July 2007 dfa NowYour voice to be heard Minister Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma with Italian Deputy Prime Minister Massimo D’Alema in Pretoria more information on page 7 Editorial Note The dfa Now is an internal newsletter of Department of Foreign DEAR COLLEAGUES Affairs published by the Directorate: Content Development. elcome to another issue of DFA Now. In this Editor-in-Chief: Ronnie Mamoepa July issue we bring you the following: report on the IBSA Ministerial Commission held recently Editor: Paseka Mokhethea in NewW Delhi, India; Our Missions: Argentina and Havana; DFA sport mini tournament; plus the coverage of the winter Editorial Committee: games 2007. Genge, MP: (Acting) Chief Dir: Policy, Research & Analysis; Khoza, G: Dir: Operations Centre; Please don’t forget that we rely on your assistance in Moloto, J: Dir: Office of the Deputy Minister; meeting the printing deadline. Therefore, in the future to en- Dikweni, NL: Dir: Economic Policy and Programming; sure that the DFA Now is released on good time please as- Mashabane, D: Dir Humanitarian Affairs; sist us by meeting the submission deadline for the articles. Nompozolo, Mathu: Chief Dir Human Resources; Please forward your letters and articles to the Editor before Shongwe, LV: Dir: Office of the DG; the deadline. Thanking to all contributors who have heeded Mabhongo, X: Dir : United Nations; this request. Malawana XL: Operational Services Enjoy! Sub-Editing and Proof Reading: Elion Von Wielligh and Tirelo Makgeledisa LETTER TO THE EDITOR Design and Layout: Shaune van Wyk, Zimele Ngxongo and e at the Mission would also like to take the op- Seja Mokgawa. Pictures: Jacoline Prinsloo, Sanjay Singh and portunity to congratulate you and the Editorial GCIS. Committee on the June 2007 edition of our in- houseW magazine. The views expressed in this newsletter do not neccessarily reflect those of the DFA or the editors.The deadline for Thank you for keeping us informed with the activities of contributiions is 15 September 2007. Contributions may be sent the Department. to cbe000 or [email protected] All enquiries: Best personal regards, Paseka @ Tel: (012) 351-1569 • Fax : (012) 351-1327 LP O’Farrill, Counsellor (Havana) Our Mission in pictures: Havana Deputy Minister Aziz Pahad, with Minister Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi and Deputy Minister Jabulani Moleketi, addressing the African and Middle East Diplomatic Corps resident in Cuba on Africa and the Middle East. More on our missions on page 9... 2 DFA Now • July 2007 International relations THE 4th India-Brazil- South Africa (IBSA) Ministerial Trilateral Commission held in New Delhi, India HE MINISTER OF FOR- EIGN AFFAIRS of South Africa, HE Dr Nkosazana DlaminiT Zuma, the Minister of Exter- nal Relations of India, HE Mr Pranab Mukherjee, and the Minister of Ex- ternal Affairs of Brazil, HE Mr Celso Amorim, met in the Indian capital of New Delhi on 17 July 2007 for the 4th India-Brazil-South Africa (IBSA) Ministerial Trilateral Commission. The meeting focussed on, amongst others, India-Brazil-South Africa (IBSA) logo preparations for the upcoming 2nd IBSA Summit which is to be held in Jo- hannesburg, South Africa from 15-17 maintain friendly relations with all trilateral partners that IBSA countries October 2007. countries. The Ministers called for en- could, by combining its efforts with that Minister Dlamini Zuma was ac- hanced sectoral cooperation amongst of the rest of the South, accelerate the companied by a high-level senior gov- the three countries through fast-track- process of change to international de- ernment delegation with representa- ing the implementation of decisions cision-making processes to become tives from the Departments of Foreign and agreements already concluded, more democratic, representative and Affairs, Trade and Industry, Transport, in order to produce tangible results. multi-polar. Communications, Minerals and En- The Ministers also agreed to formal- Minister Dlamini Zuma also noted ergy, Agriculture, Social Development, ise the establishment of an additional that, for IBSA to effectively respond to Arts and Culture, Environmental Af- Sectoral Working Group on Revenue issues such as poverty especially on fairs and Tourism and the South Afri- Administration with a view to improve the African continent, the three coun- can Revenue Services. A meeting of trade facilitation. tries need to mobilise their collective Senior Officials (Focal Points) took resources. Along these lines, she invit- place on 13 July 2007 and was mainly IBSA countries could, ed her IBSA partners to consider mak- aimed at evaluating the progress with- by combining its efforts ing contributions to the Pan-African In- in the 14 Sectoral Working Groups frastructure Development Programme, of IBSA since the 1st IBSA Summit with that of the rest of as well as to use the IBSA fund effec- in September 2006. These working the South, accelerate tively to address international poverty groups include, amongst others trade, and development challenges. information society, science and tech- the process of change