February 2020 Congratulations to MaryAlleyne-James & Barrie James on your Golden Wedding Anniversary on 1st January2020 See Page 6 2 March 2020 Magazine Cut-off Date Cut-off date for the March 2020 Stukeleys Parish Magazine is 9am Monday 17th February 2020 **** Please do not be late **** FUTURE EVENTS Mon 10th Feb Parish Council Meeting 7.15pm ESCA Sat 4th Feb Little Flyers 10-11.15am ESCA Wed 12th Feb WI Meeting 7.30pm GSVH Wed 18th Feb Heritage Group Meeting 7.30pm GSVH Fri 21st Feb Beetle Drive 7.00pm GSVH Wed 26th Feb Community Coffee Morning 10.30-12pm GSVH Tue 21st Apr RAF Museum Visit TBA Hendon Take a look at the Magazine website at www.stukeleysmag.co.uk Email to: Martyn at [email protected] Post/drop in to: 7 Hill Close, Great Stukeley PE28 4AZ Tel: 01480 432633 Mob: 07710 171924 Please include your phone number in case of queries. Space in the magazine is limited, so articles should be about 300 words. This is to allow as many people as possible the opportunity to contribute to the magazine. It would be helpful if you could submit articles sized to an A5 page in Word or PDF. We reserve the right to refuse an article, cut its length or hold it over to a later issue without notice. Please Note:This magazine is published by Martyn Fox with administrative and financial support from The Stukeleys’ Parish Council. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Editor or of the Parish Council A charge is made to advertise in this magazine. All enquiries should be directed to Martyn Fox (Tel: 01480 432633) or Ramune Mimiene, (Parish Clerk) Email: [email protected] This Month Page4: TheStukeleysHeritageGroup Page5: StMartin’sChurch£150ClubWinners Page6: ThankYoufromGSVHCommittee Page7: CommunityCoffeeMorningraised£860 Page7: StBartholomew’sChuchCelebrates800years. Page8: ThankYoufromStBartholomew’sParochialChurchCouncil Page15: WIReport Page16: BeetleDriveatGreatStukeleyVillageHall Page18: TheRoyalBritishLegionCoffeeMorning 3 The Stukeleys Heritage Group Programme for 2020 Ourmeetings areinGreat Stukeley VillageHall and startat7.30 pm as follows: Wednesday 18th March Graham Campbell - the importance of the valley of the River Great Ouse and the work of the Great Ouse ValleyTrust. Wednesday 20th May - to be advised. Wednesday 15th July Mike Petty - the 1947 floods in Huntingdonshire Wednesday 16th September Day outing to historic Colchester. Toleave from Great Stukeley at 9.30 am and set back from Colchester at 4 pm. Cost £20.00 per person. Wednesday 18th November MandyCorneyfrom theWildlife Trust -theGreat FenProject and film of fenmemories. Please note thatinorder tomaintain the Group member subscriptions are now due. Having kept them at £5.00ayear, we now feel we have to increase to £10.00inorder to coverthecost of hall hire and speakers’ fees and expenses. We’d be pleased to collect subscriptions at our meetings. Our meetingsare,however, open toall residentsandfriends of The Stukeleys;youwould be most welcome. Michael Monk 33 ChurchR oad, Great Stukeley 01480 456634 or 0776 137 2224 [email protected] 4 Community Coffee Morning Wednesday 26th February 10.30 – 12.00 At Great Stukeley Village Hall (and every last Wednesday until November) The money raised will be shared between The Stukeleys WI and St Bartholomew’s Church Do come and join us. Any donations for the bring and buy stall will be gratefully received. St Martin`sChurch£150 Club Winners The Weekly winnerswere: M Martin, J Ball, J Owen,J Freeman, J Quenby, S Dean, P Nabouns, TGee, M Gaby, H Payne, A Newman, A Bush, M Field, P Soinne, J Freeman, A Owen, GField, J Kerr £60 winner: P Glover £25 winner: M Gaby £10 winner: S Owen £5 winner: A McCormack RedundantVegetable Garden I havearedundant vegetable garden,if anyone would be interested in clearingit andgrowing their own veg this year inLittle Stukeley. Please call 01480 455398. Lost Dog At 11.30pm walking home from the pub we found a Labrador.We knocked on a couple of doors (of houses that had lights on).Thank you for your help and thank you for the loan ofthe lead.The dog was home safe and well by 12. Regards Donna Rogers 5 THANK YOU Great Stukeley Village Hall Management Committeewould like tosay a great big thank you to Nicki Sly and the Volunteers and Supporters ofthe Community Coffee Morning for their kinddonation of £430 to the Village Hall Funds that they collected throughout 2019. Once we have decided how to spend the donation, we will letyou know. Many thanks, David, Iain, Helen, Carol & Nicola GREAT STUKELEY VILLAGE HALL GREAT STUKELEY VILLAGEHALL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE WOULD LIKE TO THANK ALL THOSE WHO HAVEHELPED AND SUPPORTED US THROUGHOUT 2019AND WISH YOU ALL A HEALTHY AND PROPEROUS 2020. Celebrating our GOLDENWEDDING Anniversary A very big thank you to all our friends and neighbours for their very thoughtful cards, messages, emails, notes