The Flipside Magazine 2010-2011 Campus Secrets Maecenas nec enim urna. Donec nibh nulla, interdum vitae convallis id, bibendum Revealedmalesuada quam. Sed ut nunc in ligula scelerisque aliquet vitae et dui. Nulla dignissim ligula alertsu Nulla at leo metus. Nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum four loko sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla augue dolor, interdum dictum mattis rutrum,Sed sodalessit amet at risus. est Suspendisse lacus. potenti.Suspendisse Etiam ac metusac maurissed magna enim.auctor consequat Ut justo mauris, ul- eu vel velit.trices Sed ultricies ac suscipit volutpat odiout, at adipiscingsagittis. Nunc sedat elementumlectus. ligula. Donec Proin id luctus nibh odio, eu fring- metus id tortor laoreet eleifend. Integer vel lectus sed tortor congue vestibulum. Nunc dictum neque at magnailla euismod ante. aliquet Aliquam id eget interdumipsum. Integer mollis ultrices, elementum. neque et hendrerit Vestibulum rhoncus, quis lorem sed ligula semjusto faucibus suscipit magna, sit ametfermentum. ultricies arcu Integer neque vitae sodales velit. Etiam turpis id felis in enim, dolor in euismod et plac- sollicitudin lectus. Sed non purus a justo ornare porttitor. Vivamus tristique, est in posuere scelerisque,erat metus enim sem cursus posuere. dui, quis Curabitur vulputate neque semper mi a felis. magna Vestibulum orci, nunc a libero,tristique urna. Pellen- consecteturtesque lobortis molestiehendrerit eu, metus hendrerit at at tortordolor. Cras elementum nec dolor massa, sed a ultriciesfermentum dolor. sem sagittis. Sus- Praesent quis ipsum eu neque pharetra facilisis. Aenean eu risus in leo pulvinar interdum. Ut eget justopendisse ut sapien accumsan potenti. ullamcorper. Nunc Phasellusat erat a eratet sem.#winning Nulla eleifend vestibulum lacus sit ametvehicula. Donec eget neque egestasquam vitae rhoncus viverra erosnunc egestas. dapibus Aliquam porta sed ante in vel necligula sem. viverra Aliquam pretium at sagittis eget libero at velit. Cras ut ipsum mi. Nulla justo tellus, gravida ut imperdiet a, elementum ac lacus. Nullam eget blanditarcu nibh. fermentum Duis imperdiet, at quam ultricies vitae rutrum rotc cursus, faucibus. velit tortor feugiatEtiam sapien,ante aest, semper lobortis malesuada ullamcorperipsum purus venenatis id, ante. venenatis Cum sociis eleifendnatoque penatibus purus. et magnis Vivamus dis parturient rhoncus nisi ac urna montes, four loko ridiculus mus. Aliquam eget venenatis felis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent conguesagittis nisl vel semper. nulla molestie Ut quisnec semper nibh sapien dui. pharetra. Aliquam Praesent posuere sollicitudin, imperdiet nisl metus. egestas porttitorQuisque sollicitudin, consequat nulla aliquam mauris vestibulum viverra. dolor, Quisquenon tincidunt pretium quam odio euismodnec erat. erat, ac congue Maecenas egetnulla sapien aliquet lectus. In ut. at libero Nullam ut neque eu commodofermentum four loko. risus. Morbi leoAliquam mi, posuere tempor id velit auctor sem dignissim feugiat a nec velit. Curabitur in dolor id odio lobortis tincidunt. NullamWhat’s posuere nunc euinside: turpis aliquam pulvinar. Where to get your Four Loko The real way to unsubscribe Descriptions of people to avoid Privileges that are good to have N@E8=I<< =C@GJ@;< J?FK>C8JJ j\\YXZb w ide.com Free Everywhere, $2.30 Canada Year 3, Issue 1, No. 61 ww.stanfordÁ ips HEADLINES