TowardToward COPCOP 1515 JapanJapan’sJapan’’ss InitiativeInitiative onon ClimateClimate ChangeChange Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan May, 2009 Version 3 Today’s Agenda 1. The current state of climate change 2. Issues to tackle 3. Towards a low-carbon society 2 1. The current state of climate change Sea level rise at the Funafuti atoll (Funafuti, capital of Tuvalu) A dried-up swamp f rom lack of rainwater in the Sahara region Danger of increasing infectious diseases Major Diplomatic Events Related to Climate Change (2009) JulyApril October December U U Thirtieth sessions of the Resumed seventh Fifth session of the Seventh session of the N COP15 N UNFCCC Convention Informal meeting of session of the AWG- AWG-LCA*; Seventh AWG-LCA*, Ninth session F F (Copenhagen) session of the AWG-KP** subsidiary bodies the AWG-LCA*; LCA*, Resumed ninth C of the AWG-KP** C (Including: Six th session of Informal meeting of session of the AWG-KP** December 7-18 C C the AWG-LCA*; Eighth (March 29-April 8, Bonn) the AWG-KP** C (September 28-October 9, C session of the AWG-KP**) (November 2-6, location Bangkok) (June 1-12 , Bonn) (August 10-14, Bonn) to be confirmed) Agreement on a post-2012 framework G8 Environment G8 Summit in Italy Ministers’ Meeting (April, Siracusa) MEF Summit July 8-10 G8 Energy Ministers’ Meeting The Asia-Pacific Partnership G8/MEF (May, Rome) G8/MEF on Clean Development Major Economies and Climate (APP) Ministerial Meeting Forum (MEF) (Dates to be confirmed, China) (April 27-28, Washington DC) UN General Assembly (September, Informal ministerial Informal ministerial New York) Meeting hosted meeting at the consultations at the margins Greenland Dialogue by Denmark of the 17th session of the Others UNEP Governing Others Council Commission for Sustainable (Hosted by Denmark, (To be considered in the future, Development (CSD) June or July, including whether or not Greenland) it will be held) (Hosted by Denmark, February, Nairobi) (Hosted by Denmark and Poland, May 14, New York) **AWG-KP: Ad Hoc Working *AWG-LCA: Ad Hoc Working Group on Group on Long-term Cooperative Further Commitments for Annex I Parties Action under the Convention under the Kyoto Protocol 2. Issues to tackle (1) International Framework beyond 2012 Establishing a new framework for the international community (2) International Environmental Cooperation Assistance for developing countries’ efforts (3) Innovation Development & dissemination of environmental technologies Japan is leading the efforts of the international community based on the “Cool Earth 50” and “Cool Earth Promotion Programme,” as a comprehensive prescription unique to Japan (1) The Post-2012 Framework Projected global CO2 emissions from fuel combustion Total emissions from all countries with reduction 60,000 obligations under the Kyoto Protocol amount to 50,000 MEM Increases in emissions volumes no more than 30% of global emissions. ) 2 from developing countries Other O countries C 40,000 s n 62% o t Brazil n o i India l l 30,000 It is necessary to have a framework for fair and i 52% M effective GHG reductions in which all major ( China 20,000 51% economies participate in a responsible manner. 35% 18% 23% USA 23% 20% 10,000 Countries w ith reduction obligations 21% 42% 29% 25% 0 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 Source: Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE) Japan’s initiatives ● Agree among the G8 countries to seek to share with all countries and adopt the vision of achieving at least 50% reduction of global greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 ● Promote the efforts of both developed and developing countries ● Provide climate change-related assistance to developing countries that are aiming to achieve both emissions reductions and economic growth (Cool Earth Partnership) ● Announce its mid-term emissions reductions target by June 2009 Reference #2 ParticipationParticipation ofof AllAll MajorMajor EconomiesEconomies IsIs NecessaryNecessary • The proportion of CO2 emissions from countries with emissions reduction obligations under the Kyoto Protocol to the global emissions is roughly 30%. (Reduction rates of major countries: Japan: -6%; EU: -8%; Russia: +/-0%) • USA, China, and India as major emitters do not have emissions reduction obligations. → A fair and effective framework with participation of all major economies is necessary. Global CO2 emission from fuel combustion (2006) [%] UK Source: IEA Halving global emissions by 2050 Reference #3 Global Future estimation CO2 (Business as usual) emissions <Medium-term strategy> <Long-term strategy> Post-2012 Framework Innovation ・Peak out global GHG emissions ・Develop innovative technologies within the next 10-20 years ・Shift to a low-carbon society International Environment “Cool Earth 50” Halve global