Astronomical Imaging Detectors Juan Estrada 2/21/2012 1 Wednesday, February 22, 2012 Astronomical Imaging Detectors (mostly optical... and mostly CCDs) Juan Estrada 2/21/2012 2 Wednesday, February 22, 2012 first thing you should know when thinking about detectors to look into space the sky is mostly dark!3 Wednesday, February 22, 2012 ... but with the right detector it can be fun! Wednesday, February 22, 2012 To give you an idea: Naked eye can see stars of magnitude 6 which means about 1000 photons per second. modern astronomical instruments we are trying to see objects in the sky of magnitude 24, which means about 15 photons per second on a 4 meter telescope (for your eye this would be 5e-5 photons per second). which brings me to another important point for detectors in astronomy... timescale = seconds (not nanoseconds). 5 Wednesday, February 22, 2012 What are the options for visible and IR? Mainly CMOS and CCDs... will go over CCDs and then discuss the difference with CMOS 6 Wednesday, February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a few slides from J. Beletic :A))B'5'&'C*&'.+ 7 #$%$&'()*+,)-../$)0 1('$+&'2'()34*5'+5)1$+/.6/)0 7(&)899" !" Wednesday, February 22, 2012 2009 Nobel Prize in Physics awarded to the inventors of the CCD In 1969, Willard S. Boyle and George E. Smith invented the first successful imaging technology using a digital sensor, a CCD (charge-coupled device). The two researchers came up with the idea in just an hour of brainstorming. Bell Labs researchers Willard Boyle (left) and George Willard S. Boyle George E. Smith Smith (right) with the charge-coupled device. !"#$#%$&'()%*)%+,-./%%%!"#$#%01(2*$3%450&$(56780()$9:(55%7&;</ 8 Wednesday, February 22, 2012 Light into the detector 100 80 1 ! R r o ) Old UCO/Lick y % c ( n y e t i 60 i c v i i f light has to get inside the detector t f c e e l QE f m for detection. This means that e 40 u t R n - a destructive interference has to be u 1 Q 20 example for DECam CCD accommodated for reflections. 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 qe_photonics06.eps Wavelength (nm) 9 Figure 7. First results with The Quantum Efficiency Machine (solid circles and error band). 1 R is also shown. Old Wednesday, February 22, 2012 − UCO/Lick measurements are shown for comparison; that CCD had nominally the same antireflective coating but was thicker, so that the IR response is higher. CCD with nominally the same antireflective (AR) coating are shown by the open circles. Results obtained with the CCD connected as a diode are consistent with the CCD-mode results. Our < 1% error level goal means that most contributions must be far less than this. If a systematic error is one-sided, then the measurement is corrected by half this error so that there is not a systematic bias. Most conceivable sources of error have been investigated and found to be negligible at this level: Filter out-of-bandpass leakage, 2nd order light from the monochromator, light leaks, noise in photodiode current measurements, picoammeter offset, and monochromator wavelength uncertainties. The dark current in a 1 cm2 monitor diode in the integrating sphere is about 50 fA, so that neither light leakage nor PD noise is significant. Intensity and hence exposure times, typically 5–10 s, are set by the requirement that the PD current should 13 be well above noise in the picoammeter, which is less than 10− A. For longer exposures at reduced intensity, the monitor PD in the integrating sphere, calibrated using the standard PD, is used as the reference. A normal scan consists of automatically repeating the following: The monochromator and (if called for) the filter wheel are moved to the new wavelength, after which • there is a 500 s settling time. The motorized input and output slits are adjusted to obtain the desired intensity at the dewar. • A 10 s dark is obtained with the large-aperture shutter closed. • A 10 s exposure is obtained with the shutter open, at the end of which it closes. • Because the PD is coplanar with the CCD in the dewar, there are no geometrical or window-reflection corrections, except for the very tiny radial intensity variation shown in Fig. 4. Fiducial areas are a different problem. So far it has been assumed that the PD area is exactly 1 cm2, but this needs to be checked. Similarly, if