Letter From the Editor Misleading allegations refuted by reality The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia exerts strenu- ration with Syrian Pilgrims’ Affairs Office. ous efforts to best serve pilgrims and ensure The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia welcomes their stay is safe and comfortable. It has be- annually millions of pilgrims, visitors and come the epitome of warmth and hospital- Umrah performers of different races, na- ity, which every Muslim holds dear to his tionalities and countries and treats every- heart. body equally and with the same level of Pilgrims, visitors and Umrah perform- care and attention. Never has the Kingdom ers have themselves testified to this fact banned any Muslim from visiting the Grand and experienced first-hand the remarkable Mosque and performing religious rituals on achievements, particularly the massive ex- the basis of political affiliation or sectarian pansion of the Two Holy Mosques and the orientation. However, it does not allow any- easy access to the holiest sites in addition one to exploit religion, holy seasons and the to other services helping them perform Hajj crowds of pilgrims in holy sites for political and Umrah rites with comfort and ease. or sectarian reasons. Pilgrims and Umrah performers from all The statement called on everyone to co- corners of the globe have many times ex- operate with pertinent local authorities and pressed to the Muslim World League their comply with the laws and regulations, which admiration and praise for the wide array of were set in the first place to serve pilgrims, services and facilities the Kingdom renders make their Hajj experience more comfort- to the guests of Allah. able and improve services rendered to them. Despite the above, some persons with Everyone should be fully aware of the lies pernicious and ulterior motives claim that and false claims spread and fabricated by the Kingdom banned Syrian pilgrims from performing Hajj this year. In a statement some persons with pernicious intentions. issued Thursday 14 Shawwal 1439 H (28 Allah says in Surat Al-Baqarah: For Hajj June 2018), the Muslim World League de- are the months well known. If anyone un- scribed these claims as sheer misleading dertakes that duty therein, let there be no allegations, pointing out that the Kingdom obscenity, nor wickedness, nor wrangling will welcome over 18,000 Syrian pilgrims in the Hajj. And whatever good you do, (be this Hajj season. This is probably the best sure) Allah knows it. And take a provision refutation to these allegations. (with you) for the journey, but the best of The Muslim World League noted the provisions is right conduct. So fear Me, O great efforts made by the Saudi govern- You that is wise) Surat Al-Baqarah, Verse ment, under the leadership of Custodian of 197 the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin All Muslims must not engage in any ac- Abdulaziz, to serve pilgrims, visitors and tion that might disrupt the performance of Umrah performers equally and without any Hajj, which must be kept out of political dif- form of discrimination. It also hailed the ferences and conflicts in order for pilgrims government for completing all necessary ar- to focus on the proper performance of its rangements for welcoming Syrian pilgrims rituals and make the best of their time while and meeting their medical needs in collabo- in the holy sites. l Dhul-Qadah1439/August 2018 l 1 C O N T E N T S No.11 l Muslim World League Secretary General The Muslim World League Journal 4 wins Galileo International Award 2018 Secretary-General Dhul-Qadah1439/August 2018 H.E. Dr. Muhammad bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa l Supervisor General Media Affairs Dept. Adel bin Zamil Al-Harbi Chief Editor Dr. Osman Abu Zeid The New Islamophobia in France Editor 28 Mohammad Zakir Hossain West not plotting against Islam: Layout and Graphic Designer Sheikh Muhammad Al-Issa....................................................15 Khaled Awad Al-Muazzin Sheikh Dr. Basfar: We have Founded an Association of Dig- ital Qur’anic Recitation Platforms The Muslim World League Journal Interview by: Tawfiq Nasrallah...........................................24 P.O. Box: 537 Muslim scientist develops an electronic portable Makkah, Saudi Arabia nose to detect porcine content in food and beverages Tel: 00966 (012) 5600919 Vol.46 E-mail: [email protected] l Dhul-Qadah1439/August 2018 l www.themwl.org2 C O N T E N T S Annual Subscription Rates Saudi Arabia Individual subscribers: SR. 36 Organizations: SR. 100 Other Countries Individual subscribers: $20 Organizations: $26 Cheques payable to Muslim Al- Issa discusses promotion of interfaith 8 World League may be sent to dialogue and tolerance in Tuscany Circulation & Subscription Deptt. Muslim World League, P.O. Box: 537 Makkah, Saudi Arabia All articles and correspondence may please be addressed to Chief Editor, The Muslim World League Journal. While we reserve the right to edit, summarise or reject any con- tribution, no article, report or letter will be returned to the sender. Views expressed in The Muslim Islam’s journey into Latin America