FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17,1952 15 NOTIFICATION OF CLUBS -TRADITIONAL CLUBS -MODERN ENGAGEMENTS WANTED MUSICIANS WANTED VACANCIES ORDER,1931 FREDDY RANDALL requires ALBEMARLE JAZZ BAND. ACADEMIC MONDAY? LONDON AREA Engagement of persons answer- Wednesday." White Hart,"Jimmy Skidmore, Tubby Hayes, BERT CROME, drummer, first-class jazz trombone. -En- 83,120, ing these advertisements mustquiries with full particulars to Southall.Buses105, Fred Perry, Red Price, Johnnygood reader, fully experienced,be made through the local officeMUS. 9733. 607. Rogers, Ron Heaseman, Leonbop, swinDixie.-HOL 7247. of the Ministry of Labour, or BRENTWOOD RHYTHMRoy, Eddie Taylor, Roy Hatton, DRUMMER, modernstylist,Scheduled Employment Agency MUSICAL TURNSofall CLUB.Tuesday." LionandPeteHarris,Freddy Harper,goodreader; owntransport.if the applicant is a man 18-64kinds wanted for odd dates, Lamb " Hotel. GEOFF KEMP'SKenSykora,LenWilliams, -Watford 7583. inclusive or a woman aged.18-59socials, concerts. Christmas JAZZ BAND (formerly LonnieGeorge Jennings. Danny Hag- DRUMMER, transport.-ADVinclusive unless otherwise ex-parties. -Write Lonart Agency, Donegan). gerty, Jimmy Stackhouse, Dave1971. cepted from the provisions of62 Christchurch Road, S.W.2. CATFORD JAZZ CLUB, Fri-Davani, Ron Fallon. " Prince of theNotificationofVacancies WANTED, PIANIST, young days, 7.30 p.m. Mike Daniels,Wales' (minuteRavenscourt TUITION Order. 1952. reliable; read, busk and smileI listen or dance.SUNDAYS. 7Tube). -WillDe -Barr,MD,Royal p.m.:" Jazz Interlude," Mike ACTON BOP CLUB. " White Al NEWS ... Forest Hotel, E.4. Daniels, Neva Raphaello, FredHart." Thursday,byover-ERIC DELANEY'S SPECIAL NOTICES Hunt, weekly guest spot. whelmingdemand JIMMYDRUM SCHOOL CHARLIE GALBRAITH andSKIDMORE withthesensa-"Percussion Perfection." CARNIVAL HATS, balloons INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE his Jazzmen. SeeTRADI- Designed novelties. List free. -E. Clayton, TIONAL " 51." tional JohnnyAlexander Recently B FLAT CLARINET; Simple CLUB CREOLE. Every Sun-group ! Under 32 Danesleigh Gardens, Leigh -System; good condition, £10. - day, 7.30 till 10.30 p.m.: BOBBY ANTON PROGRESSIVE Modern on -Sea. Box No. 147, NME. MICKLEBURGH'S BOBCATS.ALL-STARS BertCourtley, Methods. GERALD() SWING CLUB, Admission (members) 3s. - 44Matt Ross, Eric Delaney. Don Entire Britain's No.1 Modern Music Gerrard Street. Lusher, Jimmy Skidmore. Eddie Rhythm Club. Membership 2s. 6d. p.a.- SECRETARIAL CLUB FAUBOURG.EveryTripp. " White Lion," Edgware. School. - . S.a.e. Bert Wilcox. 4 Earlham Thursday, 5.30 till 11.30. Sensa-Sunday noon. Comprising Private and Per-Street, W.C.2. TEM 1762/3/4. DUPLICATING, TYPE- tional new DAVE SHEPHERD " BOP "Sydenham ModernsonalTuition ONLY onall LOANS FOR HOMES. Mort-WRITING.Experienced secre- QUINTET with JO SEARLE.Music Club, " Fox and Hounds "types of Drumming. gage facilities still available.