THE LARGEST SUBURBAN , N LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN THB NEWSPAPER IN THE COUNTY CROW'S NEST COMPLETELY COVERING «, th> NAVIGATOR WOODBR11X.E. SKWAREN, A V EN EL f |1A,"E 10, TODAY'S ISSUE Snbepenbent- PORT READING, COLON1A awl ISELIN NO. 22 \\ III ! I i; , JULY 2> 'HKK FIVE CENTS in i ———••-' .'i,1!^^ ANDREW'S WILL mm BETROTHAL mmm mm K QFc %mm, . , . p jtt (Win Inmiirv STRUCT $28,000 TO PLAN TO ALTER CARNIVAL AUG. 3-5; L'eglSiaUVe ^ommiuee UpeilS inquiry ICH IN AVENEL ? TOWNSHIP HOMESDUNIGANCHAIRMAN Into Township Relief Administration [ T0 Start Monday On Oppose Renovat- Middlesex Council To Hold j|fXt To Library; olonia, Wpodbridge Annual Affair Here On 0MENH1SER AVERS ntiacls Awarded For Apartments Clubhouse Grounds Dissensionln V/oodbridge Fire Board Flames Again TILE EDIFICE HE WELCOMES QUIZ; HEARINGS SCHEDULED AIDES ARE ANNOUNCED As Catanoy Fitzpatrick Have Sharp Verbal Exchange [A( COMODATE 350 WOQDBHIDGE — Committees iHliltHJE—The Board of l have been nelected for the annual r ni-tn.rml 11,Mis of certiiiii DU'iiiliei.s of tlti' D.b»l« Grown Bitter TAGS IT 'ROUTINE' will meet next Thurs- 1 t Of School Now e«fniv»l to fee sponsored by Mid- uvet the iiinlinl uf the •yard." H' voii't'il his ouimsitiuii Heul.s 1'iilt ii'il^he dt'liutrj loani of Fire ('oinmisniinit'is of __ For Service*; to further consider the dlesex Council, No. 857, Knights to (1) the manner in whith Viidn uf each cliHi'ge. CummiKhioner '• of Mrs.*F. H. Albes of Columbug, on August 3, 4 and 5 istrict No. 1 has caustti u wide- Uitley was appointed si'vrelaiy puti ick ilvilareil that tin- mat Clients Being Interrogated pen split among the ftve meml>«it<, (2)' the board'* ulleged failure to r Ii Planned i' Culonia estate into an on the Columbian Club grounds ter nf naming Guley as secretary By State Agent; Probe Retirement of Commissioner Er- recognise him as a member of the pro tern wa» bruujth^ up at a reitu- house, on Main itreet and Amboy avenue. Wcirk wilt Htart !&t M. Hunt wrested contrul from insurance committee; (It) rumor!! Itir nioctiiiK of the board and r«v Started Thursday Nuini'1 ous objertions to the plan Joseph B. Dunlgan h general ..lllllir on the construe he faction which included, besides making the rounds that certain to the minutes to prove his were entered at a previous uaalon chairman and he'will be assisted as „ , huri'h for the mem unt, William AlUraier »nd James members of the board oppoiwd hin statement. TRENTON OFFICE SAYS of the board which took the mat-follow*: \,,,|iew'» Roman Cath- atano. action as House Man (in charge Mr, FiUpatnck than pointed out ter under advisement . Th* ad-, Game wheel: Henry Neder, Dav- FIRST REPORTS OKAY A new majority e«n»i»Wd#f of the paid personnel) by allow- that th« inauraMe committee, of id Gerfty, Michael Conole, Fran- r ,,f the parishioners Mii» Ruth De Young journment was taken in order to ommissioners William Treen, ing men to be absent from duty; l)l((r which h» and Mr. Catano are give the board an opportunity to cis Cerity, John. Mullen, P. L. ttle Ave erdinand' Kath and WilU»m R. (4) the failure of the purchasing members, was instructed to obtam Former Recipients Also .venintf »t " AVKNEI. Mi. and Mrs, D. inspect the location and the build- « it wu decided to FftipatrlcK the latter-hBVtnrUeerr eommlttee to rtflt fflfadvice of flte policy data from insurance ag«nt«. Called For Question- P. De Young, of Manhattan,,Ave- Ing 1 place of wonhlp on Bird cage: Richard Ryan, Thom- ected to succeed Mr. Hunt. board when buying equipment and Mr. Fitspatrick drt »6 JJMI iatdif nue, have announced the en- Thursday night, September' 7, as Campion, William Boylan, Win- During the past few months supplies; (1) the Issuance of or- hi« report to the board. Mr. Cat- ing This Week gagement of their dVttghteFj has been i»i by tht adjustment neW Finn, P«t«r Urp»B4 AI»8 tension naa grown between Mr ders to Captain Fr»d Mawbey by ind felf tliitlie ihoiiH have been ,, ,.,,niraeiahauib«n WOODBRIUGE— Investigators unit for the hearing on the pro-Minkler. Catano and the new majority and certain members to omit one ofalong with his colleague when the I ,t i.H expectepec d thaUhe Ruth Evelyn, to Frederick of the Joint Legislative Emergency iroial to convert th« ottTateMihe Novelty sUnd: Donald Miller, creased to the breaking point the part-time drivers when extra agent was Interrogated. PiUpat- , ,IAI, in 'trie Helta, of Bound Brook, ion of Relief Committee are in Wood- homestead a( the corner of Lin-William Gerity, Jamei Mayer, Wednesday night when the board work is available; and (i) the re- rick believed each representative bridge