FFAOAO TRAINING SERIES 18 DESIGNDHS1GN MANUAL M\NUA ONON BASIC WOOD HARVESTINGHARVESTING TECHNOLOGY BOOKLET 11 FELLING, DEBRANCHINGDEBRANCHING AND CROSSCUTTING ''1 FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Rome, 19891989 TheThe designationsdesignations employedemployed andand the presentation of material in this publicationpublication do notnot implyimply thethe expressionexpression ofof anyany opinion opinion whatsoeverwhatsoever on thethe part of thethe FoodFood andand AgricultureAgriculture OrganizationOrganization of thethe UnitedUnited Nations concerningconcerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or areaarea oror of of its its authorities, authorities, or or concerning concerning the the delimitation delimitation of of its its frontiersfrontiers or boundaries. M-39 ISBN 92-5-102537-1 All rights reserved. No part of this publicafionpublication may be reproduced,reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transminedtransmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,electronic, mechani­mechani- cal, photocopying oror otherwise, without the the priorprior permissionpermission of of the the copyrightcopyright owner. owner. Applications for such permission, with a statement of the purpose and extent of the reproduction,reproduction, should be addressedaddressed to thethe Director,Director, PublicationsPublications Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of of the the United Nations,Nations, ViaVia delle Terme di Caracalla, 0010000 100 Rome, Italy. 0© FAO FAD 1989 1989 Contents 1. Axe handle 2. Pattern forfor an axe handle 3. Hanging an axe handle 4. GaugeGauge for axe blades 11 5. GaugeGauge forfor axe blades 2 6. Log vicevice forfor sharpeningsharpening axe blades 7. Grindstone attachment for axe blades 8. Axe blade guard 9. Wooden frame bowsaw 10. Stand for filing crosscut saws 11. Jointer forfor sawssaws 11 12. Jointer for saws 22 13. Saw set 14. Set gauge 15. Raker gauge 16. Sawblade guard 17. Log jack 11 18. Log jack 22 19. Log jack 33 20. Sawhorse 11 21. Sawhorse 2 22. Sawhorse 3 23. Wooden wedges 24. Control for trees felledfelled onon slopes SymbolsSymbos and abbreviationsbbre atlions used 0o Degree (angle) 0o Diameter measurement kg Kilogram = 2.205 pounds (lb)(Ib) m Metre = 1.094 yards (yd) mm MillimetreMillimetre = 0.03940.0394 inch inch (in)(in) Notete Additional valuablevaluable informationinformation on the kinds of tools shown inin this bookletbooklet cancan bebe found inin FAO Forestry Paper 36, Basic TechnologyTechnology inin Forest Operations (ISBN 92-5-101260-1). 1. AxeAxe handlhandle Material Choose a piece of hardwood, eithereither fromfrom the buttbutt ofof aa young tree or from the sapwood ofof an olderolder tree. UseUse well-seasoned wood. TheThe graingrain ofof thethe woodwood mustmust bebe straight and run parallel toto the lengthlength ofof the handle. ItIt should have no knots. Parallel grain is best ~~~'\%~%~~ Cross grain will breakbreak easily ~~~~~22~ f??1Z???6¥jiZ Ah ~-=-2Z~ Face graingrain will warp 2. PatternPattern lorrfor an axe handlehande Material Instructions A well-seasoned piece ofof wood withwith straightstraight grain.grain. The axe handle should reach from the cutter'scutter's armpitarmpit toto finger tips, and fromfrom his hand to the ground (1). IfIf an axe handle is not available as a model, useuse thethe patternpattern (2).(2). Trace the outline ofof the side ofof the handle on to the piece of wood (3). Cut away excess wood on the top with a chisel and saw (4). Trace the outline of the top of the handle (5). Cut away excess wood. Finish shaping the handle with a knife. File and sandpapersandpaper to the dimensions of the cross sections shown below (6).(6). The finished handle should be comfortable to hold. 1 92 4 + + + 549 545 59 64644 646470 70 64565 5+858 50• 60640• 636+3 64644• 62• 59• 53• 59• • .. 5[ 5f A A A A 16 l'5 45 51 55 46 43 41 39 37 33 ~30- 42 60 V ---- V 1\./V 20 21 23 32 30 2121--24--26--23--21--20--20--20--20--20--21--23+32130-'i' 24 26-, 23 21 20 20 20 20 -I- .f 615 t0 100I~O 2002L 300Jo 4004tO 5005t 6001J3r L--t____ ','t -, ',' 'I' -.- " 1_-4E-- 100IOOmm_1 mm--I I" 200mm • I 2 I: / ~ ~ ~, , I eI I I I I I I , I I I I ,. i e I I I I I I I I I : I • I ---ft---+ f- ----i ---1 I I +I I +-I I I I i~- + I I , , I I I (------,I I \ I \ I \ / I I I I 1 I 1---- /] I I 9 1..... ____ 1I 5CFI 3. Hanging an axe handle Material Instructions Axe handle,handle, axehead. Using a rasp, shape thethe endend ofof thethe handlehandle to to fitfitthe the eyeeye ofof the axehead (1). Insert the handle intointo the head and test for alignment. The lineline of sight should run through the blade of the axehead andand through thethe knobknob onon thethe endend ofof thethe axe handle (2).