94. Tiliaceae 371 acuminate, base acute, petioles 1.5 cm long, slightly pubescent. Racemes numerous. 6 cm long. lateral from below leaves or in axils of fallen leaves, appressed-gray-pubescent; flowers upon 6-mm long pedicel; sepals whitish, lanceolate. 5 mm long, sparingly appressed-pubescent, margins densely so; petals about as long as sepals, cut halfway into 9 -11 slender segments, black, marginal sides hairy toward base stamens many; filaments hlspid very short; anthers linearly oblong, 2 mm long, cells unequal in length; ovaries villous, globose, surrounded by glandular rim. Philippines: Luzon (Laguna and Sorsogon), in primary forests at 400-650 m; in Mt. Maklling. Luzon, at 200-450 m Com. name - Ma/aropit (Tag.) Exsicc. - Villamil CA 1753 (CAHP), 1293671 (US). 7. Elaeocarpus pendulus Merr., Publ. Gov. Lab. Philip. 29: 27.1905, En. Philip 3: 19, 1923. - E maqwltngensis Elm., Leaf!. Philip Bot. 8: 3080. 1919. Trees small. Leaves terminally crowded, 8 x 3.5 cm, midrib pronounced with 5 pairs of obscure nerves, margins rugose distantly apiculate. caudately pointed. broadly obtuse at base; petioles 2-3 cm long. Inflorescences lateral, divaricately spreading below foliage, 3-7 cm long, occasionally branched, glabrous; pedicels 1 cm long, slender. Fruits dark green, ovoidly globose, equaling pedicels in dried, wrinkled state. subtended by yellowish rugose disc; seeds longitudinally rugose Throughout the Philippines, on ridges in the mossy forests 1000-2000 m; in Mt. Makiling, Luzon. on exposed ridges in the mossy forest up tothe summit, 900-1109 m. Com. name - Borosa (I g.). Exsicc - Pancho CA 20390 (CAHP) 94. TILIACEAE Trees or shrubs, infrequently herbs Leaves alternate, rarely opposite simple, entire or lobed; stipules free, usually caducous. Inflorescences axillary or terminal, solitary, fascicled. umbellate, cymose or panlcled; flowers unisexual or bisexual; sepals 3-5, free or connate. valvate; petals as many as sepals, rarely absent. imbricate or valvate; stamens uSlIafly numerous. springing from dilated torus or disc. filaments filiform. mostly free. anthers 2-celled; ovaries free. superior, 2· to 1O-celled; styles columnar or divided into as many divisions as there are cells in ovary: stigmas usually distinct. rarely confluent or sessile; ovules few to many in each cell Fruits fleshy or dry, dehiscent or indehiscent or 1- to 2-celled. sometimes with spurious partitions or 1-celled by abortion. seeds SOlitary or many, rarely without albumen. pendulous or at right angle to placenta 372 94. Tiliaceae Genera 50, species 400; in tropical parts of the world, few in the temperate regions; 8 genera and 49 species in the Philippines. 1. Undershrubs 2. Capsules prickly .................................. ........... ........ ...... 1. Triumfelta 2. Capsules not prickly ................ .. .......... .. ........................ 2. Corchorus 1. Trees 3. Fruits 3- to 5-winged ... ..... .. .. .. .... .. ...... .. ... ... ........................ 3. Colona 3. Fruits wingless 4. Calyx segments free; fruits smooth 5. Stigma obviously widened .......................... ... .. ............. 4. Grewia 5. Stigma not widened, minutely tridentate .......................... 5. Microcos 4. Calyx cam panulate; fruits longitudinally rugose ................ 6.Diplodiscus 1. TRIUMFETTA Linnaeus Herbs or undershrubs erect or prostrate. Leaves with stellate hairs, toothed, entire or lobed. Flowers yellow, in dense axillary cymes or fascicles; sepals 5, oblong, concave, free; petals 5-merous, sometimes apetalous, glandular and often clawed at base; stamens 5-40, arising from a fleshy, lobed and glandular torus; ovaries 2- to 5-celled but often with spurious partitions, each cell 2-ovuled; styles simple, filiform; stigmas 2- to 5-toothed. Capsules globose or oblong to linear, covered with short or long, often hooked spines, indehiscent or 3- to 6-ovuled; seeds 1 or 2 in each cell, pendulous, albuminous. Species 150 , of wide tropical distribution; 8 in the Philippines. 1. Spines of fruit glabrous; stamens 20-40 ..................... ........ 1. T bartramia 1. Spines of fruit with reflexed hairs; stamens 5-15 ...... ........... 2. T semltriloba 1. Triumfetta bartramia L., Syst. ed. 10, 1044, 1759; Lay, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 37 382, 1950. Figure 109 Plants erect, suffrutescent, 0.5-1.5 m high. Main branches widely rebranched, reddish brown when dry, hairy when young. Leaves membranous, variable, much paler beneath, sparingly setose, usually orbicular or ovately rhomboid, 3- to 5-veined from base, 3-lobed, denticulate, gradually reduced toward distal end, oblong to ovately lanceolate, base rounded; petioles long and slender. Flowers 6 mm long, numerous in dense, axillary fascicles along slender branchlets. Fruits small, dry, globose, short-stalked, pubescent, brown in dry state, covered with hooked, glabrous spines. Pantropic. Widely disseminated in wastelands throughout the PhilifJpines; common weed. 94. Tiliaceae 373 6 I \ 4 3 =igure 109. Triumfetta bartramia: 1. habit; 2. fruit; 3. pistil: 4. stamen; 5. bract; 6. portion of stem, enlarged; 7. flower bud; 8. petal: 9. flower 374 94. Tiliaceae Com . name - Kulut-kulutan (Pang., Tag.). Exsicc. - Cabrera CA 4994* (CAHP): Gabat 2212486 (US). 