Cooperation emissions by 2050 • Accelerate improvement of global energy efficiency • Cool Earth Partnership Present 2018~2028 2050 Reference #4 Sectoral Approaches for post-2012 framework Through analyzing reduction potentials and setting indicators, Sectoral Approaches helps to compare the developed countries’ targets helps to set MRV mitigation actions (intensity targets) of major developing countries accelerates global emissions reduction by supporting developing countries through transfer of technologies and practices CO2 emission Compare the efforts reduction target Developed Developed Major Developing Country X Country Y Countries Z Aggregate Residential Residential MRV actions Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure (e.g. based on efficiency Automobiles etc. indicators) Energy policy Energy policy Energy policy International coal-fired power generation etc. Cooperative Actions Iron and Steel e.g. APP, IISI, Cement IAI and CSI of WBCSD Aluminum (2) International Environmental Cooperation Assistance for developing countries’ efforts to address climate change issues Adaptation measures Clean energy Mitigation measures Address the adverse Assistance for access impacts of climate change GHG reductions CoolCool EarthEarth PartnershipPartnership AssistAssist developingdeveloping countriescountries makingmaking efforts efforts to to reduce reduce GHG GHG emissions emissions and and achieveachieve ClimateClimate InvestmentInvestment economiceconomic growthgrowth in in a a compatiblecompatible way way (from (from 2008 2008 over over the the following following five five years, years, Japan Japan providesprovides ODAODA andand otherother fundingfunding onon thethe scalescale ofof US$10US$10 billion)billion) Approx. ¥250 billion Developing countries Disseminate Approx.¥1 trillion Funds (CIF) (on th e basis of Assistance for Funds (CIF) Assistance for adaptation policy consulta tion) advanced Japanese & improved access to clean energy mitigation A multilateral fund established through the technology in energy A multilateral fund established through the conservation and Grant aid Vulnerable leadership of Japan along with the UK and the countries other areas to the Climate change leadership of Japan along with the UK and the world; promote GHG Japanese ODA loans = ¥500 bn USUS (a (a fund fund of of approx. approx. US$6 US$6 billion billion in in total; total; Technical assistance emissions reduction Countries at the global level JapanJapan has has announced announced contributions contributions of of US$1.2 US$1.2 Contributions Int’l org’ns eligible for Other public funds billion)billion) ODA loans, Private sector etc. activities & funds JBIC P r o j e Assistance for adaptation c t Strategic Climate s Clean Technology and improved access to Encourage private NEXI Fund (SCF) Fund (CTF) clean energy; promote finance; promote technology transfer NEDO, sustainable development Other funds etc. Cool Earth Climate Change Japanese ODA Loans Partnership Reference #5 (“Cool Earth Loans”) (1) Bangladesh: New Haripur Power Plant Development Project & Central Zone Power Distribution Project (1) New Haripur Power Plant Development Project (Phase II) Central Zone Power Distribution Project (¥22.21 billion) Intended location for New Haripur Power Plant Development Project Overview In this project, a high-efficiency combined cycle thermal power plant (360MW) that reduces CO2 emissions will be constructed in the city of Narayangonj on the outskirts of Dhaka and technical support w ill be provided. The increase in the electric generating capacity and the enhanced efficiency of the operation and maintenance of the plant will contribute to the stable supply of ダッカ New Haripur Power Plant Development (Phase II) electricity and dramatic reductions in CO2 emissions compared to conventional power generating facilities can also be expected. (2) Central Zone Power Distribution Project (¥9.715 billion) Electrical grid in Bangladesh Project Overview In this project, electrical grids will be newly constructed and repaired in the Central Zone (the Greater My mensingh District and the Greater Sylhet region). In addition, support w ill be provided to dev elop the organizational foundation of the public corporation executing this new power distribution. Reductions in distribution losses w ill result in less CO2 emissions. Cool Earth Climate Change Japanese ODA Loans Reference #6 Partnership (“Cool Earth Loans”) (2) Indonesia: Climate Change Program Loan Policy objectives in Indonesia Forestry sector ¥30.768 billion (1) A pilot project will be launched as one of the first under a new market mechanism to prevent deforestation (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation in Developing Countries [REDD]). (2) The CO2 absorption
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