California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Inland Empire Business Journal Special Collections & University Archives 12-2006 December 2006 Inland Empire Business Journal Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/iebusinessjournal Part of the Business Commons Recommended Citation Inland Empire Business Journal, "December 2006" (2006). Inland Empire Business Journal. 259. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/iebusinessjournal/259 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections & University Archives at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Inland Empire Business Journal by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. --,._ PAID p Ontano. (A Pt:rmit No. I e IO~J I VOLUME 18, NUMBER 12 $2.00 December 2006 ,IL ,J II, AT DEADLINE HILTON USO PARTNERSHIP Special Panattoni Sections Breaks Ground on a One Million­ Square-Foot, Mi xed-Use Urban Center A full) integrated mixed­ use urban center. Piemonte at The Ontario Center \\ill include approximately 500.000 square feet of retail. approxi­ The Ontario Hilton is offering food, rooms and has also donated mate!) :!6R.OOO square feet of new Hilton beds to the Ontario Airport U.S.O. Class A off1ce space: a sevcn­ Mike & Marian llltch stor). 256-room full serv1ce S1nce before the Lnited cia I brand of comfort, morale and hotel: approximately ROO luxu­ States entered World War II. recreational serv1ces to the mili­ ry condominiums. some of the LSO (United Service tary. The USO, a congressionally K. Hovnanian \\hich will be adjacent to and Organ1Jat10ns) has been the chartered. pnvate, nonprofit Homes Honored above special!) retail: and an bridge between the American organitation. relies on the gen­ 11.000-scat capacity sports public and the u.S. military. ln erosity of indi\ 1duals and corpo­ The first annual Awards and entertainment arena. When times of peace and war. the LSO rations to support USO activities. Issue of 50+8uilder Ma!!,a~ine complete m 2009, the $900 has consistently delivered 1ts spe- continued on page 13 has announced that K. million development will be a Hovnanian Homes was recent!) vibrant Main Street-style. cen­ selected as the1r 'Builder of the tral hub servmg the 1nteresh UCR Receives Support for Year.· a tremendous accom­ and needs of millions of resi­ plishment that reaffirms this dents, employees and visl!ors. Water Testing Research nationwide homehuilder·s com­ mitment to the active adult I·irq phase of development UCR research to develop technology to rapidly detect housing tndustry. includes: disease-causing viruses in water supplies • 252.000-square-foot power This significant honor by an retail component that will be SCientists at the University intluential publication retlects anchored b) national retailers of California, Riverside have the dommance of K . Target and Best Bu). received a $600,000 grant from HO\· nan ian's Four Seasons Completion is expected 111 fall the U.S. Environmental commun1t1es throughout 2007. Protection Agency to develop ,, Southern California and the1r • Approximately 26R.OOO fast and effective means of tremendous popularit) among square feet of corporate office detecting disease-causing vin1ses homehuyers 55 and hetter. space in six buildings with in drinking water supplies. 'The acti\ e adult population is Rotavirus partictesvisualized by one to fi\ e stories. rangmg in The rc~arch project is titled gro\\ mg. ere at i ng demand for immune electronmicrosc opy. qualit) master-planned em iron- si1c from 6,261 square feet to Development of High Throughput ·Courtesy U S Centers for 01Sttase Control continued 011 pa!!,e 21 continued on {Ill!!,£' 5 continued on page I C) December 200() BUSINESS JOUR~AL • PAGE 3 NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AWARDS $500,000 GRANT TO CSUSB From ice core dnlhngs m Antarctica to the College of Natural Beginning in fall 2007, MASS scholarships will be awarded to Sciences at Cal State San Bernardmo, the National Science at least 14 incoming freshmen The program will also award scholar­ Foundation funds research and education proJect~ that, accordmg to ships to eight current CSVSB JUniors and eight seniors, who will serve its Web site, "have been judged the most promising by a rigorous and as role models for the freshmen. Scholarship recipients must attend objective merit-review system." full-time and maintain a mmimum 3.3 grade pomt average to receive The NSF has awarded a $500,000 grant to CSVSB 's College the $3,500 a year. The scholarship is for a maximum of four years. of Natural Sciences to help fund its Mathematics and Science Overall, the MASS program will award more than 120 annual Scholars (MASS) program for the next four years. scholarships. The MASS program IS designed to serve students from diverse In addition, MASS students will be mentored by the professor backgrounds with fmanc1al need who will study in the science, tech­ in their corresponding