Aberdeen Free Press, 199 Aberdeen, Marchioness Of, 69, 195 and N

Aberdeen Free Press, 199 Aberdeen, Marchioness Of, 69, 195 and N

Index AberdeenFree Press, 199 Archer-Shee, Lt .-Col. M ., 173 Aberdeen, Marchionessof, 69, 195 and n Asquith, Henry Herbert ( Earl of Oxford and Acland, FrancisD ., 66, 193 Asquith), Prime 1\1lnister. 1C)o8-16. 17-1C). Acland, Mrs Francis, 92, 195 31-4, 52,61, 66, 67, 69, 7In, 93, 96, 131, 149, Act of Union (1800), 25-7, 29, 31, 32 180, 183; and third Home Rule Bill (1912). Adamson, William , 62, I I I 17, 3 , 4 , 1 4; forms Coalition Government Addison, Christopher ( Visct Addison), misgivings(1915), 18,33-4; authorizesLloyd George to on Government policy, 131-3 conduct negotiations (1916), 18, 33; and Adkins, Sir Ryland, 84n Government of Ireland Bill (1920), JII , 118; Administrationof Ireland, The (Street), 48n, 92 wins Paisley by-election (1920), 122; and JE, seeRussell, George dominion home rule, 19, 122-7 Aftermath, The (Church ill ), 2 4 Asquith Liberals, seeIndependent Liberals Allegiance to the Crown, question of, 154, Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers 157-9, 169, 176, 177, 183, 184 and Firemen (ASLEF), and Mallow shooting Amery, L . S., 38 incident, 68- 9 Amritsar incident (April 1919), 51n Australia, dominion statusof, 172,173, J77, 184 Anderson, Sir John ( Visct Waverley), 129, Auxiliary Division (CAuxis'), 20, 5 , 56, 85, 132-5: on Government policy (1921), 134-5 95-7: dismissal of cadets by Crozier, 96; Angell , (Sir) Norman, 20m Crozier's resignation, 96-7 Anglican Church, seeChurch of England Ayerst, David, 59n Anglo -Irish conference (Oct.- Dec. 1921), 154-71: Irish acceptanceof conference, 153- BALBRIGGAN, 'sack' of (Sept. 192.0), 19, 43, 154; Irish lack of plan, 154; opening of conference51-4, 62. , 154; Irish proposal of external Balfour, Arthur James(Earl of Balfour), 122., association, 154, 156-7, 167, 169; Ulster and 130-33, 167: and 1916 negotiations, 34-5; partition , . 155, 157-7 ; 'Draft Treaty A ' opposesfederalism, 38 (Irish alternative proposals), 156; Irish Baptist Union, 72. reject dominion status, 157; British pressure Barnes, Thomas, 59 on Ulster, 158-62; Griffith agreesto recommendBeaslai, Piaras, 85 recognition of Crown as head of proposedBeaver brook, Lord , 160n, 166n associationof free states, 158-9, 167; Beck, Dr G. A ., 77n Ulster rejects proposed all-Ireland parliamentBelfastNorthern Whig. 107 , 159-60; action of 'die-hards', 164, 166; Bell, Alan, shot dead by l .R.A ., 90, 94 Bonar Law's attitude, 165-6; Uoyd George Bell. Dr G. K . A .. 76n proposesboundary commission, 168; British Belloc, Hilaire, 69n, 77, 81 draft treaty, 169; treaty rejected in Dublin , Benedict XV , Pope, 16; and n 169-7 ; ultimatum to the plenipotentiaries, Bennett, Richard, 45n, 5In, 57n, 87n, 2 5 17 ; Articles of Agreement accepted, 171 Berkeley, Captain George Fitz-Hardinge, 79, Anglo -Irish Treaty (1921), 84, 174, 178, 180, 15 , 165: and Peacewith Ireland Council, 65- 183: draft treaty, 169-70; Articles of Agreement 66, 69, 7 , 74; on Crozier, 96; list of principal signed, 21, 171, 172; text of Articles, speakers for Peace with Ireland Council, 187-91; Treaty approved in British Parliament19;- 5; papers in National Library of , 21, 173; approved in Dail Eireann, 21, Ireland, 201 173 and n; differing conceptions of Treaty, Bernard, Dr J. H ., 77n 176-7; underlying weaknessof settlement, Birkenhead, Visct (Earl of Birkenhead), Lord 184-5 Chancellor, 20, ~ , 94, 114, 1; 0, 136, 138, Annals of an Active Life (Macready), 45n, 47n, 139, I70n : on Sinn Fein propaganda, 84 and 48n, 56n, 131n, 179n, 2 4 n, 94; and Anglo -Irish conference, 159 2.43 244 INDEX Birmingham, Archbishop of, seeIlsley Callwell , Maj .