b PLANNING APPLICATIONS COMMITTEE Date and Time: Tuesday 27 November 2012 7.00 pm Venue : Room 8, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, SW2 1RW Contact for enquiries: Website: Nigel Harvey www.lambeth.gov.uk/committee Democratic Services Officer Tel/Voicemail: 020 7926 3136 Lambeth Council – Democracy Live Fax: 020 7926 2361 on Facebook Email: [email protected] http://www.facebook.com/ Governance and Democracy @LBLdemocracy on Twitter Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, http://twitter.com/LBLdemocracy London, SW2 1RW To tweet about Council agendas, minutes or meetings use #Lambeth Despatched: Friday 16 November 2012 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Councillors BRADLEY, BRATHWAITE, EDBROOKE, LING (Vice-Chair), MEMERY, MORRIS (Chair) and PALMER SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS: Councillors AMINU, CLYNE, GIESS, HASELDEN, MALLEY, NOSEGBE, PICKARD, Vacancy and J.WHELAN AGENDA PLEASE NOTE THAT THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA MAY BE CHANGED AT THE MEETING Page Nos. 1. Declaration of Pecuniary Interests Under Standing Order 4.4, where any councillor has a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (as defined in the Members’ Code of Conduct (para. 4)) in any matter to be considered at a meeting of the Council, a committee, sub-committee or joint committee, they must withdraw from the meeting room during the whole of the consideration of that matter and must not participate in any vote on that matter unless a dispensation has been obtained from the Monitoring Officer. 2. Minutes 1 - 12 To agree minutes of the meeting held on 6 November 2012. Town & Country Planning Act (1990), The Planning & Compensations Act (1991), The Town & Country Planning (Control of Advertisement) Regulations (1992), The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act (1990), The Town & Country Planning General Regulations (1990), The Rush Common Act 1806 and related legislation: Applications For information on documents used in the preparation of the reports contact the Planning Advice Desk, Tel: 020 7926 1180. 3. 7 Station Rise, :London, SE27 9BW (Thurlow Park Ward) 13 - 22 (12/03632/FUL) Recommendation: Grant planning permission subject to conditions 4. 9-19 Streatham High Road, London SW16 1BF (Streatham Wells 23 - 70 Ward) (12/00007/FUL & 12/00008/CON) Recommendations: 12/00007/FUL Grant conditional planning permission subject to completion of a Section 106 Agreement. 12/00008/CON Grant Conservation Area Consent 5. Julian's Primary School, 226 Leigham Court Road, London 71 - 100 SW16 2RB (Streatham Wells Ward) (12/03039/FUL) Recommendation: Grant Planning Permission 6. 26 Lower Marsh, London, SE1 7RJ (Bishop's Ward) 101 - 112 Recommendation: Grant planning permission subject to conditions. 7. Land at St George Wharf, Vauxhall, L ondon SW8 (Oval Ward) 113 - 126 (12/03485/VOC) Recommendation: Grant planning permission. 8. 8 Albert Embankment, SE1 (Prince's Ward) (10/04473/FUL) 127 - 146 Recommendation: To grant the Head of Development Management delegated power to negotiate and agree a Section 106 agreement in accordance with the heads of terms set out in the report to this committee on 13 December 2011 and to submit draft conditions as outlined in this committee report. Such power is only to be exercised if the Planning Inspector upholds the appeal. 9. 42 Baldry Gardens, London, SW16 3DJ (Streatham South Ward) 147 - 156 (12/02234/FUL) Recommendation: Grant planning permission 10. Albemarle House, Stockwell Park Road, Lo ndon SW9 0XT 157 - 184 (Ferndale Ward) (12/03365/REM) Recommendation: Approve reserved matters. PUBLIC INFORMATION QR CODES (for use with smart mobile phones) Dates of future meetings, the agenda management timetable and details of past meetings can be found on the Council’s website, if you are viewing this online http://tinyurl.com/pacdates Access Information: • Lambeth Town Hall is on the corner of Acre Lane and Brixton Hill, 200 metres south of Brixton tube station (Victoria Line) – turn left on leaving the station and look for the clock tower. • If you are viewing this online, http://tinyurl.com/lambethtownhallmap Facilities for disabled people: Access for people with mobility difficulties, please ring the bell (marked with the disabled access symbol) on the right-hand side of the Acre Lane entrance. Sound enhancement system available in meeting room. Please contact the officer shown on the front page of this agenda to discuss your needs. Adapted toilets on the premises. Meeting papers are available in large print and other formats on request. For further assistance please contact the officer listed on the front page Audio/Visual Recor ding of meetings Everyone is welcome to record meetings of the Council and its Committees using whatever, non-disruptive, methods you think are suitable. If you have any questions about this please contact Democratic Services (members of the press please contact the Press Office). Please note that the Chair of the meeting has the discretion to