Public Document Pack PLANNING COMMITTEE DATE: Tuesday, 29 October 2019 TIME: 2.00 pm VENUE: Council Chamber - Civic Centre, St Luke's Avenue, Harrogate, HG1 2AE Notice is hereby given that the above meeting will take place for the purpose following and, by virtue of Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, any other matter(s) which the Chair considers should be dealt with at the meeting as a matter of urgency. AGENDA Item Title Page Number 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND NOTIFICATION OF SUBSTITUTES: 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Members to advise of any declarations of interest. 3. MINUTES: 3 - 12 of the meeting of the Committee held on 08 October 2019. 4. EXEMPT INFORMATION: To determine whether to exclude the press and public during the consideration of any exempt information items. MATTER FOR THE COMMITTEE TO DEAL WITH UNDER DELEGATED POWERS 5. LIST OF PLANS: To determine applications or make observations on applications made under the Town and Country Planning Act 1972 and the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. (1) 19/01923/FULMAJ - Land Adjacent To Minster Hag Business Park, Rudgate, Bilton In Ainsty: 13 - 60 2. Legal and Governance | Harrogate Borough Council | PO Box 787 | Harrogate | HG1 9RW 01423 500600 www.harrogate.gov.uk 6. APPLICATIONS DETERMINED UNDER THE PLANNING SCHEME OF DELEGATION: 61 - 274 The Executive Officer – Development Management and Building Control to submit a list of planning applications determined under delegated powers, and also those delegated to himself in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Committee, which had been approved since the last meeting. MEMBERSHIP: Councillor John Mann (Chair). Councillor Nigel Simms, Councillor Margaret Atkinson, Councillor Bernard Bateman, MBE, Councillor Trevor Chapman, Councillor Jim Clark, Councillor Sid Hawke, Councillor Pat Marsh, Councillor Stuart Martin, MBE, Councillor Zoe Metcalfe, Councillor Andrew Paraskos and Councillor Robert Windass. Members are reminded that in order to expedite business at the meeting and enable Officers to adapt their presentations to address areas causing difficulty, they are encouraged to contact Officers prior to the meeting with questions on technical issues in reports. Members of the public are entitled to attend this meeting as observers for all those items taken in open session. The agenda papers may be examined at the Civic Centre, Harrogate and a copy may be purchased for £6.00. Please contact Charles Casey - Democratic Services Officer, at the Civic Centre, if you have any queries or need further information on this agenda - telephone or email 01423 500600, [email protected]. Members of the public or press are entitled to record (e.g. film, audio, tweet, blog) this meeting. Any recording or reporting on this meeting should take place in accordance with the Council’s protocol on recording and reporting of public meetings. We request that any member of the public or press intending on recording the meeting notify Democratic Services at the earliest opportunity so that any reasonable adaptions can be made. Where we have received prior notification of the intention to record a meeting the Chair will make an announcement at the start of the meeting and give any direction needed. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES FOR MEETINGS – FIRE: On hearing the fire evacuation alarm, you should leave the building by the nearest safe fire exit. Once outside the building, please assemble in the corner of the visitor car park at the front of the building opposite the main entrance. Persons should not re-enter the building until authorised to do so by the Fire and Rescue Service or the Emergency Co-ordinator. Legal and Governance | Harrogate Borough Council | PO Box 787 | Harrogate | HG1 9RW 01423 500600 www.harrogate.gov.uk Agenda Item 3 PLANNING COMMITTEE 8 OCTOBER 2019 (FROM 2.00 PM TO 3.47 PM) PRESENT: Councillors John Mann in the Chair. Councillors Margaret Atkinson, Bernard Bateman, Trevor Chapman, Sam Gibbs, Sid Hawke, Andrew Paraskos, Victoria Oldham, Nigel Simms, Tom Watson and Robert Windass. Late Arrivals: None Early Departures: None 37/19 - APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND NOTIFICATION OF SUBSTITUTES: Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor Zoe Metcalfe. Notification had been received that Councillor Sam Gibbs was to act as substitute for Councillor Stuart Martin, Councillor Victoria Oldham was to act as substitute for Councillor Jim Clark and Councillor Tom Watson was to act as substitute for Councillor Pat Marsh. 38/19 – DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Councillors Margaret Atkinson, Nigel Simms, Sid Hawke, Bernard Bateman, Victoria Oldham and Robert Windass declared an interest in 41/19(04) as described below. 