the CCD is configured as a photodiode, a mask will be needed to define/check the fiducial area. So far we have simply taken the pixel area as correct, but there may be edge effects. Masks have been obtained but not yet installed. The Uniblitz shutter remains open during the scan described above. The large-aperture shutter on which we presently depend is somewhat problematical. It takes 29 ms to open and 65 ns to close, which means that the center (the CCD fiducial area) and reference PD are illuminated for different times. Since aperture is star-shaped during the process, a correction is difficult to calculate. Better schemes are under discussion, and it will probably be moved to the light-entrance end of the dark box. 107 Charge Generation Charge generation The1'%'(.+)::; photoelectric 1'4'%*6)<=>/'(/)2.6)effect makes it possible3?)4*&$6'*%/ for photons with more than 1.1eV to produce electron-hole pairs in Silicon. !" #$%$&'()*+,)-../$)0 1('$+&'2'()34*5'+5)1$+/.6/)0 7(&)8""9 10 Wednesday, February 22, 2012 Photon Detection =-5()*(#$#'%5-*(%-(>#(#?'&%#+(15-3(%@# :-*+;'%&-*(")*+ '-*+;'%&-*(>)*+(%-(%@#(A)$#*'#(>)*+ !g !! B !g <)$#*'#(")*+ !"C(D$)*'E('-*.%)*%(FGHG!I8J!K L-;$#M.#'N " C(IH7!S(Q ! F#<N ! C(15#O;#*'P(-1($&4@%(F'P'$#.Q.#'N(C "Q' # g !g C(#*#54P(4)R(-1(3)%#5&)$(F#$#'%5-*JA-$%.N \)%#5&)$(])3# 0P3>-$ !g (eV) "'(F#3N 0&$&'-* 0& IHI7 IHI 2*+&;3JV)$$&;3JW5.#*&+# 2*V)W. 8HU!(/ 8HKS IHGST(/ 7HG \#5J:)+J[#$ Z4:+[# IH88(/ 8H8U IH7K(/ IS 2*+&;3(W*%&3-*&+# 2*0> 8H7!( XHX W5.#*&'(+-R#+(0&$&'-* 0&YW. 8H8X 7X T,)%%&'#(3)%'@#+(2*V)W.(F2* V) W.N IR detectors work with the same8HX! principle,8HKU but with crystals that are a lot more !! "#$#%&'()*+(,--.#(/expensive 0'&#*%&1&'(23)4&*4(0#*.-5.(/ than Silicon 6'%(7889 11 Wednesday, February 22, 2012 Spectral Bands :#1&*#+(;<()%3-.=>#5&'(%5)*.3&..&-*(?(+#%#'%-5(3)%#5&)$(=5-=#5%&#. !"#$%&'()*+,-)./%#*%%*$/ @)A#$#*4%>(B3&'5-*.C :#%#'%-5 D--$-4< "#$#%&'()*+(,--.#(/ 0'&#*%&1&'(23)4&*4(0#*.-5.(/ 6'%(7889 !! 12 Wednesday, February 22, 2012 Dark Currentcharge generation of Silicon-based of the unwanted Detectors type Dark Current of e2v CCDs 1E6 MAXIMUM VALUES 1E5 1E4 1;62*($ <*6=)>;66$+& 1E3 1E2 #;%= 1E1 <*6=)>;66$+& 1E0 1E-1 Electrons/sec/15 micron pixel 1E-2 1E-3 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 Temperature, °C e2v TECHNOLOGIES so youIn silicon, will dark usually current usua havelly dominated to cool by surface the defectsdetectors... !"#$%!&'()*)+,!- #$%$&'()*+,)-../$)0 1('$+&'2'()34*5'+5)1$+/.6/)0 7(&)899: 13 !" Wednesday, February 22, 2012 PhotovoltaicCharge Detector Collection Potential Well n-channel CCD L.&*)?$+$)M 345 B =*+)(.%%$(&)$'&A$6 Si P $%$(&6.+/).6)A.%$/ #.6.+),.@$, #.6.+),.@'+5 NA./@A.6.E/),.@$, NA./@A.6.E/),.@'+5 1'%'(.+;)<5=,>$)*+,)3+1?)*6$)@A.&.B.%&*'(),$&$(&.6/C))D%%)E/$)*)@+FGE+(&'.+) &.)By 5$+$6*&$) doping HF2'$%,) the Si '+) &A$)we IF,'6$(&'.+)get a E .2field) $*(A) that @'J$%C) moves ) >A'/) $%$(&6'()the charges 2'$%,) /$@*6*&$/)&A$)$%$(&6.+FA.%$)@*'6/)5$+$6*&$,)?K)*)@A.&.+Cfrom the generation site to the potential well. #$%$&'()*+,)-../$)0 1('$+&'2'()34*5'+5)1$+/.6/)0 7(&)899: !" 14 Wednesday, February 22, 2012 ChargeCCD Transfer Rain bucket in a analogyCCD #$%$&'()*+,)-../$)0 1('$+&'2'()34*5'+5)1$+/.6/)0 7(&)899! 15 !" Wednesday, February 22, 2012 2009 Nobel Prize in Physics awarded to the inventors of the CCD In 1969, Willard S. Boyle and George E. Smith invented the first successful imaging technology using a digital sensor, a CCD (charge-coupled device). The two researchers came up with the idea in just an hour of brainstorming. First CCD Bell Labs researchers Willard Boyle (left) and George Willard S. Boyle George E. Smith Smith (right) with the charge-coupled device. !"#$#%$&'()%*)%+,-./%%%!"#$#%01(2*$3%450&$(56780()$9:(55%7&;</ 16 Wednesday, February 22, 2012 CCD Architecture Charge Transfer: CCD architecture 17 Wednesday, February 22, 2012 #$%$&'()*+,)-../$)0 1('$+&'2'()34*5'+5)1$+/.6/)0 7(&)899: !" CCD Timing 9.:$4$+&)) .2)(;*65$ '/)<(.=>%$,? C;*65$ C.=>%$, D$:'($ #$%$&'()*+,)-../$)0 1('$+&'2'()34*5'+5)1$+/.6/)0 7(&)8""! !" 18 Wednesday, February 22, 2012 CCD Timing 9.:$4$+&)) .2)(;*65$ '/)<(.=>%$,? C;*65$ C.=>%$, D$:'($ #$%$&'()*+,)-../$)0 1('$+&'2'()34*5'+5)1$+/.6/)0 7(&)8""! !" 18 Wednesday, February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