Dhamma-Cakkappavattana Sutta Ratanaÿ Dhamma-Samaÿ N’Atthi Tasmà Sotthã Bhavantu Te†

Dhamma-Cakkappavattana Sutta Ratanaÿ Dhamma-Samaÿ N’Atthi Tasmà Sotthã Bhavantu Te†

âñànàñiya Parittaÿ N’atthi me saraõaÿ a¤¤aÿ, Saïgho me saraõaÿ varaÿ Etena sacca-vajjena Hotu te† jaya-maïgalaÿ. Yaï ki¤ci ratanaÿ loke Vijjati vividhaÿ puthu Table of Contents Ratanaÿ Buddha-samaÿ n’atthi Tasmà sotthã bhavantu te†. Yaï ki¤ci ratanaÿ loke Vijjati vividhaÿ puthu Dhamma-cakkappavattana Sutta Ratanaÿ Dhamma-samaÿ n’atthi Tasmà sotthã bhavantu te†. Discourse on Setting in Motion the Wheel of the Dhamma Yaï ki¤ci ratanaÿ loke Vijjati vividhaÿ puthu Introduction Chant . page 1 Ratanaÿ Saïgha-samaÿ n’atthi Tasmà sotthã bhavantu te†. Sutta and Translation . page 2 Sakkatvà Buddha-ratanaÿ, Osathaÿ uttamaÿ varaÿ; Anatta-lakkhaõa Sutta Hitaÿ deva-manussànaÿ, Buddha-tejena sotthinà; Discourse on the Characteristic of Non-self. Nassant’upaddavà sabbe, Dukkhà våpasamentu te†. Introduction Chant. .page 12 Sakkatvà Dhamma-ratanaÿ, Osathaÿ uttamaÿ varaÿ; Sutta and Translation. .page 12 & 13 Pariëàhåpasamanaÿ, Dhamma-tejena sotthinà; âditta-pariyàya Sutta Nassant’upaddavà sabbe, Bhayà våpasamentu te†. The Fire Sermon Sakkatvà Saïgha-ratanaÿ, Osathaÿ uttamaÿ varaÿ; Introduction Chant. .page 22 âhuneyyaÿ pàhuneyyaÿ, Saïgha-tejena sotthinà; Sutta and Translation. .page 22 & 23 Nassant’upaddavà sabbe, Rogà våpasamentu te†. âñànàñiya Paritta Sabb’ãtiyo vivajjantu, Sabba-rogo vinassatu; The ‘Twenty-Eight Buddhas’ Auspicious Blessing Chant Mà te bhavatv-antaràyo, Sukhã dãgh’àyuko bhava. Introduction Chant. .page 30 Paritta and Translation. .page 30 & 31 Abhivàdana-sãlissa, Niccaÿ vuóóhà’pacàyino; Cattàro dhammà vaóóhanti, âyu vaõõo sukhaÿ balaÿ. âñànàñiya Parittaÿ Niññhitaÿ. 37 The âñànàñiya Protection (‘The Twenty-Eight Buddhas’) Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta I have no other refuge—the Sangha is my excellent refuge, With this declaration of truth may you celebrate victory. Whatever jewel is found in the world, manifest and plentiful, Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta It is not equal to the Buddha—therefore may you be blessed. Whatever jewel is found in the world, manifest and plentiful, Solo introduction: It is not equal to the Dhamma—therefore may you be blessed. Anuttaraÿ abhisambodhiÿ Sambujjhitvà Tathàgato Whatever jewel is found in the world, manifest and plentiful, Pañhamaÿ yaÿ adesesi Dhammacakkaÿ anuttaraÿ It is not equal to the Sangha—therefore may you be blessed. Sammadeva pavattento Loke appañivattiyaÿ Having revered the Buddha-jewel, the balm supreme, excellent, Yatthàkkhàtà ubho antà Pañipatti ca majjhimà For the good of devas and humans, by the Buddha’s blessed power, Catåsvàriyasaccesu Visuddhaÿ ¤àõadassanaÿ May all ills be destroyed, all your sorrows assuaged. Desitaÿ dhammaràjena Sammàsambodhikittanaÿ Having revered the Dhamma-jewel, the balm supreme, excellent, Nàmena vissutaÿ suttaÿ Dhammacakkappavattanam Suppressing fever, by the Dhamma's blessed power, Veyyàkaraõapàthena Saïgãtantambhaõàma se. May all ills be destroyed, all your fears be allayed. Having revered the Sangha-jewel, the balm supreme, excellent, Worthy of gifts, of hospitality, by the Sangha's blessed power, May all ills be destroyed, may all your sickness