-Gen . Sir CE ., 2. 3 Birmingham Gazette, 199 Cambridge Union Society, 81 and n Birmingham Post, 53, 116, 138, 146, 198, 199 : Canada , Dominion status of , 12.3, 172., 173 , on Ulster and the settlement , 161 , 162 177 , 184 Black and Tans , 20, 5 and nn , 51n, 54, 56- 9, Canterbury, Archbishop of, seeDavidson 63, 65, 78, 9 , 99, 183, 2 4 Carlisle , Rosalind , Lady , 7In Black and Tans, The (Bennett ), 45n, 51n, 57n, Carson , Sir Edward (Lord Carson), 17, 1 3, 87n, 2 5 1 5, 1 7 and n : and 1916 negotiations , 33, Blake , Robert (Lord Blake ), 2 4 1 5; on terms of the Treaty , 180 'Bloody Sunday' (Nov . 21, 1920), 20, 56, 9 , Case , L . M ., 2.oon 94 Catholic Emancipation , 2.6 Bondfield , Margaret , 69, 195 Catholic Herald , 77 and n Bonham Carter , Sir Maurice , 71n Cavendish , Lord Frederick , I8In Bonham Carter , Lady , 69, 71n, 99, 195 Cavendish -Bentinck , Lord Henry , 63 and n, Botha , General Louis , 128 81 , 91 , 94 , 112., 193 : and Peace ,vith Ireland Boundary commission proposal, 168 Council , 65, 66, 69, 70n, 7In , 193 Bourne , Cardinal Francis , Archbishop of Cecil, Lord Hugh (Lord Quickswood), 36, Westminster , 76n, 78- 9: attitude on reprisals63 and n, 71- 2, 96- 8, loon , 78- 9; reissues Manning 's pastoral on Cecil , Lord Robert ( Visct Cecil of Chelwood ), Fenianism , 78; under pressure from bis 63 and n , 81, 98, 112: and Government of clergy, 78- 9; his pastoral on Ireland, 79 Ireland Bill , I I 8 Boyd , General , 13 Chamberlain , (Sir) Austen , 121, 129, 131, Breen , Dan , 43n 133, 139, 145, 149, 158, 159, I63n, 17 : Brennan , Robert , head of Sinn Fein press accepts Home Rule on grounds of expediency bureau , 84 and n ; starts Irish Bulletin , 85 , 36- 7 ; and federalism, 38- 9; on Britain Betweenthe Wars (Mowat ), 2 5 reprisals , 55; on partition , 1 I 3; on Ulster Britain in the Century of Total War (Marwick ), ( Nov . 1921), 163, 166 and n ; papers in 57n Birmingham University Library , 2 3 British League for Support of Ulster and the Chamberlain , Neville , 17 Union , 3 , 1 4 Charnwood , Lord , 84n British Political Facts ( Butler and Freeman ), Chester ton, G. K ., 69n, Th 81, 99 61n, 198 and n Chicago Tribune, 78 British Weekty, 72 Childers , Erskine , 65n, 84 and n, 163, 2.02.: Brixton Prison , Lord Mayor of Cork 's fast in , secretary to Irish delegation at conference, 89 154 Bromley, John, 68-9 Church of England , 74- 7 : opposition to Bryce , John Annan , 65, 193 and n reprisals, 74- 5, 93; Archbishop of Canter- Bryce , Visct , 7 and n bury 's protest , 76- 7 Buckingham Palace Conference (July 1914), Church of England Peace League , 75 17 Church of Ireland , disestablishment of , 2.6 Buckland , P. J., 140n Church Times , 75 and nn Buck master , Lord (Visct ), 66, 69, 81, 99, 194 Church ill , Lord Randolph, 1 4, 166, 167 Buck master , Margaret , 66, 195 Church ill , (Sir) Winston , 2.2, 110, 128- 9, 132., 'Bulgarian atrocities ' (1876), 71 and n, 74, 80 133, 173- 6, 181, 2. 