THE PLATTE VALLEY’S NEWSPAPER SINCE 1888 THE SARATOGA SUN WEDNESDAY • APRIL 16, 2014 • VOLUME 127 • NO. 37 • $1 Photos by Doug Radunich Charred debris from a work shed ravaged by fire late Saturday night is all that remains of the structure behind 507 McCaffrey Ave. The fire reportedly started in the shed and moved to the home in front of it. Sunday morning firefighters were investigating the scene to find the cause of the fire and ensure the fire was completely out. Firefighters were on the scene until 1 p.m. Sunday afternoon.Below , the roof and rear of the Encampment home received the most structural damage in the fire. Two vehicles and a camper were also severely damaged. Valley firefighters respond to Encampment three-alarm fire Thirty-foot flames equipment from Saratoga and destroy home Ryan Park also responded. As many as 10 firetrucks carrying By Doug Radunich firefighters and apparatuses A blazing fire swept through from the three towns came to a house and shed in Encamp- put out the blaze. ment Saturday evening, de- Cory Nuhn, the Carbon Coun- stroying both structures and ty Fire Department’s Encamp- requiring help from firefight- ment Division Chief, said the ers in three communities. large blaze was officially extin- The fire broke out around guished by around 6:30 a.m. 9:30 p.m. Saturday evening Sunday morning, around nine which extensively damaged hours after the fire broke out. He the entire house, a backyard said some crews stayed on site work shed, two vehicles and a for investigation until around 1 camper. The damaged two-sto- p.m. Sunday. ry log house, located at 507 “There were probably 25 McCaffrey Ave., in Encamp- personnel members on site, ment, was a family residence. and there were about 39,000 Crews from the Encamp- gallons of water used,” Nuhn ment Fire Department arrived said. “What I saw were 30-foot on the scene around five min- flames in height, and the house utes after the first emergency call, while firefighters and Continued on page 6 In the Churches hold Pileup closes I-80 Commission stuck Panthers join six- Spiering second in Sun: Easter Services 2 for 18 hours 5 in neutral 7 man shootout 10 tourney 23 Page 2, April 16, 2014 The Saratoga Sun Silas Lee UPCOMING EVENTS Wells Joey Lee and Amber Wells, of Laramie, announce the arrival April 16, 1-3 p.m. of their son, Silas Lee Wells, Veteran’s Assistance born March 19, 2014. Donnan Room Silas was born in Laramie and weighed 7 pounds, 13 April 16-17 ounces and was 20 and one half Blood Draw/Health Fair inches long. Sponsored by the Valley Service Organization Maternal grandparents are Cheryl Taylor and the late Great Hall James Taylor, of Gillette. April 20, 9:30 a.m. Paternal grandparents are Roy T. and Donna Wells, of Easter Celebration Encampment. Saratoga Alliance Church Silas joins his sisters Chole, 8, Theater and Claire, 4 in Laramie. April 23-25 Wyoming County Commissioner’s Convention Great Hall April 26 SMHS Prom Great Hall April 27 Local churches hold Easter services Ballet Emmanuel By Mike Dunn day April 17 at 6 p.m. with the 9 a.m. Theater Easter is just around the cor- Last Supper service in their fel- St. Barnabas Episcopal lowship hall. They will also be Church will be holding a ser- For more information, please visit our web site at www.pvcenter.org, ner, and several churches in the click on calendar of events or call 326-7822. Platte Valley and Carbon coun- hosting the Service Hand Bells vice at 6:30 p.m. Thursday as ty are holding special services Choir on Sunday at 10 a.m. well as their regular service on The Abundant Life Church First Baptist Church in 9 a.m. Sunday. will be holding Friday Night Saratoga will have their regu- St. James Episcopal Ser- Services at 7 p.m. on April 18. lar service at 11 a.m. on Sun- vice will hold their Holy Eu- LET YOUR VOICE They will also have their regu- day, however, they will not be charist at 9 a.m. Sunday. lar service on Sunday. holding an evening service on Ride on Faith Ministries BE HEARD! Aliens and Strangers, the Easter. will have their Easter Mass and Community Youth Group in Saratoga Alliance Church breakfast starting at 10 a.m. on Sunday. Forest Health Task Force Saratoga, is hosting A Good will be holding Easter Celebra- Friday Reflection at 7 p.m. fea- tion, “I Know Your Name” at The Saratoga Church of April 8-10 at the Platte Valley Jesus Christ of Latter-day Community Center Great Hall turing the film “The Cross”, The the Platte Valley Community Youth Center is at 102 Cedar. Center beginning at 9:30 a.m. Saints will be holding their Gateway