Golubović and Mrđić - Rebirth of the Past...(155-167) Archaeology and Science 13 (2017) SNEŽANA GOLUBOVIć, 904:725.182]:004.92”652”(497.11) Institute of Archaeology 930.85(497.11:100) Belgrade, Serbia COBISS.SR-ID 264134156 [email protected] Original research article NEMANJA MRĐIć, Received: April 06th 2018 Institute of Archaeology Accepted: April 30th 2018 Belgrade, Serbia [email protected] reBIRTH oF tHe Past – reCREATInG VIMInaCIuM In 3d and PRESENTING ROMAN CULTURAL HERITAGE ABSTRACT Recreating invisible or highly damaged archaeological remains in 3D technologies has become one of the best ways to bring the past to regular visitors. The Project ARCHEST was designed to improve the presentation of the site and to, consequently, attract new visitors. The main objectives were support- ing the archaeology-related creative sectors to operate transnationally and to increase the knowledge of common Roman history through the most important archaeological sites. Additionally, there was an objective to increase the audience with an integrated approach and modern technology, transforming a non-audience into a new audience and changing the opinion that archaeology is something boring or too elitist. The results of the project have a huge appeal to ordinary audiences and support a better understanding and acceptance of Roman civilization through clear images which, at the same time, do not contradict the scientific concept but, rather, aim to support it. keyWords: 3d reConstruCtIon, VIRTUAL reaLIty, VIMInaCIuM, arCHest. INTRODUCTION museums are not scientists and are not able to un- derstand remains in the same way as profession- A visualisation of the past is one of the most als. Rubble or rubbish for one is a valuable source 1 important results of archaeology . To make some- of information for others and bridging the divide thing invisible visible could be viewed as one of between science and tourism, or archaeologists the most important scientific “commandments”. and visitors, emerges as a serious problem. The Archaeologist study and explore ancient remains imagination of visitors is often influenced by Hol- thoroughly and systematically to understand and lywood or their own fairytale dreams that are not interpret sites and events that disappeared mil- based on long term studies typical of professional. lennia ago. However, people who visit sites and This project was aimed at improving the pre- sentation of the site and to attract new visitors us- 1 The article is the result of the projects: Viminacium, Ro- man city and military camp – research of material and ing modern technologies that are still being devel- non- material culture of inhabitants by using the modern oped in the presentation of the cultural heritage. technologies of remote detection, geophysics, GIS, digita- lization and 3D visualization (no 47018), funded by The Therefore, in order to recreate a city destroyed Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Devel- 16 centuries ago we must use both. A profes- opment of the Republic of Serbia. Project ARCHEST was sional approach with decades of excavations and co-financed by the European Union through the Creative Europe (2014-2020) Culture Sub-Programme Support for research combined with elements of scientific European Projects. 155 Archaeology and Science 13 (2017) Golubović and Mrđić - Rebirth of the Past...(155-167) imagination should lead to a result that is more of the long term surveys of the city and fortress understandable for visitors. and, unfortunately only partial, excavations. Since the remains of Viminacium are not visible on the surface any more this was important for the devel- METHODS AND RESULTS opment of tourism and the future Archaeological Park. The visualisation of the archaeological re- Viminacium was among the first projects to in- mains and their presentation to the public became volve Geophysical Surveys in their research pro- the spearhead project that finally resulted in the cess. Since 2002, systematic surveys of the legion- quicker development of the site. ary fortress, city and suburban zones have been The dimensions of the scale model are 3.5 x systematically surveyed using multiple methods to 7.5 m and, with the use of light materials (card get as clear an image as is possible of all areas. GPR board and plywood), its creation enabled us to (Ground Penetrating Radar), proton magnetome- make it the focal point of a small mobile exhibi- ter, electro resistivity are the most commonly used tion that is part of a both permanent and more than methods of survey of Viminacium’s territory. Arial twenty temporary exhibitions that were presented and satellite imagery were introduced at the same in Europe and North and South America. time, together with the development of the GIS and During excavations, all buildings are docu- archaeological databases. The total area covered by mented via high quality 3D modelling. These are the multidisciplinary surveys exceeds 600 hectares, achieved using 3D laser scanning, photogramme- of which 150 hectares were thoroughly scanned in try and aerial drone imaging. All these methods high detail by different survey methods. were combined where it was possible to do so. This was the solid foundation for the creation of the large scale model that combined the results Fig. 1 Viminacium castrum reconstructed in 3D 156 Golubović and Mrđić - Rebirth of the Past...