Sd. Re Il. K 証rmzawa Um lI v. vo l. 28 N o. 1 pp. 27 ~58 June 1983 N est Architedure and Related N otes of Stenog: :a st r:i. nεWasps in in the P :r ovince of Sumatera Ba :rra to Indonesia (Hymenoptera ラ V 側 p:i. dae) 1)2) Ryoh-ichi Ryoh-ichi 立}l, o. l l(, αnazawa Kanaza ωa 920 , Shoichi Shoichi F. "rJ'. i' uClVrU Vl. l Ho};;/zaido Ho};;/zaido 。/ lbaraki Mito 310 , and Djuwita ABBAS Andalas Sumatera B ω1α t; 1ηdonesia (Received (Received April 30 , 1983) A lJ strad S巴venteen types of stenogastrin 巴 nests arεdescribed Irom the Pmvinc 巴 of Sumatera Bara t. Of these , four belong to the genus Lioslenogaster , four to 丘:ustenogaster and nine to Parischnogasler (6 types belonging to the slri αtuia-group ,one to th 己 rnel!{yi group and two to th 巴 facobsoni-group). The mat 巴rial and architectmεof nεsts v呂ry co ロsiderably by spεcies ,though thεbasic features are to somεdegrεe taxon~sp 邑 cific at g日nεric or specific 1日ve l. A l1 the nests examinecl are clevoid of p巴tiole. Typical c0111b is rath 在r raIιmostly ilT cgu]ar ancl more 0 1' le ら disint 日grated. 1n 80m 行 nest 日 of Lios!e 向。 Igaster and Pa γis cJ mog ω, tcr. cells arc 旦rrange ゴ evenεpar&tely on the flat substrate substrate surfaces. Outer 己nvelope is lacking in most types. In Eustenog a. ゐtcr) an env 邑lop 巴 is is built as an 色xtension of walls of peripheral c巴lls (=psεudenve}op 邑), and in th 巴 stn αtula group ,a pass ョg巴 way (0. communal spac 白 surrounded by a modifi 巴d ps 巴l1 denvelope and walls walls of neighboring cells) ,to 玩rhich celis open. is pr 日pare c1 1) 1) Contribution N o. 4 of Sumatra N atw 巴 Study (Entomologyi 2) 2) Part!y support 巴d by a gr 旦nt from Jap 高n Society fo 1' PromotiOll of Sciencεfor JSPSDGHE Sci 印式ific Cooper ョtion (1 980) ,and a Grant-in-Aid for Oversεas Sci 仇 1tific Survey lT om thεJ apan l¥Ainistry of Education 守 Science and Cultur 巴 (1981 :N o. 56041027) 28 28 Ryoh-ichi OHGUS 日!I, Shoichi Fo SAKAGAMI ,Soichi Y A!VI ANE , and N iIl a Djuwita ABBAS Int :r⑬ muct IllJi u The stenogastrine wasps are and secretive insects ,but they are remarkable an extreme of nest 2xchitectur 払 as well as very social (羽 TEST- EBER l-I ARD ロ Such a is fr Ol ηthe of ethology and of considεsince the nest architecture architecture represεnts thεfrozen behavior of wasps 嗣 U 1< :'C;:' ,", our of this has remained fragmentaryo to now ,a total of about 25 types of nests U C;J, V'")<: ,"H t<, to to five genera a recent taxonomic system ぅ and ;V AN DER V ECHT havεbeen recorded 1919 , PAGDEN hVATA SAKAGAMI 日md YOSHIKAWA YOS Hl KAWA et ar 1969 , VAN DER VECHT 1977t Figo Figo L Map showing localities of discovery and/or coll 芭ction of 抗告 nogastri 日記 nests in Sumatera Barat L Lubuk Mintrun ,2 , Ulu Gadut , 30 30 Teluk Kabung ,40 Siguntur Tua ,5 , Li mau lVI anis ,60 IVfuko l¥II uko (Maninjau) ,7 , Bukittinggi , 80 Payakumbuh , 90 Lubuk Bangku , 10 Kota Alam , 1 1, Sungai Dar 巴h Nest Nest Architecture and Re よated Notes 01 Stenogasfri 向e -Was ρs in the Province 29 29 のr Sumatera 長 mzt ,lndonesia As the first report of a serial study on the architecture and related problems of stenogastrine stenogastrine nests ョthe present paper describes 17 types of nests , belonging to three genera (Lios z' enogas 的 4 ; Ev "s te 刀:4 ; and :9 and gives a preliminary discussion on the stenogastrine nest architecture. The descriptions are based on surveys made in the Province of Sumatera Barat , Indonesia during 1980 and 198 1, as a of of the Sumatra N ature Study aUended J apanese and Indonesian scientists. scientists. r¥,l'I ain collectio l1 localities are : in and near Bukittinggi at at 500-1000m and Sungai Dareh area of the of of three three types werε p αlt e: rnata and P. while the others others to later vvith the t乳又onomic 了esults 110W in progre~)s D r. J. V AN DER Leiden , 1n 1n addition to we have sorne other types of nests collected two of us (RO and and Dr , IC , the Osaka (乙 4th and 5th Scientific to to Southeast Asia Sar 釘 Nak ,Thailand ,Cambodia ,etc.i sent in 1964-1966. 1964-1966. The results were el el but main the bulk has remained untouched. Thes 日 lllert 巴rials w i1l be described described follovved bv an consideratio l1, TerUlhl 心 The nests arεcharacterized the absence of the Jうetiole ,which is nests. nests. N ests consist of seve 1' al to son 児 ten at at least som 行 of which arεattached to the substrate , f! at comb (Figs. 2 ,3) or It s 0 1' part is at at the 況pex of ¥vhich an entrance is is different fro111 those made that that it is nevεrindep 巴ロ dent frorn the comb but an extension of outer 京lalls of periphεral cells (= jりseu{ f, ε2). Nests of the the striatula →叉 roup have a structure called T仏ぢ Sθ (ge-way ,a kind of modified c. 