ED 178 297 SI 028 643 lUTHOR Lien°, Violetta F,,, TITLE Inves-iigating the. Marine Environment and Its Resdurces, Part II:' i.NSTTUTION Texas A anti. M Univ., College Staticr. SPONS,AGENCY National'Oceanic and AtmosphericAdmihistration (DOC), Rockville, 'Md. National SO1 Grapt Erogram. 'REPORT NO TAMU-SG-79-401 ,PUB DATE Jun'79 GRANT NOAA-04-8-M-01-16Q NOT 282p.; For Part-I, See SE 028 642 A/ LABLE FROM Sea Grant program, Texas A & 5 bniversiky, College Station, Texas 77843.(Parts'I and II 38.00r EDRS PlICE MF01/PC,12 Plus Postage. ,DESCRITTORS Claps Activities; *EcolOgy; *Environment; *Environmental Education; *Environmental Influences; Marine Biology; Natural Resources; Oceanology; *Science Educaticr; *Water Resources IDENTIFIERS *Sea Grant 11 ABSTRACT This" is the'seccnd.of two volumes ccourising A resource unit designed to help.studentsbecome wore knowledgeable* about the marine environment and its-resources. Included'in'this volume are discusSioEs of changes in the human and marine envirozment, human needs, marine resources,' living carineresowrce's, . , marine transportation, marine energy sourees, recreation, and V, esthetics of the marine environment. Discussions are interded to help students analyze their life-style an& how it is influenced by the 2 marine,environment and theit use cf marine resources. (Author/RE) 4. 11-.) .i , , Y , : . 4 / . 4, 4. , .:,.. ****************************************** RefroductiOns Opplied1 EDRS ate the pest'that can be made'. * 4 i ' * from t .e'original docuient.$ , * *************4*0******44*****4*********** 1 i '.1,..- ,1' r: A.!: . ; * ''' a . % 4. r ; ^ Investigaing the. Marin? Enviionitent and Its Resources Paryli by ViolettaLin Al* Of PANTNif NT Of III At TH PEHMI0t1 Ht l't101)(il! I III . f OM AT ION WIT f AWl MA T.L.HIAl /a°, 13,I.EN (MAN If 1.)fil 'NA .ONAI 'INS T. !TUT I. Of f ou AT ION T>ro'usscircti . ,I I A. I I - ( 0' pa 1 II PI:I N, 1 ,t. ' I 10 flitI ITOCA !HMO, l1' 1.) t /NI 0/0/111110N 1,11411 II 111! ; ". Seo.. e Program Texas A&M University :1% -SG-79-401 / Ii 4 4. % INVESTIGATING THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT t AND ITS RESOURCES PART II. \- V .1 by Violetta F. Lien 1 Depart ent of EduCational. Curriculum and Instruction .Texas A&M University p. illustrated by Diane C. Mersenski Nancy Pedulla Jim Raatz Jill Wiggins TAMU-SG 79 401 1 June 1979' Reproduction of any part of this book, except forclassroom instructionaluse, is prohibited witholit prior approval , from the publishers, the Texas A&M Unimersity Sea Grant College Program %) Partially supported through,Institutional Grant 04-8-1101-169 to:Texas A&M University by the National Oceanic And,Atmospheric Administration's Office'of Sea Grant Department of ComMerce . , - ,. < _r ITABLE OF.CONTENTS PAg I. PAGES P . 'I., UNIT OVERVIEW Major Goals ansl Objectives 3 II. TOPIC ONE--INTRODUCTION Activity One-i-Earth Is a Water Planet 9 A Syntu About the Sea 11 s. The. Sea and Me . 1? Brainstorm--How Water Influences Us' . 13 Slides/Cassette Tape--tarth is .E1 Water Planet . " 14 .. Collage of Concerns and Feelings . .. , 19 Activity Two--Words, Poems and Books of the Sea Words from the Sea 21 Sea Language Ashore 23 Marine Words . 28 Poetry of the Sea 29 Letters of the Sea 30 Books of thelS6 32 Tales of the Sea 34 Tale of ge 5ea 35 Activity Three-Signals of ,the Sea 36 Signal Flags . : 37 Signal Flags and Cekmunication 39 4 . III. TOPIC*TWO--THE SHAPE,OF ITI ' , 40 . Activity One:-Trip Into the Depths of the Gulf . .. e). 