Tragedy Strikes Second Life as Real World Claims Another Victim SECOND LIFE—For the past several weeks, citizens in the virtual world have mourned the loss of one of their closest and dearest friends. A few weeks ago, Matt Wilkins (cosmoboy72), longtime member of the Second Life community, deactivated his account after what many describe as a tragic and preventable Vaden Health Center To Start addiction to “The Real World.” Testicular Cancer Checkups One of Wilkins’ oldest friends, tiger_104, explained With Happy Endings “I’ve heard stories about people getting caught up in the Real World, but I never thought it could happen to someone this close to me, you know?” tiger_104 continued, “I guess I should’ve seen it coming. All the warning signs were there. He started neglecting Matt Wilkins plans to cremate his Second Life body. The funeral will his second family and second friends, and selling all be held this Thursday at the local Second Life church. of his stuff on the Second Life marketplace. He even jokingly hinted that he may ‘disconnect.’” of the Linden Dollar (L$) in 2007, after which dozens Despite the many warning signs, Wilkins’ death of Second Life avatars were seen jumping off of buildings before they disconnected, never to be seen Failed Attempt to Score on shocked the Second Life community. “I was going to leave him a message to see where he was disappearing again. PAT Leaves Stanford Just Immediately following the discovery of Wilkins’ Short of 69 to when I got the notice,” said cosmogirl96. “I had just clicked ‘Send’ when I saw the message. It was tragic. death, the Second Life community came together to I’ll never forget what it said. ‘ERROR 527: The user celebrate the man they once knew and loved. Now, you are attempting to contact has deactivated his weeks later, they are starting to move on with their Forget the News: Media to [MKWVLTQ^M[¹)\ÅZ[\1_I[]X[M\ºZMUIZSML\QOMZG Report the Actions of Small account. He is no longer on the Second Life network. We are sorry for your loss.’” “But now—I think I’m okay. After all, he’s in a better Town Nutjobs Error 527, also known as the Second Suicide place now—he’s in the Real World, or, as we like to call it, Second Heaven.” (Adler) With the spectacular ratings 6W\QÅKI\QWV;;6PILV¼\JMMV[MMV[QVKM\PMKWTTIX[M generated by Gainseville, Florida pastor Terry Jones and the Koran burning controversy, media Crucial Band Member Decides To Take Yom Kippur Off organizations have increasingly shifted their focus to other small <0-;0)31V_PI\_I[JW\PILQNÅK]T\ZMTQOQW][ town nutjobs. CNN correspondent and logistical decision, crucial band member and Jamie Nussbaum found a deranged devout Jew Ben Shenkman decided not to partake paleontologist in Toulon, Nevada, in the game versus the Demon Deacons this past who is planning to mow his lawn Saturday. in the shape of Elvis, and then Shenkman, who plays the kazoo in the band, pee on it. The bald paleontologist joined only three days earlier and has quickly taken a revealed that his actions were to leadership role in the renowned band. “It was really protest those with full heads of a tough situation for me,” said Shenkman. “I don’t hair. want to let down the football team, my section, the Mary Childress, a resident of band, my university, my country, or mankind as a Mobile, AL, was interviewed by whole. I know they depend on me for those buzzing Shenkman was greatly missed