39/19 – MINUTES: The Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 17 September 2019 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. (Eight Members voted for the motion and there were three abstentions.) 40/19 – EXEMPT INFORMATION: There were no exempt information items. MATTERS WHICH THE COMMITTEE DEALT WITH UNDER DELEGATED POWERS 41/19 - LIST OF PLANS: In accordance with the Scheme of Delegation, the Committee made the following decisions: 41/19(01) CASE NUMBER: 19/02706/FULMAJ GRID REF: EAST 435620 NORTH 458043 APPLICATION NO.: 6.100.13528.FULMAJ LOCATION: Land Comprising Field At 435620 458043 Water Lane Knaresborough North Yorkshire PROPOSAL: Page 3 Residential development of 218 dwellings with access, landscaping, play facilities and ancillary development. APPLICANT: Mr Geoffrey Holland REFUSED. Reason(s) for refusal:- 1 The provision of less than 40% on site affordable housing without justification is contrary to Policy H5 of the Core Strategy and Policy HS2 of the Emerging Local Plan. 2 The layout, quantum of development and design creates a scheme that is of poor quality, out of character with its surroundings. It will create unacceptable scale and massing, impacting on amenity for existing and new residents, contrary to Policy HD20 of the Local Plan, SG4 of the Core Strategy and HS1, HP3 HP4 of the emerging Local Plan. 3 The unacceptable removal of trees and inadequate provision of useable on site landscaping and open space is contrary to Local Plan policy HD13 Core Strategy policy EQ2 and Emerging Local Plan policy NE3, NE4, NE5 and NE7. 4 The absence of a proper assessment and mitigation of impacts on the Hay a Park SSSI is contrary to Core Strategy policies EQ1, EQ2 and SG4 and emerging Local Plan policies NE2, NE3. 5 The application is not supported by full details of traffic generation, road layout and junctions for a full application. The proposed layout has inadequate access provision leading to potential road safety issues and traffic congestion and has a lack of well connected, safe pedestrian and cycle routes to encourage sustainable transport choices. The proposals are thus contrary to Local Plan Policy HD20, Core strategy Policy SG4, EQ1 and TRA1 of the Core Strategy; together with emerging Local Plan policies TI1, TI4. 6 The application proposes an unacceptable housing mix, not in line with the requirements of Emerging Local Plan policy HS1. 7 There is an inadequate assessment and mitigation proposals to ensure acceptable sustainable drainage of the scheme. This is contrary to Core Strategy policy EQ1and Emerging Local Plan policies CC1, CC2 and CC4. 8 The scheme as proposed fails to comply with the K24 housing allocation site requirements as set out in Policy DM1 of the Emerging Local Plan. 9 The failure to carry out archaeological assessment of the site and identify suitable mitigation is contrary to section 16 of the NPPF and Policy HP2 of the emerging Local Plan. Councillor Samantha Mearns (Ward Member for Knaresborough Scriven Park) and Councillor Ed Darling (Member for Knaresborough Town Council) attended the meeting and spoke to the item under the Council’s Opportunity to Speak Scheme. Unanimous Page 4 41/19(02) CASE NUMBER: 19/03488/FUL GRID REF: EAST 432777 NORTH 473391 APPLICATION NO.: 6.21.101.A.FUL LOCATION: Land Comprising Field At 432777 473391 Athelstan Lane Hutton Conyers North Yorkshire PROPOSAL: Retrospective planning application for 2No Dwellings with integral garages (Revised Scheme). APPLICANT: Mr Ian Peacock REFUSED. Reason(s) for refusal:- 1 The development as proposed, and constructed on site significantly diminishes the quality of the scheme approved under planning permission reference 15/01454/FUL and 15/03851/DVCON, through changes to the approved fenestration, along with the incorporation of a shallower roof pitch to increase the eaves height, which has resulted in a gap between the first floor window level and eaves level, and the alterations to the dormer windows, which serve to accentuate the three storey perception of the dwellings. The proposed design of the houses create an incongruous and visually intrusive development that would have an adverse impact on the character and appearance of the area, contrary to saved policy HD20 of the Harrogate District Local Plan and policies SG4 and EQ2 of the Harrogate District Core Strategy DPD and Policy HP4 of the Emerging Local Plan. Councillor Gordon Gledson (Hutton Conyers Parish Council) and Dr Stuart Miller (Applicant) attended the meeting and spoke to the item under the Council’s Opportunity to Speak Scheme. Ten Members voted for the motion and there was one abstention. 41/19(03) CASE NUMBER: 19/03490/FUL GRID REF: EAST 432791 NORTH 473409 APPLICATION NO.: 6.21.105.A.FUL LOCATION: Corner House Athelstan Lane Hutton Conyers HG4 5DX Page 5 PROPOSAL:
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