-taries. -Mabel Eyles, 395 Horn- Admission 3s. Remember Tues-Ballroom, Kirkdale, Sydenham, Also on staff Maurice Thros-M.I.M.A-LAN 6941. sey Road, N.19. ARC 1765. days : MULLIGAN. S.E.26. TerryBrown,Lewsell who handles all transcrip- LONDON JAZZ RECORD CLUB SATCHMO. Sunday, 7Robinson Group. Dancing.tions, Charlie Botterill for allSOCIETY. " Bear and Staff," p.m. " White Lion," Edgware. tuned percussion (vibes, Glock, INSTRUMENT REPAIRS CRANE RIVER JAZZBAND.Every Thursday. Xylo, Bells, Tympani). Charing Cross Road, tonight: Dancing.Bar.Next : Christie CLUB ELSINO. " Lord Palm- Sound -proof studio - com-MAY BROTHERS. HARRY HAYES' Repair Ser- Brothers' Stompers. erston," Staines Road, Houns-pletesetofdrums - Conga THE LESLIE EVANS'vice is universally accepted as CRANFORD JAZZ CLUB.low. Thursday : TERRYDrum, Bongoes, Latin-Ameri-Advanced StudentOrchestrasthe best and most economical in EveryFriday," WhiteHartBROWN, Garry Chevins Sextet.can gear, etc.For drummers'commence another season Sun-GreatBritain;lacqueringa Hotel,"Bath Road, CranfordThis week :DON RENDELL,interest - photographs,latestday, October 26, Mac's, Greatspeciality. - 20 Romilly Street, (HounslowWestUnd. Stn.MIKE MINSHULL, Bill Gold-Americancatalogues,tutors,WindmillStreet,10.30till 1 W.1. Buses 81. 98 and 222). Homeing. Downbeats, Metronomes, Radio,p.m., 2.30 till 5 p.m.8 Brass, 6 ofCraneRiverJazzBand. CLUB 15," Pigeon's Hotel,"Gramophone and records. Saxes, Rhythm, using George RECORDS FOR SALE Members 2s., guests 3s. Romford Road. Stratford. Sun- Call in and have a chat; noEvans'scores. (Regret NO DELTA JAZZ CLUB. Satur-day, 7.30: CELESTINO QUAR-obligation.- 13AldersClose,vacancies but reserve -list avail_ DO YOU LIVE in Croydon? days8 p.m.:Mike DanielsTET, Ed Nichols Quintet andEdgware. Middlesex.MILlhillable to good musicians.Inter-Thenyourrecorddealeris Band. guest artists. 4488. ested listeners welcome, free).Addiscombe Music Stores, 235c HUMPHREY LYTTELTON ALTO AND Clarinet tuition.Past pupils as student orchestraLower Addiscombe Road, Croy- CLUB meets every Wednesday, FOREST GATE JIVESection and band coaching. -members include : Pete King, Jo 100 Oxford Street.Details ofACADEMY. LEARN TO JIVE.Jack Carter. PRO 1333. Hunter (Parnell); Kenny Claredon, Surrey. JRRA, of course. club from 84 Newman Street,Free -style instruction commen- BOBBY MICKLEBURGH(Rabin), Johnny Sherry, George W.1. LAN 5861, cing next week every MondayteachesTrumpet and Trom-Borg. Trevor Lannigan (Basil RECORDS WANTED JOY'S JAZZ CLUB, 44 Ger-and Saturday, 8 till11. 2s. 6d.bone. -Ring TEM 0079(after-Kirchin), Len Williams (Nor rard Street.Sundays, 3 till 6Private lessons. - 193 Earlhamnoons). manBurns),FredPercival, GOOD PRICE paidfor p.m. Grahame Stewart. GuestsGrove, E.7 (1 minute Station). BRITAIN'S BEST SaxophoneJack Sprague, Tony Symes, Ronsecondhand records. -Contact Denny Coffey and other person-MAR 2979. Teacher, LESLIE EVANS,Deverill, Doug Hand (GeorgeB.& R, Bros., 54Brokesley alities. FROZEN ROBIN'S NEST,teachespersonally EVERYEvans), Mary Louis(GracieStreet, Bow, E.3,AMH 7883 LOCARNO JAZZBAND," White Hart," Hornchurch.lesson - no substitutes - noCole), TonyArnopp (Philafter 6 p.m. " Viaduct."Hanwell,Sunday,Tuesday, 8 p.m.: Tubby Hayes'lasses. Beginner,Moderate,Tate),Ken Pester(Trevor 7 p.m. Dance or listen. andPeteBraywithKenAdvancedCourses. Timing,Brookes), Pete Stacey (Johnny LONDON JAZZ CLUB, Bri-Turner's Modernists. Technical Studies. Music Free.Kerrison), Kenny Kaye (Frank RECORDING tain's Premier Jazz Rendezvous, "JAZZ AT THE FLAMINGO"Specialitypostaltuition,lowWeir), Roy Bentley (Roy Fox). 