MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2020 Intelligent . In-depth . Independent Issue NUMBER 3571 / 4000 RIEL Ministry calls for exporters AMENDMENTS TO to prepare for post-Brexit UK LABOUR LAW THAT May Kunmakara December 24 called for them to ap- countries will be able to trade with ment acknowledged concerns about the ply for a “Certificate of Origin Form the UK on preferential terms as deter- country’s internal political situation. WILL CUT WAGES HE Ministry of Commerce has A” (CO Form A) to certify the origin of mined by its GSP programme. “The UK will continue to raise hu- informed local manufacturers their goods and qualify for duty-free “Exports to the UK from these man rights issues with the Govern- SENT TO CABINET and exporters that Cambodia export to the UK from January 1. [least developed] countries have ment of Cambodia and continue to NATIONAL – page 2 had been designated a “least The call came after the UK Depart- quota-free access and nil rates of monitor the situation,” it said. Tdeveloped country” (LDC) under the ment for International Trade on De- import duty on all goods other than The ministry referred those who UK’s Generalised Scheme of Prefer- cember 17 announced the list of eli- arms and ammunition,” according wish to apply for a CO Form A for their ences (GSP), a status that confers con- gible LDCs. Cambodia was included to the announcement from the UK’s goods to its online automated system siderable advantages when exporting among 46 other countries. international trade department. at https://co.moc.gov.kh. goods to the former EU member. Starting on January 1 as the post- While Cambodia will be granted prefer- Pursuant to this, the ministry on Brexit transition phase ends, the 47 ential access to the UK market, the docu- CONTINUED – page 6 EU countries TEAM AT MINISTRY start Covid-19 OF COMMERCE WORKS ON PLAN jab rollout for TO WIN IN TRADE the vulnerable BUSINESS – page 6 A swatH of EU nations began vaccinating their most vulnerable groups on December 27 as a reput- edly more contagious coronavirus variant spread internationally and the WHO warned that the current pandemic would not be the last. First doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine arrived in EU countries in- cluding hard-hit Italy, Spain and France on December 26, ready for distribution to retirement homes E-SERVICES, STRICT and care staff. The approval and roll-out of vac- HEALTH PROTOCOLS cines has boosted hopes that next year could bring a respite from the MARK INDONESIAN pandemic, which has killed more than 1.7 million people since emerg- CHRISTMAS FESTS ing in China late last year. However, in a video message ahead WORLD – PAGE 10 of the first International Day of Epi- demic Preparedness on December Paving the way 27, World Health Organisation (WHO) A road under construction in Preah Sihanouk province on Thursday. HONG MENEA chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said it was time to learn the lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic. Tedros said: “History tells us that this will not be the last pandemic, Rainsy royal defamation suit underway and epidemics are a fact of life. “Any efforts to improve human Voun Dara book page on December 20. is prosecutable as a crimi- Royal Academy of Cambo- health are doomed unless they ad- Rith said in the letter: “The nal offence.” dia’s International Relations dress the critical interface between BEER YOGA CLASS AT THE request of Minister of contents of the posts that The former president of Institute, was of the view that humans and animals, and the ex- Justice Koeut Rith, Phnom Sam Rainsy published to his the Supreme Court-dis- the insults against the King istential threat of climate change OFFERS EXERCISE, Penh Municipal Court pros- Facebook page insulted the solved Cambodia National were the direct intent of the that’s making our earth less habit- ecutor Chreng Khmao is king. These insults have se- Rescue Party (CNRP) has opposition figure, born out able,” he said. working on taking legal action riously affected the dignity long been known for ignit- of a desire for revenge. Vaccinations in all 27 EU countries TENSION RELEASE against Sam Rainsy for alleg- and reputation of the greatly ing political controversies “Sam Rainsy is an unethi- had been set to begin from Decem- edly insulting King Norodom revered King of Cambodia. in Cambodia, according to cal politician. His speeches ber 27, after regulators approved the WITH TINGE OF FUN Sihamoni in a commentary This act is a violation of the political analysts. LIFESTYLE – page 12 that was posted to his Face- Kingdom’s Constitution and Kin Phea, director of the CONTINUED – page 5 CONTINUED – page 9 2 THE PHNOM PENH POST DECEMBER 28, 2020 WWW.phnompenhpost.COM National Health official, hospital head demoted over