mosse California who teams up The second in her Burning with a detective (Malek) in Chamber series of historical the bid to reel in a prolific thrillers, Kate Mosse’s latest serial killer. Gripping and release is set in 1572 France fast-paced, it’s everything amidst the Wars of Religion. After you’d expect from a Denzel 10 years of neighbour being set Washington-fronted flick. against neighbour in a battle over It’s out on Friday, 29 January. religion, a precarious peace has taken over in the anticipation of a royal wedding that could reunite France. Minou Joubert and her family find their lives turned upside down as they prepare to attend, unaware that their oldest enemies will also be going. This brilliantly twisty tale is out on Tuesday, 19 January. PODCAST One for fans of The Archers, comedian Lucy Freeman’s latest MUSIC project, Ambridge On The Couch takes an in-depth look at the psyche of the residents of Britain’s best-loved Drunk Tank Pink, Shame village. Written by Freeman and South London post-punk boys Shame are back with voiced by Harriet Carmichael, this an angst-fuelled sophomore album to wake us up hilarious show lets you eavesdrop on the from our mid-January slumps. Featuring rollicking innermost thoughts of the characters as single Alphabet, along with recently released stop- they visit Ambridge’s resident therapist, as start rocker Water In The Well, this much anticipated follow up is sure to be as exciting as their 2018 debut. PHOTOS: PAUL CLARKE PHOTOS: PAUL well as featuring interviews with Archers fans. FILM Pieces Of A Woman, Netflix Vanessa Kirby dazzles in this heart- wrenching story of a woman trying to cope with life after baby loss. Martha (Kirby) and Sean Carson (Shia LeBeouf) are a normal Boston couple preparing for their first child when their home birth goes horribly wrong. The couple must face their midwife in court on charges of negligence, while navigating their own grief and subsequent marital problems. From award-winning director Kornél Mundruczó and executive produced by Martin Scorsese, it’s poignant and incredibly moving. It’s out now. S MAGAZINE ★ 10 JANUARY 2021 7 Left: Blazer Amy Lynn £89 Hoodie £105 and joggers £105 both Labeca London Boots River Island £70 Earrings Pilgrim £19.99 Right: Trench Great Plains £140 T-shirt £35 and joggers £85 both Les Girls Les Boys Boots Carvela £199 Necklace Pilgrim £39.99 8 S MAGAZINE ★ 10 JANUARY 2021 FASHION The new classics Take your tracksuits and hoodies outside and layer up with fresh pieces to update your look S MAGAZINE ★ 10 JANUARY 2021 9 Blazer £55 and trousers £35 both Asos Hoodie Labeca London £105 Trainers Jumper £240 Adidas Stan and skirt £205 Smith at both Max Mara Schuh £75 at Fenwick Earrings Wolf Cream jumper & Gypsy £45 Hush £75 Trainers New Balance at Schuh £80 Necklace River Island £14 for pack of three Bag Topshop £19.99 10 S MAGAZINE ★ 10 JANUARY 2021 FASHION Shirt £38 and trousers £35 both Asos Earrings £24.99 and
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