I998 UNIVERSIryOF WASHINGTON MISCELLANEOUSGENERAL INFORMATION r 1998Husky Football Schedule Wordsto Bow Down GENERALINFORMATION. A. EmergencyProcedure Checklist B. WeightRoom Scheduling . C. TrainingRoom Schedule D. SpecialEmphasis HelmetWaiver 3A E. FiveMajor Ingredients for SquadDevelopment 4 1. Loyalty 4 2. Hustle. 4 ShowCourage 4. CareAbout Winning . KnowAssignments . A c F.&G. Rulesand General Policy . 1. General 2. DressingRoom . Practice 4. Injuries,Treatment and Training Room Policy 5. Gambling o o- Publicity-Press, Rbdio, Television - . o TrainingTable . 7 B. ParkinoComments 1 9. DormSecurity 10. RedShirt Rule . 11 Coach-PlayerRelationship Problem tz- CoachesPhones 1a DormCleanliness..... 14. Anont Pr rla 7 15. UW HousingRule . 7 16. TicketPolicy ,t', Weapons 7 to_ FroshHazing 7 19. PracticePasses 7 20. Females 7 21. Fraternities 22. Fighting 23. ThefWandalism..... U of W - 1998- MISCELLANEOUSGENEML TNFORMATTON- Continued: GENERALINFORMATION - Continued e? H. PyramidObjectives I l. Flexibiligand Warm-up Program 9 Weightand ConditioningIn-Season Program 10 K. WeightsSchedule 10 t. FirstWeek 10 2. SecondWeek 11 Restof Season 11 L. Universityof WashingtonGrading System 11 General 11 2. System 11 FiguringPercentages 11 A FinalGrades 11 M. SundayChecklist tz N. ThursdayChecklist 1? il. SCHEDULES tc A. 1998Husky Football Coaches Meeting Locations 15 B. FreshmanSchedule to C. 16x 110Test Schedule 17 D. Weekendltinerary 18 E. FallWeigh-ln Assignments 19 F. FootballTraining Table - AugusVseptember. ZU \f. DormDuty - 1998. 21 H. PracticeField Organization . t. Two-A-DaySchedule ZJ J. ThreeWeek Calendar 24? K. 1998Fall Schedule:...... : 25 ASU,BYU, Nebraska 25 - Continued: U of W -'1998- MISCELLANEOUSGENERAL INFORMATION zo SCHEDULES- Continued. .'' ( 26 L. Pre-GameWarm UP 27 M. 1998Football Game Week Plan 29 1il. SCOUTING A. Summerand FallScouting Assignments ' 5U B. Pac-10Video Exchange PolicY ' ' '1. ' 30 Off-SeasonTapeExchange" " " " 30 Exchange " 2. In-SeasonTaPe " " 30 3. BYeRule 31 4. N-on-ConferenceExchange in Season . JI 5. VideotaPingRules 32 6. BowlGames 33 C. MasterVideo Schedule for 1998 (, ) UNIVERSIryOF WASHINGTON - 1998 HUSKYFOOTBALL SCHEDULE September5 ArizonaState Tempe 7:00mst September12 Bye September19 BrighamYoung Seattle 12:30pdt September26 Nebraska Lincoln 2:30cst October3 Arizona Seattle 7:00pdt October10 UtahState Seattle 12:30pdt October17 California Seattle ?'?fl nrlr October24 OregonState Seattle 12:30pdt October31 USC Los Angeles 12:30pst November7 Oregon Fr rnana 1:00pst ? November14 Seattle 12:30pst November21 WashingtonState Pullman 2:00pst ? ll. DEFENSIVECHARTS AND AWARDS A. DefensiveObjectives - Staff: 1. Win Hold opponentsto I O Dointsor less. Scoreor give offensefield position (50 yard line plus _two times). Cet 4 takeawavs. 5. Preventoffensive big gains: Field: 20 yard run, 25 yard pass TD: l5 yard run,or pass 6. Stopthird down play(Z-10). 7. Stop 3rd and Long play (&t O) 8. Three and out 50o/. of drives 9. No touchdownafter .t a turnover. 0. Eightminus yardage plays. a Turnover Board- Staff l. Causefumble. Recoverfumble. 2 Interception. Block kick. 5. Score. c. Oubtanding Defensiveperformance - Staff: The followingwill be considered 'I in evaluation: . Highestgrade. 2. Most aggressive. 3. Most rackles. 4. Most assists. 5. RBI'sand big plays. Kicking Board- Staff: 1- Kick off coverage- lessthan 20 yardsaverage. 