South Transmission Project The Christian Community St. Ann’s Catholic Church regular services, starting at The BLM’s 90-day comment period ends May 22. The Rocky Moun- Church will hold a service at will hold several masses prior 10 a.m.. tain Power transmission line project will begin in south central Wy- 6 a.m. on Easter Sunday at to Easter. On Thursday, they The Platte Valley Chris- oming near Medicine Bow and end near Mona, Utah. The Draft EIS, Grandview Park in Encamp- will hold mass at 6:30 p.m. and tian Center in Saratoga said including route maps, may be obtained by visiting the website: http:// they will be holding an Easter blm.gov/wy/st/st/en/info/NEPA/ducments/hdd/gateway_south.html ment. Good Friday Mass will be held Encampment Presbyte- at 6:30 p.m. Saturday’s Easter Breakfast at 9 a.m. and an Tuesday, April 22 – Voices of the Valley rian Church will start their Vigil will be at 8:30 p.m. and evening service at 6 p.m. Board of Directors regular meeting, Easter celebrations on Thurs- Sunday’s Mass will be held at 9-11 am at Saratoga Town Hall. Come meet the new VoV Board members! Tuesday, May 7 – Public comment accepted on proposed Invasive Plant Manholes, meetings and meters Species Management. By Mike Dunn the water meters, which were Water and Sewer Board. The Medicine Bow-Routt National Forests and Thunder Basin Nation- Repairs to Saratoga streets installed by Reiman, were not “(CST Industries) came al Grassland (MBRTB) is proposing to treat non-native and invasive plants using a variety of methods in the future. Possible alternatives were discussed by members of functioning properly. through and sealed the man- for those actions have been crafted into an Invasive Plant Management the Saratoga/Carbon County Bartlett said that Tom Thomp- holes, we have found a couple Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), which is now available Impact Joint Powers Board son, attorney for the town of that were leaking, but they are for public review and comment. The Draft EIS is online at:http://www. (Water and Sewer Board). Saratoga, was going to set up coming back on May 12. They fs.usda.gov/projects/mbr/landmanagement/projects. Specific written Town engineer Chuck Bart- a meeting soon between the are going to go through all the comments on the proposed project will be accepted for 45 calendar days after the notice of availability is published in the Federal Register. lett said that the town is going Reiman Corporation, the town manholes again and reseal them The comment period closes May 7, 2014 to try to set up a meeting with of Saratoga and PMPC. if they are leaking,”Bartlett said. the Reimen Corporation con- The town of Saratoga had sev- Bartlett announced that cerning the meter project. eral manholes resealed through- the town of Saratoga pumped Voices of the Valley At the March Water and out the town. The total cost of 9,304,246 gallons of water for 307-710-8646 Sewer Board meeting, several the project is $73,200, of which the month of March. [email protected] members of the board were 75-percent of the cost of the The next Water and Sewer Website: vovwyoming.org Check out Voices of the Valley on Facebook concerned with paying the project came directly from grant Board meeting will take place $182,000 retainage to Reiman money. The other 25-percent at 6 p.m., May 14 at Saratoga This ad co-sponsored by The Saratoga Sun Corporation after several of of the project arrives from the Town Hall. The Saratoga Sun April 16, 2014, Page 3 Ready for the drill Photo by Liz Wood Members of the Saratoga Volunteer Fire Department prepare for students at Saratoga Elementary School. The school had a fire drill, then learned about what the Saratoga Fire Department does in emergency situations. FBO: board chairman exaggerated oil spill By Mike Dunn be writing letters, there should hangar for a week, I want to be The fixed-base operator be a vote of the board. And last able to do that.” Hamilton said. (FBO) for Shivley Airfield Kim meeting, there was no motion “Right now, that is something Lorenzen said that the con- made for a vote. Mr. Patterson that we are not able to do with saratogasun.com ditions of his hangar were is not a dictator.” the language in the minimum “over-exaggerated” by Saratoga Patterson was not present at standards … so I don’t like that Airport Board Chairman Mike the April 9 meeting. part of it.” “Hack” Patterson at the Airport Lorenzen said he has since “I think it is pretty GA (gener- Board meeting on April 9.
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