(Red) >f ' 'V HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN 1 REMEDIAL INVESTIGATION/FEASIBILITY STUDY PREPARED FOR: AVTEX FIBERS, INC. FRONT ROYAL, VIRGINIA D" ^ I REVISION:! JANUARY 0,1987 Gerashtv & Miller. Inc. GROUNDWATER CONSULTANTS ANNAPOUS. MARYLAND AR300808 GERAGHTYtf MILLER. INC. 1 HEALTH -AND SAFETY Pt AN , REMEDIAX INVESTIGATION/FEASIBILITY STUDY I AVTEX FIBERS, INC. r FRONT ROYAL, VIRGINIA REVISION:! JANUARY 9, 1987 E R. H. Hughes Jeffrey P. Sgtrabit, C.P.G. i Vlce*Prcsldent and Associate and Project c Corporate Coordinator Consulting Coordinator MikePisarclk Brian V. Moran, P.E. Corporate Environmental Site Safety Manager Coordinator AR300809 I s GERAGHTV & MILLER, INC . :.' TABLE OF CONTENTS | -. • --;- . .-... „,.,.-., , . Page i .".,-" - • - -. 1.0 INTRODUCTION................................ ... ..... 1-1 12.0 HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN ENFORCEMENT.................. 2-1 • ;,.'>. '' '...;." Jl ' r '' ' ' ' - •> •" • " - '' 3.0 SITE SECURITY. ..... * .'. * .... .............. .N .... 3-1 D- h , , . - , K + . » »t ;M ', ... '"i.-' - • "• ' • • 4*0 HA2AEDZVALUATION.........^..^...*.,.,, 4.1 Exposure Pathways. ......................... ... 4-1 4.2 Health Effects................................. 4-5 • i .':. • i ' . , ' ,. • 5.0 WORK ZONES ....... .V. ...... ........... ... ... 5-1 .5.1 Safety Zones....-......-.*...................*... 5-2 5.2 Access..*....*..**.**...................*...... : 5-3 6.0 PERSONNEL PROTECTION................................ €-1 7.0 RESPIRATORY PROTECTION. ............................. 7-1 " -. i - - r;,' i- ::,--• "• ' ;;/-, ; 7.1 . Selection. v. ...... ........ ............ 7-1 7.2 Respirator Training and Fit Testing............ 7-4 -'.-.,, ' • •' •• V. " ' . •1r..1i>i'>-'- .; • . - - *' ' • B.t CONTAKIKANT KONITORIHG.**. .*.*..,..**.,*......*..... 8-1 f '• 6.1 Perineter Monitoring* .*..••."....**»«•••*•».**••* 8—1 i 8.2 Work Area Air-Quality Aasessaent.. ».»**•-..-.*». 8-1 8.3 Action Xevels. ................................. 8-3 Li 9.0 HEALTH MONITORING PROGRAM. .......................... 9-1 9.1 Medical Surveillance........................... 9-1 D9 . 2 Employee Stress Monitoring. .................... 9-3 9 . 3 Effects of Lover Temperature Exposure. ......... 9-4 9.4 Effects of Sulfide Vapors. .................... 9-5 9 . 5 Rest ........................................... 9-5 10.0 DECONTAMINATION. .................................... 10-1 10.1 Personnel. .*..,.**,.........*.**•...•,.«.«....« 10-1 10.2 Equipment and Vehicles...... ................... 10-5 10.3 Decontamination Personnel. ................... Q.* n !Qr7 n 10.4 Decontamination Waste Disposal............. fllw u Sfo*-? u ( . 10.5 .Equipment Keeds******.. *..**.****.*.*..*....... 10-7 11.0 CONTAMINANT CONTAINKENT. *..... .................... 11-1 12.0 COMMUNICATIONS.. ^*. ..*..... ......................... 12-1 GERAGHTYtf MILLER, INC t"£- TABLE OP CONTENTS '. (Continued) Page 13.0 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES. ................................ 13-1 13.1 Medical Emergencies. .Y»**T.*.................... 13-1 13.2 Fire or AtmosphericrRalated Jleleas A* *..*<...*«......<. 13-5 13.3 Alerting and Evacuation.................. A.... 13-5 13.4 Important Phone Numbers........................ 13-6 _..~. 14*0 air'i.w]!MTA'ituuiOTBES••••••*• »«••*••*...••••••*«•*•*•*• 14-1 P " ,. - , . - ' ' !' . I 14.1 Viscose-Basin Sampling.......................... 14-1 14.2 Trenching Within Viscose Basins................ 14-2 14.3 Air-Rotary Drilling Locations (Rivermont Acres). 14-2. L> 15.0 RECORDKEEPING....................................... 15-1 HJI 16.0 ON-SITE TRAINING.. .................................. 16-1 APPENDIX At SPECIFIC CHEMICAL HAZARD DATA. ......... ... A-l i APPENDIX B: COMPATIBILITY CHARTS FOR PROTECTIVE CLOTHING.................................... B-l i.. APPENDIX C: AMBIENT AIR CONTAMINANT MONITORING DEVICE*.* C-l RR3003M I GERAGHTY & MILLER. INC. ( I "' ' "• ••• " •'"' "'-• OFJTABLES . - - „ ; •-- - -.r- ;-- - , page 4 . -•.'_-;- .-.'.'': \< ..t'-,J "--:_•---• • . • . - • 1. Viscose-Basin Liquid Analysis From Kos. 5 and 6+.....*......*.......,................... 4-2 . Ho. 11 Viscose-Basin Jtoalysis* **«<.« «<.<.<.*«<..... *<...***.*•.* 4-3 \ P 3. Selected Chemical Data and'Safety-Related Information for Hydrogen Sulfide, Carbon bisulfide, flno. Phenol* »*«« ****** »_* *•*•»*• *..*• ._. *•••••••**•.*•***•• 4—4 4. Levels of Personnel Protection to be Employed During the Avtex Remedial Investigation.............. 5-4 5. Guidelines for Selection of Respiratory Protection Equipment. .•.*..*...*.............•.,...«. 7-2 §6. Atmospheric Monitoring Devices to be Employed During the Avtex Remedial Investigation.............. 8-2 LTST OF FIGURES n - „ JL* . Avxcx Jteste -:lMisi7is* •*•»••-•<..•»,» »^«*»»**)**»*.