43. , i Trlp into thi Depths of the Gulf of Mexic0 . , . 45 Characteristics of the Floor of the Gulf 53 , 1 . Activity Two--The Ocean Floor . 54 Topography of the Ocean Floor 56' Mural of the Ocean Floor 58 Exploring Terra . -S9 . '.,. IV: TOPIC THREE-7GEOLOGY.OF THE GULF 61 .y I ActivitOne--Drifting Contfnents and,Prehistoric Organisms , , k 4 r Marine Geology , . .. 65 t ( Continental Puzzle . : . , . , .. , .. '67 The. Puzzle.. .. : .... :.. .' ....../. ., 69 _Plate Tectonics or Sea-Floor Spreading . 74 Prehistoric Marine:Organisms 77 . , ': Activity TwoTexas Gulf CoastGeological Past .130 Where was the TexasCoast. In the .Past? 89,' Texas Gulf'Coast-Pleistocene to Recent 91 A Geolojical Detective Story 92 Geology of. the Gulf of Mexico, 93 Activity Three--Texas Gi1 oastRecent Features Of the Gulf Coast. 96 Changing Coastlines in Historic Times- '100 ' Trouble in Paradise. .104 V. TOPIC FOUR--THE PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE OCEAN. rofr , Activity One--The Smell and Taste of the Sea :109 % Small 110 Taste.. -.#. 111 , Vav, Activity Two-"-The Noisy Deep (Sol.inds of the Gulf). .. ..'. 112 The Sounds of the Gulf ,. 113 Cassette Tape/The Noisy Deep ''' lla (Monsters of the Deep . 114 Voices of the Noisy Deep 118 Sound in the Sea ' 120- 4. Activity Three--The Light and Dark of It 121 -:4 The LighVand Dark of-sit 122 Light in the Sea 125 AK . Activity FourThen Hot-and Cold of It - 127 ". Temperature of the Water : 129 Sea Ice Formation, , i" 130 . TbeFrozen Sea,s . :. ... '. 131 e Activity Fivv--A Li ttl es Sal t and Force , 132' What is the Sallnity? . 133 A Little Salt 134 Why is the Ocean Salty? . .136- The Force--Presstire%. 138 Sea Water and Presstire .... :.. 14,1 Acti vi ty Sfix--Derisity and the .Sea 142 Salinity and Density...... .. ,143 Temperature and Density. ... .... 144 Sea Water and Density. .. .146 .. ... : ' I , . - t. ' .. i . 1 I' Acti.vi-.ty.Seven.-=It Movedsl,...... ...I., .. , ., . ... ''.147 -- CurrentS.: . -...-.. ... .. ............. ... .... ., 149 SurfacC''t Currents of the. GUlf bf Mexico . -. .: .. 154 How Tides are:Formed. ... , }., 157 In ,and Out --The T14es::..... ..=`.,.. ' r.'.1.1...... 15'8 . .c. Waves /... .: . .4*.!..,....7., ...r. 160 M0e4aves . '. -: , . : . .162 '4 . , Catasfr6phic Waves. 164 ',..,,..-. .Say It with a Dance. i 165 . vs, , iv 5 1.VI. TOPIC FIVE--SEA INTERACTS WITH THE LAND 166 Acii/lty One--Texas Coastal Climatic Zones 171 The Gulf of_Mlexiio Interacts With the Ttxas Coast . 172 - El-Nino 176 A Activity TwoTropical Storms and Hurrican6 . 177 Hurricane! 178. Spectacular Agent of Change 180 HazardOus.Sea Warnings, 182 Hurricane Tracking .184^ Hurricane Floodirjg,.... 185 Hurricane Storm Surge 188 HQW Would You Prepare for allurricane? 189 Hurricane Safety Checklists 189 VII. TOPIC SIXTHE MARINE .ENVIRONMENT ANb MARINE ECOSYSTEMS. 194 Activity One--Zones of the Marine EnOronment 199 ; Zones of the Marine Environment 200' Marine Zones ahd ABlotic Characteristics 204F" Activity Two--Basic Grdups'of Marine Organisms 206 -t - Nekton 207' ' S. Plankton 208 BenthoS,' 210 - Activity Three--Intertidal EcosysteMs 213 Marine Ecosystems 221 Rock, Jetties, and Groins- .222 Sandy Beach 223 The Oyster Reef . .. , ..... ... 