this week making a com- Dr. and Mrs. John Heiss, of den avenue and Green itreet into met in regular session at the fusal by certain members ta allow ,i,iii-n will be ijiproxi- John' Almasi. r was "on hi« own" to obtain policy plete check of the local relief of- • Lafayttte, Indiana. , ' an apartment hdtlM. Parker ft Seheel street fl rehouse. the «m«rg«acy squad to use the i fiM'tand is to be con- RefreihmehU: J6»*ph DoOlan,' ddata,t . fat, Interviewing relief recipients Nielsen of Iselln, who purchased! meeting room at all times. irk and hollow ilk The announcement waa made O. S. Dunigan, WalteKGray, Wil- Mr. Cateno objected to th« "ac- (Contidtttd on Ptqe 3) and going over nil the records in Uat Friday night at a supper the property for an undisclosed iam Fenton, 5 the office of John Omenhiser, Mu- senting capacity for party or partita, hat not revealed ,n imil'a lante choir party ^iv«n on the Peimaylvan- Blanket (tan): Joseph Neder, Wile Says Spoan Cheatt, nicipal Director of Relief. I* HoUl Roof Garden, New who in jntereited In comtructing John Gregus, Edward Dunigan, «ilitiirium will bt in the apartment home. INTERMENT TODAY OUT OF WORK, MAN The investigators, headed by i ,,f the building. York City, with twelve guests Edward Obropta.'^ i So He Vpt And Stabs Her James S. Wight Ii leading the Georgo A. Steel and accompanied ...'.• pin inh, wbi«h U a present from Bound Brook, Baseball stand: George Gerity, WOODBRIDGE—Oliver Kar* by a budget expert, entered the 1 residents in the vicinity in an ef- OT MRS. L0CKW0O0 i .lume* Church tn ^fountain Lake*, New York William Hau|; Zlg* Tbbak, James C0MiTS_SinODE fort to block the plan, Residents ris. 40, colored, of 250 Fulton relief office at the Memorial Mu- IIIIH heen holding it* City, Plainfiejd and Avenel, Qerlty. Stret .this place, hafc been held nicipal building Thursday night, claim that an apartment houee Penny pitch: Carmel Gioffre, Resident Of Town 63 Yeiri ii,, auditorium of (1M Th« wedding will'take place would devaluate their property. under $1,500 baif fo» the grand Avenel Resident Takes Poi- fuly 20, without any advance- no- i The parishioners In the fall. Oliver Ringwood, Martin Minkler, jury on a charge of atrocloux tice .and took charge of the de- It ii believed that the Board of Succumbs At Home son Dote; Body U Found i.uiisorinK > number of Anthony Cacclola." assault and pattery preferred partment records. Adjustment will set a heating date ir in an tlfort to M- Music: Peter Milano and Fran- against him by his wife, Mrs. aometime next week. Of Her Daughter By SideOf Ro.d ' Friday and Saturday, the group I'IIIUIK to build a cis Everett, Thelma Hank' 'PRO' RACE DRIVER Toy atand: William Grauaam, WOODBRIDGE — Funeral AVENEL—Andrew Zlmendar- prepared notifies from nanies se- Mrs. Harris told Acting' Re- lected at random from the records 9 James P. Gerity, Edward Van TM-services for Mrs. Winnie A, Lock- iky, 61, of Blanchard Avenue, this I,Ipitied, St. Andrew's AVENEL P.-T. A. id^ 82,. widow of S«th Lock- corder James 8. Wight that her and on Monday the notices Were Adoiptv (kittstein, Ben •Cop- ptaa, eommkUd suicide early i.. t^<l to contain iaUy TO 'HANDLE fifRBY wood, who died Wednesday morn, husband struck he* tm4 stabbed -en to the-police departrrant to • .i, anil organ in add! pola. her on the hand after she ac- BENEFIT ing at the home of her daughter, Wednesday morning by drinking distribute to relief clients demand- Grounds: Frank Franchak, Wil cused him of "having a girl benchu Mrs. John Pfelffer, of 806 Rldge- poison. ing their appearance for question- To Act At Official Starter Mrs, Harry Grant Is Host- liam Miller, Edward Gerity, John friend." F. Byan <Fr. dale Avenue, win be held this Zimemlarnky wan found lying ing, Some of the notices were sent to persons who hare been off In Boyi' Event Here * ess Tuesday In Home Cigarette stand: William Gerity, afternoon at 2:90 o'clock at the n front of the Maple Tree Farm rellof for over two years and aro William Miller, Goorge O'Brien, house. Rev. Earl H. Dfrvanny, at B :,10 a. m. by Officer John Gove- Adfait 26 On Bmnet St. now regularly employed, GETS PRAISE William Golden, pastor of the First Presbyterian BELTS TO IDENTIFY itz, who rushed him to the Perth 9t««l It Siltnt WOO D BRIDG E—Arrangements AVENEL—Mrs. Harry Grant, Ice cream booth: Grand Regent Church, will officiate. Interment Amboy General hospital in a radio 111 be' In the church cemetery. Mr. Steel refused to answer ar« progressing rapidly for the of Unmet Street, was hostess to and staff of the Catholic Daughters JUNIOR POLICEMEN car.
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