\ MAGAZINE FOR CLERGY Editorial Perspectives/4 The Glacier View Documents/16 The Nature of Prophecy/28 The Cleansing of the Sanctuary in the Old Testament/33 The Cleansing of the Sanctuary in the New Testament/47 The Role of E. G. White in Doctrinal Matters/53 Methodology/60 WHY THIS SPECIAL ISSUE7/2 PARMENTER-FORD CORRESPONDENCE/10 APPRAISAL OF CORRESPONDENCE/12\ EVENTS SINCE GLACIER VIEW/14 the least we hope to lay to rest a sub by the church to respond to positions stantial number of rumors, falsehoods, that seem to undermine its position are and exaggerated reports in circulation; so often characterized as reactionary. Why and we would be happy if our candid and In view of this, we have tried to pre reasonably complete digest of the facts sent our material in the most objective should prove helpful and unifying. way possible. Yet we are the first to Fortunately, MINISTRY editor J. R. admit that total objectivity is an unob this Spangler is fully conversant with not tainable goal. Whether ignorant or only the historical facts of the contro learned, finite man is biased. As long as versy and the conferences but with the we "see through a glass, darkly," man theological questions raised, et cetera. will ever have the problem of being ab special He was on the fourteen-member guid solutely accurate. ance committee that met with Dr. Ford Let it be clearly understood that what for nearly fifty hours of consultation, a we have printed in the question-and-an- delegate to the Glacier View Sanctuary swer section is not to be taken as the issue? Review Committee, chairman of the six- official view of the church on the sanc man subcommittee that drafted the ten- tuary doctrine. We have only one official point document, and finally one of the view, the Statement of Fundamental nine individuals who met with Dr. Ford Beliefs voted at our April, 1980, General on Friday afternoon, August 15. As head Conference session. Even "Christ in the This double-size issue of MINISTRY of the General Conference Ministerial Heavenly Sanctuary," adopted at the seeks to take you into the recent confer Association and a personal friend of Dr. Glacier View meeting, is not the official ences between Dr. Desmond Ford and Ford©s, he brings both objectivity and view of the church other than that por representatives chosen by the church. At compassion to the coverage of events. tion taken from our Fundamental Be issue over the past ten months have been (See his editorial on page 4 for an over liefs. positions attributed to Dr. Ford on Dan view of the issues.) It is our conviction that regardless of iel 8:14, the day of atonement, and the The preponderance of materials circu how or by whom this topic has come investigative judgment. lating on these issues seems to support under such wide discussion, it has all What are Dr. Ford©s views? How has views and concepts quite different from been in the providence of God. If for no the church related to them and, of equal our established position. MINISTRY has other reason, all the time, energy, and importance, we believe, dealt with Dr. purposely refrained from printing its money expended during the past few Ford? perspective until after the final meeting months has been worth it if it will renew We recognize that some readers may at Glacier View Camp, Colorado, on our interests and belief in the grand doc feel the contents of this special MINISTRY August 15. trines that impelled our pioneers to go will only add fuel to the controversy and It is our earnest hope that the Biblical forth to the world with the urgent cry thus accelerate divisiveness. We have answers supporting our doctrinal posi "Behold, the bridegroom cometh." concluded, however, that someone must tion will be useful to every reader. In this If we as ministers are led to a more address the tapes, articles, brochures, age of intellectual inquiry, when almost diligent study and a more dynamic magazines, and other media that are any thesis can gain an attentive hearing preaching of Christ©s ministry in the raising questions and, in some instances, in the church in the spirit of "open in heavenly sanctuary, perhaps it will has doubts concerning both Dr. Ford©s views vestigation" and "academic freedom," ten the return of our great High Priest, and the church©s response to them. At it seems somewhat ironic that attempts Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Editor: Editors-at-large: Special Contributors: MINISTRY (ISSN 0026-5314), the J. Robert Spangler Herald Habenicht, M.D Robert H Brown, Science and Reli international journal of the Seventh-day Mervyn Hardinge, M D Adventist Ministerial Association 1980 is Executive Editors: gion printed monthly by the Review and Herald Orley M. Berg William C. Scales, Jr. J. Lynn Martell, Shop Talk