2. Triumfetta semitriloba Jacq., Select. Stirp. Amer. Hust. 147, 1763; Lay, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 37: 373,1950. Figure 110 Plants erect, somewhat shrubby, 1-2 m high. Twigs slender, stellately pubescent. Leaves membranous, paler beneath, 3-5 cm long, broadly ovate to obovate or upper ones oblong to broadly lanceolate and becoming reduced to mere bracts, base mostly broad and rounded or term inal ones obtuse or even acute, occasionally slightly 3-lobed In upper part, 3- or sometimes 5-veined from base, margins serrately toothed; petioles long, pubescent. Flowers in lax, axillary clusters along slender branch lets, buds oblong, up to 9 mm long; sepals apiculate. FrUits globose, 7-8 mm in diameter, pubescent, covered with hooked spines, the latter with scattered, retrorse, bristly hairs. PantropIc. Acommon weed in abandoned fields throughout the Philippines. Com name-Kulutan (Tag.) Exsicc. - Champhaka CA 8105 Blancaver CA 4825*; Manala CA 10046: Estiaka, Jr. CA 1768 Gates CA 1770 (CAHP) 2. COR CHORUS l.innaeus Herbs or undershrubs erect or spreading, often suffrutescent, nearly glabrous or covered with stellate pubescence. Leaves trequentlywith 2 short, tail-like appendages at base. Flowers yellow, small. in leaf-opposed, 1- to several-flowered cymes; sepals 4 or 5; petals as many as sepals, eglandular: stamens free. indefln ite or rarely twice as many as petals; ovanes 2- or 6- celled, styles short. stigmas cup-shaped. Capsules elongated, subglobose or slender, With or Without a beak. smooth or rugose, loculicldally 3- to 6-valved. occasionally witt! transverse partitions, seeds numerous, albuminous, pendulous or horizontal. Species 30 or more, widely disseminated throughout the troPICS: 3 in the Philippines. 1 Capsules globose, not beaked .... .... ... ...... 1. C capsularis 1 Capsules elongated, beaked 2 Capsules 6- to 8-winged, beak trifid. .. .. ... .. ..... 2 C. aestuans 2. Capsules 10-ribbed; beak entire ... .. .. .. .. 3. C alitanus I 1. Corchorus capsularis L , Sp. PI. 529, 1753; Chakravarty, Bull. Bot Soc. Beng 51: 76, 1951 Figure 111 Herbs erect. suffrutescent, 1-2 m high. Stems usually purplish. glabrous. widely branched Leaves membranous ovately lanceolate or oblong, 5-12 cm 94. Tiliaceae 373 6 4 2 3 =igure 109. Triumfetta bartramia: 1. habit; 2. fruit; 3. pistil; 4. stamen; 5. bract; 6. portion of stem, enlarged; 7. flower bud; 8. petal: 9. flower 374 94. Tiliaceae Com. name - Kulut-kulutan (Pang., Tag.). Exsicc - Cabrera CA 4994* (CAHP); Gabot 2212486 (US ). 2. Triumfetta semitriloba Jacq., Select. Stirp. Amer. Hust. 147, 1763. Lay, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 37: 373,1950. Figure 110 Plants erect, somewhat shrubby, 1-2 m high. Twgs slender. stellately pubescent. Leaves membranous, paler beneath, 3-5 cm long, broadly ovate to obovate or upper ones oblong to broadly lanceolate and becoming reduced to mere bracts, base mostly broad and rounded or terminal ones obtuse or even acute, occasionally slightly 3-lobed In upper part, 3- or sometimes 5-veined from base, margins serrately toothed petioles long, pubescent Flowers In lax, axillary clusters along slender branchlets, buds oblong, up to 9 m m long; sepals apiculate. Fruits globose, 7-8 mm in diameter, pubescent, covered with hooked spines, the latter with scattered, retrorse. bristly hairs. Pantropic. Acommon weed in abandoned fields throughout the Philippines. Com name - Kulutan (Tag.). Exsicc. - Cllamphaka CA 8105, B/ancaver CA 4825*. Manolo CA 10046; EStlOko, Jr. CA 1768. Gates CA 1770 (CAHP). 2. COR CHORUS Llnnaeus Herbs or undershrubs erect or spreading. often suffrutescent, nearly glabrous or covered with stellate pubescence. Leaves frequently with 2 short, tail-like appendages at base. Flowers yellow, small, in leaf-opposed, 1- to several-flowered cymes; sepals 4 or 5; petals as many as sepals, eglandular: stamens free, indefin ite or rarely twice as many as petals; ovaries 2- or 6- celled styles short stigmas cup-shaped. Capsules elongated. subglobose or slender. with or without a beak. smooth or rugose. loculicldally 3- to 6-valved. occasionally with transverse partitions; seeds numerous albuminous, penduloLis or horizontal. Species 30 or more, widely disseminated throughout the tropIcs, 3 in the Philippines. 1 Capsules globose, not beaked 1. C capsularis 1. Capsules elongated. beaked 2. Capsules 6- to
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