and calls when we celebrated our Golden Wedding Anniversary on Wednesday 1st January 2020. It was very thoughtful of you to remember our very special celebration-your kindness is very much appreciated. Mary Alleyne-James and Barrie James 6 Community Coffee Morning This year theCommunityCoffee Morning has raised an amazing £860.00. Incomefrom Door, Refreshments and Bring & Buy £1188.55 Total Spend (Village Hall Hire) £ 330.00 Donations £ 1.45 Total Donation tobe split £ 860.00 This money has been splitevenly between The Stukeleys WI&Great Stukeley Village Hall. A vote has been taken for next year’s charityand the overwhelming majorityis for St Bartholomew’s Church in Great Stukeley. I would like to thank all that donate to the coffee morning, be that time,money, cakes,or help. Withoutyou there wouldn’t beacoffee morning. Wishingyou all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Our next CommunityCoffeeMorning is on29th January 2020,see advert for more details. St. Bartholomew’s Church If you look at the list of vicars in the church, the first one is Richard de Brampton in 1220. For thisreason the church is celebrating its 800th anniversary this year. There was anearlierchurch, probably originally madeofwood, and laterof stone, but nothing remains of this building. During 2020 St Bartholomew’s will be holding a number of celebratory events. One of these will beonSaturday July 11th, when there will be a Medieval Fayre. It should be a fun afternoon. If you are willing to help in any way, either beforehand oronthe day, please get in touch with me If your child has a hobby horse that we could borrowf or oneofthegames please contactme. AnnMonk Tel 01480 456634 7 THANK YOU St Bartholomew’s Parochial Church Council thanks everyone who has supported the church by raising or contributing to church funds in 2019. We are very grateful to the Stukeleys Women’s Institute who raise funds forourchurch and clean the church every month. Thank you to Jan ly who put together a hamper and raffled it at the coffee mornings. Thank you David Claasen for arranging carol singing in the village, and those who supported on the evening. The proceeds were donated to the church. Thank you to everyone who supports our Church events and Beetle Drives, who make regulardonations to the roof fund on behalf of loved ones now sadly passed. Without the continued support of the we would not be celebrating 800 years of the church in July 2020, so a big thank you to one and all. St Bartholomew’s PCC 8 Great Stukeley Village Hall 9 ROYAL AIR FORCE MUSEUM: HENDON TUESDAY 21st APRIL 2020 “A wonderful tripfrom the past through the present…andinto the future” As we quickly approach our tour date to visit the RAF Museum at Hendon I have very few places left for this fascinating day trip. We will meet at 8am on Tuesday 21st April 2020 at Great Stukeley Village Hall where our coach will depart at 8.15am. On arrivalat 10.30am we will make our way to the entrance at Hangar 1. Morning Refreshments, tea orcoffee and a Danish Pastry, ARE included in our cover charge, will be available for my group at Claude’sRestaurant close to Hangar 6. Afterthis breakwe will bemet at 11.45am by theMuseum’s Professional Guides who will takeus onafascinating two-hour tour of theMuseum. Afterthetour we will have time to take lunch (NOT included in your cover charge) or you may like to revisit some of the special interest exhibits like theFlight Simulators. We will have Afternoon Tea at Claude’s Restaurant by Hangar 6 around 4.15pm which will include tea or coffee served with a scone, clotted cream and preserves. This IS included in the cover charge. The cost for this terrific trip is £ 42.00 per person which includes Morning Refreshments, Afternoon Tea, the Coach and a tipforthe driver. Please let me know as Soon As Possible if you are interestedinthis trip toavoid disappointment. OnlySIX (6) places now available. MaryAlleyne-James Organizer Tel: 01480 433 954 Email: [email protected] SPENCER HOUSE and The STAFFORD HOTEL Monday 8thJune 2020 ‘Unforgettable MomentsinStunning Surroundings’ SPENCER HOUSEi s the last of the great aristocratic town houses ever built in Central London. Grand and graceful it contains some ofthe most beautiful neo-classical rooms in Europe. Today it 10 looks and feels like the house known by the 1st and 2nd Earls’ Spencer. In 1772 Arthur Young wrote about Spencer House, “I know not a more beautiful piece of architecture…all in richness, elegance and taste, superior to any house I have seen”. On Monday 8th June 2020 I have organized a trip to London where we will take a Blue Badge Holder Guided tour of Spencer House. Following our arrival, at around 11.45am, we will take morning tea or coffee and biscuits beforevisiting eight (8) of Spencer House’ State Rooms.
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