100 Oxford London. etc.,etc., plus countless others BROADCASTS recorded and Street, (formerly " Jazz at the Maple-fees, unlimited patience. Sylla-playingwithbestsemi -pro.tapes dubbed to disc at THE W.1. Monday / Saturday Nightton "), 39 Coventry Street. Pic-bus :275 Colney Hatch Lane,bands.If you need a good reli-most competitiveprices. Jazz :Christie Brothers Stom-cadilly.This Sunday :FROMN.11.ENT. 4137. able musician - phone LeslieMICROGROOVE a speciality. - pers. Membershipdetails, 4the GERALDO ORCHESTRA, CENTRAL SCHOOL OFEvans for free advice ENT 4137.Ring SHE 2176, Ext. 2 after 11 Earlham Street, W.C.2. TEMTheDouggie Robinson / EricDANCE MUSIC offers tuition a.m. 1782/3/4. DelaneyAll -Stars. Plustheunder Britain's greatest panel "RED LION," Sutton. Everysensational resident attraction,of teachers. Every pupil re- MUSICAL SERVICES MOBILE UNIT: 1 guinea per Wednesday, BOBBY MICKLE-the Kenny Graham Afro -Cub- hour plus discs; 10 in., 14s. 6d.; ceives the personal help and 12in., BURGH and his "BOBCATS."ists.WEDNESDAY :AnotherguidanceofPrincipal IVOR CHORD STRUCTUREas 19s.6d. Pressings by Brand new traditionalband.Double Decker Bill, KENNYMAIRANTS. SAVE MONEYapplied to the Saxophone. Thequotation. - Tele-Sound Ser- SOUTHERNJAZZ CLUB.GRAHAM AFRO -CUBISTS andbefore buying an instrument byhome study course that everyvices,Ltd.,37 Court Parade, Leytonstone. Fridays 7.30. EricRalph Sharon All -Stars. soloistmusthave.East Lane. N. Wembley, Middle- Silk's consulting our Instrumentaspiring sex. ARNold 5201/2. Southern Jazzband. LEARN TO DANCE JIVE,AdviceBureau. - ApplyforBeautifullyprinted andwell Valentine 7266. FREE STYLE instruction Mon- Secretary.laid -out, with everything fully TRADITIONAL "51."Every Prospectus to explained.Over 300 examples Friday from 8till11. 10/11day. Wednesday and Saturday,CSDM, 15 West Street, W.C.2. INSURANCE Great Newport Street. Resident8 till11 p.m.. 2s. 6d.SundayTEMple Bar 3373/4. and exercises, written and de- Band : CHARLIE GALBRAITHAfternoon Club. 3 till 5.30 p.m., FREDDY CLAYTON for thevisedbyHarryHayes. 13 ALL MOTOR INSURANCE. AND HIS JAZZMEN. London's?s.6d.-Delaney'sSchoolforfinest trumpet tuition;sectionlessons for £1, post free, from :Lowest rates, best terms. NO greatestJazz Club,TRADI-Jive, 143, King's Road, Chelsea.work, ad libbing.- 151a Gold-Harry Hayes, 20 Romilly. Street,RESTRICTIONS ON OCCUPA- TIONAL " 51.'9 S.W.3 (entrance in Floodhurst Terrace, N.W.6. MAI 9220.London, W.1. GER 1285. TION. W. C. COLLINS & CO. WEST END JAZZ CLUB.Street). HARRY HAYES for the finest (Insurance Brokers). 14-18 EveryFriday. 44 Gerrard NEW JAZZ SOCIETY nextsaxophone and clarinet tuition. PUBLICATIONS QueenVictoriaStreet,E.C.4. Street.New ResidentBand. Beginners to advanced sections CITY 6875. Our Musical Instru- MIKE COLLIER'S JAZZMENmeeting October 28. coached. Success guaranteed. FRANKIE LAINE'S ownment Insurance Scheme already featuring Jo Lennard.Admis- STAINES -STAINES." Anne-20 Romilly Street, W.I. GERstory. Illustrated. Thrillingwidely known. Rates £1 per sion 3s. Boleyn." Sunday, 7.45: Norman1285. reading.Hurry. Few left. 8d.E100 and pro rata ;also
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