CUMNOR PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting of the Cumnor Parish Council held in The United Reformed Church Hall, Leys Road, Cumnor on Monday 2 September 2019 at 7.30pm Present. Tom Christophers, Chairman, Laurence Waters, Vice-Chairman, Alison Jenner, Judy Roberts, Ray Stone Nick Surman Chris Westcott, Oliver Wright, Fiona Newton, Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Chairman, Colin Thomas, SPADE, 1 parishioner and Tina Brock, Clerk. 306/19 Apologies for Absence. Lewis Bowman (work commitment), Dona Foster (prior commitment), Bryan Goudman (prior commitment), John Griffin (unwell) and Paula Lopez (prior commitment). These apologies were received. 307/19 Declarations of Interest. Personal interests: Minute 330/19 iv Tom Christophers is a neighbour. Minute 315/19 i Oliver Wright is a neighbour. 308/19 Variance of Order of Business. Council approved bringing forward of the agenda items 21 Neighbourhood Plan update and 23 vi planning application P19/V1081/FUL amended details 5 Hids Copse Road, Cumnor. 309/19 Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 5 August 2019. Council RESOLVED to approve the minutes which were signed by the Chairman as a correct record 310/19 Matters Arising from the Minutes. None. 311/19 Cumnor Parish News - Council Article. Council agreed to submit an article. 312/19 Clerk's Newsletter and Addendum to the Agenda. Received. a) Payment of Accounts. Approved as per minute 313/19. 313/19 Payments of Accounts. It was resolved to authorise the payments specified in the Clerk's Newsletter and Addendum and reproduced below: Table 1 List of payments due. Statutory Payments now due Description Net cost VAT Sub total Total power 63a,b LGA 1972 s112 Staff costs 2,650.27 Contract/Pensions Act 2014 64 LG (Misc RoSPA annual Prov) Act 1976 Playsafety Ltd inspection of play parks 640.50 128.10 768.60 S19 65 LG (Misc Quarterly service Prov) Act 1976 MRH Services inspection of play parks 183.00 S19 66 T Brock Advance on petty cash 178.00 67a Parish New bus shelter by Councils Act Kimmeridge Road on 2,835.00 567.00 3,402.00 6,744.00 1957. B&C Energy Cumnor Hill Local Government (Miscellaneous Solutions Ltd Provisions) Act 1953 67b Parish B&C Energy Replacement bus Councils Act Solutions Ltd shelter opposite Nobles 2,785.00 557.00 3,342.00 1957. Lane, Eynsham Road Local Government (Miscellaneous and removal of Provisions) Act damaged bus shelter 1953 118 Statutory Payments now due Description Net cost VAT Sub total Total power DD Telecom Act BT July office phone bill 26.93 5.39 32.32 1984 s97 68a LG (Misc Grass cutting, litter Prov) Act 1976 Ady Podbery picking & raking sand at 430.00 86.00 516.00 1,980.00 S19 Highways Act Grounds Care play parks & verge, 1980 68b LG (Misc Ady Podbery Grass cutting & litter 840.00 168.00 1,008.00 Prov) Act 1976 Grounds Care picking at play parks. S19 Highways Act 1980 68c LG (Misc Ady Podbery Grass cutting, litter Prov) Act 1976 Grounds Care picking & raking pea 320.00 64.00 384.00 S19 Highways Act shingle at play parks & 1980 verge 68d LG (Misc Ady Podbery Cutting overgrown Prov) Act 1976 Grounds Care vegetation at Meadow 60.00 12.00 72.00 S19 Highways Act Cl play park and Bertie 1980 Rd noticeboard Notes. 1. After all payments are made the Santander Community Account will be in credit at £84,119.95. 2. The Council has the following debtor for 2019/20: HMRC (Reclaimable VAT) £5,089.84. 3. Electronic payment for invoice 63a was approved between meetings. 4. As at 17 August 2019 the Corporate Notice account held a credit balance of £72,684.49. 314/19 Public Participation. Colin Thomas, Sunningwell Parishioners Against Damage to the Environment (SPADE) attended the meeting to update the Council on SPADEs recent activities prior to Highways England’s (HE) Oxford to Cambridge Expressway and Growth Arc consultation which is expected to take place in the autumn. SPADE are a long established spatial planning and environmental campaigning group and along with Sunningwell Parish Council are preparing for the forthcoming HE OxCam route consultation. SPADE are active members of NAWPEG and the No Expressway Alliance and are seeking to work with nearby parish councils. It is known from HE and the former Transport Minister Jesse Norman that 3-4 options within each corridor (B1/B3) would be included in the consultation. An alternative route that could be included in the consultation is a route option to the north and running parallel to the B4017 between the A34 and the A420. This is an example only and is not in the wider public domain at this time. Update on recent SPADE activities: 1. About to publicly launch a brand new expressway focused website www.sunningwell.com and invite constructive feedback during this “soft launch” phase. 2. Holding a public expressway meeting on the 17th of October (7 pm) at Sunningwell Village Hall (further details to follow on the website). 