fall & winter 2012 The biannual newsmagazine of t he OSCO Construction Group FCC Coordinates Team Effort on Diamond Jubilee Cruiseship Terminal Irving Oil Refinery • Broad Institute • Topping off 225 Binney Profile on Architectural Precast • Employee Recognition Awards pg.10 pg.19 pg.32 What’s Inside... fall & winter 2012 3 Message from the President profiles priorities 10 Product Profile:Architectural Precast The Vincent Coleman; King’s Wharf; Royal View Apartments; The Grain- 30 Group Safety News ery; The Trillium 31 Environmental Due Diligence 14 Customer Profile: Fares Inc. 32 Company Profile: MacLean’s Concrete projects A warm hello to our newest Group members; A look back at 59 years of MacLean’s Concrete 4 Diamond Jubilee Cruise Terminal 6 Miscellaneous Metals Division public & community 7 Irving Oil Refinery Mid-Continental Crude project & East Campus Project 34 Connecting with the Community Sculpture Saint John; Steel Day; National Precast Day; Touch a Truck; 15 Zionville Bridge NSCC Award; Pte. David Greenslade Memorial Bursary 16 225 Binney topping off 17 351 Water Street people 18 Broad Institute 37 Hans O. Klohn Honoured with 2011 CPCI Fellow 20 Pouring it On: Ready Mix & Aggregates Updates Award Halifax Airport; Nova Scotia Power Dam Rebuilding; Kennebecasis 38 Employee Recognition Awards Dinner Library Expansion; Sewell-Carleton Parking Garage; Waterside Centre; Leon’s; PEI Dental Clinic 40 Dave Loomer Celebrates 50 Years of Service with 23 Dept of National Defence Ocean Steel 24 Port of Halifax Expansion 40 Retirement Lane Howard Dryden; John Myers; Douglas Cringan; James Milton; Roger 25 Banking on FCC MacDonald; Richard Thibodeaqu; Brian Case; Robert Taylor; Dale Card. Bank of Montreal; TD Waterhouse 42 Group Golf Tournament 26 Re bar Maximum Security Detention Facility; Transportation Discovery Center; 42 Group Picnic Lansing Court Apartment Building; Misc Projects. 43 FCC Softball Champs 28 Picadilly Update 43 OSCO Bursary Winners Raw Water Pumphouse; Diesel Storage Building; Ore Feed Pump; Mine Supply Air Complex. 43 Fresh Faces OSCO 43 Congratulations construction 44 Our Locations group CONNECTIONS is the biannual magazine of the OSCO on the cover... Construction Group, published every Spring and Fall to share news and information with our valued customers & employees Members of Strescon Atlantic’s erection team set a piece of architectural precast in place for the facade Comments and submissions are greatly appreciated and may be sent to the editor/designer: Tammy Legacy, c/o OSCO Construction Group of Saint John, New Brunswick’s Diamond Jubilee 400 Chesley Drive, Saint John, NB • Canada • E2K 5L6 email: [email protected] 2 CONNECTIONS • Fall & WinterCruise 2012 Terminal. www.oscoconstructiongroup.com Message from the President market in New Brunswick, other markets building skills between ourselves. To help Looking back offer great promise, such as Labrador & with this, we have started monthly “team over 2012, we’ve had a busy summer and Newfoundland. building” management meetings in all of fall. Our ready mix division was very busy our Group Sectors. At the same time, we in the Halifax market with record volumes. We’re also encouraged to see the signifi- are revamping our MicroSoft SharePoint Given the size of the Halifax market, we cant activity in the Boston area; particu- corporate networking website to allow for are in the midst of installing a GPS track- larly in the institutional, health science easier sharing of our institutional knowl- ing system for all our trucks and pumps. and high-rise residential segments. We edge between all of our employees. At the same time, we are reconfiguring anticipate that after the American presi- our dispatching system to integrate with dential election more construction will Teamwork remains the most important this GPS tracking to upgrade our level occur along the northeastern Atlantic attribute that we, as an organization, can of service and optimize the usage of our seacoast in Connecticut, Rhode Island and improve. If any one of us fails in fulfilling ready mix fleet. New York. This should enable the Ocean the important role we play, then we all fail as a group. It’s not about Although in New Brunswick Teamwork remains the most important attribute individuals with the best per- the ready mix market slowed formance: it’s about how well considerably, the market in that we, as an organization, can improve. If any the team works together! PEI remained fairly steady. one of us fails in fulfilling the important role we The acquisition of MacLean’s We want all team members Ready Mix Concrete has gone play, then we all fail as a group. to understand what role they extremely well. We are very can play in helping the entire pleased to have this well run organiza- Steel plant in New York State to stay busy; OSCO Group to succeed. At tion join OSCO Concrete. Both Doug especially with the Canadian-to-American the same time, we