1 CROWN HEIGHTS ~May 2, 2008 כאן צוה ה’ את הברכה CommunityNewspaper פרשת קדושים | כז' ניסן, תשס”ח | בס”ד WEEKLY VOL. I | NO 25 MAY 2, 2008 | NISSAN 27, 5768 THE REBBE'S SOLDIER Rabbi Hodakov was a soldier; indeed, he was a leader of many distinguished mosdos and was involved in many great projects who conducted himself as a sol- dier. His aim was to fulfill the Rebbe’s directives. He had no other desire. In everything, he was very partic- ular that it should be done with truth and honesty. Pages 4-5 The MAHARASH NEW FEATURES! R a b b i S h m u e l , keenly aware of his A story of the Rebbe Page 9 great responsibil- ity, was among the Pirkey Avos Page11 foremost fighters in the battle for the Kids Page Pages15-16 survival and defense of the Jews against the vicious attacks from Government circles. Page 9 Rabbi Segal: Halochos of Sefira Page 2 Beis Din of Crown Heights 390A Kingston Avenue, Brooklyn, NY Tel- 718~604~8000 Fax: 718~771~6000 Rabbi A. Osdoba: ❖ Monday to Thursday 10:30AM - 11:30AM at 390A Kingston Ave. ☎Tel. 718-604-8000 ext.37 or 718-604-0770 Sunday-Thursday 9:30 PM-11:00PM ~Friday 2:30PM-4:30 PM ☎Tel. (718) - 771-8737 Rabbi Y. Heller is available daily 10:30 to 11:30am ~ 2:00pm to 3:00pm at 788 Eastern Parkway # 210 718~604~8827 ❖ & after 8:00pm 718~756~4632 Rabbi Y. Schwei, 4:00pm to 9:00pm at 796 Montgomery St. ☎ 718~773~3146 Rabbi Y. Raitport is available by appointment. ☎ 718~604~8000 ext 39 Rabbi Y. Zirkind: ☎ 718~604~8000 ext 39 Erev Shabbos Motzei Shabbos Rabbi S. Segal: ☎ 718~604~8000 ext 39 ❖ Sun ~Thu 5:30pm -9:00pm or ☎718 -360-7110 Rabbi Y. Osdoba ☎718~604~8000 ext 38 ❖ Sun~Thu: 10:0am -11:30am ~ Fri 10:am - 1:00 pm or 7:35 8:39 ☎ 718 -604-0770 Rabbi S. Chirik: ☎ 718~604~8000 ext 38 ❖ Sun~Thu: 5:00pm to 9:00pm Gut Shabbos 2 CROWN HEIGHTS ~May 2, 2008 The Vaad Hakohol Halachos for the Sefira “B’cal Dor v’Dor By Rabbi Shlomo Segal Chabad Custom By Moshe Rubashkin Avrohom Avinu, rebelling against the Member of Crown spiritual environment of his genera- Heights Bais Din According to the Chabad custom, wed- In the Hagada tion, in the same way a person can find dings are not made until the beginning it states, “B’cal dramatic metzarim in their own lives, Question: of the three days of Hagbala, which is on Dor v’Dor and Baruch Hashem in every generation the third of Sivan. But regarding taking Chayav Adam and in every life, Shich Tzu Der Abishter What are the spe- a haircut it is forbidden all the days of Liros es At mo Metzarim. So the pshat in the Hagadah cial Halachos for Sefira until Erev Shvuos, when one Kilu Ho Yatza doesn’t’ mean only to imagine that you the Sefira days? may take a haircut. The reason for this Mimitzrayim.” were back then experiencing the tzaros custom is stated in Tshuvos Minchos In every genera- and how it would have felt. Of course Answer Elozor in the name of the Arizal that tion, a person it means that, but it also means go and the prohibition of a haircut in Sefira must see himself as if he went out of find the emesdike tzara that you have It is cited in the is not related to mourning period but Egypt. How does one actually relive in your own life--the tzara that is so Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch (chapt. is based on Kabbala, that there are the drama of being a slave and regain- powerful that you can’t even imagine 493:9) that men and women have a days of decrees related to the hair and ing their freedom? As everyone knows that you could ever get beyond it. You custom not to do work (such which therefore the prohibition is also for a further along, the Hagada describes have already made peace with it and is forbidden on Chal Hamoed) from Baal Bris, a Chosson and is also valid how Avrohom Avinu grew up in a world given up on getting away from it. The sunset until they have counted Sefira. on Lag B’omer and in the three days of where Avoda Zara was everywhere. It message of the Hagada is that you can This would be an additional reason why Hagbala, until Erev Shvuos. In Otzer was very difficult to overcome it because get beyond it. If you give it your effort, women should be counting Sefira. Minhogai Chabad - Pesach pg. 283 is the Chachomin then were ovdei Avoda Ha Kodesh Baruch Hu will help you, quoted, “The Rebbe mentioned many Zara. The kindest and finest people of and you can be free of