(5). A Hemicycliophora sp. was discov- (26); Aphelenchoides sp. beneath barley these nematodes are as yet undetermined ered beneath alfalfa (Medicago sativa) on and wheat (11,12); A. vigor Thorne & in North Dakota. Changes in crops and 21 August 1977 (5). Twelve new species Malek beneath prairie sod (26); Aphelen- cultural practices such as conservation were detected -in various plant associa- chus sp. beneath barley and wheat (11); tillage and increased use of irrigation may tions. These species were Helicotylenchus Basiroides obliquus Thorne and Malek result in increased nematode populations digonicus Perry et al beneath red clover (26); Deladenus durus Thorne beneath and ensuing economic problems. In (Trifolium pratense) on 31 August 1977 prairie sod (26); Geocenamus tenidudens addition, as complex root diseases are (5,13), H. platyurus Perry et al beneath Thorne and Malek beneath prairie sod unraveled, nematodes may be found to grasses on 3 October 1977 and oak (26); Helicotylenchus leiocephalus Sher play an important role. This report (Quercus sp.) on 20 October 1977 (5,13), (21,26); H. erythrinae Golden beneath should aid future workers in determining H. pseudorobustus Golden beneath sugar beet (2); H. nannus Steiner beneath what plant parasitic nematodes are grasses on 15 August and 3 October 1977 sugar beet (2); Heterodera cacti group on present and may be involved in plant and red clover on 31 August 1977 (5,21), potato (Solanum tuberosum) (20); H. disease problems in North Dakota. H. varicaudatus Yuen beneath aspen schachtii Schmidt on sugar beet (reported (Populus sp.) and oak on 20 October 1977 in Cass county in 1958 but not found (5,28), Macroposthonia raskiensis de subsequently) (2,21); Hoplolaimus sp. LITERATURE CITED Grisse & Loof beneath grasses on 3 beneath sugar beet (2,12); Meloidogyne 1. ALLEN, M. W. 1955. A review of the nematode October 1977 (5,7,21,26), Merlinius acrita Esser, Perry and Taylor (reported genus Tylenchorhynchus. Univ. Calif. Pub. leptus Siddiqi beneath sumac (Rhus sp.) as M. incognita in the greenhouse, occurs Zool. 61:129-166. 2. CAVENESS, F. E. 1958. A study of nematodes on 31 August 1977 (5,16), Nothocrico- only in the greenhouse and in flower beds associated with sugar beet production in selected nemapermistus de Grisse beneath grasses above steam pipes on the North Dakota northwest and north central states. Sugar Beet on 15 August 1977 (5,21), Paratylenchus State University campus) (11,12); Merlin- Development Foundation. Ft. Collins, CO. hamatus Thorne & Allen beneath alfalfa ius lineatus Siddiqi beneath barley 157 pp. 3. CAVENESS, F. E. 1959. Trophurus minneso- on 31 August and grasses on 15 August (11,16); M. stegus Siddiqi (16,26); M. tensis (Caveness 1958) n. comb. Proc. Helmin- 1977 (5,25), P. vexans Thorne and Malek varians Siddiqi (16,26); Negelus aberrans thol. Soc. Wash. 26:64. beneath grasses on 3 October 1977 (5,26), Thorne and Malek beneath prairie sod 4. CHRISTIE, J. R., and V. G. PERRY. 1951. Pratylenchus fallax Seinhorst beneath (26); Neotylenchus nudus Thorne and Removing nematodes from soil. Proc. Helmin- thol. Soc. Wash. 18:106-108. oak on 20 October 1977 (5,14), Tylencho- Malek (26); Paratylenchus nannus 5. DONALD, P. A. 1978. Plant nematodes in and rhynchus maximus Allen in a cultivated Thorne and Smolik (27); Paratylenchus relevant to North Dakota. M.S. thesis, North field on 18 July and beneath grasses on 15 sp. beneath barley and sugar beet (2,12); Dakota State University, Fargo. 70 pp. August 1977 (1,5), and Tylenchus Pratylenchus agilis Thorne and Malek 6. FISHER, K. D., and J. McGUIRE. 1963. Occur- rence of Heterodera cysts in association with vulgaris Brzeski beneath oak on 20 beneath prairie sod (26); P. minyus Sher sugar beets in eastern South Dakota. Plant Dis. October 1977 (5,21). and Allen beneath sugar beet (2); Rep. 47:1060-1061. Earlier reports of certain plant parasitic Punctoderapunctata Mulvey and Stone 7. LUC, M. 1970. Contribution a 1etude du genre nematodes were confirmed. These nema- on potato and wheat (9,11,12,20); Criconemoides Taylor, 1936 (Nematoda: Crinconemoidae). Cah. ORSTOM Ser. Biol. todes were Aphelenchus avenae Bastian Rotylenchus spp. beneath sugar beet (2); 11:69-131. beneath aspen on 20 October, corn (Zea Tetylenchus joctus Thorne beneath 8. MALEK, R. B. 1968. The daggar nematode, mays) on 31 August, flax (Linum wheat (11,12,24); Thada tatra Thorne Xiphinema americanum, associated with decline usitatissimum) on 18 October, and sugar and Malek (26); Trichodorus sp. beneath of shelterbelt trees in South Dakota. Plant Dis. beet Rep. 52:795-798. (Beta vulgaris) on 15 October 1977 barley (11,12); Trophurus minnesotensis 9. MULVEY, R. H., and A. R. STONE. 