Publishing Association, 6856 Eastern B Russell Holt Arturo E Schmidt Lawrence T Geraty, Biblical Arche Avenue NW., Washington, D.C. 20012, ology USA. Subscription price, US$12.50 a Warren H. Johns year, single-copy price, US$1 25 Price Shirley Welch Assistant Editor: Roland R. Hegstad, World View Marta Milliard may vary where national currencies are Associate Editors: International Correspondents: different For each subscription going to a Editorial Secretary: Afro-Mideast, foreign country or Canada, add USS1.75 Raoul Dederen postage. MINISTRY is a member of the J. Wayne McFarland, M.D Dorothy Montgomery Australasian, A. N Duffy Euro-Africa, Associated Church Press and is indexed in Leo R Van Dolson the Seventh-day Adventist Periodical Index Art Director: Far Eastern, James H Zachary Second-class postage paid at Washington, Editorial Associate and Byron Steele Inter-American, Carlos D C Editorial office© 6840 Eastern Avenue Field Representative Aeschlimann NW. Washington, D.C 20012 W B. Quigley Design and Layout: New Africa. Sam Appave Unsolicited manuscripts are welcomed Helcio Deslandes N. Europe-W Africa, David E. and will be returned only if accompanied Alan Forquer by a stamped self-addressed envelope Lawson Vol 53. No 10 Circulation Manager: South American, Daniel Belvedere Robert Smith Southern Asia, D R. Watts Trans-Africa, D W. B. Chalale A letter from the president To all my fellow ministers in service to our Lord Jesus Christ throughout the world field. Dear Fellow Worker: Those who were at the meeting clearly carried on under the inspiration of the felt the Lord was with us. In the daily Holy Spirit by our Adventist scholars. Greetings! I appreciate the opportu small-group discussions and then later in On the last day of the meeting it nity MINISTRY has afforded me to com the plenary sessions, the Holy Spirit was seemed that the whole doctrinal picture municate with you and our vast force of present as a real guide and helper bring that we had been considering came to workers throughout the world field re ing conviction and unity. There was evi gether. I am happy to report that the garding a subject that is on the minds of dence of kindness, tolerance, courtesy, "Fundamental Beliefs" that we reaf many just now. I would urge you to read and patience on the part of every partic firmed during the recent 1980 General very carefully this entire October issue ipant, and a recognition that each Conference session in Dallas stand ex of MINISTRY, even though some of the needed, and could benefit from, the actly as we voted them. They constitute material it contains will be found to be others. The consensus, the agreement, the message of God©s worldwide pro heavier than usual. and the harmony evidenced on the part phetic movement. You are aware of the very serious and of Biblical scholars and administrators This meeting has now become history. significant meetings that were held Au alike was extremely encouraging and Let us all look to the future. Without gust 10 through 15 at Glacier View reassuring. It was also an occasion that, question the biggest event in the future is Camp, Colorado, at which more than in my judgment, resulted in great stabil the coming of Jesus. Let us, my fellow one hundred of our church©s thought ity for this church! Please know that "we workers, set our minds and our hearts to leaders gathered. The purpose of the have not followed cunningly devised do our part in the finishing of the work of meetings was to consider proposals of fables"! As gold grows more pure in the God on earth. As we do so, we must pray Dr. Desmond Ford on the subject of the refiner©s fire, so it was evidenced that for greater evangelistic zeal and the wis sanctuary and the investigative judg our distinctive beliefs surrounding the dom to place priority on the work of soul ment, and also the role of Ellen G. White 1844 event and the investigative judg winning. More than ever before, we in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. In ment became more and more Biblically need the Holy Spirit©s power and the recent years Dr. Ford has developed a secure, not less so. Adventism, my fel selfless spirit of Christ. The Lord is prophetic interpretation that differs con low minister, has not been shaken! It is ready. Are we? All heaven waits for us siderably from the traditional positions not now being shaken! The solemn and to move forward. God©s promises are held by our church on this subject. Be incisive truths that have for many years His enablings. May His blessings be with cause of an expressed concern on the formed the basis of our evangelistic you in your important ministry for part of many, and questions from the preaching and have constituted the call others.
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