World League Journal do not neces- 44 sarily represent those of the Muslim World League. Articles published may, however, be reproduced with Qais Bajaeifir...................................................................34 acknowledgement. Global Press Idris Elnaw.......................................................................37 Japan opening up for Halal tourism Aftab Husain Kola...........................................................54 Qira’at – The Preserved Legacies Of Qur’anic Recitation Dr. Mrs. Fatima Taneem......................................................57 l Dhul-Qadah1439/August 2018 l 3 Galilio Award Ceremony of the Secretary General of the MWL Muslim World League Secretary General wins Galileo International Award 2018 Florence - MWL common values in order to ease the threat of clash of civilization and encourage mutual His Excellency Secretary General of the dialogue, understanding and cooperation Muslim World League (MWL) Sheikh Dr. across cultures. He has been exerting great Muhammad bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa has re- efforts to encourage all-inclusive programs, ceived the Galileo International Award 2018 works and initiatives calling for harmony in the Italian City of Florence in recognition among the followers of different religions of his outstanding Islamic works and accom- and cultures. Because of these continuous plishments around the world. efforts, His Excellency recieved invited by The prestigious award recognizes His many global religious and cultural organi- Excellency’s active role in promoting peace zations and centers to deliver speeches and and religious and cultural harmony across share his valuable insights. the globe. Dr. Al-Issa has promoted human In his speech delivered at the interna- l l 4 Dhul-Qadah1439/August 2018 Dr. Al-Issa presents a commemorative gift to the award winners tional award ceremony, Dr. Al-Issa said he is the most dangerous challenge facing hu- was pleased to meet an elite of faith leaders, man beings. political figures and thought leaders in the “As believers in the One and Only God, City of Florence, the cradle of the European we should respect the privacy and identity Renaissance and Europe’s gateway to civi- of others as they reflect personal convictions lization and the birthplace of renowned and and we should also understand the nature of creative European iconic figures. It is impor- difference and diversity. Throughout their tant to uphold the common human values of long historical events, religions, civilizations peace and harmony despite plurality, diver- and nations became weaker because of isola- sity and cultural differences , he said. tion and rejection of logic under the pretext His Excellency spoke about the impor- of preserving their identity. We should real- tance of exchanging visits and dialogues with ize that the only remedy is healthy positive different followers of religions and cultures, dialogue,” he said. noting that the visits he made to different fol- His Excellency emphasized the dangers of lowers and the dialogues he had with them personal ambitions material and political in- revealed a genuine need for more transpar- terests to peace and harmony and their threats ent communication, one that reflects sincere to rights and freedoms, adding that they can intentions and love. Isolation, whether reli- cause brutal conflicts. In such conflicts, the gious, intellectual, cultural, political or other, winner always, as history has proven, loses l Dhul-Qadah1439/August 2018 l 5 The Secretary General of the MWL and Mr. Dario Nardela at the end of the day. The real triumph can spiritual leaders fail to use their influence or only be achieved through soft power and about in which thought leaders fail to speak. moral logic, which is based on the pure hu- He noted the grave threat of the religious, man instinct and cultural conciliation. sectarian and partisan extremism and the Dr. Al-Issa stressed the fact that whoever negative effect of political pragmatism on has a just cause will ultimately triumph, pro- values, stressing that extremism brings noth- vided that his triumph should be achieved in ing but harm and pain. a civilized way. In history, the victor faced His Excellency called for increasing courageously great losses that threatened his awareness and educating the next genera- security and stability and sowed hatred in his tions about the common values at an early mind because brutal materialism did not rec- age, urging families and school teachers, ognize the logic of morality and values. The who both play an important educational role, Nazis, for example, committed horrendous to carry out this mission. crimes against humanity on their own land. “We do not exaggerate when we say that His Excellency called for commitment family and school constitute the fabric of so- and awareness in order to prevent any hu- ciety. They can build a bright future for our man barbaric acts to which the International generations, a future which is based on com- Community fail to respond or in which the mon values and peace,” he said.
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