LOS ANGELES TIMES | www.latimes.com ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT Sunday, March 15,2015 ROCKINRIOUSALANDSINLASVEGAS 15 THINGS TO CONCERTAND LASVEGAS GET READY TO PARTY! KNOW ABOUT GUIDE: THE BE-ALL, BEST OF THE ROCK ROCK IN RIO END-ALL ITINERARY AND POP FEST p.4 p.7 p.12 ADVER TISING SUPPLEMENT CELEBRATING IN STYLE ockinRio is markingits 30thanniversaryinspectacular fashion, with thedebut Rock in RioUSA in LasVegasonMay 8and 9and May 15 and16. In September, theBrazilian Reditionofthe megafest is returningtoits birthplace of RiodeJaneiro. Held at theCityofRock—acustom built, permanent infrastructure—soundequipment, stages, light- open-air venuelocated on theLas VegasStrip —Rock ing—having to be imported into aregionunused in RioUSA willinclude performances from Taylor Swift, to such scaleand production values,ticketrevenue BrunoMars, No Doubt, Metallica, Maná,LinkinPark, alonecould notcover thecostofstaging Rock in Rio. SamSmith andJohnLegendamong many others. So Medina, whosebackgroundisin advertisingand “TheAmericanchallenge is bigger to us —and communications,launchedacampaign that raised $25 becauseit’sbigger, it’s even more interestingtous,”said millioninsponsorships. RobertoMedina, whofounded Rock in Rioin1985, Alongwiththe fiveBrazilian editions of Rock in Rioto speakingthrough an interpreter. date, therehavebeensix in Portugaland threeinSpain. “I wouldn’t come to Americabeforetesting everything. Headlinershaveincludedawho’s whoofmusic royalty, LOS We’vehad,sofar,14editionsofRockinRio,and thank- includingTheRollingStones, EltonJohn, Guns N’ Roses, fullywe’ve hadgood success.” Sting, Prince,Coldplay, Metallica, Shakira, Beyoncé, Paul ANGELES Mick Jagger with Bruce Springsteen, 2014 Medina’sdream to bringamajor rock festival to his McCartneyand Rihanna. Over threedecades, Rock in Rio native Brazilwas initiallymet with skepticism within the has brought 1,274 performances to 7.4 millionfans. music industry.But with helpfrom FrankSinatra, for Avast,spontaneous audience sing-along to Queen’s whom Medinahad createdarecord-breaking concertat “LoveofMyLife” at thefirst Rock in Rioin1985 setthe TIMES Rio’sMaracanãStadium in 1980, he wasabletosecurea tone forthe event’slegendary levelofaudience participa- top-tier lineupfor thefirst Rock in Rio, includingQueen, tion.RockinRio createdalightingsystemthatfocuses RodStewart,George Benson andAC/DC. on thecrowd,and headliners includingKatyPerry,Bruce | Although around 1.4 millionpeopleattendedthat Springsteen andBon Jovi have invitedstar-struck fans to www initialevent,ticketpriceshad to be kept lowinwhat join them on thestage,creatinganintimaterelationship was then apoorcountry.Withmuchofthe festival’s betweenartist andaudience. .latimes.c om •• SUND “Rock in Rio had to be more AY than just aconcert. It had to ,M be aparty.” ARCH – Roberto Medina, founder of Rock in Rio 15 ,2 01 5 James Taylor,1985 T2 ADVER TISING SUPPLEMENT It all goes back to Medina’sdream of creating something LOS more than amusic festival. “RockinRio hadtobemorethanjustaconcert,”he ANGELES recalled. “Ithad to be aparty.” Namedafterthe festival’s original home in Brazil, the LasVegasCityofRockisa40-acre, 85,000-capacity venue forwhichRockinRio haspartnered with MGMResorts International, CirqueduSoleiland YucaipaGroup. TIMES MedinasaidRockinRio is investing$75 million andMGM Resortsisinvesting more than $20 million. Construction forthe open-air venue—thefirst of itskind | www in LasVegas—started in Oct.2014 andwill be complete Medinasaidanagreement is alreadyinplace forRockin before theopeningweekend. RiotoreturntoVegasin2017 and2019. In betweenRockin .latimes.c Medinacomparesthe City of Rock to a“music theme RioUSA editions,MGM Resortshas plans to usethe City park,” with careful attentiontolandscaping,hospitality of Rock infrastructurefor festivals(popand rock excluded), (includingalavish VIP area)and humantouches such as concerts andsportingevents. floralarrangements throughout. Back in Brazil, Rock in RioinSeptember will include om Inspired by the“party” atmosphere of theNew returningheadlinersKatyPerry,SystemofaDown, John Orleansstreets, threeregionallythemedRockStreets Legend,Queensofthe StoneAge,Slipknot, Hollywood •• filled with shops, restaurantsand performancespaces Vampires andA-ha. willallow audience membersand artists—including Medina’simpeccableexecution forhis tour de forcewill SUND musicians,streetdance crewsand festival-style acts — keep theparty marchingon. to revelinthe pageantry. Only question is:Are yougoing to miss it? AY –PAUL ROGERS ,M Brand Publishing Writer ARCH Clockwise from top left: Prince, 1991; Freddie Mercury,1985; Beyoncé, 2013 15 ,2 01 5 T3 ADVER TISING SUPPLEMENT Years the “World’s Biggest Music Festival” has been going on. Weddings to be legally conducted each day at 30 10 the festival. Hours of 5 1,270 music each day. Musical acts Artists who’ve 1 7.4 scheduled for the performed throughout Las Vegas event.10 0+ the years. BILLION MILLION People have Total attendees Themed “Rock Streets” dedicated to watched the over 30 years. 