(155-167) Archaeology and Science 13 (2017) Fig. 2 Viminacium castrum reconstructed in 3D, principia. During creation of the 3D model2, special at- nology that allows designers to recreate, in a very tention was paid to accuracy and details in order to realistic way, the light shown in photos taken at ensure a high level of realism. The technique used the related site. The technology is the same as that is the so-called “polygonal modelling”, a technol- used in movie productions. The software used was ogy that allows you to get closer to the true model Autodesk 3D Studio MAX. Thanks to this solu- and avoid the effects produced by the rendering tion, it was possible to give not only realism but where the edges do not “live” and where realism also emotional content to the audience. This was is guaranteed by the textures used with the lim- achieved with the use of different weather condi- its provided by their two-dimensional nature. All tions and with adaptations of the presented archi- materials were created from measurements of the tectural type (sunset, sunrise, night, storm, etc.). visible architectural remains available or 3D laser A hi-poly 3D model of all the elements was scans in order to achieve maximum realism. Other reconstructed and, naturally, this formed the back- sources were also used: any existing 3D models, bone of the project. The model had the same pro- floor plans, elevations related to the excavation cessing level used for the final production of the areas, indications from scientific referees, graphic static images, of the animation and the future 3D reconstructions related to other similar buildings. virtual environment. Analogies of known structures are widely used On the basis of the model, static renderings of during scientific research and model creation. virtual reconstructions were exported. The render- The technique of lighting adopted is im- ing, generated on the basis of a mathematical mod- age-based lighting (HDRI), an innovative tech- el of the 3D scene, was delivered as raster images in high resolution both in JPG and TIFF formats 2 3D model je izradila kinematografska i televizijska pro- (Figures 1-9). dukcija DEDALUS ER, Beograd. Zoran Marković PR 157 Archaeology and Science 13 (2017) Golubović and Mrđić - Rebirth of the Past...(155-167) Fig. 3 Viminacium castrum reconstructed in 3D, military baths (thermae) On the basis of model that was produced, a 3D for exploration, which will allow free virtual nav- animation walk through video was created. The igation in both external and internal digitally cre- video represents a short virtual tour of the recon- ated environments. structed environment through one or more 3D The level of detail of the digital models for 3D camera(s). This video is in FULL HD resolution navigation will be well balanced in order to en- and is available on the project web sites3. sure an optimal level of visual rendering as well All 3D materials can be uploaded from the as a smooth flowing interaction. website to a tablet. The first version helps to fa- miliarise the user with the remains that can be vis- ited in the Archaeological Park, while the second ProjeCt arCHest – tHe road version that is uploaded to a tablet can be used to VIsuaLIsInG tHe Past In 3d during guided tours and educational workshops. The ARCHEST Project - the education of visitors to archaeological sites along the Roman FUTURE VISION OF road Aquileia-Emona-Sirmium-Viminacium - is PRESENTATION AND USE OF THE a continuation of the T-PAS project, co-financed DIGITAL MODEL by the CULTURE PROGRAM 2007-2013, which brought together institutions from Italy, Slove- There is a plan to create a real-time 3D opti- nia and Serbia. Besides the Aquileia Foundation mised version together with Real Time software (Fondazione Aquileia), the leading partner, muse- 3 Viminacium castrum 3D video available at https://vim- um and galleries of the City of Ljubljana, the In- eo.com/user73152746 stitute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, Viminacium amphitheatre 3D video available at https:// Sremska Mitrovica and the Institute of Archaeolo- vimeo.com/239510667 158 Golubović and Mrđić - Rebirth of the Past...(155-167) Archaeology and Science 13 (2017) Fig. 4 Viminacium castrum reconstructed in 3D, porta praetoria, front view. gy in Belgrade were included in the project. acter in Romania, Greece, Bulgaria and Turkey. The ARCHEST project was co-financed by Even the title of the project, ARCHEST, with the European Union through the Creative Europe the meaning Archaeology Est, as a mixture of a (2014-2020) Culture Sub-Programme Support for contemporary English word and the Latin word European Projects.
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