124 Salt Marshei 225 Mud Flatii. A 227 The Water, Itself 228 Activity FourIMarine OrganismsLet's,Get Acquainted. 229 'Underwater Life Activity (Fingerpainting) . 231 Syntu About a Marine Organism 232 Marine Life Along the Coast of the United States . 233 Let's Get Acquainted 234 Name ttie Animal 235 'Specially Designed .. ... 236 Design a Beak .. : - 237 Gyotaku: Preserve-it with a ,Print 238 Marine Mobiles. , 239 *at,Your Dissection (Teacher Section) TOPIC SEVEN-,-EyERYONE'BELONGS (ENERGY .RELATIONSHIPS). 240 . .. Activity OneProducer,'Consumti-. .;' 2#4 Producers4 ConsumOrs-, Decomposers f245 Marine Orpnism 'Card Deck.." 246 , , ...t : . '../.4 . I : 4 , ActivityTwo--Who's for Dinner? , . 259 - Who's for Dinner? (Game) . 260 40 . i . Activity.Three--Who-Eats-Whom .... .. .1.. , . 262 .Who Eats Whom (Card Game) ; . .., ..... .. 264 Chkin--Chains of Mar*ne Ecosystems Food 266 *Food Chain MobileS (Teacher Section) J . 7 Activity Four--ead Life Exist Without Light/ , .., 267 ,t,i Can Life Exist Without Light? . .,--4,1 , . 268 . Activity FiveThe Big:Web'.... .... ,. 269 Food Web$ of Marine Ecosystems .'. , . -, . _''. .'' 269 What Would Happen If... ? .. .. : . , 270 / . The Uninvited Guest 271 ' Food Web Tag,(Teacher Section) - . Activity 6.ixf--It's A Pyramid 272 273 ' It's a Pyramid . Plake a Dolphin (Game) 4/ 274 Food Pyramid Questions , . 278 1 Managing a Small Bay Area . .. 279, # IX. TOPIC tIGHT--THE BIG CIRCLE (CYCLES) . .281 Activity One--.The-Big Circle (Cycles)' 283 # Water CycTe 284 Travels Through King.Neptune's Domain 286' , Water Resources , 287 Water.Cycle Questions . ..... , 288 . Activtty T4o--The Carbon-Oxygen Cycle , 289 . .Carbon-Oxygen Cycle 290 Man and the Carbon Oxygen" Cycle. 292:: Question$ on Carbon-Oxygen Cycle . 293 , . , . Activttyll-iree--The Nitrogen Cycle 294 The Nitroge Cycle 295 , A Nitrogen Crisis 296. Nitrogen Cycle Questiohs , 298 Activity Fobr--The Not So Perfect Cyclv . 299 The Not So Perfect Cycle (Phosphorous Cycle) . 300 Phosphorous Cycle Questions 302 . , X. TOPIC NINE--SUM IT URI.. :.......% . ... 303 . , , . # -1 Activity One--Man and the Marine Environment -4 . 305 *What Do You Say?,..... , 30 1 Sapceship,Earth , 307 . I Am Only One ... .- 30$ , Mercury in Lanaca Bay , 309' "Super-Preservative" for Sale?? 310 : It's Your Decision ' . c . .' . :311 . " ,.. 04/ Activity'TwoPlan for the Future 312 Mariculture System for the Fu ure 313 p.s. Activity', 314 . : V PART II < XI. TOPIC TENCHANGES 315 1- Activity OneChange Is a Natural .31i . 4 Introduction to Change . 318 It's Natur40 to Change 320 . , Once There Was One, Now There Are Two! 321 . 'Activity.Two--Changes-in Man's Activites and the Coastal Zone 325 ,- 10,000 BeC. , 326 4,000 B.C.tEl 1,000 A D ,326 . , 1520 A.D. to 1800 A D ,:,.. .. 327 1800 to 1900 . .327. 20th Century . %.. ..... .,' . : . ... 328 The Future . 329 XII. TOPIC ELEVENWATSOR NEEDS? . .. 335 Activity OneWishes,. Wants and/o-r Needs 337 . A Dozbn Wishes . .. t . 338- Hierarchy of Human Needs* . 339 Show and Tell 340 , AdvertizingWants- and Needs . " . ... 341 , r . Activity Two--Past, Present and Future Ne/eds .. 342 KarankawaThe Past 344 Early Texas Seangrt. ... .IL The Year 2000 '1 .. 350 0414- A 1* ,My World . .). ... .. 352' . Activity Three--Culture and Wants or Needs.
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