graft Labour Law changes that will Long Kimmarita cial Administration, told The Post on December 27 that the slash wages sent to Cabinet A SENIOR health official and a two officials were caught in hospital director in Prey Veng the midst of a scandal. But he Niem Chheng province’s Preah Sdach district declined to comment when who were implicated in cor- asked if the provincial admin- HE Committee on Eco- ruption and grabbing of state istration might take further nomic and Financial land have been transferred to action against them. Policy has reviewed the provincial health depart- “I don’t know how to answer proposed amend- ment to work as ordinary staff other than to say that fortu- Tments to the Labour Law and members as a punishment. nately we had a health depart- forwarded them to the Council The removal of You Sy Le, ment deputy director ready to of Ministers for approval. director of the Operational fill in for his position as a tem- Trade union officials, Health District of Preah Sdach, porary solution,” he said. meanwhile, expressed dissat- and You Sy Na, director of the According to the petition, Sy isfaction, saying the changes Preah Sdach District Referral Le and his partners had con- come at the expense of the Hospital, were made in an or- spired to take the National So- best interests of workers. der dated December 24 from cial Security Fund that pays for Led by Minister of Economy the provincial administration. the medical treatment of civil and Finance Aun Pornmon- Both officials are siblings. servants, workers, government iroth, the committee held a Their scandal came to light employees and members of meeting on December 24 to after nearly 200 people, in- the armed forces since 2018. discuss the amendments. cluding medical staff, officials The officials had also alleg- A ministry press release said and local citizens from Preah edly been billing for the treat- the draft law focused on three Sdech district, all complained ment of “ghost” patients who points: revising work shift about the issue in their De- did not really come to the regulations, strengthening the cember 15 petition to Minis- hospital for treatment and Arbitration Council and im- Trade union officials say the changes will come at the expense of the best interests of workers. HENG CHIVOAN ter of Interior Sar Kheng. had been gaming the system proving the attractiveness and “Provincial health department in other ways to collect mon- competiveness of the invest- enhancing the nation’s eco- nightshift wage rates sought to benefits for workers. It de- director Ung Chan Thoeun [re- ey and other benefits to sub- ment environment. The revi- nomic competiveness in the create labour opportunities for pends on other factors like places You Sy Le] as director of sidise their personal lives. sions aim to make Cambodia’s region and the world, the Cambodians and contribute to the political atmosphere and the Operational Health District The Post could not find any Labour Law more consistent press release stated. the development of the coun- stability in the country, ge- of Preah Sdach. And Long Vibol contact information for Sy Le with countries in the region. This is the third time that try’s economy. The amend- ography and labour demo- is appointed as director of the and Sy Na. “The revision to work shift the government has amend- ment, he pointed out, would graphics including the skill- Preah Sdach District Referral Provincial health depart- regulations will attract mod- ed the Labour Law after it was not affect people who periodi- level of the workforce. Hospital,” the order stated. ment director Seng Panharith ern industries such as fac- introduced in 1997. The law cally work nightshifts because “Our Cambodian brothers The order did not specify the hung up on a reporter when tories producing electrical was previously amended in the draft applied only to those and sisters have worked hard reasons for the transfer but reached for comment. equipment, electronics and 2007 and 2018. who work primarily at night. for years. They have the capac- came after Sar Kheng had as- Eang Kimly, the provincial co- processed foods. It will cre- Trade union officials de- Collective Union of Move- ity to work. They can meet the signed the provincial adminis- ordinator for rights group Ad- ate more jobs for people and cried the changes, saying the ment of Workers president Pav needs of neighbouring coun- tration to investigate the case. hoc, told The Post on December broaden the scope of the Arbi- amendments would strip Sina said unions had already tries and employers when giv- The December 15 petition 27 that mere removal and trans- tration Council in resolving la- nightshift workers of their presented petitions to the la- en the opportunity,” he said.
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