Reworking the Gawler Craton: Metamorphic and geochronologic constraints on Palaeoproterozoic reactivation of the southern Gawler Craton, Australia Rian A. Dutch, B.Sc (Hons) Geology and Geophysics School of Earth and Environmental Sciences The University of Adelaide This thesis is submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Science, University of Adelaide January 2009 Chapter 1 Introduction Reworking the Gawler Craton Continental reworking and reactivation Dutch et al., 2005). Unravelling complexly represent two end members that describe reworked terrains requires a systematic the way in which continental lithosphere is approach where detailed structural mapping modified by repeated focusing of deformation and observations are coupled with petrologic and/or magmatism into a rock volume. Due to its and metamorphic analysis. This then needs to relative buoyancy and weakness compared with be temporally constrained by the application oceanic crust and the underlying lithospheric of detailed, targeted geochronology in order to mantle, continental crust is not readily discriminate between individual events (e.g. subducted, and is therefore often subjected to Mawby et al., 1999; Pyle and Spear, 2003; repeated episodes of reworking or reactivation Rutherford et al., 2006; Simmat and Raith, (Molnar, 1988; Thatcher, 1995; Holdsworth 2008). This thesis presents a systematic approach et al., 2001). Continental reactivation has to unravelling the reworked southern Gawler been defined by Holdsworth et al. (1997) as Craton (Fig. 1.1), including the development the accommodation of geologically separable and discussion of targeted geochronological displacement events (with intervals > 1 Ma) techniques, metamorphic analysis and structural along pre-existing structures. Continental observations. reworking is considered to be the repeated The Gawler Craton (Fig. 1.1), in South focusing of deformation, metamorphism and/or Australia, consists of an Archaean to magmatism into the same rock volume so that Palaeoproterozoic core (Daly and Fanning, every part of that rock volume has been affected 1993; Daly et al., 1998; Ferris et al., 2002; in some way by the prevailing tectonothermal Swain et al., 2005b; Fanning et al., 2007; Hand regime (e.g. Hand and Buick, 2001; Holdsworth et al., 2007) surrounded and intruded by a et al., 2001; Krabbendam, 2001; McLaren and series of Palaeoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic Sandiford, 2001). metasedimentary and igneous suites (Parker, One of the biggest issues when working 1993; Daly et al., 1998; Ferris et al., 2002; in regions that have undergone reworking is Fanning et al., 2007; Hand et al., 2007; ). A distinguishing between the products of the summary of the major lithological units and their different tectonic events. Failure to do this locations are presented in Figure 1.2 and Table may lead to the linking of temporally separate 1.1. For detailed descriptions of the lithologies events to generate a missleading apparent P-T of the Gawler Craton the reader is referred to evolution of an orogen (e.g. Dirks et al., 1991; the work of Daly and Fanning (1993), Parker Hand el al., 1992; Hensen and Zhou, 1995; (1993), Daly et al. (1998), Ferris et al. (2002) 1 Chapter 1 Reworking the Gawler Craton 4 1 2 3 Wallaroo Group Figure 1.1. Simplified interpreted subsurface geology of the Gawler Craton, South Australia, with sim- plified domains based on geological associations. 1 Central Domain, 2 South-west domain, 3 Olympic Domain, 4 North-west Domain (modified from: Daly et al., 1998; Ferris et al., 2002, Swain et al., 2005a). 2 Chapter 1 Reworking the Gawler Craton a) ~3000 – 2000 Ma b) <2000 – 1850 Ma Mulgathing Complex Donington Suite Miltalie Gneiss Sleaford Complex Hutchison Group c) 1790 – 1730 Ma d) 1730 – 1650 Ma Peake Metamorphics Nawa Domain metasediments Tarcoola Formation Myola & McGregor NOTE: Eba & Vocanics; Tunkillia Suite Moonabie Labyrinth These figures are included on page 3 Formations Formationof the print copy of the thesis held in Fowler Domain Wallaroo metasediments the UniversityGroup of Adelaide Library. Moody Suite Price Metasediments e) 1630 – 1500 Ma Possible Hiltaba Suite Hiltaba Suite Munjeela Figure 1.2. Locations of the major rock units Granite Gawler Range formed during the Archaean to Mesoproterozoic Nuyts Volcanics Volcanics in the Gawler Craton. a) Archaean to early Palaeo- proterozoic (c. 3000–000 Ma). b) Palaeoproterozo- St Peter Suite ic (<2000–1850 Ma). c) Palaeoproterozoic (1790– 1730 Ma). d) Palaeoproterozoic (1730–1650 Ma). e) Palaeo- to Mesoproterozoic (1630–1500 Ma). See Table 1.1 for details. Figure after Hand et al. Spilsby Suite (2007). 