3 Brazil, U.K. and U.S. Also the time doors concerts worldwide. open each afternoon. 1.38 75 Amount of money invested by Rock in Rio into construction of open-air MILLION venue in Las Vegas. MILLION Fans who attended first festival in 1985 over the course of 10 days –a festival fivetimes larger Feet-high, 600-foot-long zip line for concertgoers. (All than Woodstock. attractions inside the City of Rock, including Ferris 64 wheel, are included in the ticket price.) LOS ANGELES Price for general admission weekend passes, available at 298 www.RockinRio.com. BY THE NUMBERS TIMES 15 THINGS YOU | Year when Rock in Rio DIDN’T KNOW www is scheduled to return, 2017 followed by 2019. .latimes.c ABOUT ROCK IN RIO ockinRio has accomplishedaplethora of milestonesthroughout its om 30-yearhistory,and they’llbeaddingafew more featstothe tally Peoplecan be accom- •• Rcome May.Let’s go throughsomefigures. modatedeach day in 85,000 Las Vegas venue. SUND AY ,M ARCH 4,000 VIP in air-conditioned area 15 ,2 with open bar and gourmet food. ($498 for daily passes.) 01 5 T4 ADVER TISING SUPPLEMENT Rock Street U.K. THE STREETS Thisquaintboulevard is made to resemble London’s Camden Town and Dublin’s Grafton Street,lined with housesthatlookand feel like traditional pubs andshops. Authentic entertainmentreflectsthe countries’richheritage, WILL BE ROCKIN’ with Irish bagpipersalongside jugglers, aVictorian-inspired photographer andcaricaturist,aswellasone of thoseimplacableBuckinghamPalace guards. Rock Streets’ authentic sights, sounds and food On stage, thebandTerra Celtawill bringits ownbrand of traditional Celtic- capture cultures of U.S., U.K. and Brazil inspired music,and Stonethe Beetles willplayclassic hits by theRollingStones andBeatles everynight.All that andinternational hula hoop performerLisa ockinRio has finallylandedinAmerica,and it is bringing part of theworld with it Lottie doingher extreme contortionsand high-energy “BendItLikeaBarbie” actthathas takenher to 29 countries. —literally. Whereelsebut this mammothinternational rock andpopfestivalcould Ryoustrollthe streets of NewOrleans,immerse yourself in rich Brazilian cultureand experience thehistory andcharm of Britainand Ireland? And whereelsebut LasVegascould youfindsuchadelicious sensoryoverload? Welcome to Rock Streets, threeimmersive experi- The Rock Streetsshowcasethe authenticsights, ences that arepartofthe City of Rock,the 40-acre sounds andfood of theU.S.,U.K. andBrazil.Eachstreet outdoorcustombuilt Rock in Riovenue that canhost is nearly 500 feet long andfeaturesits ownstage. Color- 85,000 visitors aday andwas designedas“atheme fulstreetperformers, bands andartists helpgive these park of music,”accordingtoRoberta Medina, execu- streets their authenticflavor.Twenty“houses”filled with tive vice presidentofRockinRio. shops andrestaurants linethe streets, making this afully “EachCityofRockisdifferent,dependingonthe immersive entertainmentexperience. countryit’sbuilt on,” Medinasaid. “… TheCityof The Rock Street atmosphere is casual,relaxed and Rock in LasVegasisslightly bigger than theone in intimate enough to requestasongfrom themusicians. Continued on page 6 RiodeJaneiro. Itsunique settingalsoallowed us to With doorsopeningdaily at 3p.m., festivalgoerscan LOS have more attractionsinside,and that is whywe’ll getafullyengagingexperience. have threedifferent Rock Streets in Vegasinstead Let’stakeastrollaround theStreets andsee what ANGELES of just one.” sets each apart. ROCK STREET U.S. TIMES Rock in Rio Dance Crew (May 8, 9, 15, 16) DJ Druskee &MCMyron Marten (May 8, 9, 15, 16) | Academy of Villains (May 8, 9) www Kinjaz (May 15, 16) .latimes.c ROCK STREET BRAZIL SpokFrevo Orquestra (May 8, 9) om Pepeu Gomes (May 8, 9) •• Leo Gandelman (May 8, 9) SUND Simoninha Feat. Toni Garrido (May 15, 16) Marcos Valle (May 15, 16) AY ,M Bossacucanova (May 15, 16) ARCH ROCK STREET U.K. 15 Stone the Beatles (May 8, 9, 15, 16) ,2 Terra Celta (May 8, 9, 15, 16) 01 5 T5 ADVER TISING SUPPLEMENT Rock Street Brazil Electricwiththe vividcolorsand culture of Brazil, this street capturesthe picturesquearchi- tectureand feel of this SouthAmericancountry,awash in Latinjazz, sunnyvibes, elaborate fruit-topped headdresses andsomeofthe most charismaticcharacters of Brazilianfolklore. Featured on theRockStreetBrazilmainstage,Latin Grammy nominee Bossacucanovawill serveupsometrademarkbossa nova sounds incorporated with modernEDM.Anumber of Brazilian starswill takethe stage, includingMarcos Valle, asinger, songwriter andproducer whohas worked with artistsasdisparateasJay
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