
Revista european ă de drept social REVUE EUROPÉENNE DU DROIT SOCIAL 1 Revue europénnee du droit social Maison d’édition Bibliotheca • Atestée par le Ministère de la Culture et des Cultes avec l’avis no. 4363 / 27.05.1997 • Acreditée par le Conseil National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNCS), 2011-2014 • Membre de l’Association des Editeurs de Roumanie – AER (Romanian Publishers Association – RPA) N. Radian, KB 2/3, Târgovi şte, 130062 tel/fax: 0245.212241 e-mail: [email protected] www.bibliotheca.ro 2 Revista european ă de drept social REVUE EUROPÉENNE DU DROIT SOCIAL Volume XXVII • ISSUE 2 • Year 2015 Édition Bibliotheca Târgovi şte, 2015 3 Revue europénnee du droit social La Revue est reconnuée par le Conseil National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNCS) categorie B+ avec avis no. 828/2007 en évidence BDI Copernicus, CEEOL et EBSCO Publishing Comite scientifique/ Scientific Board: 1. Antonio Baylos, Professeur de Droit du Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale à l'Université de Castilla La Mancha, Spain 2. Dimitri Uzunidis, Directeur du Laboratoire de Recherche sur l'Industrie et l'Innovation (ULCO, France) 3. Alexandru Ţiclea, Professeur, Recteur de l’Université Ecologique Bucarest Roumanie 4. Sophie Boutillier, Directrice de recherche au laboratoire Redéploiement industriel et innovation à l'Université du Littoral-Côte d'Opale, France 5. Ahmed Smahi, Enseignant Chercheur à la Faculté des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion, Université de Tlemcen, Algérie 6. Ana R. Martín Minguijón, Doyen de la Faculté de droit UNED Madrid, Spain 7. Vlad Barbu, Professeur, Vice-recteur de l’Académie de Police „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Bucarest, Roumanie 8. Rafael Junquera de Estéfani, Vice-doyen de la Faculté de droit UNED Madrid, Spain 9. José Alvarez Pestana, Professeur de Sociologie, UNED Madrid, Spain 10. Edvana Tiri , Charge de cours, Docteur en droit, Faculté de Droit, Professional Business Academy, Tirana, Albania 11. Kamil TUGEN, Professeur, Président du Département des Finances Publiques Faculté des Sciences Economiques et Administratives de l'Université du “Dokuz Eylul”d’ Izmir Turquie 12. Maria ORLOV , Maitre de conférences: Université d’Etat „Alecu Russo” de B ălţi, Faculté de Droit Présidente de l’Association „Institut de Sciences Administratives de la République de Moldova” 13. Raul Vergara MIRELES , Professeur, Directeur de la Faculté de Droit et Sciences Sociales, Université Autonome d’État Morelos, Mexic 14. Gabriela Mendizábal BERMÚDEZ , Professeur a la Faculté de Droit et Sciences sociales de l’Université Autonome d’État Morelos au Mexique Comite de rédaction/Editorial Board: Rédacteur en chef / Editor responsible: Dan Ţop, PhD Executive Editor: Marc S. Richeveaux, PhD Rédacteur en chef adjoint / Editor assistant: Radu R ăzvan Popescu, PhD Secrétaire de rédaction / Editorial Secretary: Pedro Fernandez Santiago, PhD 130051, Târgovi şte, Aleea Trandafirilor, bl. 10, ap. 46 Jude ţul Dâmbovi ţa, Roumanie, Tel. 0722.723340 www.RevueEuropéenne_du_DroitSocial.ro ISSN 2393 – 073X ISSN–L 1843 – 679X Copyright@2015 4 Revista european ă de drept social SOMMAIRE THE EUROPEAN UNION FUTURE ENLARGEMENT. THE CASE OF ALBANIA (Edvana Tiri) / 7 MEDIATION A STRATEGY FOR AN EFFECTIVE INQUIRY WHEN SOLVING THE CONFLICTS THAT SPECIAL NEEDS PEOPLE UNDER A SITUATION OF DEPENDENCE (María Pilar