Bratislava Galleries CO KRYT (Civil Defence Shelter) in the Municipal Theatre of P. O. Hviezdoslav Laurinská 20 Contact: www.bkis.sk; www.mdpoh.sk; FB: BKIS Bratislava Cultural and Information Centre; FB: Municipal Theatre of P. O. Hviezdoslav Bratislava Open: 15.00 – 23.00 (last entry 22.30) Programme: Koma (Comics) in Bratislava The International Comics Festival Brno: Comics and Music – a showcase of contemporary comics and art Artists: Tomáš Kučerovský, Tomáš Motal, Kamila Brůčková, Jiří Grus (CZ), Przemysław Truściński (PL), Matt Boyce (GB), Artúr Haránt, Gergely Oravecz, Attila Stark, Soma Sebesvári (HU), Tonto Comics (AT) and others Bratislava City Gallery Mirbach Palace, Františkánske nám. 11, Pálffy Palace, Panská 19 Contact: [email protected]; www.gmb.sk Open: 11.00 – 22.00 Programme: Mirbach Palace 11.00 – 22.00 Permanent exhibitions and displays 09.00 – 12.00 Valuation of works of art A professional jury will judge the artistic and historical value of works of art brought by the visitors. One’s own creative work or objects of arts and crafts cannot be included in the reviewing. 15.00 – 17.00 Search, a programme for families with children. A creative and entertaining tour of the gallery and a creative studio with an artist 18.00 Curator’s guided tour of the Gabriele st. Genois exhibition, curator Jana Luková 19.00 New reality, a commented tour. Curators Gréta Mária Srnová and Filip Bielek will take the visitors round the exhibition reflecting the current state-of-art in Bratislava. Pálffy Palace 11.00 – 22.00 Permanent exhibitions and displays Nedbalka Gallery Nedbalova 17, Bratislava Contact: www.nedbalka.sk Open: 13.00 – 23.00 (last entry 22.30) Permanent exhibition: Modern Slovak Art Current exhibition: Ladislav Mednyánszky – the 100th death anniversary Programme: 13.00 Festive opening of the Dáždnikova (Umbrella) Street in Nedbalova 15.00 Lecture on the work of Ladislav Mednyánszky – curator Zsófia Kiss-Szemán 16.00 Children’s commented tour of the permanent exhibition 14.00,18.00, 19.00 and 21.00 Commented tours of the permanent exhibition In the gallery café children’s working sheets and colouring books will be available to the children throughout the day. Umelka Gallery – Slovak Visual Art Union Dostojevského rad 2, Bratislava Contact: www.svu.sk; 0915 713 315, 0917 405 492; FB: Slovak Visual Art Union – Art Gallery Umelkainstagram/galeria_umelka Open: 12.00 – 23.00 Exhibition: Fero Kráľ – on the occasion of the 100th birth anniversary (1919 – 2008). The artist’s paintings and a book launch on the artist and his times (by Pavol Kráľ) Programme: 16.00 Commented exhibition tour 17.00 Braňo Jelenčík: Workshop for visual artists on copyright and registration in LITA 18.00 Robo Makar: Consultations for people interested in visual arts studies (for all age categories) 21.00 The Atrapa Theatre: The Extra Two Hours, script and direction: Jakub Lazarčík, actors: Katarína Kokošková, Dagmar Labáthová Bordáková, Slávka Dobrotová, Adam Štrba (45 min.). For the 15+ age group. Kunsthalle Bratislava Nám. SNP 12 Contact: www.kunsthallebratislava.sk Open: 12.00 – 24.00 (last entry 23.00) Exhibitions: Inversive Romance (1st floor, Kunsthalle Bratislava) Exhibiting artists: Josef Bolf, Martin Gerboc, Jiří Petrbok, Ivan Pinkava, Richard Štipl Zorka Lednárová: Perspective (Kunsthalle LAB) Programme: 15.00 Children Mediators. On the Perspective exhibition by Zorka Lednárová Children mediators provide a guided tour of the exhibition and present it through their own optics. For children and also adults who will see new aspects of the world of art through children’s mediation. 17.00 Curator’s guided tour of Zorka Lednárová’s exhibition Perspective. Guided by Lucia Gregorová Stach. 12.00 – 24.00 Commented tour of the Inversive Romance exhibition. Provided by the KHB art mediators. The exhibition is suitable for the 18+ age group. Dom Quo Vadis Hurban’s Sq. Contact: www.domquovadis.sk/contact; FB: /domquovadis Open: 10.00 – 22.00 Exhibition: Display of the winning art works registered in the competition for basic and secondary schools entitled Family and the Basic Human Right of Life. Programme: 18.30 Evening of music and painting and a Discussion on the topic: The community and the values. How can art develop children? Slovak National Gallery Bratislava Esterházy Palace, Berlinka café, Ex Libris bookshop in the SNG, Ľudovít Štúr Sq. 4 Contact: [email protected]; www.sng.sk; FB: SlovenskaNarodnaGaleria Open: 10.00 – 24.00 (last entry 23.00), Programme from 16.00 onwards Exhibitions: Experimental exhibitions Landscapes Behind the Maps: Kornel and Naďa Földvári’s Library & Strange History of Art with professor Škreček (1st floor) From the Academy Towards the Nature. Landscape Painting Images in Central Europe 1860 – 1890 (2nd floor) Programme: 16.00 – 18.00 Into the Gallery Light. A programme for families with children, 4 +, where you can discover children’s books dealing with the Slovak National Gallery, Where is Esther N? (3rd floor) 17.00 – 18.00 Curator Katarína Beňová’s lecture on the exhibition From the Academy Towards the Nature (2nd floor) 17.17 – 19.19 