(2). RemoveRemove thethe handlehandle andand sawsaw aa slot of approximately 40 mm into the end (3). Cut a hardwood wedge for the slot (4). InsertInsert the handle in the axehead and drive the wedge into the slot (5). Test again for alignmentalignment (6). Cut off the excess handle (7). A well-hungwell-hung axehead willwil l rest onon the centrecentre ofof thethe bladeblade (8).(8). -~----------:::s-- 1 2 3 _ [ t- ~ -~~ ~~~ ~ _ umu~u 4 5 6 7 8 4 4. GaugeGauge forfor axeaxe bladesblades 11 Use Instructions To test axe-blade profile. Transfer the pattern on to a piece of metal (1). Using a hacksaw,hacksaw, cutcut aa notchnotch 5050 mmmm deepdeep andand varyingvarying inin widthwidth Mater.ialMaterial from Oto0 to 1010 mm. File the notch smooth. The gauge A piece of sheet iron or aluminium 7070 x 30 x 5 mm. measures the dimensionsdimensions ofof thethe tapertaper (2).(2). WhenWhen thethe gauge fits exactly the blade has the proper profile (3).(3). If thethe blade isis tootoo thickthick toto fitfit thethe gauge.gauge, itit shouldshould bebe groundground or filed untiluntil itit does.does. DistanceDistancefrom from ThicknessThickness 1 2 1 edge of blade of blade ( 1. o0 l A. 2.5 mmmm 1. 1.5 mmmm 8.B. 5.0 mmmm 2. 2.5 mmmm C. 10.010.0 mmmm 3. 4.5 mmmm DD.. 15.015.0 mmmm 4.4. 7.07.0 mmmm o 0 E. 35.035.0 mmmm 5. 8.5 mmmm A -- --I B -- -2 F. 50.050.0 mmmm 6. 10.0 mmmm C - --- 3 D 7f"- ~4 EI -I I~ 5 F 6 3 5 • 5. GaugeGauge forfor axeaxe bladesblades 22 Use Instructions To test axe-blade profile. Transfer the patternpattern onon to aa piece of metal (1). Using a hacksaw, cut the notches. File the notches smooth. The Material notches measure thethe dimensionsdimensions of of the the tapertaper (2).(2). ForFor the A piece of sheet ¡roniron or aluminium 70 x 70 x 5 mm. most efficient use, the taper of the blade must vary depending onon whether itit is for hardwood or softwood (3).(3). 1 Softwood --0-1_I ~ -''--L1E- 2 Distance from Thickness of axe blade 1' edge of blade Softwood 22.5.5 mmmm 1.0 mmmm 5 mm t 5.0 mmmm 2.0 mmmm lOmm 1°.:LU t 10.0 mmmm 3.5 mmmm Hardwood 1.5 mmmm 1.0 mmmm ~I ~ 5.0 mmmm 2.0 mmmm 3.5mm3 5 mrn 10.0 mmmm 3.5 mmmm 0o 3.5mm -I I-- 10 m m L IOTm n 5 mm 1.5m-rn HardwHardwoodood 2 mm I mm 3 0/0"' 6 6.6. LogLog vicevice forfor sharpeningsharpening axeaxe bladesblades Use Instructions ToTo hold an axeheadaxehead in place when filing the blade. Chop a wedge-shaped notch in the log. The angleangle of the notch should be about 300.30°. The notch should be wide Material enough to hold the axeaxehead head firmly. The blade is facing AA lengthlength of heavy log. upwardupward,, ready to be filed. = c:::::::=_c::==-"'..__ c c:: < ___c::::=c ===-~ c?: ~::::s=- -~ I -c::. =1 :: -- ~ ~ ~\\~ 7 7.7. GrindstoneGrindstone attachment forfor axe bladesblades Use Instructions To apply pressure to an axehead held against a Shape thethe lever arm using the pattern (1). Drive thethe nailsnails grindstone. through the upright and fasten itit to the frame of the grindstone at the centre line of the grinding wheel. Push MaterialMaterial the end of thethe leverlever arm into one of thethe nails. TheThe upright 1 piecepiece ofof woodwood 700 x 100 x 50 mm for the lever arm,arm, becomes the fulcrum to the lever (2). The axehead is 11 piecepiece ofof woodwood ofof anan appropriateappropriate heightheight forfor the upright fitted into the notch in the lever arm and pushed against 200200 xx 3030 mm,mm, about 20 nails 50 mm long.long. the grindstone. -(50)- 1 I 700mm ,·1 f j t]5:omm50mm ___ ~=1~5tm h s/ 2 8 8.8. AxeAxe bladeblade guard Use Instructions To cover an axe blade not inin use.use. Slit thethe rubberrubber hose lengthwise. Rivet or bolt two loops of innerinner tubetube to each end of the hose. The loopsloops shouldshould bebe Material longlong enough toto slip overover thethe axeheadaxehead and holdhold thethe rubberrubber A piece of rubberrubber hose 150 mm longlong., 2 piecespieces ofof oldold innerinner hose in place covering the blade. tubetube 10 mm widewide., 2 rivets or 2 short bolts with nuts. 9 9. WoodenWooden frame bowsaw Use Instructions To cut light wood. Shape the endsends andand thethe crossbar as as shown.shown. Drill Drill a a hole hole in in each end for the sawblade pins and attach the sawbsawblade.lade. Material Put the crossbar in place. FoldFold the rope double and loop Use softwood or light hardwoodhardwood.. For the ends, 1 piece it over thethe toptop of bothboth ends.ends.
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