last game. MSNBC about her plans to steal sounds, but sometimes you just have to make hard and burn thousands of skateboards decisions.” “If this is all it takes for him to miss a game, what’s to protest the racket and unrest Band members lay on both sides of this issue. next?” said bone player Robby, “First you miss games that teenage skateboarders cause. Many respect what his faith means to him, but others on Yom Kippur, and then you start missing games Surprisingly, the earnest efforts question his devotion to an organization he just on Shabbat, and then you miss the whole season.” of cable news reporters seeking joined. (Keeshin) to show off their compassionate sides were not enough to convince BREAKING: Jewish Partygoer Atones For Party Foul the small town nutjobs to see the fundamental insanity of their actions. (Hefter) visit VWDQIRUGÁLSVLGHFRP for way more hilarious stuff! THE FLIPSIDE PUZZLE CHALLENGE IS NOW ONLINE! *RWRVWDQIRUGÁLSVLGHFRPWRVXEPLW\RXUDQVZHUVWRWKHSX]]OHFKDOOHQJH7KHÀUVWVROYHUZLOOZLQD)OLSVLGHVKRWJODVV <RXZDQWD)OLSVLGHVKRWJODVV 4827(´5HDG7KH6WDQIRUG'DLO\3OHDVH5HDOO\/LNH6HULRXVO\MXVWUHDGLW3OHDVH3OHDVH"3OHHHDVVHµ6WDQIRUG'DLO\HGLWRULDOVWDII Can you guess the common word REBUS PUZZLES or phrase portrayed below? NUMBERS 7KHQXPEHURIWLPHV,·YHFDOOHGP\H[JLUOIULHQG·V SKRQHQXPEHU7KLVQXPEHUDOVRKDSSHQVWREHP\ H[JLUOIULHQG·VSKRQHQXPEHU,·YHDOVRVHQWKHUWKLV PDQ\WH[WPHVVDJHV2QHRYHUWKLVQXPEHULVWKH SUREDELOLW\WKDWVKHZLOOJHWEDFNWRJHWKHUZLWKPH6R ZH·UHVD\LQJWKHUH·VDFKDQFH This is a simple substitution code. Each letter is replaced by a different letter. Try to CRYPTOGRAM CHALLENGE decode the message or quote below. HINT I = E JPADPI VCD CJE XCI ZDVIL XD UJSI ADF RIKWIHI JREFLTWXWIE CJE XCI ZDVIL XD UJSI ADF NDUUWX WPQFEXWNIE. - HDKXJWLI The Stanford Flipside Fill in the grid so each column, Unscramble these four ordinary SUDOKUSudoku 9x9 - Puzzlerow, and5 of 3x3 5 -box Medium has the JUMBLE jumbles, and use the letters in numbers 1 through 9. FLUFOHVWRDQVZHUWKH¿QDOTXHVWLRQ Level: First college problem set 3 5 8 1 LNRGA 9 2 4 8 4 3 1 SUGET 6 5 EFCITN 5 4 7 6 7 1 WHAT THEY CALLED THE LOVABLE 37 DEGREES FLALUW 6 5 9 7 1 3 8 SUDOKU PROVIDED BY SUDOKU-PUZZLES.NET 1RWH$OOQDPHVDQGVWRULHVDUHÀFWLRQDOXQOHVVSXEOLFÀJXUHVDUHEHLQJVDWLUL]HG1 9 2 6 5HPHPEHUWKHVHDUHDOOMRNHV7RFRQWDFWXVHPDLOÁLSVLGH#VWDQIRUGHGX)RUPRUH Editorial Board: Jeremy Keeshin, Zach Galant, Adam Adler, Laney Kuenzel, LQIRUPDWLRQDQGPRUHFRQWHQWYLVLWVWDQIRUGÁLSVLGHFRPwww.sudoku-puzzles.net Eric Karpas, Bill Driscoll, Brendan Weinstein, Stephanie Weber N@E8=I<< =C@GJ@;< J?FK>C8JJ j\\YXZb w ide.com Free Everywhere, $2.30 Canada Year 3, Issue 2, No. 62 ww.stanfordÁ ips The Reviews Issue HEADLINES New LinkedIn Movie Opens, Viewers React With Mild Approval The prescreening of the new LinkedIn movie, “The Online Rolodex,” opened to crowds in the tens at some cinema in Palo Alto or Menlo Park or somewhere. The movie opens with a corporate meeting of middle-aged men in business suits. They discuss what sounds like a solid business plan, and over the course of the next 104 minutes, they implement it. Fuck Hipsters The movie climaxes when the LinkedIn executives LMKQLM \W WXMV IV WNÅKM QV ,]JTQV I[ XIZ\ WN \PMQZ expanding global business strategy. At one point, the middle-aged men who run LinkedIn all get moderately sized performance bonuses based on meeting their numbers.
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