3. Encouraging Wootton Parish Council to become more active and consider working more closely with SPADE and Sunningwell, Cumnor and possibly St Helen’s Without parishes. 4. Commissioned Thames Valley Environmental Record Centre (TVERC) to examine species and habitats along the above alternative linear route and will, on request, share this information with Sunningwell, Cumnor and Wootton PC’s. 5. Prepared and had printed roadside posters and roadside banners to be erected immediately before and throughout the HE consultation (directing people to the website). Happy to share the artwork if other parishes would like to follow this approach 6. In the process of producing a leaflet to be delivered to all parishioners in Sunningwell (and potentially Wootton, Cumnor and St Helen’s Without) in the immediate run-up or shortly after the launch of the HE consultation giving details of the expressway consultation and directing people to appropriate web resources for further information and how to respond. Colin commended the work already undertaken by Cumnor Parish Council. The Ox/Cam Expressway Working Party would be meeting on Thursday 5 September at 7.30pm in the Garden Room, URC. Leys Road and would discuss working together with SPADE and neighbouring parish councils. 119 Amended details planning application P19/V1081/FUL 5 Hids Copse Road, Cumnor. A resident attended to raise objections over mass, height, loss of privacy, subterranean pool, cinema, and road safety. (Clerk’s Note: As this was an amendment to the original plan Council can only consider the amendment details of reducing the size of the dwelling.) PLANNING 315/19 Submitted Planning Applications. The Council would submit the following observations: Table 2 List of submitted planning applications. Ref Planning Address and proposal application number i P19/V1081/FUL 5 Hids Copse Road, Cumnor, Oxford OX2 9JJ amended details Demolition of existing bungalow and garage, erection of 7 bedroom family home and detached garage with home office over. (As amended by revised location plan, certificate of ownership and additional Tree plan and statement received 10/6/2019.) (Amended plans received 21/8/2019 reducing the size of the dwelling.) No Objections but wish the following comments to be taken into account. The proposal would have an impact on both ground water and surface water run-off as a result of the proposed basement structure. Water run-off is likely to have an impact on dwellings further downhill from the site as well as having wider repercussions further downhill in Songers Close and Dean Court generally. The applicant should demonstrate that the proposal would not contribute or exacerbate the problems of existing run-off and groundwater problems by carrying out a borehole analysis as detailed in the Cumnor Parish emerging Neighbourhood Plan Assessment of Groundwater and Surface Water Flood Risk (see attached). All driveways, terraces and landscaping should use permeable paving or porous materials. Alison Jenner and Oliver Wright abstained from voting. 1 parishioner left the meeting. NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN 316/19 Update on Other Current Matters. Fiona Newton reported: The draft Neighbourhood Plan was submitted to VWHDC and comments had been received from the Planning, Housing and Drainage Teams. The draft NP would trigger 50% Affordable Housing for all developments of 2 or more dwellings. VWHDC said a Housing Needs Assessment would be required but could not advise on the detail for the assessment to be robust and recommended engaging a consultant. As the Big Survey is evidence of the need for affordable housing it was agreed to continue with the policy as it is. Landowners of Local Green Spaces (LGS) had been sent letters about the proposal to designate. VWHDC had advised that allotments and LGS already in the Green Belt did not need to be designated as they are protected in LPP1. Designating these areas would protect them in perpetuity and it was agreed to continue with the proposal to designate these spaces. A list of Local Heritage Assets was being drafted. The dispute of Common Land CL42 is a concern as it could make the plan unsound. (Clerk’s Note: The Trustees of Cumnor Public Purposes would be considering expenditure to commission Winkworth Sherwood to examine the case at a meeting following the Council meeting.) Fiona Newton and Colin Thomas left the meeting. REPORTS 317/19 Report from County Councillor(s). CC Roberts reported. A meeting was due to take place between OCC and VWHDC to discuss how to tackle Oxfords congestion. Matthew Arnold School would be submitting an application to install solar panels. 120 Oxfordshire Cycle Survey 2019 closes 8 September 2019. https://consultations.oxfordshire.gov.uk/consult.ti/Cyclesurvey2019/consultationHome 318/19 Report from District Councillor(s).
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