4 ; 'gendarmerie ' idea, 5 ; Burke brothers , shot at Balbriggan , 5 I on the King 's Belfast speech, 136, 139; Burrows , Dr L . H ., Bishop of Sheffield , 75- 6 ultimatum to Provisional Government , 179 , Butcher , Sir John , 173 183; on Free State army 's attack on Four Butt , Isaac , 27 Courts , 179 ; on the treaty settlement , 180 Buxton , Earl , 124 and n Clarke , Basil , British press officer in Ireland , By -elections , 1918- 22, 61 and n, 79- 80, 122 87. 89 Byles, Lady, 66, 195 and n Clarke . Thomas J.. executed . 1g Clarkson . J . D .. 60n Clifford . Dr J.. 72. CABINET COMMITTEEON IRELAND (I9I9 ), 44, Clune. Dr P. J.. Archbishop of Perth. in 108-9, 115 peace talks ( Dec. 192.0). 12.9 Cabinet papers, 202-3 Clutton-Brock. Arthur . 69n. 81 INDEX 2.45 Clyncs, J. R., 66, 79, 99, 1 7, III , 149; and Curzon of Kedleston, Earl (Marquess), 19, Governmentof IrelandBill, 118 1.3.3: and the Irish Convention, .35 CoalitionGovernment in FirstWorld War, Cushendun, Lord (Ronald McNeill), 117, 166 18,33-4, 37-8 CoalitionLiberals, 182: andreprisals (Nov. DAIL EIREANN, 22, 43-4, 92, 174: constituted 1920), 131; criticismsof Government (Jan. 1919), 19, 43, 46, 47; proclaimed 'dangerous policy, 131-2- association' (Sept. 1919), 19, 47; Coalitionmanifesto (Nov. 1918), andHome takes responsibility for army actions (March Rule, 25, 42 1921), 43-4, 92; second Dill set up (May Cockerill, Brig.-Gen. Sir George, 63 andn, 1921), 116; rejects dominion status (Aug . 64,74, 84n, 119, 201: put in touchwith 1921), 142, 146, 147; approves Treaty (Jan. Griffith, 129 1922), 21, 173 and n; Publicity Department, Collins, Michael, 45n, 48, 91, 140, 154, 174, 84-6, 88, 91, 92, 201-2 178: at Anglo-Irish conference, 156n, 168, Daily Chronicle, 46, 113, 172: control led by 169; agreesto signArticles, 171, 174; leader Lloyd George, 88, 198 nt-- Pf'nvi~innalGovernment. 21, 179; and Daily Express, 53, 116, 146, 162, 198, 200 draftingof constitution, 176n Daily Herald, 51, 59, 85, 100, 125, 163, 198 Congregationalists, 72and n Daily lvfail, 33, 46, 89, 112, 153, 198, 200 Conscription: proposedextension to Ireland Daily Mirror , 200 (1918), 18-19, 37; linkedwith home rule, 18, Daily News, 47, 51, 52, 58 and n, 59, 85, 93, 19, 37, 41; resistance, 19, 44; proposal 94. 96. III , 116, 138, 14 , 148, 151-3, 162, shelved. 19. 41 198, 201 Conservativeopponents of reprisals. 63-4 Daily Telegraph, 46, 106, 145-6, 198: on Constitutionofthe Irish Free State. The(Kohn). Ulster and the settlement, 161 176n DangerousEstate (Williams), 20In ContemporaryReview, 59 Dark , Sidney, 74 Coote, (Sir) Colin, 63n, 84n Darling , Sir William , 87 and n, 88, 91 Cope, (Sir) Alfred, attemptsto negotiatewith Davison. Dr Randall, Archbishop of Canter- SinnFein, 12.9 bury, 76, 81, 8~ , 89, 93, 94, 103 CorkCity, part burnt by Auxiliaries(Dec. Declineand Fall of Lloyd George, The (Beaver- 192.0), 2.0, 58,62. brook), I06n, I66n Councilof Action (T.U.C. and Labour Derby, Earl of, 166 and n: clandestinevisit to Party), 64 Ireland (April 1921), 129 Cnuncilof Irelandproposed (192.0), 108, III , De Valera, Eamon, 20-22, 83, 92, 163, 167, 112., 114, 116 174, 182: abortive meeting with Craig (May Craig, Sir James'(Visct Craigavon), Premier 1921), 116; invited by Lloyd George to conference of NorthernIreland, 2.0, 2.1, lID-II , 145, (June 1921), 139; insists on truce 163, 165-8: abortivemeeting with de before talks, 139-40; confers with Lloyd Valera(May 192.1), 116; invitedby Lloyd George (July 1921), 21, 140-45; rejects Georgeto conference, 139; acceptsbut dominion status, 142-6; publication of correspondence refusesto meetde Valera, 146; andBritish (Aug .

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