University of Missouri-Columbia School of Fine Arts Department of Music Celebrating 90 Years of Excellence in Music, 1907-1997 Student Recital KEYBOARD AREA RECITAL Tuesday, October 14, 1997 2:40p.m. Rogers Whitmore Recital Hall Partita No. 2 in C Minor Johann Sebastian Bach Rondeau (1685-1750) Emily McKinney Sonata in E-flat Major, Op. 2 7, No. 1 Ludwig van Beethoven I. Andante-Allegro-Andante (1770-1827) Brent Benscoter Impromptu in G-flat Major, Op. 90, No. 3 Franz Schubert (1797-1828) Carrie Dicks Islamey Mily Balakirev (1837-1910) Monica Lee Rhapsodie Espanol Franz Liszt (1811-1886) Shen Wen Gaspard de la Nuit Maurice Ravel I. Ondine (1875-1937) II. Le Gibet Joe Rackers Requests for accommodations related to disability need to be made to Dr. Alex Pickard, 213 Fine Arts Building, 882-7361, at least seven days In advance of the event. Upcoming concerts, recitals, & other musical events in cfS97 11 t Danilo Perez, Panamanian pianist 10/15/97 RWRH, 8:00 pm Roger Webb, bass trombone 10/17/97 RWRH, 5:30 pm t Musical Theater: Into the Woods 10/16-10/18/97 Rhynsburger Theatre, 8:00 pm • t Western Opera Theater 10/17/97 JAud, 8:00 pm Bizet's Carmen t Musical Theater: Into the Woods 10/19/97 Rhynsburger Theatre, 2:00 pm Roger Oyster, trombone/euphonium masterclass 10/21/97 RWRH, 2:30 pm ◊Roger Oyster, euphonium & trombone 10/21/97 RWRH, 7:00 pm Brooksie Batye, flute 10/21/97 RWRH, 8:30 pm Trombone Studio Recital 10/23/97 RWRH, 2:40 pm Voice Area Recital 10/28/97 RWRH, 2:40 pm Joe Rackers, piano 10/28/97 RWRH, 8:30 pm MU Chamber Soloists 11/1/97 RWRH, 7:00 pm t University Singers 11/1/97 First Baptist Church, 8:00 pm , t Gil Shaham, violin 11!2/97 JAud, 3:00 pm Phi Mu Alpha recital 11!2/97 RWRH, 7:00pm Ryan Malone, piano 11/3/97 RWRH, 8:30 pm Woodwind Area Recital 11/4/97 RWRH, 2:40 pm ◊Sue Stubbs, double bass; Mary Moul, piano 11/4/97 RWRH, 8:00 pm Trombone Choir 11/5/97 RWRH, 7:00pm • t Awadagin Pratt, piano 11/7/97 JAud, 8:00 pm University Percussion Ensemble 11/9/97 RWRH, 3:00 pm Brass Area Recital 11/11/97 RWRH, 2:40 pm John Thomas, horn 11/11/97 RWRH, 7:00 pm • t Vienna Boys Choir 11/11/97 JAud, 8:00 pm ◊Marimba Yajalon 11/14/97 Waters Auditorium, 7:00 pm ◊Eva Szekely, violin; Daniel Schene, piano 11/14/97 RWRH, 8:00 pm Seth Merenbloom, trombone 11/15/97 RWRH, 8:30 pm • t Philip Glass's Les En/ants Terribles 11/15/97 JAud, 8:00 pm t Opera Workshop Scenes Program 11/16/97 RWRH, 3:00 pm Buder Brass Quintet 11/16/97 RWRH, 7:00 pm t Opera Workshop Scenes Program 11/17{!7 RWRH, 8:00 pm t MU Jazz Ensemble & Jazz II 11/17/97 MoTh, 8:00 pm Percussion Area Recital 11/18/97 RWRH, 2:40 pm Jena Vieira, soprano 11/18/97 RWRH, 5:00 pm Christopher Jewell, bassoon 11/18/97 RWRH, 7:00pm t University Band & Concert Band 11/18/97 MoTh, 8:00 pm t Symphonic Wind Ensemble 11/19/97 MoTh, 8:00 pm t Symphonic Band & Jazz ill 11/20/97 MoTh, 8:00 pm RWRH = Rogers Whitmore Recital Hall JAud=JAuditorium; MoTh=Missouri Theatre ◊Music Department Faculty or Guest Recital !'i.National Pastimes Production • University Concert Series Event t Admission Charge University of Missouri-Columbia School of Fine Arts Department of Music Celebrating 90 Years of Excellence in Music, 1907-1997 Student