halt any recording for a number of reasons including disruption caused by the filming or the nature of the business being conducted. Anyone filming a meeting is asked to only focus on those actively participating but please also be aware that you may be filmed whilst attending a council meeting and that attendance at the meeting signifies your agreement to this. Persons making recordings are requested not to put undue restrictions on the material produced so that it can be reused and edited by all local people and organisations on a non-commercial basis. Queries on reports: Please contact report authors prior to the meeting if you have questions on the reports or wish to inspect the background documents used. The name, email address and telephone number of the report author is shown on the front page of each report. Other enquiries: Please contact the officer shown on the front page to obtain any other information concerning the agenda or meeting. Accessing Agendas, Reports and Minutes All public committee papers are available for inspection at Lambeth libraries, and also on the internet from the day of publication in the following manner which you can access by logging onto www.lambeth.gov.uk/committee Or • Log on to www.lambeth.gov.uk • Click on Council and Democracy in the menu on the left hand side • Then click on the third main item in the body of the page– Committee reports, minutes and agendas, and then Council meetings and decisions pages . Click on the relevant committee in the list and then the meeting you require. If you are unable to locate the document you require, please contact the officer shown on the front page above. Representation: Ward Councillors (details via the website www.lambeth.gov.uk or phone 020 7926 2131) may be contacted at their surgeries or through Party Group offices to represent your views to the Council: (Liberal Democrats 020 7926 2028) (Conservatives 020 7926 2213) (Labour 020 7926 1166). PLANNING APPLICATIONS COMMITTEE (PAC) YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED 1 Who sits on the PAC? The Council has established a Planning Applications Committees, which consists of seven Councillors (elected members). 2 Where and when do PAC meetings take place? Meetings are usually held in Room 8 at Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, SW2 1RW. They normally meet on a Tuesday evening .and are held 1 or 2 times a month and are listed on the Council’s calendar of meetings at: http://www.lambeth.gov.uk/moderngov/mgCalendarMonthView.asp?GL= 1&bcr=1 3 Can I attend PAC meetings? Yes. All PAC meetings are open to the press and public although on rare occasions the Committee may discuss a matter in private. 4 How can I get a copy of any reports to be considered by PAC? The officer reports on applications to be considered are circulated to PAC Members and published on the Council’s website a week before the meeting. Papers for meetings can be viewed at: http://www.lambeth.gov.uk/moderngov/uuCoverPage.asp?bcr=1 . Hard copies are also available from Democratic Services at the meeting. 5 Can I make written representations to the PAC meeting? Yes. Written representations, including any letters, petitions or photos should be: • Sent to the relevant case officer listed on the front page of the officer report preferably by email. • Sent by 12 noon 2 clear working days before the meeting. The meetings are normally on a Tuesday, so the deadline would be 12 noon by the Thursday before the meeting. 6 Can I speak at PAC meetings? Yes. Up to three supporters (including applicants), three objectors and Ward Members can address the meeting at the Committee’s discretion for a maximum of 3 minutes each. You must register your wish to speak on any application by telephoning Democratic Services on 020 7926 2170 or emailing [email protected] by 12 noon on the last working day before the meeting 7 Does the PAC consider applications in the order listed on the agenda? Not necessarily. The order of business is determined at the meeting taking into consideration: (a) Whether an application has been withdrawn or officers are recommending deferral (b) Whether an application has been deferred from a previous meeting or has been the subject of a site visit. (c) The level of interest on an application. (d) Whether applicants/supporters/objectors/Ward Members have any special requirements 8 What is the process for considering an application at the meeting? Officers will introduce each application with a brief Powerpoint presentation which will usually include drawings and photographs of the application site. The Committee will then hear from and question all interested parties. The merits of the application are considered taking into account the views of the interested parties and planning officers before the committee reaches a decision. 9 What time does the meeting come to an end? The meeting will be conducted in a business like fashion and the Committee will endeavour to deal with reports as quickly as possible.
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