While-You-Wait Poem. Street poet Šimon Ondruš will create a made to measure poem (Ex Libris bookshop) 18.00 – 20.00 The Gained Places. Workshop for adults. Current possibilities of depicting landscapes via a specific artist’s photographic theme. Reservations: [email protected] (lower ground floor studio) Bloc Landscapes Behind the Maps 18.00 – 18.30 Curator Alexandra Kusá’s lecture on the exhibitions Landscapes Behind the Maps: Kornel and Naďa Földvári’s Library & Strange History of Art with professor Škreček (1st floor) 18.30 – 20.00 Presentation of Kornel Földvári’s collected works & book readings. Koloman Kertész Bagala (KK Bagala publishing house) and guests will present 3 new books by Kornel Földvári: A Shot in the Mirror, On the Detective Story and On the Brevity. Read by actors: Ján Mistrík, Kristína Tormová, Boris Farkaš (1st floor) 21.00 – 22.30 Kornel and Naďa Földvári’s books reading by actors: Štefan Bučko, Alfréd Swan, Lucia Hurajová, Juraj Hrčka (1st floor) Bloc Mednyánszky 19.00 – 19.45 Curator Katarína Beňová’s lecture on the life and work of painter Ladislav Mednyánszky (2nd floor) 20.00 – 20.45 a 22.30 – 23.15 Site-specific performance Mednyánszky. On the painter and his relationship to creative work – combination of artistic installation, movement theatre, videoart, music and texts from the artist’s diaries. NOMANTINELS theatre/ direction Dáša Krištofovičová (atrium + balconies 1st and 2nd floor) Slovak Design Centre Satellite Design Gallery and the Slovak Design Centre, Kollárovo Sq. 10 Contact: www.scd.sk; FB: /slovakdesigncenter Open: 13.00 – 23.00 Satellite Design Gallery Exhibition: Extended authorship Slovak Design Museum Exhibition: 100 Years of Design / Slovakia 1918 – 2018 Programme: 17.00 Children in action. Commented tour for children (6 – 14 years of age) with Helena Cibulková 18.30 Tesla people at work. Commented tour for general public with Maroš Schmidt and his guests, ŠUR building, Vazovova St. 3-5 16.00 With architecture round the school. Tour of the ŠUR building with Peter Szalay and Soňa Ščepánová. Meeting point: school building in Vazovova St. 3-5. An accompanying event to the exhibition Have No Fear of Modernism! installed in the SNM – Historical Museum Central European House of Photography Prepoštská 4 Contact: +421 2 544 182 14; www.sedf.sk; FB: /stredoeuropskydomfotografie/?ref=ts Open: 13.00 – 23.00 Martin Martinček’s gallery (1st floor) David Těšínsky (CZ). People’s stories: series on the rastafarians, the war in eastern Ukraine, rappers in New York Profile Gallery (2nd floor) Dominika Ličková (SK). Keywords – a selection of works 2014 – 2018, series: Beech, Absence of Bratislava, Archive of Temporary Objects University Library Bratislava Michalská 1 Contact: [email protected]; www.ulib.sk; FB: /ulibsk; Instagram: /ulibsk Open: 11.00 - 23.00 (last entry 22.30) Exhibition hall of ULB, Michalská 1 Exhibition: Jaromír 99. Jaromír Švejdík alias Jaromír 99 has divided his life between music (Priessnitz, Umakart and Kafka bands) and visual art. Expressive comics handwriting is quite close to the aesthetics of the noir film or pop art. His graphical novellete is based on the famous unfinished novel by Franz Kafka – The Castle. This absurd, grotesque work, full of black humour will be presented in Slovakia. Baroque courtyard ULB, Ventúrska 11 Exhibition: In Between in a Different Place. Recapitulation of the Czech comics history in ten chapters, through historical and social connotations and that which has, in between, happened in a different place. Focusing thematically at central genres, decisive historical moments and inter-cultural inspirations, it narrates the story of the „first century“ of modern comics. Both exhibitions are part of the Bratislava Book Festival 2019. Museums CVTI SR Museum of Education and Pedagogy Relaxation park Na Grbe, Charkovská 1 Contact: +421 917 693 235; www.msap.sk; FB: /Muzeum skolstva a pedagogiky Duration: 20.30 – 22.00 Programme: Video projection on the life of the museum and screening of contemporary educational films from the museum fund in the relaxation park of Devínska Nová Ves neighbourhood. In case of unfavourable weather the event will be cancelled. The Theatre Institute Museum of the Theatre Institute, Jakub’s Sq. 12 Contact: [email protected]; www.theatre.sk; FB: /Divadelný ústav, Štúdio 12 Open: 16.00 – 22.00 (last entry 21.30) Exhibition: From story to story – Designers of theatrical costumes. The exhibition illustrates the origin of a theatrical costume, from its design up to its resulting shape on the stage. From the initial euphoria, idea, director’s interpretation, a number of sketches and drawings, selection and combination of materials, pattern books and different stylisations up to the final costume in which the actor acts on the stage. The exhibition presents flat costume designs and selected theatrical costumes from the collections of the Museum of the Theatre Institute from more or less known stagings in Slovak professional theatres, across the regions and developmental periods of theatrical costume.
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