,dtVJeJ !~~ The New Hampshire Bulk Rate,U·S Post?.ae Pa,fl ,Vol. 78 .No/42,.J.-- FRIDA:,, ""'""" NOVEMBER _;__ 20, 1987 _ (603)862-1490 Durham.NH ______________________________ ____ ______ _____________ ~------~-::---------------Durham 11.J H Perm!! 1130 Addled Abbie entertains• By Cunis Graves and Elizabeth Cote Hoffman's reply was equally The famous and infamous emotional. "All you' re doing is . "radical for all ages", Abbie presenting the oroblem and . Hoffman, entertained a crowd bum~ing the shit out of people. ·of about 200 people in the MUB You' re not doing anything to Wednesday night. While the solve the problem." Hoffman somewhat impaired Hoffman finished his response by saying, was often silly, and irreverent, "Stop following, start leading." he also infused a strong under­ Hall disagreed with Hof­ current of concern about a fman's idea that student acti­ variety of issues, such as drug vism w1ll enjoy a rebirth in years testing, the presidential race to come. "People today--the and student activism. police, the CIA--have learned . Hoffman, an-activist fo~ near­ from the sixties how to deal with ly two decades, is most famous student activism." for being' one of the "Chicago Later, Hall admitted "he Seven" arrested at the 1968 (Hoffman) had some very good Democratic National Conven­ points. It was good to see him tion for "inciting a riot." use that kind of (obscene) Pressure is being put on the administration to come up with more parking lots so that more "Young people today are language. If that's the way you middle-aged already," Hoffman feel, say it," cars can enjoy the luxury that this car has. (Mark Hamilton photo). · said. "If you don't.change your Hoffman was also outspoken nihilistic attitudes, you may on drug testing. He has written really be the last generation." a book entitled Steal This Urine Hoffman said that the title Test. of his next book will be The Last "When Reagan was Governor More parking provided Generation. · of California in '64, he told the An interesting exchange of LA Times, 'Most reliable sources By Donna Morafcik the evening was between Hof­ s~i'y permanent brain damage Pressure for additional on- this year than in the past, which aesthetics and parking need to fman and an older student, Cad . is ,,(he inev.itaple effect of·pro­ campus parking has brought has increased the demand for be balanced, according to Berg-. Hall. ldtiged smoking of marijµana,'"­ about an administrative turna- more parking spaces. · strom. .· . "We had the pow.er but we Hoffman quoted, :\l3,ut when ·round whteh will provide the · UNI-I junior Billfogram rides The safety of a walking cam­ lost it. You're not-here.when/ Doug,as .Ginsberg confessed ( to_ needed fonding. , . his bike to school b,ecaus,e the pus needs to be c0nsidered, she we need it. (leadership)," Hall·· This year, two hundred and parking is "such a mess." He said. bellowed. ·· HOFFMAN, page 7 fifty thousand dollars, spre~d said, "You have to arrive on Any future parking areas will · over five years, has been allotted campus at 7:30 a.m. to get a spot be· built on the peripheral areas by the University for additional anywhere." of campus, said Bergstrom. "core parking," according to Ingram said he is in favor of The only students prohibited Student Senator Edmund building a parking garage. "B from parking on campus are McCabe. lot would be the perfect spot freshman and sophomore res- . Last year, UNH President for a garage. It is right next to idents. The only exceptions are Gordon Haaland decided no new the academic buildings," he said. for documented medical rea­ core parking would be built, said UNH student Michele Cata­ sons, according to Bergstrom. McCabe. This semester's ded- lario now takes the bus to school A parking garage was a con­ sion for more parking spaces from Portsmouth. "I drove the side red alternative, but this is ·a complete turnover. first two days of school and had would not be economically feas­ Last year, building began oh to park in a· field over by ible at UNH. A single parking 122 new spaces, which should Channel 11," said Catalano. space in a parking garage costs be completed by the end of this •Catalano said she thinks that ten to fifteen times the amount yeat'; · since the early 80s there are of a ground space. A 100-space lot is. to be built · more students with cars. According to McCabe, fey;er near Rosemary Lane, and 22 UNH junior Pete Dupuis "for students would probably be able new parking spaces will also the most part" has no problem to afford par~ing per.mi ts for surround DeMeritt House, ac- with parking at UNH. Yet, he that. The newly planned spaces ·· cording io McCabe. · said he "can definitely see where wHl not raise the price of student The current parking situation it can be a problem. I think there parking permits, Bergstrom is a problem and additional . should be more money allocated said. parking spaces are needed, '\ for parking spaces," said Du­ There are no additional park­ according to Assistant Director • puis. ing areas definitely planned for of Public Safety Carol Berg- Although the parking is an next year, although the fifty strom. evident problem, it isn't the only thousaQd dollars is allotted if UNH has more commuters consideration at h:and. Safety, it is needed. Hood House needs nurse Four years later, still no applicants By ~manda Waterfield offering is much lower than cology for three half-days (total) ·After four years of trying, that--$18,000. between.now and Christmas," Health Services has Abbie Hoffm~n cracks a smile during the film, May Flowers, just about Dr. Patterson said because the said Dr. Patterson. given up on hiring a nurse pay is so low, no one is inter­ ,Although Hood House orig­ which preceded his discussion. (Mark Hamilton photo). practitioner. According to Di­ ested in applying. inally expected to get more time rector of Health Services Dr. The other factor affecting the from the family practitioner, Peter Patterson, hundreds of staff at Hood House is the this should help ease patient · dollars have been spent advet­ shortage of nurses everywhere, backup. Dr. Patterson would INSIDE· tising for someone to fill the not just at UNH. "There are not still like to hire a nurse prac­ Was the UNH incinerator the only smoking going on position, but the ads are no enough nurses to go around," titioner. longer being run due to lack of nr. Patterson said. He said Hood J-louse yesterday during the Gr~t American Smok~ut? employs Fin_d _ interest. The area of Health Services a physician's ass1'!..,.ant who does out on page 2. Part of the problem is finan­ which is suffering most from gynecology, but he would "take cial. The average income of a the shortage is gynecological any nurse practitioner, because · · Presidential candidate Albert Gore's dad made an nurse practitioner is around service.s. ''We have hired a impromptu visit to UNH. See story on page 3. $32,000. The salary UNH is family practitioner ·w do gyne- NURSE, page 3 PAGE TWO THE NEW HAMPSHIR_E FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1987 Smokeout attempts to clear UNH air By Susan Flynn of family and friend support to Some quit cold turkey, others quit smoking, arid several vo­ attempted, and many smokers lunteers to answer questions. · did not even care. Yesterday, "The majority of people com­ the tenth annual Great Amer­ ing to the table were picki_ng. ican Smokeout took place at up survival packets for their UNH. The scope of this na­ friends. I really believe · they tional event ranged from two were sincere in their actions and tables at the MUB, roan assort­ not just out for the candy," said ment of "Kiss Me, I Don't Eggert. · Smoke" pins worn by students The table was also equipped throughout the campus. lung machine that dis­ with a other things, inform smokers about .The tables were sponsored played the condition of the· Two tables were set up in the MU:Q yesterday to, among by the Health Services Consu­ airways by measuring .. the the hazards of their habit. (Mark Hamilton photo). mer-Board. amount of a:ir one qm take into the damage of smoking is not made valiant attempts at kicking · cigarette in my mouth," said "Our goal is to inform and his/her lungs·. yet apparent, said Finn. The the habit. Across campus, many Obenshain. · give students an incentive to · Dennis Martin, a registered majority of the students who students were seen chewing Obenshain was surprised that quit. If they can give it up for respiratory therapist at smoked left the machine feeling gum, pulling hair, and waiting a lot of smokers did not even one day, then maybe two days, Wentworth-Douglass hospital, relieved because the results did desperately for 12:01 a.m., when seem to care about the Smo­ then three," said Keith Eggert, operated the machine, which not sho~ the long term effects the Smokeout officially ended. keout. business manager of the Con­ appeared to be the hit of the day. that smoking creates. June Obenshain, a clerk at the "I was out by tht:. lung ma­ sumer Board. According to Finn, there was "In a false sense students see MUB Copy Cent~r, remained chine, and it seemed like a seen~ The table set up in the MUB a line of people cons·istently that they are okay·;- and can smoke-free until about 3: 30 in from a W, oody Allen movie.
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