this thing that In addition, it is customary to refrain times that also on Lag B’omer we do his generation were ovdei Avoda Zara. enslaves you and traps you. And in from making weddings and taking hair- not take haircuts.” Avrohom Avinu because he knew what that way, one can understand “B’cal cuts, because of the mourning period the Aibishter is, was able to stand up Dor v’Dor Chayav Adam Liros es Atmo for the 24,000 students of Rabbi Akiva Hair shaving by women on different to this environment and free himself Kilu Ho Yatza Mimitzrayim.” In every who perished in the Sefira days. parts of their body is permitted as from it. And he found a way to live his generation, there are tzaras that seem life in the service of Hakodesh Baruch impossible to overcome. You must Hu. This wasn’t done in secret; he was believe and do what you can to stand a well-know figure.I n a sense we could up to them, and Hashem will help you, say Avrohom Avinu lived through the and you will be free. drama of being a slave and gaining his freedom. Then you will really know what it felt like for the Yidden that escaped slavery The Hagada talks further about “b’col to freedom in Mitzrayim. dor v’dor omdim alenu l’caloseinu,” every generation they stand up to destroy us, yet “Ha Kodesh Baruch Hu matzileinu miyodum,” the Aibishter saves us from I would like to wish Mr. and Mrs. Yanky their hands. Sufrin a Mazal Tov for the upcoming Bar Mitzvah of their son, Mordechai Normally, this is referring to the Haman Eizik, who shares the same name as or the Ahmadinejad of every genera- Rabbi Hodokov. All the Rebbe’s bro- tion. However, one can also interpret chos should be fulfilled—he should be this ‘memra’ to mean that just like the a Chossid, a Lamdam, a Yiras Shamayim Yidden were physically enslaved in mitoch ashiros muflaga b’chol inyanav. Mitzrayim and they escaped, just like Avrohom Avinu spiritually escaped It is also proper to say yasher koach his environment of Avoda Zara, in Yanky as the head of the Netzigim for the very same way, every yid in every all your hard work and dedication to generation has an Avoda Zara that is the Rebbe’s Shechuna. enslaving them. They have to stand up to it and escape from it. And just like On a personal note, thank you for for the Yidden it meant something your support and wisdom that you’ve dramatic like escaping Egypt, or for been guiding me and helping me put together the rec. center, helping me mentioned in Poskim since it is not A person may purchase new dishes that design it, and making it happen. Your considered a haircut and the prohibition one does not make Shehecheyonu on parents, Shluchim for over 40 years, bli is only for hair on the head. Women them. One should refrain from buying ayin hara kein yirbu, should have gezunt Newspaper are also permitted to take a haircut a house or a dwelling place. According and long life, and lots of nachas from Community regarding matters of purity and mod- to Halacha, one may move into a new you, their son, and your children, their 392 Kingston Avenue esty, Tznius. home during the Sefira days but there grandchildren. Brooklyn, NY 11225 are those who say that it is not a sign Published & edited weekly by the Vaad Hakohol The Blessing Shehecheyonu of blessing. The Rebbe wrote in a let- I would also like to thank the Matriach, of Crown Heights. ter that it is worthwhile to follow this Rebbetzin Hecht, for the einichel’s Moshe Rubashkin, Rosh Hakohol We refrain from making the Brocho opinion and therefore before Pesach, Bar Mitzvah. You should have only Dr. Tzvi (Harvey) Lang, Chairman “Shehecheyonu” in the Sefira days one should bring into the new house Yiddishe, Chassidishe nachas from all Rabbi Plotkin, Secretary on a new fruit, in order not to make some items (after he has already brought your kinderlach and einiclach and long, Layout: SimplyUnique ([email protected]) a joyous blessing during this time the Chumash, Siddur, Tehillim and the healthy life. I would like say Mazal Tov All material in this paper has been copyrighted. It is the exclusive property of this newspaper, unless otherwise by saying “Shehecheyonu vkiymonu Tanya) in order not to begin moving to Rabbi Shalom Hodokov on your attributed., and cannot be reproduced without the consent of the publisher.
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