September 30, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H12183 Mr. DE LA GARZA. I yield to the gen- try's service following his reserve mili- SAM JOHNSON of Dallas, standing tleman from New Mexico. tary service. right here, Mr. Speaker, said some in- Mr. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, let Mr. Speaker, I thought that the U.S. credible words to me: I never did give me just say that selflessly the gen- Senate might move more swiftly on them what they wanted. tleman from Texas has talked about Friday last and that we might adjourn Then he said, you know, because this somebody else when in effect this may sine die on Friday, the 27th of Septem- is typical of his humility, all human be the last speech that truly one of the ber. Then there would have been no beings are different. He slapped me on giants in the Congress, the gentleman special orders. We would have gone out the back of my hand. He said, some from Texas, will be giving. sine die. My high school Latin tells me people you do that to them and they Mr. Speaker, I will ask unanimous that means done, no further legislative caved. We actually had two officers consent that the gentleman's speech to action, House and Senate are gone, tra- who were full traitors who collaborated the Congressional Hispanic Caucus be ditional call from the White House to with the enemy their entire captivity part of the RECORD of this proceeding, the leader of the Senate, Mr. TRENT without ever having been tortured. And because what we have is truly one of LOTT, and the man second in line to the we had seven enlisted men. The officers the giants of the Congress in our midst, presidency after the vice presidency, were always held in Hanoi. The en- somebody who will be dearly missed, the Speaker of the U.S. House. But it listed men had survived the medieval not just for the Hispanic people of this did not happen. I thought I had done brutality of the camps in South Viet- country but for all Americans, the dis- the last special order on Thursday nam so they came to Hanoi already ut- tinguished chairman of the Committee night. Then on Friday night, since we terly demoralized from watching 20 or on Agriculture. did not go out sine die, I thought I had 30 of their friends shrivel up and die, This is truly a historic day in that he done the last special order on Friday and they collaborated horribly. comes to the floor to talk about the night. Saturday, we were in and out, All of them should have been court tragedy of Len Bias, a young man with recesses, and I did not get a chance to martialed, but the Secretary of the unlimited potential who succumbed to come to the floor with something that Army, Bo Callaway, said, and he was drugs. Yet he is probably giving the I did not have time for Thursday or very wrong on this, that Army people last speech of his career which is his- Friday that really was the most impor- do not have to recognize the authority toric in that he truly has been one of tant thing I wanted to say and the core of Air Force or Navy commanders in a the giants of this body. of how I wanted to personally close out prison camp. That is totally wrong. The SPEAKER pro tempore. (Mr. the 104th Congress, as I had closed out So he said, these Army enlisted men, WALKER). Is the gentleman propound- the 102d Congress in 1992, with three of getting orders from senior Air Force ing a unanimous-consent request? the most experienced military men in and Navy officers, they did not have to Mr. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, I this Chamber, the only aerial ace from obey them. Once he did that, it put ask unanimous consent that the speech the Signal Corps in World War I, Army now Senator JOHN WARNER, who was of the gentleman from Texas, [Mr. DE Air Corps, Army Air Force, U.S. Air then Secretary of the Navy, in a box. LA GARZA], before the Congressional Force, U.S. Navy, the only ace to ever So he had to let this traitor naval com- Hispanic Caucus be made part of the serve in this House, DUKE CUNNINGHAM mander and this traitorous marine RECORD of this proceeding. came to this floor with me for over a lieutenant colonel go. I am merciful The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there week with DUNCAN HUNTER, Army para- that I do not mention their names. objection to the request of the gen- trooper, ranger from Vietnam, 2 corps They are burned in the front of my tleman from New Mexico? area, and, of course, the greatest hero brain. There was no objection. that we have serving at the current But from that range of collaborator Mr. DE LA GARZA. Mr. Speaker, I time in this House, SAM JOHNSON of traitor to psychological torture to a thank my distinguished colleague for Texas, savagely tortured in Hanoi, slap on the wrist, there were a handful, his kindness and generosity. Kept in solitary confinement longer like Congressman JOHNSON, who were Mr. Speaker, this is 32 years for me. than the United States was in World broken but never broken enough to I close speaking about the youngsters. War II. make them cooperate. They might If I have improved one youngster's life, World War II was a 6-year war for our break them to bow, and some they my 32 years here would have been very Allies, nations like conquered France could not even break to do that. Three worthwhile, Mr. Speaker. and brave Great Britain hanging on, men they tortured to death, beat them to death over a long period because f desperately, before we were bombed at Pearl Harbor. Great Britain was vir- they would not bow. But SAM JOHNSON FURTHER MESSAGE FROM THE tually alone with exiled forces of other was one of the unique 11 that were put SENATE nations, Belgium, Netherlands and in a small, horrible little camp in A further message from the Senate their colonies, now gone their own way downtown Hanoi, tailored for them, by Ms. McDevitt, one of its clerks, an- around the world. Of course, free called Alcatraz wherever every cell was nounced that the Senate had passed Frenchmen that had made it through separated by a big space or another cell with an amendment in which the con- Dunkirk to England, but Britain was so they could only communicate by currence of the House is requested, a alone but for the United States. coughing or the sweep of a broom. One bill of the House of the following title: The war was less than 4 years in Eu- of the men was left behind there, Air H.R. 4194. An act to reauthorize alternative rope, 3 years and 5 months it took us to Force Captain Stewarts, Ron Stewarts. means of dispute resolution in the Federal drive Hitler to suicide, less than 3 His goodbye to his Nation, to his administrative process, and for other pur- years and 5 months. SAM JOHNSON of friends, and his family was, It has been poses. Dallas was in solitary confinement. an honor serving with you, God bless f The other day I said to him, right you. And he tapped that out with the here in this Chamber, he was standing sweep of a broom, and his remains were BILL CLINTON, SECURITY CLEAR- right here, I was leaning against this returned two decades later. ANCE AND COMMANDER IN desk. I said, SAM, with all the times Now, I tell that story to give the lis- CHIEF they broke you, did you ever go on the teners, the 1,300,000 listeners to C± The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under air in Hanoi, that is an expression for SPAN, the quality of SAM JOHNSON on the Speaker's announced policy of May taking a torture-extracted propaganda this floor, with naval ace DUKE 12, 1995, the gentleman from California statement and running it on the radio, CUNNINGHAM, Army Officer DUNCAN [Mr. DORNAN] is recognized for 60 min- because I know some heroes, one of HUNTER, and this post Korean war Air utes as the designee of the majority them former squadron commander of Force fighter pilot. And for 4 days we leader. mine that was savagely tortured for tried to get a message out to the Na- Mr. DORNAN. Mr. Speaker, good months, finally broken, went on the air tion. And the message was simply that afternoon to my good friend. We are but you could tell the deliberate awk- Bill Clinton, I want to say this slowly certainly going to miss him here. What wardness of their statements, that and deliberately and I defy someone to a great 20 years he brought to his coun- they were beaten into this. contradict me, Bill Clinton could never H12184 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE September 30, 1996 have gotten the security clearance to money, organizing demonstrations the undergraduate. It was a brand new serve in the U.S. Army, my father's against his country in a foreign land. program initiated in 1969, and he only service, in the U.S. service, the service That immediately disqualifies him had to do 2 years ROTC and 1 summer of five Presidents in my lifetime, the from any security clearance. A foot- camp instead of what I was doing in U.S.
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