Munuera Gómez) / 14 CAN ICT SERVICES BOOST ECONOMIC GROWTH IN AFRICAN COUNTRIES? (Mohamed Ben Amar, Ilhem Gargouri Abida) / 36 EL CYBERMOBBING UNA NUEVA MODALIDAD DEL ACOSO LABORAL (Juan Manuel Gómez Rodríguez) / 45 L’EUROPE ET LA MONNAIE UNIQUE: 12 ANS APRES (Ahmed Alouani) / 64 AVANT PROPOS. RESSOURCES HUMAINES, TERRITOIRES, FORMATIONS SUPÉRIEURES (Marc Richevaux, Dan Ţop) / 76 LA SCIENCE JURIDIQUE ET L'ART EUROPÉEN DE L’INTERPRÉTATION SOCIO-JURIDIQUE DANS L'ESPRIT DU COLLOQUE ANNUEL DE L'ULCO DE SAINT-OMER. L’OBSESSION DU TERRITOIRE (Valerius M. Ciuc ă) / 77 FONDEMENTS THEORIQUES DE LA LOI MACRON: THATCHER LE RETOUR (Marc Richevaux) / 82 LE RÔLE GRANDISSANT DE L'INSERTION PROFESSIONNELLE DES JEUNES SUR LE MARCHÉ DU TRAVAIL EN ROUMANIE (Dan Ţop) / 93 ETUDE DU CONTENTIEUX DE LA RUPTURE CONVENTIONNELLE: L’ÉCHEC DE LA „DÉJUDICIARISATION” ET DE LA „SÉCURISATION” EN MATIÈRE DE CONTRAT DE TRAVAIL (Elise Ternynck) / 99 LES DÉLOCALISATIONS DANS LE SECTEUR AUTOMOBILE: UNE ANALYSE DU CHANGEMENT DE LA DÉCISION D’ACHAT DU CONSOMMATEUR CAMEROUNAIS (Sigismond Hervey Mvele) / 112 5 Revue europénnee du droit social L’INSERTION DES JEUNES DANS LE MARCHÉ DE L’EMPLOI EN ALLEMAGNE FORCES ET FAIBLESSES DU SYSTÈME DUAL (Brigitte Lestrade) / 123 L’ENTREPRISE FAMILIALE: DÉFINITION, CARACTÉRISTIQUES ET SPÉCIFICITÉS MANAGÉRIALES (Rkia El Idrissi, M. Khalil Mokhlis) / 138 PROBLEMS OF THE YOUTH EMPLOYMENT IN THE NORTHWEST OF RUSSIA AND RURAL TOURISM (Irina Baykova, Oksana Kostryukova, Yulia Sazanovich, Svetlana Zyukina) / 146 DE LA RÉINGÉNIERIE DIDACTIQUE DANS UNE DÉMARCHE DE „CERTIFICATION” PROFESSIONNELLE (Claudia Sapta, Cédric Teyssie, Bruno Roussel) / 154 LA FONCTION RESSOURCES HUMAINES ET LA DYNAMIQUE APPROPRIATIVE DES NORMES DE QUALITÉ. LES CAS DE LA NORME ISO 9001-2001 À L'ENTREPRISE ELECTRO-INDUSTRIES DE FRÉHA-TIZI OUZOU- ALGÉRIE (Moukkes Farid) / 168 LA PENSEE SOCIALE CHRETIENNE ET LE MANAGEMENT (Jean-Pierre Audoyer) / 186 LA RESPONSABILITE SOCIALE DES ENTREPRISES: VERS UNE NOUVELLE GOUVERNANCE DES ENTREPRISES ALGERIENNES A L’ERE DE LA MONDIALISATION? (Yamina Mahouche) / 195 LES NOUVELLES PRATIQUES DE GRH FAVORISANT LA RSE (Roulie Niquaise Eva’ah) / 219 IMPACT DE LA COMMERCIALISATION DES PRODUITS FORESTIERS NON LIGNEUX (PFNL) SUR L’ECONOMIE DES MENAGES ET LA SECURITE ALIMENTAIRE: CAS DE LA REPUBLIQUE DU CONGO (Enoch Loubelo) / 232 CONDITIONS DE TRAVAIL ET QUALITE DES SERVICES DANS LES CENTRES HOSPITALIERS DU SECTEUR PUBLIC (Céline Noah, Claudette Anega) / 253 6 Revista european ă de drept social THE EUROPEAN UNION FUTURE ENLARGEMENT. THE CASE OF ALBANIA Dr. Edvana TIRI Faculty of Law Professional Business Academy Tirana, Albania Abstract: This paper focuses on the aspiration and enlargement policy that the European Union has adopted, in the interests of expanding the member states and candidates, the instruments to facilitate this process and the progress of this process. Enlargement process is a process that began over half a century ago and it continues. This process will continue in the decades and will keep engaged one of the major continent of the world. Today the EU consists of 28 countries. Integration into the European Union implies, firstly, approximation and embrace of the fundamental values upon which it is built this large body interstate. European regional integration was seen as an expression of new principles of international politics. EU, already offers a unique overall market, an economic