diSCiplmc. They will also enJOY numerous priv­ nology, engineenng and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. At Cal ileges such as pnority registration, workshops and seminars to prepare State San Bernardmo, the federal funding will focus on the fields of them for graduate study, and summer internship programs. biology, chemistry and biochemistry, computer sciences, geological To extend the MASS program beyond the four years, the uni­ sciences, mathematiCS and physics. versitys College of Natural Sciences is actively seekmg funding from Program candidates are currently being recruited from the top both public and private sources. Several local companies and agencies 2 percent of high school graduates throughout San Bernardino and have already pledged their support for the MASS program, including Riverside counties. This program is not to overlap with the QMotions, Associated Engineers Inc .. MoJave Desert Air Quality • Presidential Academic Excellence Scholarship program which District, Kelly Space and Technology Inc. and Optivus. recruits from the top I percent of graduates from high schools in San The MASS program is led by George Georgiou, chair of the in Bernardino County. Cal State San Bernardino computer science department. PROFESSION-\L W/511/NC YOU ~V~~y llllPPIN~55 ~e is no time more fitting Qt ,AIITY RFSl ITS to say Thank You and to AITORD.~BLF Tll/5 IIOL/DilY 5~1l50N AND TUROUGUOUT TUt COMING ltAR. wish you a Happy Holiday Season and a New Year of good health, 'Prien Yil1d lot andid.lt<s with 1DO tD 1 10 myopoa. "">stlgmat.stn CK & Custom Vue erno. Nod<l Only happiness and prosperity. Must~""""' ad., booking ""11<'>' • 2 Lasers on Site ·State OfThe Art Equipment FREF CONSULTATION • CK &Traditional LASIK ·Pre & Post Op. Care • Ask About ~ "'LASIK Jr~J~t lite Jla/J (f)j lit e INLAND [MPIRt BUSINtSS JOURNAL December 2006 BUSI:-.!LSS JOLR AL ·PAG E 4 December 2006 BliSINESS JOURNAL • PAGE 5 -- INDEX UCR.. , regulators in the U.S. have not The research carried out at Tht• use of quantum dots­ continued from page 2 required testing of drinking UCR IS developing .1 unique nanop.lrticle-sized semiconduc­ and Real-Time Methods for the water for virus contamin.nion. method combining fl ow cytom­ tors that emit different intensi­ Detection of Infectious Enteric "The cost for testing one sample etry, to automate the detection ties of energy depending on their is roughly $1,000 and can take This December in the Inland Empire Columns Viruses, and is being spearhead­ process, and molecular beacons size-is a new approach to detec­ ed by Wilfred Chen, Ashok up to two weeks for results to using quantum dots as htgh sen­ tion in this application because Business Journal! come back,~ said Yates. Mulchandani and Nosang sitivity detectors, along with a they arc more stable than the Corporate Profile. 6 Myung at the Department of The work holds national and genetically engineered cell line organic dyes now in use, accord­ News and Features Commentary. 7 Chemical and Environmental global interest because it address­ to probe and quantify infective ing to Mulchandan.i. es the issue of finding and treat­ viruses. Researchers seek to In October (2006), the U.S. In vestments and Finance. 9 Engineering; and Marylynn V. ing viral contaminants, such as develop a system that can work EPA announced its Ground Detroit's Pizza Mogul Looks Toward Barstow Mike and Marian Yates of the Department of Computers{fechnology. II hepatitis A and E, rotavirus, ade­ in real time. Water Rule, which refines the Hitch (founders of Little Caesars Pizza and owners of the Detroit Environmental Sciences at novirus, and other disease-caus­ As part of the UCR team, 1996 amendments to the Safe Red Wings and Detroll Tigers) are setting their sights on Barstow The Lists: UCR. ing, waterborne viruses, in water microbiologist Yates, lends her to open an Indian casino. 6 The grant is part of the Drinking Water Act, requiring Business Brokerage Firms Serving the Inland Empire. 12 systems. Viruses claim the lives EPA's National Center for expertise in the detection of regulations that call for measures of hundreds of thousands of chil­ Illegal Immigration and Crime Observations, reports and facts Fleet Automotive Dealers lll the Inland Empire.. 27 Environmental Research and is infective viruses; Myung's to protect ground water sources indicate immigrant criminality represents perhaps the worst abuse funded through its Science to dren in the developing world expertise is in quantum dots and of public drinking water sup­ Managing. 17 each year, according to the of the liberty aliens enjoy in the United States. The government Achieve Results (STAR) pro­ nanostructures; sensors and plies from disease-causing viruses either finds tts hands tied or abrogates its responstbilities to fellow Time Management. 18 gram. World Health Organization. analyses are the purview of and bacteria.
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