Recital BROOKSIE BATYE, FLUTE NAN WADE, PIANO Tuesday, October 21, 1997 8:30p.m. Rogers Whitmore Recital Hall Concerto for Flute and Orchestra Carl Nielsen I. Allegro moderato (b. 1928) II. Allegretto Intermission Fantasy in C Major, Op. 38 Friedrich Kuhlau Adagio (1786-1832) Allegro vivace Andantino quasi allegretto Sixieme solo de concert Jules Demersseman (b. 1926) Ms. Batye is a student of Steve Geibel. Requests for accommodations related to disability need to be made to Dr. Alex Pickard, 213 Fine Arts Building, 882-7361, at least seven days In advance of the event. Upcoming concerts, recitals, & other musical events in ~897 Trombone Studio Recital 10/23/97 RWRH, 2:40 pm Voice Area Recital 10/28/97 RWRH, 2:40 pm Joe Rackers, piano 10/28/97 RWRH, 8:30 pm MU Chamber Soloists 11/1/97 RWRH, 7:00 pm t University Singers 11/1/97 First Baptist Church, 8:00 pm • t Gil Shaham, violin 11/2/97 JAud, 3:00 pm Phi Mu Alpha recital 11/2/97 RWRH, 7:00 pm Ryan Malone, piano 11/3/97 RWRH, 8:30 pm Woodwind Area Recital 11/4/97 RWRH, 2:40 pm ❖Sue Stubbs, double bass 11/4/97 RWRH, 8:00 pm Trombone Choir 11/5/97 RWRH, 7:00 pm • t Awadagin Pratt, piano 11/7/97 JAud, 8:00 pm University Percussion Ensemble 11/9/97 RWRH, 3:00 pm Brass Area Recital 11/11/97 RWRH, 2:40 pm John Thomas, horn 11/11/97 RWRH, 7:00 pm • t Vienna Boys Choir 11/11/97 JAud, 8:00 pm ❖Marimba Yajalon 11/14/97 Waters Auditorium, 7:00 pm ❖ Eva Szekely, violin; Daniel Schene, piano 11/14/97 RWRH, 8:00 pm Seth Merenbloom, trombone 11/15/97 RWRH, 8:30 pm • t Philip Glass's Les Enfants Terribles 11/15/97 JAud, 8:00 pm t Opera Workshop Scenes Program 11/16/97 RWRH, 3:00 pm Buder Brass Quintet 11/16/97 RWRH, 7:00 pm t Opera Workshop Scenes Program 11/17/97 RWRH, 8:00 pm t MU Jazz Ensemble & Jazz II 11/17/97 MoTh, 8:00 pm Percussion Area Recital 11/18/97 RWRH, 2:40 pm Jena Vieira, soprano 11/18/97 RWRH, 5:00 pm Christopher Jewell, bassoon 11/18/97 RWRH, 7:00 pm t University Band & Concert Band 11/18/97 MoTh, 8:00 pm t Symphonic Wind Ensemble 11/19/97 MoTh, 8:00 pm t Symphonic Band & Jazz III 11/20/97 MoTh, 8:00 pm Clarinet Quintet 11/21/97 RWRH, 8:00 pm RWRH = Rogers Whitmore Recital Hall JAud=JAuditorium; MoTh=Missouri Theatre ❖Music Department Faculty or Guest Recital t,. National Pastimes Production • University Concert Series Event t Admission Charge University of Missouri-Columbia School of Fine Arts Department of Music Celebrating 90 Years of Excellence in Music, 1907-1997 Student Recital CLARINET QUINTET Maurice Richardson, clarinet Lisa Collins, violin Amanda Chambers, violin Angela Cummings, viola Aimee Fine, violoncello Sunday, October 23, 1997 11 :00 a.m. Rogers Whitmore Recital Hall Quintet in B-flat, Op. 95 Franz Krommer ( 1759-1831) Allegro moderato Adagio Minuetto allegretto Allegro Quintet in B-flat, Op. 34 Carl Maria von Weber ( 1786-1826) Fantasia Allegro Requests for accommodations related to disability need to be made to Dr. Alex Pickard, 213 Fine Arts Building, 882-7361, at least seven days In advance of the event. Upcoming concerts, recitals & other musical events in 'c¥S97 Matt Wood, trombone 11/23/97 RWRH, 3:00pm Hitt Street Harmony 11/23/97 RWRH, 8:00pm ~Steve Geibel, flute 11/24/97 RWRH, 8:00pm ~P. Garritson, clarinet; L. Perna, viola; J. Wenger, piano 12/1/97 RWRH, 8:00pm Nora Ayvazian, piano 12/2/97 RWRH, 7:00 pm Monica Lee, piano 12/2/97 R WRH, 8:30 pm Buder Woodwind Quintet 12/3/97 RWRH, 7:00 pm Lecture-Recital: Lecia Cecconi-Roberts, basset horn 12/4/97 RWRH, 2:40 pm Buder String Quartet 12/4/97 RWRH, 7:00pm Greg Williams, clarinet 12/4/97 RWRH, 8:30pm t Chamber Singers 12/5/97 Sacred Heart Church, 8:30 pm t University Philharmonic 12/6/97 MoTh, 8:00 pm t University Philharmonic 12n191 MoTh, 1:30 pm t Concert Chorale 12n191 First Baptist Church, 8:00 pm Shepherd Elementary School Choir 12/9/97 RWRH, 2:40pm • t Chicago Festival Ballet 12/12/97 JAud, 7:00 pm Tchaikovsky's NuJcracker • t Chicago Festival Ballet 12/13/97 ]Aud, 2:00 pm &7:00 pm Tchaikovsky'sNuJcracker RWRH = Rogers Whitmore Recital Hall JAud=JAuditoriwn; MoTh=Missouri Theatre ~Music Department Faculty or Guest Recital t.National Pastimes Production • University Concen Series Event t Admission Charge University of Missouri-Columbia School of Fine Arts Department of Music Celebrating 90 Years of Excellence in Music, I 907-1997 Student Recital JOSEPH RACKERS, PIANO ASSISTED BY RYAN MALONE, ORCHESTRAL REDUCTION Tuesday, October 28, 1997 8:30p.m. Rogers Whitmore Recital Hall Sonata in E Major, Op. 109 Ludwig van Beethoven Vivace, ma non troppo (1770-1827) Prestissimo Gesangvoll, mit innigster empfindung Symphonic Etudes, Op. 13 Robert Schumann Theme-Andante Etude VII-Allegro molto (1810-1856) Etude I-Un poco piu vivo Etude VIII Etude 11-Marcato il canto Etude IX-Presto possible Etude IV Etude X Etude V EtudeXI Etude VI-Agitato Etude XII-Allegro brilliante Intermission Piano Concerto No. 1 in E Minor, Op. 11 Frederic Chopin Allegro maestoso (1810-1849) Romance-larghetto Rondo-vivace Mr. Rackers is a student of Raymond Herbert. Requests for accommodations related to disability need to be made to Dr. Alex Pickard, 213 Fine Arts Building, 882-7361, at least seven days In advance of the event. Upcoming concerts, recitals, & other musical events in a-:S97 MU Oiamber Soloists 11/lf)? RWRH, 7:00 pm t University Singers ll/1/97 First Baptist Church, 8:00 pm • t Gil Shaham, violin 11/2/97 JAud, 3:00 pm Phi Mu Alpha recital 11/2/97 RWRH, 7:00 pm Ryan Malone, piano 11/3/97 RWRH, 8:30 pm Woodwind Area Recital ll/4/97 RWRH, 2:40 pm -¢-Sue Srubbs, double bass; Mary Moul, piano 11/4/97 RWRH, 8:00pm Trombone Oioir 11/5/97 RWRH, 7:00pm • tAwadagin Pratt, piano ll/7/97 JAud, 8:00 pm University Percussion Ensemble 11/9/97 RWRH, 3:00 pm Brass Area Recital 11/11/97 RWRH, 2:40pm John Thomas, horn 11/11/97 RWRH, 7:00 pm • t Vienna Boys O!oir 11/11/97 JAud, 8:00 pm -¢-Marimba Yajalon 11/14/97 Waters Auditorium, 7:00 pm -¢-Eva Szekely, violin; Daniel Schene, piano 11/14/97 RWRH, 8:00 pm Seth Merenbloom, trombone ll/15/97 RWRH, 8:30 pm • t Philip Glass's Les Enfants Terribles 11/15/97 JAud, 8:00 pm t Opera Workshop Scenes Program 11/16/97 RWRH, 3:00 pm Buder Brass Quintet 11/16/97 RWRH, 7:00pm t Opera Workshop Scenes Program 11/17/97 RWRH, 8:00 pm t MU Jazz Ensemble & Jazz II 11/17/97 MoTh, 8:00 pm Percussion Area Recital 11/18/97 RWRH, 2:40 pm Jena Vieira, soprano
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