need to better explain and John MacLean have stayed with the dollar projected to remain at par. what overall impact a team member’s ac- company and continue to provide the tion may have beyond just what happens great service they have been noted for in The uncertain economic times in North in a particular department. For example, eastern PEI. At the same time, James Reid America and the European Union makes designing something that’s easy to fabri- has assumed the duties of PEI Operations moving from one construction jurisdic- cate but more expensive to ship or install Manager and this has allowed our services tion to another vitally important to our fu- is not necessarily a win for the team! in PEI to be coordinated throughout the ture success. For this reason, we continue I want to once again thank all of our team province. to work hard at developing our skills to open and service more geographic mar- members for their significant contribu- In our structural steel and precast kets. This starts with identifying opportu- tions to making 2012 another successful concrete divisions, we have undertaken nities in new markets, timely marketing & one for the OSCO Construction Group. projects located in several geographic sales efforts to win contracts and building I am looking forward to the challenges markets throughout Canada and the a strong project management infrastruc- of 2013 and I know with the talent and eastern United States: from Boston; to ture to service these distant markets. dedication in our organization that it will Halifax; to St. John’s; to Fort McMurray. be another successful year for us all! Geographic diversity continues to play Without good communication and team- an important role to ensure we continue work between all of our departments & to find profitable opportunities for our divisions, we would not have been suc- cessful in making this happen. I believe steel and precast concrete sectors. As Hans O. Klohn some markets slow down, like our local we need to develop even stronger team- President, OSCO Construction Group www.oscoconstructiongroup.com CONNECTIONS • Fall & Winter 2012 3 projects The Saint John, New Brunswick With the first ship scheduled to waterfront continues to grow arrive at the terminal on Septem- with the construction of the ber 5th 2012; and design only Diamond Jubilee Cruise Terminal. Diamond beginning in the fall of 2011; it Named in honour of Queen Eliza- was recognized that this project beth’s 60th anniversary on the was on a very tight schedule. It British throne, this new project was critical that FCC Construc- was initiated by the Port of Saint Jubilee tion work closely with both the John to meet the growing needs Client and the design team to of both the Disney cruise ship line solve scheduling, cost control, and the cruise ship industry in and constructability issues. De- general. Construction of the new spite many design details, added terminal started in late November Cruise scope and working through 2011 and was completed in Oc- winter weather on the Saint John tober 2012. FCC Construction’s waterfront, the ship arrival date civil division provided construc- remained unchanged. tion management services from the early design phase through Terminal Through teamwork, careful plan- project completion. ning and efficient work on site, the first Disney cruise ship was The new terminal is located on able to arrive as scheduled. Since Water St., just south of the exist- then, the terminal has continued ing Marco Polo Cruise Terminal. to serve the various cruise lines This contemporary facility offers and passengers who call on the a number of amenities for tour- Port of Saint John while FCC contributed by: ists visiting Saint John. These Construction completed work Carl Blanchard, features include a 400 ft. ped- on site. Tim MacDonald, Dave Dunnett, way, which is used to safely and STEWART TOTTEN & Stephane Belanger efficiently offload cruise ship- pas While the project was delivered sengers, washroom facilities, and both on schedule and within budget, “safety first” contin- a large assembly area where pas- patio. The upper roof features a ued to be the approach taken sengers can sign up for tours of South- patio which is open to the public on site. Overall, this ern New Brunswick. The terminal also and provides a spectacular view project was completed contains space which will be accessible of the Saint John waterfront with zero lost time to the general public. The second level and an opportunity for an up has a rentable banquet room serviced close view of visiting cruise ships. by a full kitchen as well as a roof top 4 CONNECTIONS • Fall & Winter 2012 www.oscoconstructiongroup.com projects accidents, which is a great accom- Terminal. The precast consisted of plishment for a project of this size. 31 plinth panels, 6 large arches and Following the proper safety regula- 3 small arches.
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