2. Punt return- + I O,score, block. 3. Net KickingCame better than opponent. Net puntingaverage under 32 yards. 4. Playerof the Week. Back Up PlayerAward - Staff F. Big Hit Award c. Big Plays: 1. Tackleinside 20 on KO. 2. Tackleballcarrier for loss. 3. Knock down pass. 4. Bighit. 5. Extraeffort or oustanding play. 6- Fifteen(15) or moreyards on puntreturn. 7. Harassthe QB on pass. 8. Stop2-point play. 9. Stop 4th down aftempt. 10. Interception- 11. Causedfumble. 12. Blockedkick. 13. Recoveredfumble. 14. Scoreon defense- C H. Husky Hit Board- Pleasesee pagethree (3) for example: I )rl ! I I - iAsslsT iTACKES c, I TAoci lFonLoss OB HABRASS ori I FUMBLE J ME}.TAL ERROR J . DEFENSIVECHARTS AND STATS: Cnde Chart- by Came(C.A.): Kickins Burton J/ 50 2094 51211277o 0 lo0 Towns 56 5l 009l 443000761 0 86 B. Cnde Chart- by Season(C.A.): L. Teamand IndividualPerformance Chart - by Came(G.A.): l. Team- a. SuddenChange b. Penalties z. Individual- BigPlays and RBI's- ProductionPoint Chart D. Teamand IndividualPerformance Chart - by Season(C.A.) Self-ScoutingStatistics - by GamdSeason:See sample Self-Scout reports next page ? ( 3 F (J s z z ts 3 o z z 3 z I F 6 zI ,--. 3 + F 9 a9 E .a z 3 z F l F o IV. DEFENSIVIGAME PLANNING A. Sunday: I . Crade PreviousWeek - Awards,Coals, etc. 12.00 StartCrade 2. Personnel- Discuss 3. Opponent Video Study a. 6:00 RecruitingCalls b. 7:00 LastYea/s Came c. LastThree Cames Video - as Staffor Individual On Board- Routes Plays Formations 4. IndividualCoaches Study: a. Protection/lnsideRun - Randy b. Coal Line - Scoft c. ShortYardage - Scott d. Off TackleRuns - Dick e. OutsideRuns - Scott f. 2 min. Offense- Scoft g. Routesand PassActions - Ron h. RedZone - Dick B. Monday: '1. Eeginregular game plan 2. Lookfor opponent'stendencies: a. Down andDistance b. Hash& Formation 3. What and who we musttake away 4. What coveragesand defenseslook good and bad 5. What adjustmentswith basedefenses 6. Presentwritten scoutingreport to playersby pre-practicemeetings 7. Basicdefense and coverages: a. Basicaftack b- Shortyardage and goal line 8. What playersneed to be identifiedto haveto be more pressuredor coached? 9. Cameplan finalized before p.m. practice a- Personnel22123124 b. Coal lindshortyardage c. Playaction pass - 21 personnel d. Rungame must stop e. Pass- Qk game C. Tuesday:Stop Run '1. Shouldplan be alteredor possibleadjustments? 2. Reviewof shiftingor motionrules 3. Practice- what to put in - (Dirty Dozen)video 4. PM critique of gameplan and video review of practice. 5. Completeopponent game video review 6. Beforepractice; a. 21/201121/10,2nd C/Tu Run b. PlayAction Pass c. 2 Back DB Pass 'l d. Back DB Pass e. Screendraw reverse D. Wednesday:StoP Pass l. Total review 2. Studyplayer tiPs. 3. Putplan in writingand handout to players runsand passes' Dirty Dozen ( Stujy Formationtips, backfield keys, stop top 5. tdeniifyand take away QB pressurecheck-<' 6. Hand out positiontip sheetspre-practice 7. For practrce: a. Playsvs. Man Pressure b. 1111Q|l2314 + c. Fld/StrC EmPhasis d. Tu andC 3rd Down Defense E. Thursday 1. Totalreview, defensive calls to be usedb1'down and distance- - in defenses 2. Removeselves from team duringpractice siSnal 3. Work substitutionschemes. ^ 4. Dir 5. Affi AA 6. Sidr 7. For (Vl,+rt)e{ a. :tory b. F. Friday: l. Wri ti 2. Sub 3. Rev ("L ( 4. Vidr c. Saturday: 1. Fina 2. wll H. WeeklyTot-- 't. Tip sheet- WednesdaY 2. CalIsheet - WednesdaY/ThursdaY 3. Thursdaychecklist - WednesdaY 4. Fridaysequence (40 Plays) 5. Fridayseries (2 - 3/outseries) 6. Test- Thursday 7. FinalEdition - ThursdaY DEFTNSE5[ISTED: C (Move,Up,Stenr, Shifi, Doom, Show, Creep, Wide Harvk,Tilt, Slicle) #Stunts Zone MaMZone Man/Pressure Zoney'Pressure Stud C6 Free Dbl. Cr C6 - silver PlugC4 Evil C4 C6 Combo Dog Out C6 - gold Tag C7 Cl Special(H) Dog In C6 - gray #5lant Cl Cloud W€akJet C5 F (West) Rov Dog C6 - red #Angle C6 Free(Rat) Whip DogC6 - rr.hite Pinch Dbl. ElitzC6 - bronze Tilt Purple Slanr CreenC6 (All) 5hade Echo lllff (tlex,Wide, stem, Short, Loose) NC Zone Man/Zone Man/Pressure(Twist) ZonePressure N, TA,EV (Rat) C6 Free BackerC5 Y TU LooseFielcl Dog C4 NT,NE Mike C6A Twist CrashC6 A Tex BashC6 Tip SmashC6 Tap Mac C6 F Tonr,Tim BagC6 Y Steal PlugC6 A 5lant RoverC6 Strike RamC6 fLD/STRG, Sell,Over, Kick Tone ManZone Man/Pressure Zone Pressure (Dbl) Tim C9 #C6F Robber #Dbl StintC6 C 9 Cloud Tonr(Dbl) C9 Cloud C2 Combo #Dbl Blitzc6 #C 9 DoBOur (Change) C8 Lb uandrt StrDog C6 #C 9 Dog Inside(Srvitch) #Starburst C2 TighrDog C6 Whip Dog C8 C1 SplitDog C6 \{ham C8 C4 5ilver RocketC9 C7 CowboyDog C9 Cloud C Zorro HUSKYDEFENSIVE TICHNIQUES: END5 & STUDS TACKLES& NOSE ,/ tecn Spark PassRush 1 Tech Spark PassRush 5 Tech CrossShldr Contain f 'Tech CrossShldr Hancls y lecn 5pv Clear - ach Hands 5pv 'l J tecn Flare - 4 Tech Adios t -4 Tech spv Shade Tilr WHIP BACKERYMIKE "D" Crash Contain PassRush Man/Curl2DeeP Out Rel' Curl Up 9l Blit/Engage Curl/Flat "D" Crash HookCurl 3 l-8Tech 51 Blit/Contain Flat/Wheel Normal Ape\ 31 Spark tvVv Shufile 10 UP ForceOver ToP Janr Fill Squeeze JtrnkDrop "7" Bam Fill Combo BunrP Sky/EasyForce Cut 5craPe Trail/Clamp 91 ReadForce CrossShld r Combo CrossShoulder Cut Rush Rat 5 Pass JunkDroP 9 TurnRun Fold Drain FruS ROVER CORNERS FREE l- 8 Tech "D" Crash Curl/Flat lnvert% Tech Robber [Jrr Blit/E ngage Flat/Wheel Han.rmer/FunnelAlVheel Tech MiddleI /3 Apex Blitz/Contain Outsicle1/l LevelWheel Tech Deep Y2 Fill (lnsideOut LegFree) CrossSlrldr' MiclclleI /3 Outside1/3 Tech(4) 5kate(Run to DeePzone) (Bump) Low Hole Cloud Force(C 1 CLD) Low Hole -'oss c Splir9l - shoot Bandit Shoulder Bandit 91 Read N /M 5h Lrffle u & Engage lnsideMan j Sky/Easv unk Drop ConrboTech Lomoo Fold LOmOO No HelpMan Cut - Man Free Outside PressNlan BailMan/Bail Zone Press/Man PunchTech C Split91 - Shoot VII. SCOUTTNGREPORT. DEFENSE (Handout to playerson Monday) A. CoverSheet: B. OffensivePersonnel: F 1. Picturesof all elevenif available.Name, number, height, weightand (Key class. back-uppersonnel. I C. EasicDefensive Information LF F"dteE"),t-Rrns/Passes/Protections. 2. P FavoriteFormations - # of Times,personnel Crouprngs. 3. P FavoriteBackfield Sets - # of Times,Run/pass. 4- P FavoritePersonnel Croupings - # of Tinres,Run/pass o/o. 5. P PersonnelCroupings - FavoriteFormations - Run/Pass %, Favoriteplays - Run/pasVprotections. 6. P HoleZoneTendencies by Croupings- RunVpasses. 7- FavoriteCroupings by Down and Distance. D. FormationHit Charts: l. P FavoriteFormation Run Hit Chart. 2. P FavoriteFormation Pass Hit Chart. 3. P FavoriteMotions/Movements. E. FieldPosition Information: 1. FieldPosition. 2. Formationto EoundaryHit Chart. 3. P FieldPosition Totals by Down and Distance- Runs/passes. F. Down and Distance: 1. Playsafter first down run of threeyards or less.
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