3 Chapter 1 Table 1.1. Summary of the major lithological units of the Gawler Craton Age interval (meta) Sedimentary Units (meta) Igneous Units Unit name References (Ma) Sequences Deposition age (Ma) Type Age (Ma) felsic & mafic-ultra Undifferentiated Sleaford pelites, BIF, mafic volcanics; 2535 – 2500 2560 – 2500 Swain et al., 2005b; Fanning and Mulgathing Complex carbonates, quartzites felsic to intermediate et al., 2007 ~3000 – 2000 magmatism Parker and Fanning, 1998; Miltalie Gneiss granodioritic ~2000 Fanning et al., 2007 quartzite, dolomite, Parker and Lemon, 1982; Hutchison group BIF, pelites, 2000 – ~1866 Parker et al., 1988; Vassallo <2000 – 1850 calcsilicates and Wilson, 2001 Mortimer et al., 1988; Hoek Donington Suite felsic to mafic ~1850 and Shaefer, 1998 Wallaroo group, Price Metasediments, calcsilicates, iron Parker et al., 1993; Oliver and bi-modal magmatism Moonabie Formation, formation, pelites, 1770 – 1740 1790 – 1740 Fanning, 1997; Cowley et and volcanics al., 2003; Jagodzinski, 2005; 4 Myola and McGregor siltstones Fanning et al., 2007 1790 – 1730 Volcanics Nawa and Fowler Domain pelites, iron formation, Daly et al., 1998; Hopper, metasediments and 1740 – 1720 2001; Payne et al., 2006; carbonates Peake Metamorphics Howard et al., 2008 conglomerate, Reworking theGawlerCraton Eba and Labyrinth Cowley and Martin, 1991; quartzites, shales, felsic to intermediate Formations; Tunkillia and ~1715 1730 – 1670 Schwarz, 1999; Ferris and felsic and mafic magmatism Schwarz, 2004; Fanning et Moody Suites 1730 – 1650 volcanics al., 2007 quartzites, shales, Tarcoola Formation ~1654 Daly et al., 1998; Budd, 2006 dolomite, volcanics Nuyts Volcanics and St felsic volcanics; felsic 1630 – 1610 Flint et al., 1990; Rankin, 1990 Peter Suite to mafic magmatism Hiltaba Suite (including felsic to mafic Blissett et al., 1993; Daly et 1630 – 1500 al., 1998; Budd et al., 2001; Munjeela Granite) and magmatism; felsic to 1595 – 1575 Skirrow et al., 2002; Allen et Gawler Range Volcanics intermediate volcanics al., 2003 Spilsby Suite felsic to intermediate ~1500 Fanning et al., 2007 Chapter 1 Reworking the Gawler Craton and Hand et al. (2007). the University of Adelaide, Monash University The Gawler Craton has experienced a and the Department of Primary Industries and protracted c. 1700 Myr tectonic history from Resources, South Australia (LP0454301) which the Archaean through to the Mesoproterozoic, aimed to develop a geological framework for experiencing numerous cycles of deformation, the evolution of the Gawler Craton and attempt magmatism and basin development (Fig. 1.2 to resolve some of these ambiguities. The aim & 1.3). The tectonic evolution of the Gawler of the research project presented here is to Craton is poorly understood, despite hosting develop a better understanding of the timing, a number of mineral deposits including the distribution and tectonothermal evolution of the immense Olympic Dam iron oxide-copper- major orogenic systems in the southern Gawler gold deposit. The main obstacle hampering Craton, addressing points 1 and 2 above. the understanding of the tectonic history of The Gawler Craton has been affected the Gawler Craton is the lack of outcrop, with by a number of metamorphic events which only 5 – 10% outcrop in a region roughly the are summarised in Table 1.2. There have size of France. Despite this lack of a rigorous been a number of event chronologies and tectonic framework, the Gawler Craton remains nomenclatures proposed for the tectonothermal an important region for mineral exploration in events of the Gawler Craton with the current Australia and a vital piece of the puzzle in the model of Hand et al. (2007) being used here. Of evolution of the Australian continent during the the nine tectonic events listed in Table 1.2, five pre-Cambrian (e.g. Betts et al., 2002; Giles et are interpreted to have affected the southern al., 2004; Betts and Giles, 2006; Payne et al., Gawler Craton (Parker, 1993; Vassallo and 2008). Wilson, 2001; Vassallo and Wilson, 2002; Hand A number of workers have highlighted the et al., 2007). significant ambiguities that exist in our current The earliest recorded event in the southern understanding of the geological framework Gawler Craton is the Palaeoproterozoic of the Gawler Craton. These ambiguities Sleafordian Orogeny, which deformed and primarily revolve around: 1) the timing and metamorphosed the late Archaean core of spatial distribution of the tectonic events within the Gawler Craton (Figs 1.1 & 1.3). Peak the craton (Daly et al., 1998; Ferris et al., metamorphic conditions in the central Gawler 2002; Hand et al., 2007); 2) the metamorphic Craton reached temperatures of 800 °C at 5 to 7 evolution of the tectonic events (e.g. Teasdale, kbar (Teasdale, 1997; Tomkins and Mavrogenes, 1997; Tomkins and Mavrogenes, 2002; Tong 2002). In the northern
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