Through civil society and par- nology, transport, energy, health, tour- to international decision- liamentary participation in the IBSA ism, agriculture, education, defence, processes, the Dialogue Forum fur- social development, public administra- making processes to ther stands to gain by not only enrich- tion and climate change. become more democratic, ing the trilateral debates within sectors At their meeting on 17 July 2007, but also by expanding ownership of the Ministers discussed a wide range representative and multi- this initiative to ordinary people. The of global issues and reaffirmed the polar. promotion of increased cultural and IBSA Dialogue Forum as an important sports ties between IBSA countries mechanism for political consultations During her opening remarks, the was also emphasised as both are re- and coordination of positions on im- Minister reflected on the significance garded as people-to-people contact. portant international developments and international relevance of IBSA As part of the 4th Trilateral and issues of mutual interest. The and the role it should play within Commission Meeting, the Minis- Ministers reconfirmed their determi- multilateral for a in terms of standing ters reviewed the joint initiatives of nation to play a constructive role in together in solidarity on issues of im- the Sectoral Working Groups and international affairs as three emerg- portance to the developing world. In took note of their progress reports. ing economies of the South and to this regard, it was highlighted by the Continue on pg 4 ... DFA Now • July 2007 3 International Relations Continued from pg 3 ... They further encouraged Working In preparation for the 2nd Sum- ready for signature at the event, such Groups to meet on a more regular mit in South Africa, the Ministers dis- as in the areas of Wind Energy, Social basis, as well as to ensure that their cussed the importance of making Development, Health and Medicines, Plans of Action have clear time-bound progress within key sectors. They also Cultural Cooperation and Revenue deliverables. It was also emphasised recognised the need for cooperation Administration. that the trilateral contact among the in the areas of human settlement de- South Africa looks forward to re- sectoral counterparts need to be deep- velopment, as well as climate change ceiving and hosting its IBSA partners ened through improved systems of and environmental cooperation, and at the 2nd Summit in Sandton, Johan- communication. In addition, the Min- were encouraged by the prospects nesburg from 15-17 October 2007. isters expressed their concern about of the formation of additional Working This occasion, that will also allow for the challenge to improve transport Groups in these fields. As part of the business, academic and parliamentary connectivity between IBSA countries, preparations for the 2nd Summit, vari- participation, presents yet another op- as this issue impacts on both govern- ous Working Groups are in the proc- portunity to carry forward and further ment and the private sector and is key ess of finalising Memoranda of Under- consolidate the development agenda to the success of IBSA. standing/ Agreements to be possibly of this strategic partnership Cultural Diplomacy AKING A CURSORY LOOK at the definition of Interna- tional Relations one is con- frontedT with definitions which speaks to it being a matter of academic and public policy “field, and can be either productive or normative as it both seeks to analyze as well as formulate the foreign policy of particular states”. There is a tendency among play- ers in the field to only talk about Inter- national Relations in political science terms and not really seeing it as a philosophical, cultural, history, psy- chology and human sociology matter or phenomenon. I am tempted to dis- cuss theories such as post structural- ism, social constructionist and other ism but that will need another platform fertile for this kind of intellectual delib- erations. In this piece of writing I want to talk about the contribution that the Directorate: Marketing is making in promoting South Africa’s International Relations, which is a cornerstone of our Diplomacy. This process is taking place within the context of the stra- tegic objectives thrust of the Depart- ment but also the aims we have set ourselves to achieve at a Chief Direc- torate: Public Diplomacy. Among others, Cultural Diploma- cy is a highly recognised and visible form of Diplomacy. Cultural workers and products are able to communi- cate complex ideas and phenomenon in simple, understandable formats. Continue on pg 5 ... 4 DFA Now • May 2007 International Relations International Relations Continued from pg 4 ... Zulu traditional dancers, performing ‘Indlamu’ Cultural icons and products carry with them our pride, identity, values attempt to make itself recognised as a and systems as a nation. They carry brand as these culture products carry the national soul, that which defines an identity with them as discussed us and negotiate our place in the earlier.
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