、 to to which ceUs open (Fig 切 ~')onlε of the prepare 守 snail shε11-like structu 1' e made from a matεrial secreted from the abdominal tip but but not much thin suhstrate of the nests at a clos 巳 to or distant Irom the basalmost cell Sizes of ceUs ¥vere mεasured as as fo11o '07 s: Diameter betwιen sides in case of measU!子~d for ce ll)句 em Cl thickness of vmil 亡。 mb and other parts 羽引合εaJso measurεd if necεssarv. 30 30 Ryoh-ichi OHGUSHI , Shdichi F. SAKAGAMl , Soichi YAMANE ,and N iH a Djuwita ABBAS ぬ C02 Figs. Figs. 2-9. Shematic representation of the architecture of r叩 resentative stenogastrine stenogastrine nests. 2 ・Enveloped nest of Eustenogaster ;3 ・Ditto ,comb seen seen from bottom 4;: Scattered arrangement of cells in Lioste ηogaste γ; 5: Ditto ,cells seen from orifices ;6: N est of Pa l' isch ηogaste l' st γ'iatura showing the communal passage way ;7: Multiple-combed n己st of P. mellyi; mellyi; 8: Ditto ,a comb with cells arranged irregubrly ,S 己εn from bottom; 9: Li near nεst of the P. jacobso 刀i-group ,showing an ant guard Ag. ant guard , Ce. cell , Co. comb , E. entranc 日, Etεntrance tube ,Pe pseudenvelope ,Pw. passage 百fay Nest Nest Architecture a日 d ReZated lVotes 01 Stenogastrine W, ω戸'5 in the Province 31 31 01 01 Sumatem Bamt ,!ndonesia L G 担nus Li osi θnogast εr Wasps of this genus are medium-sized ,14-17mm in total length. Body color is usually usually brownish with markings. The genus is distributed from Bllrma and Thailand Thailand to Celebes (VAN DER VECHT Their nests have been reported from the Philippines Philippines (WIL Ll AMS 1919) , Thailand 1967) , (PAGDEN 1958 ,YOSHIKAWA et a1. etc. etc. Some species prepare nests solitarily but some others gregariously or c1 umpedly in in a narrow space. USllally nests are built on flat undersurfaces of rocks ,leaves ,timbers , etc. etc. MatεriaI and architectm 守 of 紅白抗日 vary so rf' markably th 批 it is difficuJt to specifv the generic generic pattem. Material is pure mud or l11 ud admixed with sand , but in some types it it is carton (triturated vegitable matter). The and outer envelope are always absent Some species make bell-shaped muddy combs which resemble the polistine combs εL ,), and others place carton cells in an array of hurseshoe shape 011 the underside of L 2 ) 0 1' even scatt 巴redly on leaves Cells are circular or sOfnewhat in in combed types or irregularly circular in non-combed types. Cell walls are shared shared neighboring cell 日。 except in a combed type and a scaUered-cell type 。 After After cocoon spinning ,cell orifices are c1 0sed with the m.atedal same as for cells. N umber of cells constructεdτexc 色町10: 100 , Cells are reused for brood twice or or more. Empty nests are nラ rare , caused reuse of abandoned nests. nests. N ests are initiated or multiple foundresses. F our types wεre found in Sumatera Barat (Figs. (Figs. 10-16; P 1. I, A, B) sp. sp. 1 二 L A nest aggregation was found a1: Teluk Kabung. トI回 t is bell shaped and a we l1 know i1 type of the genus. Similar nests were a12 ,0 reported from Thιliland (cited as sp. in IWATA Fig. 1, and as as ::J !tmC 1!1(l SfP 予鼻 日 in PAGDEN 1958 司 10 ; sp. in YOSHIKAWA el a!. Pls. 2,5 , but some of tlle l11 were from thin supports. Substrate Substrate : of concrete cement pipes us 色d Ior irrigatio11 or watercourses (Fig. (Fig. 16; Pl 目1, A ,13). Material : lvlud admi; げ d with sand paγticles. Color : and monochromatic , Archilecture: in some nests central cells often often initiated 011 a disc-like solid base of 12) , but in others such base initiated on substrate (Fig. !ater !ater cells inititated laterallv ancl to form a di5coid of which bo t1仁 )H1S are are 110t in contact with substratε 忍s. 12: Pl 目I, 10v ,氾 r surfacεof 120mb concentrically concentrically concave 12); cells or with walls shared one anot11er: anot11er: outermos "t walls of comb often downward in varying 'U"6.CU0 to to form a rudimentary unilateral on the shady side (Fig.
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