1976. (5,21,26); Helicotylenchus exallus Sher Caveness (3,26); Tylenchorhynchus Description of Punctodera matadorensis n gen n beneath grasses on 3 October 1977, acutus Allen beneath barley, sugar beet, sp. (Nematoda:Heteroderidae) from Saskatche- brome grass (Bromus sp.) and corn and wheat (2,11,26); T claytoni Steiner wan with lists of species and generic diagnoses of (5,15,26); Helicotylenchus sp. beneath Globodera (n. rank), Heterodera and Sarisodera. beneath barley and wheat (11,12,21); T. Can. J. Zool. 54:772. grasses on 28 July, 15 August, and 3 cylindricus Cobb beneath barley and 10. NORTON, D. C. 1965. Anguina agropyroni- October 1977, beneath sugar beet and wheat (11,12,21); T. latus Allen beneath floris n. sp. infecting florets of Agropyron wheat (Triticum aestivum) (2,5,11,12); barley (1,1 1); T. macrurus Filipjev smithii. Helminthol. Soc. Wash. Proc. 32:118- 122. Heterodera sp. beneath grasses on 3 beneath barley (11,21); T. pachys Thorne 11. PEPPER, E. H. 1963. Nematodes in North October 1977, barley (Hordeum vulgare), and Malek (26);. Tylenchus butteus Dakota. Plant Dis. Rep. 47:102-106. and wheat (5,11); Quinisulcius acutoides Thorne and Malek beneath prairie sod 12. PEPPER, E. H. 1968. In Nematology in the Siddiqi in a cultivated field on 19 July (26); T costatus de Man beneath barley North Central Region 1956-1966. North Central Regional Publication 187. Special Report 58. 1977 (5,11,12,17,26); Tylenchorhynchus (11); T. cylindricollis Thorne and Malek Agric. and Home Econ. Exp. Stn. Iowa State nudus Allen beneath barley, corn on 31 (26); T. davanini Bastian beneath prairie Univ. of Science and Technol., Ames. 20 pp. August, grasses on 28 July and 3 October, sod and shrubs (21,26); T platycephalus 13. PERRY, V. G., H. M. DARLING, and G. and sage (Salvia sp.) on 31 August 1977 Thorne and Malek (26); and Xiphinema THORNE. 1959. Anatomy, taxonomy and con- (1,5,12); Tylenchorhynchus sp. beneath trol of certain spiral nematodes attacking blue sp. beneath barley (11,12). grass in Wisconsin. Univ. Wisc. Res. Bull. grasses on 28 July 1977, beneath barley, Nematodes not specifically reported in 207: 1-24. wheat, and sugar beet (5,11); Tylenchus North Dakota but mentioned as common 14. SEINHORST, J. W. 1968. Three new Pratylen- exiguus de Man beneath aspen on 20 in the northern Great Plains of North chus species with a discussion of the structure of the cephalic framework and of the spermatheca October, barley, corn on 31 August, America were Anguina agropyronifloris in this genus. Nematologica 14:497-510. grasses on 28 July, 15 August, and 3 Norton on western wheatgrass (Agropy- 15. SHER, S. A. 1966. Revision of the Hoplo- October 1977, sugar beet, and wheat ron smithii) (10), Aglenchus costatus de laiminae (Nematoda) VI. Helicotylenchus (5,11,12); Tylenchus sp. beneath aspen on Man (11,12,21,26), Beleodorus thylactus Steiner, 1945. Nematologica 12:1!-56. 16. SIDDIQI, M. R. 1970. On the plant parasitic 20 October, barley, grasses on 3 October, Thorne and Malek beneath corn and nematode genera Merlinius gen. n. Tylen- sugar beet on 15 October 1977, and wheat small grain (26), Hoplolaimus galeatus chorhynchus Cobb and the classification of the (5,11,12); and Xiphinema americanum Cobb beneath prairie sod and wheat families Dolichodoridae and Belonolaimidae n. Cobb beneath grasses on 28 July 1977, (21,26), Pratylenchus scribneri Steiner rank. Proc. Helminthol. Soc. Wash. 37:68-77. (21,26), and Psilenchus hilarulus de Man 17. SIDDIQI, M. R. 1971. Structure of the barley, sugar beet, wheat, and shelter belt oesophagus in the classification of the super- trees (2,5,11,12,21). (21,26). family Tylenchoidea (Nematoda). Indian J. Other plant parasitic and potentially Many of the nematodes detected in this Nematol. 1:25-43. parasitic nematodes previously reported study are common to this region of the 18. SMOLIK, J. D., and R. B. MALEK. 1972. Tylenchorhynchus nudus and other nematodes in North Dakota were Aphelenchoides United States (6,8,10,12,18,19,22,23). associated with Kentucky bluegrass turf in South confusus Thorne & Malek beneath wheat Host ranges and economic importance of Dakota. Plant Dis. Rep. 56:898-900. 46 Plant DiseaseNol. 64 No. 1 .
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