*»^^*^^»»»^»^ ' 1—2 2. Ceneraliced Location Kap of Avtex Fibers Facility*. •» 1-4 1 3. Site Layout Plan — Basin'Contents Characteritation and On-Plant Monitor Well/Piezometer Locations....... 1-6 111' 4. Site Layout Plan - Geophysical Characterization Program and Rivermont Acres Drilling Program......... 1-7 l& 5. Minimum Decontamination Layout Level B and C Protection...........***.*........................... 10-2 6. Minimum Decontamination Layout Level D Protection.... 10-6 7. Emergency Response Flow Chart for Medical Emergency** 13-2 8. Emergency Response Flow Chart for Fire and/or Explosive Hazard..................................... 13-3 \ , -**•. - Emergenc, y Report*...*..*«.*.........*..*...*.......,. - AR3008I. O3-4 2 iii I. GERAGHTY & MILLER. INC PISTRTBUTIOK LIST James Miller, EPA Region III, Philadelphia, PA I Patricia Krantz, EPA T Regional Laboratory, Annapolis, MD Robert Ceilings, Morgan Lewis Bockius, Philadelphia, PA L R. R. Hughes, Avtex Fibers, Inc., Valley Forge, PA 1 Michael Pisarcik, Avtex Fibers, Inc., Front Royal, VA x Ken Hinkle, Virginia State Water Control Board, Bridgewater, VA Q y y c Section: 1.0 ^ . Revision: 1 <•". T; GERAGHTYfi? MILLER, INC Pagfce W* _•* _ ori/i/l > f 7 ; i '' •" 1.0 HKCRDBUCTIO" y / N ' • .. The Avtex, Front Royal/ facility manufactures staple and i filament rayon fiber* In the manufacturing process, two major chemical byproducts are generated and land disposed in ". < i on-site unlined surface,,impoundments. These byproducts are sodium cellulose xanthate-based viscose and zinc-hydroxide sludge (hereinafter referred to as "tine sulfate veludge"). c Prior to 19BJ, the wasta ^ viscose was disposed in surface impoundments. Since then," the waste viscose has been piped directly to the facility wastewater treatment plant. The zinc-sulfate sludge is stored in specific basins for sub- * sequent recovery, reprocessing, and reuse. The remaining * ' major land-disposed .item at .the LFront Royal facility is fly ash and boiler room solids* - , - ' - ' - *" "** __...--——! » ' \ The practice of land -'='•','•'disposin. g waste byproduct' s has been ^ ongoing at the Front Royal facility since 1940. Figure 1 is an illustration of the various impoundments on the Front : . Royal property. Eleven impoundments have been .used for liquid waste viscose deposition since 1940. Viscose Basins 1 through 9 were used J?y American Viscose, while Basins 9, 10, and 11, were teed fey both American Viscose and THC. Since the ; * acquisition of the facility by Avtex in 1976, only Basins 9 y and 11 have been used. Avtex has undertaken to recover for reuse a large proportion of off-specification viscose; this practice has \ greatly reduced the amount of waste viscose which is treated or disposed. Since 1983, land disposal of , liquid waste viscose has *been discontinued and discharged directly to the on-site wastewater treatment plant. : • section; 1.0 Revision: 1 Date: 1/9/P*1 Page 1-2 w 2 ! Iw AR300815 ..,.-:.. - -. '*. •-,, . .-• tT:-. - .Section: 1.0 ; Revision: 1 GERAGHTYtf MILLER JNC paoa fe^'J/!/?7 Avtex has contractefl, for the performance of .hydro- geologic studies in order to evaluate the source and extent of contamination which was reported to exist in domestic water-supply welle at the Rivermont Acres subdivision, located on the South Fork o£ the Shenandoah River across from the Avtex facility (see Figure 2). Avtex and its contractors > have completed this work in cooperation with representatives of the Virginia State Water Control Board and the Virginia c Department of Health. "-. -'^-\-J.-.;,; • •-, . •. "•'-' , •..;.- •- ----- - .-;-'" e Although Avtex has presented information to EPA demon- strating that no threat to human health or the environment now exists, EPA,has placed the Avtex facility on the National Priorities List. .Avtex has discussed with ;EPA the tasks which EPA might require or perform in order to determine the - existence, nature, and extent of any imminent and substantial endangerment to human health or the environment. ; These discussions have .resulted in the preparation of the Remedial Investigation field study. The objective of the field study Is to gather sufficient information to implement _ . a feasibility study designed ,to select appropriate remedial measures at the site. .The: following irorfc tasks will t>e - performed as part ^of this field «tufly. L . Geophysical Survey - Cabphycieal aethods will be used y on the facility grounds, in and around the various impoundments, and on the Rivermont Acres floodplain, c in an, effort to collect data regarding fracture systems, cones of degraded ground water,, areas within each basin of concentrated wastes, and basin pro- ' :, filing.1.- ••7-"0':!Kr'''•-'•*: - " ' ' •: '•"/,•'•- ' ' - •; ,. ^:;4 AR3003I6 i y '.:.-"•• - - • . .1 - -• V^_^ _j^ / ^ • • ••.-.-..-
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