perish. This is the first teaching of the Tathàgata on attaining to un- excelled, perfect enlightenment. Here is the perfect turning May there be no hindrance for you, may you be happy and of the incomparable wheel of truth, inestimable wherever it long-lived. is expounded in the world. Disclosed here are the two ex- tremes, and the middle way, with the four noble truths and Being one of devout character, respecting the elders, the purified knowledge and vision pointed out by the Lord of Four things will increase for you: Dhamma. Let us chant together this sutta proclaiming the su- long life, beauty, happiness and strength. preme, independent enlightenment that is widely renowned ~•~ as The Turning of the Wheel of the Dhamma. 36 1 âñànàñiya Parittaÿ Sayane àsane ñhàne Gamane càpi sabbadà. Discourse on Setting in Motion Sadà sukhena rakkhantu Buddhà santi-karà tuvaÿ the Wheel of the Dhamma Tehi tvaÿ rakkhito santo Mutto sabba-bhayena ca. Sabba-roga-vinimutto Sabba-santàpa-vajjito Thus have I heard: Once, the Blessed One was staying in Sabba-veram-atikkanto Nibbuto ca tuvaÿ bhava. the Deer Park at Isipatana, near Baranasi. There the Tesaÿ saccena sãlena Khanti-mettà-balena ca Blessed One addressed the group of five bhikkhus: There are two extremes, bhikkhus, which should not be Te pi tumhe* anurakkhantu ârogyena sukhena ca. followed by one who has gone forth from the worldly life: Puratthimasmiÿ disà-bhàge Santi bhåtà mah’iddhikà sensual indulgence, which is low, course, vulgar, ignoble and unprofitable; and self-torment, which is painful, Te pi tumhe* anurakkhantu ârogyena sukhena ca. ignoble and unprofitable. Bhikkhus, by avoiding these two Dakkhiõasmiÿ disà-bhàge Santi devà mah’iddhikà extremes the Tathàgata has realised the Middle Way that Te pi tumhe* anurakkhantu ârogyena sukhena ca. gives vision and understanding, and leads to peace, higher wisdom, enlightenment and nibbàna. Pacchimasmasmiÿ disà-bhàge Santi nàgà mah’iddhikà And what is the middle way realised by the Tathàgata, Te pi tumhe* anurakkhantu ârogyena sukhena ca. which gives vision and understanding, and leads to peace, higher wisdom, enlightenment and nibbàna? It is this— Uttarasmiÿ disà-bhàge Santi yakkhà mah’iddhikà the Noble Eightfold Path, namely, right understanding Te pi tumhe* anurakkhantu ârogyena sukhena ca. (sammà diññhi), right intention (sammà saïkappo) right Purima-disaÿ Dhataraññho Dakkhiõena Viruëhako speech (sammà vàcà), right action (sammà kammanto), right livelihood (sammà àjãvo), right effort (sammà Pacchimena Viråpakkho Kuvero uttaraÿ disaÿ. vàyàmo), right mindfulness (sammà sati) and right Cattàro te mahà-ràjà Loka-pàlà yasassino concentration (sammà samàdhi). This, bhikkhus, is the middle way realised by the Tathàgata, which gives vision Te pi tumhe* anurakkhantu ârogyena sukhena ca. and understanding, and leads to peace, higher wisdom, âkàsaññhà ca bhummaññhà Devà nàgà mah’iddhikà enlightenment and nibbàna. Now this, bhikkhus, is the Noble Truth of dukkha (unsatis- Te pi tumhe* anurakkhantu ârogyena sukhena ca. factoriness): birth is dukkha; ageing is dukkha; and death N’atthi me saraõaÿ a¤¤aÿ, Buddho me saraõaÿ varaÿ is dukkha; sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and despair are Etena sacca-vajjena Hotu te† jaya-maïgalaÿ dukkha; association with the unloved is dukkha; separa- tion from the loved is dukkha; N’atthi me saraõaÿ a¤¤aÿ, Dhammo me saraõaÿ varaÿ Etena sacca-vajjena Hotu te† jaya-maïgalaÿ If chanting for oneself change: * to amhe; change † to me. 2 35 The âñànàñiya Protection (‘The Twenty-Eight Buddhas’) Lying, sitting, standing, walking, indeed everywhere, Dhamma-cakkappavattana Sutta May the calm-making Buddhas always protect you with bliss, And you, protected by them, freed from all fear, [Evam-me sutaÿ.] Ekaÿ samayaÿ Bhagavà, Freed from all illness, freed from all torments, Bàràõasiyaÿ viharati Isipatane Migadàye. Tatra kho Having gone beyond hatred, may you attain Nibbàna. Bhagavà pa¤ca-vaggiye bhikkhå àmantesi: By the truth of these things, by discipline, patience and the “Dve’me bhikkhave antà pabbajitena na sevitabbà. Yo power of loving-kindness, càyaÿ kàmesu kàma-sukh’allikànuyogo, hãno gammo May they guard you in health and happiness. pothujjaniko anariyo anattha-sa¤hito, yo càyaÿ atta- In the eastern direction are beings of mighty power, kilamathànuyogo, dukkho anariyo anattha-sa¤hito. May they guard you in health and happiness. Ete’te bhikkhave ubho ante anupagamma, majjhimà In the southern direction are beings of mighty power, pañipadà Tathàgatena abhi-sambuddhà, cakkhu-karaõã May they guard you in health and happiness. ¤àõa-karaõã upasamàya abhi¤¤àya sambodhàya In the western direction are beings of mighty power, nibbànàya saÿvattati. May they guard you in health and happiness. Katamà ca sà bhikkhave majjhimà pañipadà Tathàgatena In the northern direction are beings of mighty power, abhisambuddhà, cakkhu-karaõã ¤àõa-karaõã upasamàya May they guard you in health and happiness. abhi¤¤àya sam-bodhàya nibbànàya saÿvattati? Ayam- The east is ruled by Dhataraññha, the south by Viruëhaka, eva ariyo aññh’aïgiko maggo, seyyathãdaÿ, sammà-diññhi The west by Viråpakkha, Kuvera rules the north, sammà-saïkappo, sammà-vàcà sammà-kammanto These four Great Kings are the far-famed guardians of the world, sammà-àjãvo, sammà- vàyàmo sammà-sati sammà- May they guard you in health and happiness. samàdhi. Ayaÿ kho sà bhikkhave majjhimà pañipadà Devas of the sky and earth, nàgas of mighty power, Tathàgatena abhisambuddhà, cakkhu-karaõã May they guard you in health and happiness. ¤àõa-karaõã upasamàya abhi¤¤àya sam-bodhàya nibbànàya saÿvattati. I have no other refuge—the Buddha is my excellent refuge, Idaÿ kho pana bhikkhave dukkhaÿ ariya-saccaÿ: Jàti With this declaration of truth may you celebrate victory. pi dukkhà jarà pi dukkhà maraõam pi dukkhaÿ, soka- I have no other refuge—the Dhamma is my excellent refuge, parideva-dukkha-domanass’upàyàsà pi dukkhà, appiyehi With this declaration of truth may you celebrate victory. sampayogo dukkho, piyehi vippayogo dukkho, 34 3 Discourse on Setting in Motion the Wheel of the Dhamma âñànàñiya Parittaÿ not attaining one’s wishes is dukkha; in brief, the five cate- Padumo loka-pajjoto Nàrado vara-sàrathã gories of the grasping mind* are dukkha. Padum’uttaro satta-sàro Sumedho appañipuggalo. Now this, bhikkhus, is the noble truth of the origin of dukkha: it is the craving that conditions renewal of being, Sujàto sabba-lok’aggo Piya-dassã nar’àsabho which is accompanied by

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