and monetary union with the euro as a common currency, "Schengen area", providing to the citizens more freedom of internal movement, cooperation in the field of justice and a common foreign policy and security. Keywords: enlargement, integration, candidates, process, Western Balkans 1. The Process of EU Enlargement The European idea is launched after the end of World War II. At a meeting that took place in Zurich in Switzerland, on the 19th of September 1946, Winston Churchill the head of the British government speaks of the necessity of Building the United States of Europe, taking as model the federation represented by the USA, with the purpose avoiding the implications the European states in a new world war. On this occasion the idea of creating an European Community at political level in order to avoid a new conflict between European states and at economical level in order to reconstruct the economies of the region’s countries. Putting this project into practice has proven to be very difficult. 1 Europe had successive extensions and continuous; Denmark, Ireland, the United Kingdom, bringing to nine the number of European Community member states. After the accession of Greece in 1981 which brought to 10 the EU members States, Spain and Portugal acceded as well in 1986. The same year the European Single Act has been enacted. It modifies the Treaty of Rome by introducing the “qualified majority voting” from the harmonization of legislations. This Act 1 Silasi Grigore, The European Union or the New “ Divine Comedy”, Editura Universitatii de Vest, Timisoara 2005 pg.20. 7 Revue europénnee du droit social opened the road to the creation of a big common market without frontiers excepted for the 1 st January 1993. 2 The fall of the Berlin Wall on 9 November 1989 marked the disintegration of the entire Communist bloc in the East. This event was the starting point for the process of European reunification. From then on the EU and the candidate countries worked tirelessly together to prepare the enlargement within the framework of bilateral accession partnerships between the EU and each candidate country. The partnerships set the priorities and precise timetables for the ground which needed to be covered to enable each country to take on the obligations involved in accession. On 1 May 2004, 10 new member countries joined the EU. This was an important date marked for Europe, a historic day for that part of the continent. This extension was the fifth one since the creation of the EEC, but for the size, political and economic significance, this can be considered the greater and the most sturdy expansion. The most of the new members belonged to the former communist bloc. This historic enlargement of the EU from 15 to 25 members is the culmination of a long accession process leading to the reunification of a Europe that had been divided for half a century by the Iron Curtain and the Cold War. The Copenhagen European Council of December 2002 found that 10 of the 13 candidate countries (Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta and Slovakia) fulfilled the conditions necessary for joining the EU. They therefore signed their Accession Treaty on 16 April 2003 in Athens and officially joined the EU on 1 May 2004 after the ratification procedures were completed. 3 Bulgaria and Romania were recommended to join the EU in January 2007.
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